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Against the Gods - Volume 03 - Name that Shakes the Profound Sky

Page 65

by Mars Gravity

  Chu Yuechan closed her eyes, and spoke with misery: “This disciple acknowledges her faults… The faults that this disciple committed, she will definitely bear the responsibility with all her strength.”

  “Bear the responsibility? How will you bear the responsibility? Even if you were to apologize by suicide in front of the predecessors, you still wouldn’t be able to make up for your immense blunder!” Gong Yuxian’s eyebrows stood on their ends; Her fury had clearly reached its limit: “Speak! Just exactly… who’s bane of existence is that!”

  Chu Yuechan’s eyes suddenly became hazy, but she did not hesitate, and instead lightly shouted out that name: “Yun Che!”

  Gong Yuxian’s body wavered, and was furious to the point of her whole body shaking: “Devil’s spawn! Truly the devil’s spawn! You actually… really, with a junior… you… you….”

  Gong Yuxian was so angry that she became speechless. Even though according the rumors, she was pregnant with Yun Che’s child, Gong Yuxian absolutely refused to believe it! With Chu Yuechan’s disposition, to have done this kind of thing was already inexplicable. But no matter what, it wouldn’t be possible to be with a junior. She did not expect in any way, that the rumor was actually not false in the slightest!

  Gong Yuxian pointed at spirit tablets with her finger, and harshly spoke: “Kneel before the predecessors and swear right now, that you will immediately abort this child and shall never leave Frozen Cloud Asgard again for the rest of your life!”

  “No…” Chu Yuechan shook her head. She placed her jade hand on her abdomen, and shook her head with strength; her face, revealed the expression of begging that Gong Yuxian had never seen before: “This child is mine and his. This disciple is at thousands of faults, but the child is innocent. Master, please spare this child. If Master is willing to let this disciple give birth to the child, this disciple is willing to never oppose even half a sentence from Master… I beg master for her consent!”

  “You!” Gong Yuxian’s body swayed as she started shaking from all the anger: “Having reached this point, you are actually still so unrepentant! This disciple of mine whom I’ve been most proud of all my life, actually… actually…. Fine! Do you really think that you can successfully birth the child if I don’t make you abort it? Do you know why our Frozen Cloud Asgard had never allowed disciples to marry? The so-called falling in love will affect the Frozen Cloud Art’s cultivation, is purely an excuse. The most important reason, firstly, is that it would transfer the Frozen Cloud Art to others! Secondly, cultivating Frozen Cloud Arts will chill the internal organs within the body. Even though one could conceive, within two months at most, the fetus would die in the abdomen! Furthermore, this place is located in the extreme north of Blue Wind Empire, and the chilling cold seeps through the bones all year long. Even if you don’t have Frozen Cloud Arts, the fetus would still die from the chill! Whether you abort the fetus or not, the result would be the same!”

  Chu Yuechan froze there, and became dazed for a long time. All of a sudden, she extended both hands. One finger pressed onto her Dantian, and the other finger pressed onto the center of her chest. Two balls of ice-cold luminescence suddenly flared up, and right after, a great amount of cold aura poured out from within Chu Yuechan’s body, bringing up a large field of ice mist.

  Gong Yuxian was greatly shocked, and instantly rushed in front of Chu Yuechan. However, it was already too late to for her to obstruct… At this time, Chu Yuechan’s upper body was swaying and looked like it would collapse at any moment. Her face was extremely ghastly, yet her expression was full of relief. Gong Yuxian’s eyes trembled as she watched the dispersing ice mist, knowing that everything was already too late. While furious and shocked, there were more perplexion and heartache. She spoke with a painful tone: “Yuechan, why do you treat yourself so… That Yun Che, just what kind of bewitching soup did he feed you!”

  Chu Yuechan’s lips slightly lifted; that was as if an expression of wanting to smile. She spoke faintly: “He didn’t feed me any bewitching soup, but… he allowed me to have a memory that I could never forget, and also allowed me to turn back into a real woman during that period of time….”

