Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2]

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Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2] Page 10

by Candace Smith

  Oh, yeah. I’m as hard as a hitching post, he realized.

  Her kisses traveled lower, tongue flicking with light little sucking feelings. He felt like he was going to explode. “Easy, stallion, close your eyes,” she whispered.

  He did not want to do that. The tracers down his back kept his head straight and he could only see the top her head, the silky black hair, the… oh, my god. Her tongue stroked up the vein in his cock in one velvet stroke. She wouldn’t, please. She wouldn’t. Her hand held her hair back as her mouth sunk low on him. His groan started in his belly.

  The warm wetness of her mouth, sucking while she pulled up stretching the ridge under his crown and the tip itself, was joined by a hand gently stroking his balls. “Easy stallion,” she repeated, and went back to her feast.

  When he would involuntarily thrust, she squeezed his testicles. Dear god, how does she expect me to stay still while she’s doing this?

  He tried. He tried harder to keep his hips still from plunging into his sweet Gentle Wave’s throat than anything else he’d done on his journey. This was worse than standing all day by the stables. It was worse than being a dog. It was worse than, “Aaah, aaah,” he groaned as his seed shot into her mouth and she pumped his balls.

  He lay back against the stall wall, spent. Gentle Wave raised her head and smiled at him. “No other woman will taste you. You’re mine.”

  Oh, yeah, I’m all yours Gentle Wave, only yours.

  When she left after kissing his forehead, the stallion lay down. She would only have one more night to come to him ... if she could sneak out. He didn’t know what was planned for him after the celebration was over.

  She got caught. When she got back to her parents’ teepee they were both waiting by the fire pit for her. She told them she’d gone to make sure Turning Leaves was alright. Her father and mother looked at each other and laughed. “That is such a bad lie, I think you should go to bed and think of something better to tell us at breakfast,” her father said. He swatted her on the butt as she passed under the flap to climb under her furs.

  “She’s set her sights on the stallion, you know,” her mother said.

  “I know.”

  “Shining Star says Wind Seeker thinks he’ll be a man. Whispering Wheat says Yellow Hawk thinks he’ll be a friend,” Gray Dove informed him.

  Fierce Bear sighed. “He’s a little old for her. And, he’s a flatlander.”

  “Yes, but I think she dreams about his blue eyes.”

  Fierce Bear‘s eyes widened. “She cares that much?” Where had he been, dammit? He thought about choice number two, Straight Arrow. He was nice, but a weak warrior. “If Wind Seeker and Yellow Hawk think he’ll be a man, I guess it’s alright.” He planned to talk to the Indians in the morning.

  The third day of the Harvest Celebration, people were packing to leave. Very few people came by to admire the proud stallion, and he was tired and depressed. Gentle Wave stopped by in the afternoon and hid behind the stall wall as she told him she got caught and couldn’t sneak out tonight.

  He could tell she was as upset as he was and when she peeked around the corner to kiss his cheek, he could tell she’d been crying. He whined in sympathy with her. She told him her father was talking to Wind Seeker and Yellow Hawk to see if the stallion would be a man. He felt better. He managed the smile with his eyes that she seemed to like so much.

  Yellow Hawk brought him home in the morning for breakfast by the fire pit. The stallion saw that Turning Leaves was gone.



  Wind Seeker, Black Horse and Yellow Hawk met early in the morning before the Clans left. “He did well through the celebration,” Wind Seeker commented.

  “His eyes showed his pride,” agreed Black Horse who had been lying on the stable roof observing the stallion for most of the three days. Patience was a strong trait in their tribe.

  Yellow Hawk chuckled, “Gentle Wave’s attentions certainly didn’t hurt.”

  As if summoned, there was a knock on the cabin door. Shining Star answered it. “Welcome, Fierce Bear. I believe the men were just discussing your daughter.”

  Wind Seeker gave her a ‘You’ll pay for that later,’ look, and she smiled. His idea of paying for things was very agreeable to her.

  “Why are you discussing my daughter?” The big Indian grumbled.

  “Don’t look so grouchy. You know about her interest in the stallion. Gray Dove has been asking all our women about him,” Wind Seeker laughed.

  “I’m not sure I like this. My daughter has the opportunity to be dominant female. I don’t want her interest in the flatlander to sidetrack her from her journey.”

  “Why do you think that would happen?” Black Horse usually sat quiet through meetings.

  “Dammit. He’s a flatlander given to the tribe because the Clan didn’t want him.” Fierce Bear realized what he’d said. “I’m sorry, Yellow Hawk.” He took a deep breath. “But, you were different. Who knows what this one has done? I’ve heard Lucien holds an immense hatred toward him.”

  “Lucien feels that way because the stallion’s former companion is his mate. Ordinarily I’d never say this, but I think Lucien’s dislike for the stallion is irrational and comes primarily from his feelings for Ariel. Even Damon told me he wanted them separated from the beginning,” Wind Seeker replied.

  “If Lucien is mating with the stallion’s former companion, that in itself shows the stallion’s worth,” Black Horse reasoned.

  Fierce Bear sat back. If the stallion had a companion on the flatlands that the Protector of the large clan had chosen as mate, well, perhaps the stallion was a man of pride.

  As was usual with the tribe, gossip spread fast, usually through the women who told their husbands. The Indians at the table had already predicted Fierce Bear’s reaction to his only child’s feelings for the stallion. They were in agreement that if the stallion could be a man, he’d be a good match for Gentle Wave.

