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Daddy Wolves: Silver Wolves MC Box Set

Page 23

by Sky Winters

  “She went outside to get some air,” he heard someone say behind him.

  Turning around, he found himself looking down at Elizabeth. She was holding the baby, rocking him back and forth in her arms. Moose realized he had been so wrapped up in other things, he had hardly laid eyes on the little fellow. A smile spread across his face at both of them. It was funny to him that Elizabeth could not be much younger than Ali and he viewed her as a daughter, but saw Ali in a completely different way.

  “Can I hold him?” he asked.

  “Of course, you can. In fact, I could use a moment to myself. Could you hang on to him long enough for me to run down to the bathroom?”

  “Sure. Anything for you, Mouse . . . uh, Elizabeth.”

  She laughed at him slipping into her childhood nickname. She had already read them all the riot act if they didn’t stop calling her that, but he thought she secretly still enjoyed being called that when one of them slipped up and forgot. He looked down at the baby in his arms, struggling to remember if he had even been given his name. If he had, he couldn’t remember it. Man, he had been out of touch when he didn’t even know the name of only one of two babies in the house.

  “Ah, there you are,” Ali said, joining him from the front door.

  Her face reflected her surprise when he turned to face her, holding the baby in his arms. She reached up and put her hand on the baby’s cheek.

  “Babysitting?” she asked.

  “Just for a few moments while Elizabeth went down the hall. Hey, listen. This is going to sound bad, but I have been so busy that I don’t even know this little guy’s name. You wouldn’t happen to know it, would you?” he whispered.

  “I do. His name is Samuel Grant. Sam for short.”

  “Ah, Sam. A good, hearty name.”

  “Yes. It is that.”

  “I’m not surprised.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Elizabeth always was a Dr. Seuss fan as a little girl.”

  “Dr. Seuss?”

  He could see from the puzzled look on her face that she didn’t follow him, at all.

  “I do not like them, Sam I am. I do not like green eggs and ham.”

  Ali laughed. “Are you saying Elizabeth named her son after a Dr. Seuss character? Surely not.”

  “I’m just saying it seems like a weird coincidence. That’s all.”

  Ali was chuckling again as Elizabeth returned to take the baby from him. He carefully handed him over, making sure she was in control of the tiny form before he let go.

  “Thanks, Moose. What are you two up to this evening?”

  It was funny that she seemed to assume that whatever it was would be together or was he just reading that into her question.

  “I don’t know. I just came in and was about to see what this big, gorgeous man was up to,” Ali responded happily.

  Moose looked at her, studying her face for a moment. Was she being flirtatious? How sad that it had been so long since he paid any attention to women that he didn’t know when one was flirting.

  “I don’t know. It’s been a busy day and I haven’t really given it a lot of thought,” he replied.

  “We could always hole up and watch a movie,” Ali told him.

  “I’ll let the two of you work it out. I’m going to go get this little guy down for a bit,” Elizabeth replied.

  Ali seemed fixed on something for a moment as she walked away. He looked at her as if to ask what had caught her eye.

  “She has a long, thin scar on her arm.”

  “Oh, yeah. Something you have in common. She got scratched by a Dire Wolf when they attacked the clubhouse a while back.”

  “How strange. Are there a lot of women here that have gotten in some sort of scrap with the Dire Wolves?”

  “No. We’ve been lucky really. As far as I know, she’s the only one other than yourself.”

  “And Amanda.”


  “Yes. She showed me her scar from where she was scratched by one too.”

  “Yes. I forgot. I think Aspen had mentioned it at some point,” he replied.

  “Anyway, it just struck me as odd, for some reason. So, do you want to watch a movie?”

  “You mean go out for one? It’s getting a bit late and I’d have to talk some of the others into going. Aspen would kill me if I got us dead because I went out without backup.”

  “I thought there wasn’t much threat from the Dire Wolves anymore? And you went to town with me alone the other day.”

  “Pretty safe in the daytime now that the numbers have been reduced, but we’re holding on to a bit of caution at night until we’re sure what the situation is.”

  “Fair enough, but I didn’t mean going out anyway. I thought we could watch a movie in your room. I noticed you have a television in there. I’m hoping you have access to movies? A DVD player or streaming? I have been without modern conveniences for a little while now. I don’t even have a phone, so I forget what people do for fun.”

  “The Wi-Fi in this place is shit, so streaming would just be an exercise in futility, but I do have a DVD player and we have a huge collection of movies down in the main hall. Come on and we’ll pick something out. Perhaps even grab a bottle of wine or some snacks?”

  “Perfect. Let’s go.”

  A half hour later, they were shuffling back to his room with several movies, some leftover cheese and crackers from the kitchen and a bottle of port. Moose looked around the room as they entered. There was only the one hard back chair at his desk in the room. He sat down the movies and wine and took the cheese plate from her to sit it on the desk.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t have a lot in the way of comfortable chairs in here. Do you want to sit in the wooden chair or would you prefer the bed?”

  “Which do you prefer?”

  “I’m not picky. Either is fine with me.”

  “How about we both pile up on the bed together?” she asked.