  “During those five months, I had lost all my strength, and my entire body was crippled. It was supposed to be my darkest, most helpless and despairing moment. However, he made everything change, far away from all my expectations. I couldn’t walk, so he took me in his arms; no matter how great the danger he faced, he refused to put me down. I couldn’t eat, so he fed me; every single spoon was adjusted to be just right for me, not allowing it burn nor chill me. I lost my strength, so he protected me with one hand, and swept away all obstacles with the other, sheltering me from weather… For an entire five months, he never had a hint of impatience, and never for a moment had the thought to put this burden down. Unwittingly, I started to enjoy this feeling, and completely depended on him. It was clearly my most helpless and hopeless moment, yet I was wishing that this kind of situation would never end…”

  “Within the Frozen Cloud Asgard, ten days are like one day, ten years are like one day, dozens of years are like one day… There is only eternal ice, snow and the Frozen Cloud Art. Every single day was passed under repetition. But during that period of time, he let me understand the happiness of living, and made me truly feel like I was a woman for the first time… The reason why I asked to go to the Ranking Tournament on my own initiative, was because after I left him, my heart was filled with his silhouette during every single hour and moment. I convinced myself that I was going to meet him one last time, and sever the bond of affection once and for all. But in reality, I just wanted to see him… I wanted to see him…”

  Gong Yuxian’s chest fiercely rose and fell. She let out a long sigh and lamented: “A sinful fate, truly a sinful fate! The predecessor saying that the romance between men and women is the most acute poison in this world… truly wasn’t mistaken in the slightest. It is precisely this passion between man and woman that made you defy the rules for a junior, and shame the Asgard… Even making you unhesitantly self-abolish the Frozen Cloud Art you had bitterly cultivated for tens of years! You… you…”

  “I do not regret… I will never regret.” Chu Yuechan spoke with misty and tearful eyes: “I only regret that only after he was gone, did I finally, truly understand some things… He is already dead, and this is his last bloodline he left in this world, the continuation of his life. As his woman, even if it is to repay the everything he gave me during those five months, let alone Frozen Cloud Arts, even if I must pay the price of death, I will still definitely let this child live on… I beg Master for her consent… I beg Master for her consent!!”

  Gong Yuxian powerlessly fell back onto the chair behind her; her complexion suddenly seemed to be many times older. Looking at Chu Yuechan who knelt there emitting mournfulness and resolution from her entire body, the agony in her heart couldn’t be intensified any further. She reached out her hand, and after it stalled in space for a long time, did she finally said with an extremely powerless voice: “Stand back up… stand back up… Just pretend that I, Gong Yuxian had never accepted you as a disciple… From now on, you are no longer a disciple of Frozen Cloud Asgard. Leave this place right now, leave the Snow Region of Extreme Ice, forget everything here, go wherever you wish to go. From now on, you no longer have anything to do with Frozen Cloud Asgard…”

  Chu Yuechan’s tears flooded out all at once. She knelt before Gong Yuxian, made a kowtow with force, and sobbingly spoke: “Master raised me, nurtured me, like my birth mother… Yet I committed a serious sin, saddened and angered you, and shamed the sect. I am aware myself that my sins are unforgivable… Master’s benevolence of raising me, and the Asgard’s favor of raising me, Yuechan… can only repay it in the next life!”

  “No need to say anymore.” Gong Yuxian turned her face away: “Go… For every moment further you remain here, an extra hint of cold aura would invade your body… If you don’t want to damage the fetus in your womb, then qu
ickly go… You also need to leave secretly, without alerting anyone. The farther you go, the better… I don’t want to see you ever again.”

  “I thank Master for consenting.” Chu Yuechan kowtowed once again, stood up, and slowly retreated a step: “Master, please take care of yourself, Yuechan… won’t be able to accompany you by your side anymore…”

  As her voice fell, Chu Yuechan retreated back a few steps with difficulty. Then, after forcefully clenching her teeth, she exited the ice palace with brisk steps, and her snow-white silhouette quickly disappeared amidst the world of ice and snow.

  Gong Yuxian’s face finally turned back around, and looked toward the direction Chu Yuechan had left. Below her eyes, there lied two deep lines of tear marks.

