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Against the Gods - Volume 03 - Name that Shakes the Profound Sky

Page 23

by Mars Gravity

  Ling Jie held out his hand and swiped his spatial ring, bringing out a sword case sculpted entirely in white jade… That’s right, it was a white jade sword case, and was the Earth Profound Weapon he had always been using in every one of his previous matches. As his hand stroked the bright and clean sword case, Ling Jie’s smiling expression began to have a difficult to look at sharp edge: “Even if I enter tomorrow’s match, there’s absolutely no way that I would beat big bro, so I’ll use all my power this match! And let everyone in the world remember my, Ling Jie’s charm! To make me, Ling Jie, perfectly willing to be your little brother, you must completely defeat me while I’m using my full strength on this Sword Discourse Arena! If you defeat me, you’ll be my boss. If you lose… Mn, I’ll consider letting you be my little brother!”

  “Okay!” Yun Che immediately nodded. His expression also became focused and serious: “If I can’t even defeat you, I obviously do not have the qualifications to be your boss. Since that is the case, bring out your sword. I’ll let you see true strength!”

  Ling Jie’s hands softly stroked once and the white jade sword case opened. Along with a flickering orange colored radiance, an entirely golden orange thin sword that was approximately five foot and five inches flew into Ling Jie’s hands.


  Once the orange sword met the ground, it suddenly released a lingering sword cry and its sword force also quietly filled the air. The sword force was not fierce, nor was it aggressive, but it brought along an incomparably piercing strength. It completely covered the entire Sword Discourse Arena with in two breaths of time. Even those who sat on the very edges of the Sword Discourse Arena all sensed a calm sword force quietly envelop them. It mysteriously drew the attentions of their hearts and gazes and they could not help but centralize their focus onto the body of the orange colored sword. If one were to carefully examine the sword, they would discover that a small width of space around the orange sword was slowly distorting.

  “What kind of sword force is this! I’ve never heard of this before… Wait! Orange colored sword, could it be…”

  “Celestial Yang Sword!!”

  “Right! It really is indeed the Celestial Yang Sword, one of Heavenly Sword Villa’s Sky Profound Divine Swords! It’s been said that Ling Yun subdued the Celestial Yuan Sword at the age of seventeen. He is only sixteen, yet had actually subdued the Celestial Yang Sword!”

  “Heavenly Sword Villa does indeed produce geniuses after geniuses. Ling Yun is already an absolutely stunning genius but I didn’t expect that Ling Jie was an even better one! For Ling Yuefeng to have two sons like that, is enough for him to live a comfortable life.”

  “In this battle, it looks like it is simply impossible for Yun Che to be victorious against Ling Jie, who has mastered the Celestial Yang Sword.”

  Yun Che had never heard of the Celestial Yang Sword. However, once the Celestial Yang Sword was revealed, Yun Che sensed its abnormal shocking sword force. The surroundings that filled with the sounds of numerous discussions which contained deep surprise also allowed him to clearly understand that this sword was by no means ordinary. This sword was undoubtedly a world shaking Sky Profound Sword!

  For the first time in this year’s ranking tournament, a Sky Profound Weapon had finally appeared!

  With the Celestial Yang Sword in hand, the atmosphere around Ling Jie’s entire person had suddenly changed. His entire person had become a sword as a dignified sword aura moved along his entire body. His eyes were no longer filled with any speck of laughter and carelessness. Instead, it emitted a sharp sword’s piercing cold light.

  Yun Che took half a step back. As he waved his hand, a thick Overlord’s Colossal Sword without a sharp tip suddenly fell from the sky. It landed in front of him with a boom as half of its body deeply submerged into the ground. Yun Che grabbed the sword hilt with both hands. With a slight force, the Overlord’s Colossal Sword whistled amidst the crushed stone that swirled in the air as its sword force directly lunged at Ling Jie with a mountain’s massively overbearing momentum.

  However, the Overlord’s Colossal Sword was still merely an Earth Profound Weapon and was an entire realm’s level inferior to that of the Celestial Yang Sword. Its absolutely overbearing aura did not really stifle much of the Celestial Yang Sword’s grandeur; instead, it was split apart by the Celestial Yang Sword’s calm sword energy.

