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Against the Gods - Volume 03 - Name that Shakes the Profound Sky

Page 76

by Mars Gravity


  Ling Jie was startled by this sudden unforeseen change, and retreated in panic whilst screaming involuntarily. That human silhouette flew upwards for several tens of feet before dropping down rapidly and landing heavily in front of Ling Jie. Under the great pressure brought by Dragon Fault, a large area of the land underneath him shattered.

  “You…” Ling Jie took another step back, and subconsciously held the Celestial Yang Sword horizontally in front of his body. After shouting out one word, his eyes suddenly stared wide, and gave another startled cry involuntarily: “B… boss!!”

  Ling Jie’s appearance simply looked like someone who had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

  Someone who had been presumed to be dead for a year had suddenly appeared in front of him from underground. If it wasn’t a ghost, what could it be? In that instant, Ling Jie truly believed he had encountered a zombie from the myths.

  “Little Jie?” Yun Che looked at him with amazement. He never would’ve thought that the first person he would see after coming out was Ling Jie. After sixteen months of no contact, Ling Jie had already grown a lot, and although his expression still contained hints of his childish nature, on the most part, it was as sharp as the tip of a sword.

  Having heard his voice and felt the aura of strength emitted from him, Ling Jie, as if he had awoken from a dream, revealed an enormous expression of pleasant surprise. He retrieved the Celestial Yang Sword, charged over, and said incomparably excitedly: “Boss, y-y-you… you didn’t die? You actually didn’t die… You really didn’t die?”

  “Nonsense. If I died, would I be standing here right now?” Yun Che smiled, but also sighed in his heart. Without a doubt, in this period of time, everyone believed that he had died. For those that cared about him, how sorrowful and heartbroken they must be…

  “But, the day you were struck by that demon and sealed together underground, there was basically no chance you would survive…” Ling Jie said as he subconsciously swept over the Heaven’s Punishment Sword. Suddenly, he noticed that the formless suppressive force of the Heaven’s Punishment Sword had disappeared. These past several days, when he was training at the Sword Management Terrace, he had felt that something wasn’t right all along, but never considered the Heaven’s Punishment Sword.

  Ling Jie stared wide, and said: “Could it be that you didn’t die after receiving such a grave injury that day, and the demon didn’t try to attack you anymore… after, you survived, and ended up killing the demon in return? Wahahaha! That’s right, that’s must’ve been what happened. Only after that demon died would there be some chance of escaping the suppressive force of the Heaven’s Punishment Sword! Boss, you’re truly too awesome… ahhhh! Worthy of being this Ling Jie’s boss; there’s simply nothing you can’t do in this world. I really am stupid to have thought that this Ling Jie’s boss would’ve died that easily… Hahahaha! Boss, did you know, you’re currently an unsurpassable legend in the Blue Wind Empire. When the news that you survived spreads, you’ll become an even greater legend!!”

  “Wow! Your current profound strength aura is actually even stronger than my Big Bro’s. Could it be that your profound strength is above the fourth level of the Earth Profound Realm?” After detecting the richness of Yun Che’s profound strength aura, Ling Jie cried out in shock again. Sixteen months ago, Yun Che’s profound strength was only at the first level of the Spirit Profound Realm, yet now, his profound strength aura’s richness already surpassed that of Ling Yun’s, who was currently at the fourth level of the Earth Profound Realm! This was so startling that Ling Jie almost dropped his jaw in shock.

  Yun Che, when he was at the tenth level of the True Profound Realm, was already capable of defeating Xia Qingyue, who was at the Earth Profound Realm. Now, Yun Che must be above the fourth level of the Earth Profound Realm; his fighting capability was simply impossible to estimate!

  “I’m currently at the sixth level of the Earth Profound Realm… I didn’t kill the demon; he severed his own heart veins in order to allow me to obtain my freedom.” Yun Che said with incomparable tranquility.

  “Earth Profound Realm… sixth level?” The corner of Ling Jie’s eyes twitched as he swallowed forcefully. To have advanced from the first level of the Spirit Profound Realm to the sixth level of the Earth Profound Realm in sixteen months’ time, and underground with no resources, this speed was simply legendary. In contrast to this enormous shock, the later half of Yun Che’s words were basically unimportant. He stared wide at Yun Che, and said blankly: Boss, you’re simply an omnipotent god. My admiration and reverence towards you can no longer be described with any language… Although I’ve worked really hard this past year, I’m currently only at the tenth level of the Spirit Profound Realm… Will you still accept me as your little brother?”