  Moose looked at her uncertainly.

  “You know, for such a tough guy, you are clueless when it comes to women, aren’t you? I guess I just have to say it then. I really like you, Moose. I’d love to sit with you on the bed and watch a movie instead of across the room from you in a chair.”


  “Yes, really.”

  Moose smiled at her and nodded, moving the snacks and such over to the bedside table. She was right. He really had become clueless. He could remember when he was surrounded by women who felt they needed to compete for his attention, but he had always been more of a one woman kind of guy. It was hard to remember, after all this time of celibacy, that women were still attracted to him. Most of the women in the clubhouse had already given up on him a long time ago, so he hadn’t had much experience with dating lately.

  Ali crawled onto the bed and sprawled out while he put a DVD into the player. He joined her, settling in beside her, each of them propped up on pillows with the crackers and cheese between them. Moose poured them each a small glass of port and they sat quietly, watching the first movie. By the second movie, the port was half gone and the plate between them was empty. Ali had settled comfortably against him after he had put in the second movie and all was right with the world.

  By mid-way through the third movie, the port was gone and Ali had fallen asleep in his arms. Rather than waking her, he pulled the covers further up over her, stopped the movie and curled up beside her to sleep. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so at ease. Listening to her breathing quietly beside him was something a bit like a heavenly chorus. He watched her for a while before finally closing his eyes and drifting off himself. When he awoke, it was nearly three a.m. and she was stirring a bit beside him.

  “I fell asleep,” she said groggily.

  “We both did.”

  “No sense doing anything about it now,” she replied.

  “I guess not,” he replied.

  His words ended in a kiss, drawing her close to him as their bodies melted into on
e another. It felt like heaven had followed her earlier chorus into his bedroom as they quickly became lost in one another. Their love affair had begun as they undressed one another.

  It was a wordless, nighttime occurrence, almost like a dream. Perhaps it was best to be in the darkness, not so open, so exposed to her. There was hardly any light in the room, the television switched off and the boards that remained on the clubhouse windows filtering out most of the moonlight. He would have liked to have been able to watch her, see her beautiful form, but this was nice too. He was able to feel his way across her beautiful curves.

  It was like the old days when he was young, fooling around in the back of his old Ford, trying things out with a new girl. There had been a lot of them, then only one and then none for a very long time. Ali was the one that had somehow broken him down again, gotten past his need to just be alone. It was a welcomed change to the endless nights alone. Nights he had grown far too accustomed to.

  All the nights spent with drunken party girls at bonfires drifted away. Nights at the houses of strangers where you might be joined by more than one girl were even more meaningless in the light of what he felt right now, in this moment. There had been no feeling in those encounters. He had not learned what it felt like to really feel until much later and then he had lost it. This was like a resurrection, a new dawn. It was like graduating from touching toes in the sandbox to full blown tantric sex, where they both were somehow deeply connected. That is how much she had affected him in the short time in which he had known her.

  His lips grazed her skin lazily, enjoying the way she tasted, the smoothness of her. His hand lifting slightly to avoid contact with her still healing wound. It was covered with a thin layer of gauze to protect it, but he didn’t want to do any damage and hurt her. He was being as delicate as he could be. He wanted to throw her down and let his primal instincts take over, but he didn’t dare. Instead, he took his time, learning every subtle arch and curve of her body with his lips, his tongue, his hands.

  The hair of his chest brushed across her hardened nipples, causing her to moan into his mouth. He was hard, growing even harder by the moment, eager to be inside her. She moved to accommodate him, as if reading his thoughts. She spread her legs and threw her arm across his back, urging him toward her wet, warm center. He couldn’t hold back any longer. He slipped his hardness inside her, letting out a low groan that came from deep within him as he pierced her core with his heavy cock.

  Her eyelids fluttered, barely visible in the low light of his room. She seemed to be lost in the feeling as she bit her lip and moaned beneath him. Her body responded to his, rising and falling in perfect rhythm with his movements. It was delicious, both to watch and to feel. She was so hot, so wet, so god damned perfect.

  Their bodies grinded against one another, taking and giving from one another until there was nothing more than a steadily increasing pressure that seemed to explode outward, sending droplets of passion flooding down the sides of his cock. He wasn’t far behind her, erupting into his own climax deep inside her. They lay there, their centers locked together in wet heat that blended together in a blissful puddle.

  He lay his head softly down on her chest, enjoying the way her breasts heaved and felt beneath him. They had barely ended their lovemaking and he was ready for more of her, raising his head to suckle at her taunt nipples and gently bite them until she once again lay moaning beneath him. She was sex personified. She was life on steroids.

  “That was incredible,” she breathed more than said after a second round of lovemaking.

  He rolled over on the pillow beside her, pulling her toward him to rest her head in the crook of his arm. They lay there in the darkness just savoring the moment before he finally responded.

  “That was much more than that,” he told her.

  “I don’t know how long I can stay here,” she told him.

  Her voice was full of apology and perhaps, even some pain. It was hard to decide which.

  “I know,” he replied, pulling her closer.