  After a long while, she finally managed calmed her heart as her expression returned to indifference. She sound transmitted with a heavy voice: “Hanxue, come in.”

  As her voice transmitted out, very soon, a woman that appeared to be twenty-five or twenty-six walked in. Feng Hanxue, ranked seven of the Frozen Cloud’s Seven Fairies, at Sky Profound Realm rank six, was at the same time the youngest of the Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies.

  “Inform all disciples to gather at Frozen Cloud Hall, I have a few major matters to announce!”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  There were a total of three major matters Gong Yuxian wanted announce: Number one: To announce that Chu Yuechan had been exiled from the Frozen Cloud Asgard; Number two: Xia Qingyue will enter the ranks of Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies, replacing Chu Yuechan as first place; Number three: Recall all the disciples outside of the Frozen Cloud Asgard, close the Asgard’s gates starting from this day for three years, disallow visitors as well as recruiting of new disciples. No one will be allowed to exit the Asgard.

  Chapter 285: Cutting Off All Means of Retreat

  In the dark space, there was no night and day. Thus, there was no way to tell time. Yun Che didn’t know how long he was stuck in there, and in his heart, there was only the thought of trying to get out of here with all his might. The first step was to completely recover from his injury.

  He concocted medicine, and with Purple Veined Heaven Crystal in addition with Great Way of the Buddha’s recovery power, Yun Che’s recovery rate was extremely quick. Within half a month, his wounds were completely healed. In this type of surrounding, Yun Che’s originally life threatening wounds did not even worsen to cause his death, but instead rapidly recovered. Within everything he has seen and heard, and within all his experiences, it was the first time he was secretly shocked… This could not simply be called a recovery… but a rebirth!

  His back that was originally struck into a bloody skeleton, and his backbone that nearly snapped, was now perfectly fine, without even a spot of scarring left behind, which was completely unbelievable!

  “What an interesting fellow, unexpectedly fully recovering from this kind of wound in such a short period of time. This was mostly unrelated to medical skill, it looks like you trained in some type of miraculous Profound Art! But I have lived for a few hundred years, and I have never heard of such an amazing level of Profound Art existing! “ the demon said with a low voice. Looking at the killing intent starting to gather in Yun Che’s eyes, he laughed loudly and said: “You think you can kill me just because you recovered from your wounds and that I can’t move? Even though my profound strength has been greatly suppressed because of this formation, with just your miniscule Spirit Profound Realm, you shouldn’t even think about killing me. You can’t even hurt a strand of my hair!”

  His wounds had fully recovered, and his profound strength had also recovering to around ninety percent. Yun Che grabbed Dragon Fault, and said with a heavy face while standing at the edge of the enchantment: “In this place, if it’s not you who dies, then it’s me who dies! Since I actually managed to survive, then I definitely wouldn’t let myself die again… the one who’s going to die is only you!”

  “His profound strength is being suppressed, but looking at the aura he emitted before at the Sword Management Terrace, he could probably release the strength of an early stage Emperor Profound Realm. Even though you’re not suppressed by the formation, the distance between you and him is too too far, killing him is simply just a dream. But his body is tied up, and he can only move one hand, so he can’t chase after you. With Star God’s Broken Shadow and Sealing Cloud Locking Sun, keeping your life when attacking him isn’t a hard thing to do… If you want to know whether or not there’s a possibility of killing him, then you can try and see.” Jasmine lightly reminded. But clearly, she didn’t believe Yun Che could actually kill this demon.

  “Without trying, how could I know!”

  Yun Che’s brows sank. He swung Dragon Fault, activated Burning Heart, and quickly charged within the boundary. The feeling of suppression suddenly hit him, but then instantly disappeared. He gazed at the demon’s only movable right hand, tightly focusing with his whole body, but surprisingly, after he charged into the boundary, the demon didn’t attack him. Under his long white hair, he stared at Yun Che with those gloomy eyes that contained no hostility.

  Until he got close in front of the demon, the demon still did not move a single bit.

  “Haah! Overlord’s Fury!”