  A seventeen year old at the tenth level of the Spirit Profound Realm who had crushed Ling Yun, who was the former number one of the younger generation, shaking the Heavenly Sword Villa, and Blue Wind Empire in turn. Ling Jie was also once immensely pleased with himself when he did that, but he suddenly discovered that this achievement of his, in the face of Yun Che, who had advanced from the first level of the Spirit Profound Realm to the sixth level of the Earth Profound Realm, was simply a plate of pure slag.

  Yun Che smiled casually, and said: “I used a very special method to get to the Earth Profound Realm; in fact, there really isn’t anything extraordinary about it. In the time I was suppressed, a lot must’ve happened in the Blue Wind Empire…”

  “Mn, mn, mn, mn!” Ling Jie immediately nodded: “Boss, you didn’t know, after you died… ah, pooh, pooh, pooh! After you had been pulled down by the demon, your achievements had also widely spread across the entire Blue Wind Empire. In that time, every single part of the Blue Wind Empire were talking about you, especially those young profound practitioners that have no sectoral backing; almost all of them had made you into a religion. Because of you, the Blue Wind Imperial Family had also obtained supreme honor and glory. It has been said that in this year’s Blue Wind Profound Palace and other Profound Palace branches’ registration, there had been an increase of seven times the amount of disciples! That little courtyard you stayed in when you were in the Blue Wind Profound Palace’s Inner Palace is also being independently safeguarded. In front of the Inner Palace’s Supreme Profound Hall, there’s even a sculpture of you! I heard that the words on the sculpture’s description also stated that you were Blue Wind Profound Palace’s most outstanding disciple in all of history! Even until now, there are still stories about you everywhere in the Blue Wind Empire. That being said… Boss! You’re just too awesome! Those things that you did… just how did you do them?”

  “…” Yun Che had a face full of amazement. Didn’t he just obtain first place in the ranking tournament? Causing a sensation was just typical, but it shouldn’t be so impactful to such a degree, right?

  He still was not fully aware of the fact that ranking first in ranking tournament was only secondary when it came to causing a sensation within the Blue Wind Empire. The main reason, was because he had no one supporting him in the rear. An unknown individual that practically nobody knew of, had actually married the publicly recognized number one beauty, the younger generation’s current number one, Xia Qingyue, and even had gotten the number one beauty in the past, whom many sect masters could only dream of, the Fairy of Frozen Beauty, pregnant! He had even made plans with Blue Wind Empire’s only princess, who had the most noble of identities, to marry him…

  Such a fellow could only be described with three words… Cool as f*ck!

  As long as it was a man, they would admire him to the point of worship, or be jealous to the point of wanting him to go down all eighteen levels of hell.

  “Is it really that exaggerated?” Yun Che muttered in a low voice, and then cautiously asked: “After I was supressed by the Heaven’s Punishment Sword, how were Princess Cang Yue, Yuanba, and them? What happened afterwards?”

  When Yun Che m
entioned Princess Cang Yue, Ling Jie’s expression stiffened. All of his excitement had also cooled off. The sudden change in his expression tugged at Yun Che’s heart as he promptly asked: “What? What happened afterwards?”

  Ling Jie drew a breath of air, and said evasively: “Boss, there is something… uh… after I say it, you must not get angry… it definitely wasn’t Princess Sis’s real intention… uh… Princess Sis… she… she… she’s about to marry… Fen Juecheng…”

  “Wh…at!!” Yun Che’s body distinctly shook, and his complexion sunk immediately.

  “Boss, don’t worry about right now; Princess Sis definitely didn’t consent to it. Perhaps she was coerced, or because she was forced to do so as a last resort…”

  “Tell me. When will they be married, and where will it be?”