  The difference between a Sky Profound Weapon and an Earth Profound Weapon was like the difference between fine steel and straw. In terms of weapons, Yun Che was at an absolute disadvantage. However, his imposing manner did not weaken in the slightest. With a wave of his heavy sword, the wind screeched with a deafening howl: “Come.”

  “First match of the Semifinals: Blue Wind Imperial Family’s Yun Che versus Heavenly Sword Villa’s Ling Jie… Match start!”

  “Not only did Jie’er immediately reveal the Celestial Yang Sword, his aura also does not have the least bit of complacence. It looks like he really values this battle with Yun Che.” Ling Yuefeng slowly said as he looked at the two people on the Sword Discourse Arena.

  “Mn,” Ling Yun nodded: “After all, Yun Che is the only person Little Jie truly submitted to in this world aside from me. Half a year ago, Yun Che had forcibly blocked three of Little Jie’s strikes with a profound strength at the third level of the True Profound Realm. He impressed him so much that he continuously talked about it for a long time. At that time, Yun Che’s overall strength was several miles away from Little Jie. In this half a year, Little Jie’s strength had increased by leaps and bounds so if he were to be defeated by Yun Che this time, he probably would sincerely and completely submit to him… Perhaps to an even greater extent than his submissiveness towards me.”

  Ling Yun’s words caused Ling Yuefeng’s brows to twitch. After he pondered in silence for a while, he suddenly said: “If it’s like that, then we definitely cannot let Yun Che win. Yun’er, if Jie’er is by any chance at a disadvantage, help him with the Celestial Yuan Sword!”

  Ling Yuefeng’s words startled Ling Yun for a bit. Then, as if he understood something, he nodded his head lightly: “I understand.”

  Chapter 229: Yuan Yang Combination


  Space was split apart by the incomparably deafening sound. As the sword energy of the Celestial Yang Sword in Ling Jie’s hands swept across the air, it cleaved the air, and even the hard surface of the Sword Discourse Arena was directly cut open like tofu. Three hundred meters away, a sharp imposing force came at the entire audience, infiltrated to the bottom of their hearts, and sent a chill down almost everyone’s back. It was as if that extremely cold orange sword light and sword intent was pressed against their backs.

  Once Ling Jie took action, it was indeed with full strength. Facing the sword energy that was sweeping towards him, Yun Che used both hands to sweep his sword. When he activated the fundamental stage of Prison God Sirius’ Tome, the profound energy in his entire body exploded. Along with a low and deep exploding sound, Overlord’s Colossal Sword welcomed the Celestial Yang Sword’s sword energy with a strike of its own.


  The sharp and tyrannical forces loudly came together with a loud bang. A frightening windstorm of profound energy disclosed without restraint. The profound energy barrier suddenly trembled. Like spiderwebs, cracks instantly rushed out on the arena’s stone floor below feet of the two opposing members.

  The faint orange colored sword energy was unceasingly destroying, creating cracks, as the heavy sword’s powerful windstorm also quickly tore the ground. Throughout the frenzied intermingling of the forces, the two people’s gazes struck the other… One was as peerlessly sharp as the edge of a sword while the other had a mountain’s majesty and tranquility.

  Once their strikes collided, both their hearts were simultaneously shocked. The audience at edges of the Sword Discourse Arena were even more inexplicably horrified as they widened their eyes one after the other.

  “So… So stron
g! Even from this far away, I could feel that terrifying sword energy!” A sect disciple who placed in the top hundred exclaimed with a trembling voice.

  “I also felt it! Ling Jie’s actually this strong. In the previous matches, he basically had never gone all out. No! He didn’t even use half his strength. If this strike was aimed at me, I simply would not be capable of resisting in the slightest. Is… Is he really only at the sixth level of the Spirit Profound Realm?”

  “As expected, people from Heavenly Sword Villa are all monsters! But… But this kind of strike, Yun Che actually received it!!”

  With the sword force and sword intent released by Ling Jie with all his strength as well as the Celestial Yang Sword’s Sky Profound might, the magnificence of this one strike, transcended everything that happened in yesterday’s Quarterfinals! Not only was it those young profound practitioners, even the elders watching this scene were dramatically moved.