  They drifted back to sleep until morning came and the thin beams of light began filtering through the boarded window beside them. Where they went from here was anyone’s guess, but at least he could say he had spent one night with a woman who had reminded him what it was to feel again. That was a great fact. How it came to be wasn’t really important. All that mattered is that it had happened and it was beautiful. He wouldn’t push for more than that.

  “I’m going to go shower and get changed for breakfast,” she told him.

  She kissed him on the lips. It was just a peck, but quickly grew more urgent. Before they knew it, they were in the throes of passion, once again. She was eager and he was enthralled. This time, there was no slow climb toward desire. There were no soft caresses. Instead, it was just raw animal lust as she positioned herself across the bed, offering up her backside to him. His hand met her ass, enjoying the way it left a gorgeous red welt and made her squeal, but they had no time for any serious game playing this morning.

  Instead, he mounted her, his cock already stone and ready for her as he pushed into her velvet center and stroked back and forth. She grabbed the sheets on either side to brace herself against his thrusts and moaned his name feverishly as they once again shared a common bond. Her eyes were closed, her head cocked to one side. Her face read pure lust and nothing else. Her body moved back and forth, meeting his and pulling away again.

  Wanting to see more of her, he pulled free and turned her over, flipping on the bedside lamp with his remaining hand. The light washed over her amazing form. Her nipples were red and hard, a bit chafed from the friction against the sheets. Her ribs were thin, one marked with a section of gauze as a protective measure against infection. Her center was like a ripe bowl of fruit that begged to be tasted, devoured. Pulling her legs further open, he sank his mouth into her flesh, suckling heavily at her clit as she wound her hands in his hair and made whimpering sounds of pleasure. Her body shattered, accompanied by a growl that seemed to emanate from her very center as his tongue lapped at her core, tongue fucking her to orgasm.

  “Fuck me,” she said, looking up at him.

  Her eyes were dark with desire. Her body glistening with perspiration as he stood and pulled her ass closer to the edge of the bed. His hands cupped her ass, pulling her up and positioning her. He watched as his cock disappeared inside her, finding a rhythm that soon sent him over the edge, filling her with another thick load of his pleasure.

  Chapter Seven

  Moose was all smiles the rest of the day. Though they had parted long enough to get showers, they were back together to eat breakfast. He hated that he would have to leave her for a while today, but she had told him she had some plans of her own. Borrowing a laptop from one of the other girls, she intended to do some research into finding a job locally. Moose was opposed. It wasn’t safe for someone from the pack to be out and about in town alone, which working might require she do, but she reminded him that she wasn’t a member of the pack and still intended to get her own place in town once she had sufficient income.

  One part of him felt a little hurt that she didn’t want to just stay at the club with him, but another understood why she wouldn’t and was just glad she had decided not to leave. It was something he, himself, would like to do if things were different. As much as he loved his pack, having to stay in the clubhouse rather than out on his own wasn’t ideal. He did it for the same reason some of the others did. There was safety in numbers and no one wanted to be too far from the pack if anything happened.

  While she was busy, he tied himself up trying to figure out who the mystery woman was. He wasn’t having much luck until he walked into the kitchen where some of the women were taking their turn at clean up. One of them, a woman named Harley, was wearing a thin white tee shirt and had managed to get it a bit wet. Through the material, he could see a spot that appeared to be darker than her skin.

  “Harley, can I see you alone for a few minutes?” he as

  “I got more than a few minutes if you want,” she said suggestively, sending the other women into a fit of laughter.

  Moose didn’t respond, instead giving them a dirty look as he opened the door and let her pass by to the outer lobby. It was full, and he didn’t want to make a spectacle of things.

  “Come with me,” he told her.

  “Gladly, darlin’,” she replied.

  Moose opened the door to his room and motioned her in. She looked like the cat that ate the canary, but only because she had no idea what he had brought her in here for. She leaned provocatively against his desk as he shut the door, her legs open slightly to reveal that there wasn’t much material between her pussy and her almost non-existent skirt.

  “Do you have a tattoo on your breast?” he asked, not wanting to waste any time in getting her in and out of his private quarters.

  “I certainly do. You been looking at my tits, big boy?” she replied.

  “Just answer the question,” he replied.

  “I’ll do better than that. I’ll show you.”

  Reaching down, she pulled her shirt over her head and dropped it on the floor, lowering her other hand downward to finger herself beneath her skirt. She smirked at him as he looked down at the floor.

  “Aww, shy? I can fuck that right out of you. I bet a guy your size has a nice, fat cock,” she said, taking a step toward him, and pushing her considerably large breasts into his chest.

  Moose pushed her back and grabbed her tit, raising it slightly to get a better look at the tattoo beneath it. The snake seemed to slither from under one breast to under the other and then poke it’s head out the side. It was exactly what he had seen on the video. He was quickly angry, but it was short lived, replaced by dismay as he heard the door open and a loud gasp.

  “You bastard!” Ali barked at him before slamming the door.

  “Oh, someone doesn’t like to share. Too bad. Are we gonna fuck or what?” Harley asked.


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