  Yun Che coldly interrupted Ling Jie with an incomparably calm voice… So calm that it made Ling Jie break into cold sweat, and subconsciously replied: “Burning Heaven Clan’s procession is already headed towards the Imperial City to escort the bride. The latest that they arrive would be tomorrow at seven to nine in the morning. They will be getting married at Burning Heaven Clan’s Fiery Sun Hall…”

  Just as Ling Jie’s words fell, Yun Che had already charged out like a gust of violent wind, traveling tens of feet in the blink of an eye.

  “Wait! Boss!!”

  Ling Jie quickly ran to catch up, and simultaneously extended his left hand. Following a flashing streak of light, an approximately six meter long large bird, that brought about a gust of wind, charged at Yun Che: “This is my contracted profound beast, the Fierce Zephyr Bird. With its speed… you might might make it in time!”

  The Fierce Zephyr Bird was a high level Earth Profound Beast. In terms of speed, it was no way inferior to that of the Fierce Storm Hawk, and had even more than ten times the endurance. Yun Che turned around and leapt high, then landed on the Fierce Zephyr Bird’s back. In the wake of the Fierce Zephyr Bird’s long cry, it broke into the sky and directly flew in the direction of the Blue Wind Imperial City.

  “Phew… definitely have to make it in time!” Ling Jie tightly clenched his fist. Then, at this time, he suddenly thought about the discovery about Chu Yuechan being pregnant sixteen months ago, and immediately shouted: “Boss! Wait, there’s another very important thing…”

  With the Fierce Zephyr Bird’s extreme speed, it had already become a little black dot in his line of sight. It was already impossible for his voice to be heard… and even if Yun Che, who was currently burning with anxiety, heard the sound of his voice, he would still not turn back.

  Chapter 300: The Princess Marrying

  The dawn has just arrived, and the Blue Wind Imperial City was already rowdy everywhere. Streets of various sizes were all filled with the masses, lifting their chin and looking into the distance. Because today, was the day for the Imperial Family’s only princess to be wed. And at this moment, the bridal escort party of Burning Heaven Clan had already entered the city gate, and was parading forth toward the direction of Blue Wind Imperial Palace in a mighty formation.

  That’s right, the bridal parade of Burning Heaven Clan, was indeed worthy of the word “Mighty”. Carrying a smile on his face, Fen Juecheng rode on top of a enormous fire-like maned horse and looked forward placidly. Behind him, was a huge eight poled palanquin carved with dancing phoenixes of fire. Around them, more than two thousand Burning Heaven Clan disciples wearing flame-red clothing formed a very long rank. Looking from a high place, they were like a fire dragon that moved slowly toward the Imperial Palace. All of these Burning Heaven Clan disciples had been meticulously selected, and every single one of them was extremely extraordinary. Even the ones weakest in profound strength were at the Spirit Profound Realm. Ones with high profound strength, were already at the mid Earth Profound Realm. This kind of lineup, was extremely rare even in the entire Blue Wind Empire, and could even be deemed as frightening. Clearly, Burning Heaven Clan who had lost a great deal of face because of their failure in the Ranking Tournament, seemed to have wanted to take advantage of this chance of being the princess’s bridal escort, and once again display the prowess of the Burning Heaven Clan to the world.

  In accordance to the custom, Fen Juecheng’s father, Fen Duanhun, naturally would not come along, but the elder level experts that came along, not one didn’t inspire awe throughout the land. Just for experts of the Sky Profound Realm, there were already eight. Moreover, the two leading were more so already at the later ranks of Sky Profound Realm, and were two of Burning Heaven Clan’s ten strongest experts. These eight people wore flame red clothing that were even more eye-catching, and floated evenly dispersed in the air space above the bridal escort ranks… The entire echelon emitted a kind of imposing air that made one’s heart palpitate. Even from far away, it made one feel an almost suffocating pressure.

  Even if one were to say this was a echelon that could flatten the entire Blue Wind Imperial City, it wouldn’t be much of an exaggeration.

  “Look! The bridal escort party of Burning Heaven Clan is here!”

  Following someone’s large shout, the crowd started to stir. Everyone went onto their tiptoes, and looked toward the Burning Heaven Clan’s bridal escort party that gradually neared from the distance.