  “Not only has he subdued the Celestial Yang Sword, he even released at least sixty percent of the Celestial Yang Sword’s power.” A deep tremor was visibly heard in Xiao Juetian’s voice: “This one’s future accomplishments, would definitely far surpass Ling Yun’s.”

  Xiao Juetian’s gaze spun towards Yun Che. Ling Jie’s strike completely stunned him. And the Yun Che, who had completely received Ling Jie’s strike made by the Celestial Yang Sword with only an Earth Profound Sword, left him at a complete loss. He did not know what words he could possibly use to evaluate him.


  The two forces simultaneously exploded, and the two people were also sent backwards from the impact. Ling Jie stepped off the ground with his back foot. As fast as a flitting phantom, his entire person suddenly dashed forward, and the Celestial Yang Sword in his hands had lost its presence… as if it had vanished into thin air.

  “So fast!” Yun Che was slightly shocked. Whether it was Ling Jie’s movement speed or sword speed, they both far exceeded his expectations, to such an extent that even his eyes could not catch up.

  Yun Che did not attempt to catch Ling Jie’s sword mirage anymore. With a surge of profound strength, the Overlord’s Colossal Sword was wildly swung outwards. Following the heavy sword’s swinging arc, lines and lines of sword rays exploded and broke in succession. The heavy sword swept towards Ling Jie’s figure, yet it could only touch a faded afterimage… At the same time, an ice-cold chill was felt from the nape of his neck.


  The orange-yellow sword energy pierced down like lightning, drawing a black scar through the air as it also sliced the remains of Yun Che’s afterimage into two. Yun Che’s real body reappeared ten meters away, and he came smashing back with a counterattack. The heavy sword’s berserk windstorm and Ling Jie’s sword energy tightly concentrated and crashed.

  There were many disadvantages in choosing the heavy sword as one’s main weapon of choice; the most notable disadvantage was the difficulty level in mastering it, as well as the fact that the heavy sword’s excessive weight would implicate one’s movement speed by a substantial amount. But Prison God Sirius’ Tome allowed Yun Che’s mastery of the heavy sword to a close to perfect level. Even if for Dragon Fault, a Sky Profound heavy sword, Yun Che only used a few days to completely master it. As for the heavy sword’s burden on one’s movement speed, the unpredictable profound movement skill, “Star God’s Broken Shadow”, made up for that deficiency.

  The existence of both Prison God Sirius’ Tome and Star God’s Broken Shadow perfectly offsetted the two major flaws of the heavy sword, and also made Yun Che the person most suitable to use the heavy sword. In comparison, the powerful arm strength bestowed by the Great Way of the Buddha was actually secondary… because as long as one’s profound strength level was high enough, no matter how heavy it was, they could still pick up a heavy sword. However, the heavy sword mastery’s difficulty level, as well as the burden of the weight itself, was not something that profound strength could interfere with by any means.

  And since these two major flaws were no longer there, then the power that the heavy sword released was one in which other weapons would never be able to reach. Its power was violent enough to make both ghosts and gods shiver.

  The heavy sword did not have a sharp tip. With its great swings and body, each strike shattered a few, or even a dozen different lines of frenzied yet dazzling sword light. The profound energy barrier shook violently. The windstorm conjured by the heavy sword brought about an unceasingly long tornado in the center of the Sword Discourse Arena. The gullies and cracks beneath their feet grew aplenty. The smashed pieces of the broken arena were lifted up by the windstorm, shooting out in all directions like arrows and darts.

  It was not known how many times the heavy sword had been swung, and it was also not know how many orange yellow sword lights had been smashed apart, but under Ling Jie’s shocking speed, not a single corner of his clothes had been touched.

  It appeared as if the two were in deadlock. Even though Ling Jie appeared to be on the offense, he was actually constantly complaining in his head. In his eyes, the speed at which Yun Che swung his heavy sword was not that quick. The time he took to swing once, was enough for him to swing a dozen or so times. But even these dozen strikes, could be completely thwarted by one strike from Yun Che. The power from Yun Che’s one offensive strike could only be cancelled by a dozen of his… which he could only do after rapidly retreating back a certain distance. If he had not moved away from his original spot during his counterattack, he wasn’t completely certain that he could block it… even when he was wielding the Celestial Yang Sword.