  Yun Che growled, and Dragon Fault brought along a shocking wave of pressure that perilously pounded towards the demon. Yun Che’s only goal was to kill this demon, so his attack contained no mercy. This strike, smashed straight for the demon’s head… Under the heavy locus of Dragon Fault, the demon still did not move, allowing the extremely heavy Dragon Fault to severely smash against his head.


  Yun Che’s profound strength was only at the early Spirit Profound Realm, but his overall strength absolutely could not be measured by just profound strength alone. The threat of this one slash was enough to shatter a small mountain, not to mention a person’s head. The slash brought along an oppressive huge boom. The surrounding air was forcefully pushed away, creating a temporary yet horrifying vacuum.

  Yun Che was stunned… because the demon actually didn’t dodge, and didn’t block.

  Dragon Fault smashed on the demon’s head, but from the head to the whole body, the demon did not even budge one bit. Under Dragon Fault, he slowly raised his head, smiled and softly said: “You really are a freak, to not be suppressed inside the formation! And with the strength of a Spirit Profound realm unleashing a battle power of such a level, even in the Illusory Demon Royal Families, there aren’t many that can do this. I am suddenly interested in your cultivation and Profound Arts!”

  With such a violent slash that could hack mountains and shatter rocks hitting the demon’s head, not even a strand of hair was hurt. Yun Che felt shocked in his heart, quickly reversed his body and swung Dragon Fault downwards even more violently.

  “Falling Moon Sinking Star!”

  This time, the demon moved, welcoming Yun Che’s Dragon Fault. The demon bent his arm with a speed so fast that it was unseeable, placing his palm diagonally, with his middle finger and ring finger that was difficult to exert a force on, and pinched the heavy blade of Dragon Fault.

  All of the power Yun Che poured into Dragon Fault, was instantly like a clay ox entering the ocean, and disappeared completely. It was followed by a terrifying power that came from the sword, causing him to feel an extremely dangerous and shocking feeling. Yun Che didn’t even think twice. He withdrew his hands in a flash, but he was still hit with a storm of profound strength from the sword and flew away with a groan. When he landed, Yun Che quickly moved sideways and retreated to the outside of the boundary. After retreating out of the barrier, he squatted while panting, and his eyebrows locked up stubbornly.

  An extremely scary demon!

  He couldn’t even hurt a strand of hair with a strike that contained all his strength. And the demon only used two fingers of strength to directly snatch away my weapon, and even forced me away… Jasmine was right, with my strength, killing him was essentially an idiot�
��s dream!

  Dragon Fault, weighing more than four thousand kilograms, was easily pinched between the demon’s fingers as if pinching one’s chopstick. Feeling the weight of this sword, a touch of shock flashed across the demon’s face. He shook his fingers and said: “A pretty good sword. To be able to release such a power like that with this sword, you’re quite unusual! This sword, I’ll return to you!”

  The demon moved his fingers a bit, Dragon Fault suddenly became a gray shooting star, and shuttled through the boundary. With a “ding”, it deeply embedded into the floor in front of Yun Che.

  “Why didn’t you kill me?” Yun Che asked as he coldly stared.

  “Why should I kill you?” The demon asked in return: “In my life, even though I’ve killed countless people, I’ve never killed an innocent person. Truthfully speaking, looking back at it, by bringing you in here, it’s the first time in my life that I’ve hurt an innocent! That is due to Mighty Heavenly Sword Region’s despicable junior angering me, causing me to lose my reason. Now that you actually survived, I have no reason to kill you again. If I kill you, apart from increasing my crimes, there is no benefit whatsoever. If I keep you here, at least before you die, I’ll have someone to accompany me… In the end, you are just a pitiful victim!

  Yun Che’s ability to know people well was very strong. Frankly, he couldn’t find a bit of cruelness or savageness from the demon. In this period of time, what he felt the most from the demon was sadness, resentment and longing. But these feelings could not be reasons that would cause him to not kill this demon. Because this demon had brought him here, only by killing him could Yun Che leave this place. He coldly smiled and said: “If you have really never killed an innocent person, if you don’t want your sins to increase, then kill yourself, let an innocent person like me leave this place! Or else, don’t spout any grand and lofty bullshit.”


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