  Normally, when onlooking a bridal procession, the crowd would be incredibly clamorous. But at this moment, under that incomparably shocking pressure of the Burning Heaven Clan, no one had actually dared to shout loudly. When the parade walked past their front, that kind of unparalleled feeling of pressure almost made their heart jump out. Even ones who were proud of their strength, and had enough guts, also only dared to secretly whisper.

  “The legendary Profound Floating Technique… And it’s even eight of them! Don’t tell me that these eight, are all of the Sky Profound Realm?”

  “Of course that’s the case. Of the two leading, the one on the left is Feng Duancang, the younger brother of the same womb with Burning Heaven Clan’s Clan Master Feng Duanhun; it is rumored that his profound strength has already reached the eighth level of the Sky Profound Realm! The one on the right is the Burning Heaven Clan’s thirteenth elder, his profound strength is at the seventh level of the Sky Profound Realm! Even in the Burning Heaven Clan, they are beings of extremely high administrative level. I’d have never thought the Burning Heaven Young Clan Master’s procession, would have them as company!”

  “Fen Juecheng is the future Burning Heaven Clan Clan Master, you know. Having this kind of line-up, isn’t exaggerated at all.”

  “Sky Profound Realm of the legends, I have only seen one in my entire life… which is the Blue Wind Profound Palace’s Palace Chief Qin. Eight of them have actually popped out at once today! My heavens… as expected of the Burning Heaven Clan!”

  “Fen Juecheng courting the Blue Moon Princess, I had already heard about it many years ago. But wasn’t Blue Moon Princess won over by Yun Che later…”

  “Too bad Yun Che has fallen, otherwise… otherwise, Yun Che still wouldn’t be able to outcompete Fen Juecheng. No matter how amazing Yun Che is, he is only a single person without any supporting forces behind his back. Behind Fen Juecheng, is the enormous Burning Heaven Clan, you know.”

  “You can’t be so sure! Even though Fen Juecheng is a dragon amongst men, but what kind of being is Yun Che? He’s a dragon amongst dragons, the legend of our Blue Wind! Fen Juecheng’s daddy Fen Duanhun had also sought after Chu Yuechan before, yet he couldn’t even see her face; but didn’t Yun Che win her over anyway! If Yun Che had not died and Feng Juecheng wanted to out-compete him, the only method would be to assassinate him using the Burning Heaven Clan’s powers. But Yun Che has Frozen Cloud Asgard behind him! Both of his women are of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. One of them is the head of the Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies, and the other is the future Asgard Mistress. If Burning Heaven Clan wanted to act, even if they had one hundred thousand percent confidence to succeed, they would still need to weigh the consequences. Even if Fen Juecheng dare
d to, Fen Duanhun may not even have that kind of courage.”

  Amidst the crowd’s onlooking and whispering, the Burning Heaven Clan’s bridal escort party came closer and closer. The moment it was seven o’clock in the morning, they accurately stepped before Blue Wind Imperial Palace’s palace gates. After going through simple conversations, the bridal escort party continued forward as gongs and drums sounded and eight lions danced, straight toward the Moon Embracing Palace that Princess Cang Yue resided in.

  In the Emperor’s Chambers.

  “Reporting to your majesty, Burning Heaven Clan’s bridal escort party has already entered the palace gates, and will arrive at the Moon Embracing Palace in half a quarter of an hour.” Cang Wanhe’s personal eunuch reported to him in a respectful manner.

  The complexion of the current Cang Wanhe was bad to the point that almost a trace of human color couldn’t be seen. His eyes were embedded deep into their sockets, his hair was half white, and wrinkles filled his face. If Yun Che saw him right now, he definitely wouldn’t have recognized him as the Cang Wanghe he had met two years ago. In two years of time, it was as if he had grown a few tens of years older. Even his every breath were difficult, like a soon to be dead elderly man that could stop breathing entirely at any given moment.

  The flames of his life, had already reached the brink of immediate extinguishment.

  Cang Wanhe stayed up all night. Hearing the eunuch’s voice, he opened his eyes with difficulty and said with a hoarse voice: “Support us up, prepare the imperial chariot. We will personally visit… the Moon Embracing Palace… Cough cough… Cough cough cough cough….”

  Just after speaking a few sentences, Cang Wanhe was already coughing horrendously, and his complexion became even more frightening as well.


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