  Every time he thought that he had at last seized an opening, what pierced was always Yun Che’s afterimage, and Yun Che’s subsequent counterattack would always make him feel that he was surrounded by danger.

  He definitely did not dare to directly attack Yun Che. If it was a head-on collision, even though he was confident that he would poke a hole through Yun Che, if he was touched by Yun Che’s strike, losing half his life would be considered as getting off lightly.

  In the past, whenever he could get close to an opponent, Ling Jie’s sword was usually able to easily force his opponent into checkmate. But right now, Yun Che was like a demon god that could not be neared. It made Ling Jie’s attacks appear uninhibited and dazzling on the surface, but the truth was that he felt extremely bound up and was startled with every single attack he made.

  This never before felt feeling, made Ling Jie extremely uncomfortable. Because before Yun Che, he had never met an opponent who used the heavy sword.


  In the brief moment the Celestial Yang Sword and the Overlord’s Colossal Sword touched, following the Overlord’s Colossal Sword’s impact, Ling Jie leapt very far away. When he landed, the Celestial Yang Sword pointed upwards in the air as a loud shout came out from Ling Jie’s mouth: “Heaven’s Might Sword Formation —— Heavenly Star Frenzy!”

  The Celestial Yang Sword flew up. During its flight, it glowed even more radiantly. Then, as if an illusion, its light quickly dispersed, scattering to make more than a dozen Celestial Yang Swords that looked exactly the same. Soon after, it became several tens of copies until it became more than a hundred copies. The hundred or more Celestial Yang Swords were like chaotic meteorites with different trajectories as they flew at Yun Che from every direction. These Celestial Yang Swords were no mere illusions; because each and every sword carried an incomparably sharp sword aura.

  This kind of outrageously bizarre sword formation made many young profound practitioners pale on the spot. Yun Che’s brows slightly creased yet he did not show any signs of fear. His heavy sword swept upwards as the profound energy in his entire body wildly erupted above

  “Falling Moon Sinking Star!”

  The pitch-black heavy sword conjured a giant black moon. Just like a bottomless black hole, the frenzied meteor engulfed everything in its path.


  Under the violent storm’s f
orce, the lines and lines of sword silhouette containing a Sky Profound sword’s power were like fragile icicles as they easily shattered one after the other. After their diffusion, they were smashed once again by the storm’s force, and then turned into powdery particles. But in the blink of an eye, before the mighty and terrifying frenzied sword formation had even touched a single hair on Yun Che’s head, they had all been torn to shreds. In less than two breaths of time, every sword silhouette had completely disappeared, only leaving the Celestial Yang Sword that blasted off back into Ling Jie’s hands.

  “Wh… at!!” Ling Yun’s brow suddenly sank as his face filled with surprise: “Heavenly Star Frenzy had actually been broken that easily!?”

  “Because that is a heavy sword!”

  Ling Kun, who had practically never spoken during these past ten or so days suddenly started to talk. His hawk like eyes silently fixated at Yun Che as he indifferently said: “He has completely brought out the heavy sword’s might. As for the heavy sword’s disadvantages, on his body, they have been suppressed to their limits. This one’s master, is definitely an incomparably extraordinary being.”

  “Heaven’s Might Sword Formation possesses a power that can smite the heavens and there is no man who does not fear it. In this world, the only thing that can restrain Heaven’s Might Sword Formation to such an extent is the heavy sword!”

  The surrounding audience had already become stupefied, after seeing such a frightening sword formation… get completely broken like that!?

  Atop the Sword Discourse Arena, Ling Jie had already leapt high in the air, and caught the falling Celestial Yang Sword. In midair, he turned around as his sword flickered with light. His entire body seemed as if it had completely merged with the sword light as he flashed in front of Yun Che.

  Heavenly Sword Villa’s ultimate instantaneous sword technique —— Sword Brilliance of Extreme Lightning!

  The Heavenly Star Frenzy that was executed just a moment ago was only half a pretense. This was Ling Jie’s genuine finishing move that he had been accumulating power for!


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