  Fierce Bear put his elbows on the table and dropped his head into his hands. “She’s my daughter. Her journey has been a good one.”

  Yellow Hawk knew the man felt as blindsided as he felt. “Fierce Bear, Whispering Wheat and I had to make the decision to send our first daughter away from the tribe. My wife is still crying at night. We know it was the right decision, but it was hard. Gentle Wave is in love with the stallion. She’ll wait for him to be a man. All of us at the table think it will happen.”

  Fierce Bear looked at the men and they all nodded. “He is a proud stallion.” He reluctantly admitted. “And he did face Lightening Strikes.”

  “He did,” Yellow Hawk confirmed.

  “And he earned four warriors their feathers.” Wind Seeker narrowed his eyes playfully at Yellow Hawk. “We understand your concern. We have decided to have Gray Dove train him through cougar.”

  Fierce Bear’s head snapped up. “You’d do that? You’ll give me the opportunity to know his worth?”

  “With Turning Leaves gone, Gentle Wave is sure to be dominant female. She has to have a strong warrior. If her family has questions about him, it would cause discourse in the tribe and perhaps harm her journey. If Gray Dove trains him as cougar, she can tell you he’ll be a man,” Wind Seeker explained.

  Fierce Bear looked doubtful. “You’re that sure of the stallion.”

  “We are,” Yellow Hawk answered.

  The men left to see the Clans off.

  The stallion stood proudly with Yellow Hawk holding his reigns. They watched the Clans depart in separate directions along the tree line heading back to their homes. Mike felt sorry for his friends who would be stuck in the confines of the Vampires’ settlement.

  He watched the young warriors ride out on the plains on their spotted horses to play and go hunting. They’d bring back meat and be praised by the tribe. He longed to join them.

  Yellow Hawk turned and the stallion followed him back to the village, scanning the people gathered for Gentle Wave. She was standing with h
er friends to the side and smiled at him. Even from this distance, she thought she saw the crinkled smile of his beautiful blue eyes.

  The stallion expected to be tied by Yellow Hawk’s teepee or the stables. Instead, the Indian brought him to Wind Seeker’s cabin. He clenched the strengthened muscles of his ass in anticipation. Was he to further his journey already?

  Wind Seeker, Black Horse and a huge scowling Indian were sitting on the porch.

  Shit. Whatever the next path of my journey is, I hope it’s not with him.

  Yellow Hawk, Wind Seeker and Black Horse figured this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce the stallion to his prospective new father-in-law. They’d joked that it should be considered a test in itself.

  Wind Seeker stood. “Yellow Hawk, you present me a stallion?”

  “Yes, Wind Seeker. He’s earned four warriors their feathers. “Yellow Hawk continued their game.

  Wind Seeker almost laughed this time until he noticed the stallion stand straighter. He knows I failed, dammit. He’s proud of his accomplishment. The Indian refocused his attention. “He stood through the celebration?” Wind Seeker asked.

  Black Horse stood and the stallion was confused. “Yes, Wind Seeker. I watched through the celebration and the stallion stood proud.” Wind Seeker handed Black Horse a feather.

  Black Horse was watching me? The stallion wondered first how much the man had seen. Then, he wondered why the Indian had stuck up for him.

  Wind Seeker came down off the porch and approached him. He found himself trembling and inhaled deeply to stand proud. Wind Seeker watched his movement. The stallion was trying to impress him with his bravery. He looked at his eyes. The ghosts were gone.

  Wind Seeker stood before him and spoke low. “The next part of your journey will be different, stallion. The married women of the tribe guide you. Do you feel strong enough to continue?”

  At first, the stallion didn’t realize Wind Seeker was asking him the question. All decisions concerning his training had been made for him. He thought about what Wind Seeker asked. What was he expected to do? If the wives of the Indians were involved and he failed, shit. His feet shuffled in the dirt as he thought about it. The only way he could be with Gentle Wave, was to be a man. Yellow Hawk had only earned three warriors their feathers as stallion, yet he was a man. He must have passed this test. The stallion thought of the hope and promise in Gentle Wave’s chocolate eyes. He stood straight and gave a slight nod.

  Fierce Bear had been watching the stallion closely. He knew the question Wind Seeker would be asking. The stallion didn’t answer at first, but gave it some thought. Fierce Bear begrudgingly had to admit, this was a good sign.

  “Fierce Bear, would you please ask your wife to join us? I would like her to train the stallion on his journey.” Wind Seeker walked back to the porch and sat down as the grumpy man walked off. The stallion hoped his wife was nicer.

  Yellow Hawk whispered, “Fierce Bear is Gentle Wave’s father.” He tightened his grip on the reins as he felt the stallion’s knees almost buckle. “Stand proud, dammit.” The stallion straightened automatically. “Her mother has been chosen to train you as cougar. I wouldn’t screw this up if I were you.”

  His mind was a frenzy of emotion. My god, Gentle Wave’s mother will be training me? Her father looks like he wants to kill me. He quickly reflected back on Raining Thunder’s words. Gentle Wave was hanging around with Straight Arrow. Mike thought about the scowling man. Her father couldn’t have been impressed with that little dweeb. Straight Arrow reminded him of Ed, with hair. He frantically tried to think. Okay, so, if it’s the warriors’ wives, maybe they wanted to check out his manners. The worst he should be facing was a couple of dick slappings.

  Fierce Bear returned with his wife and bellowed, “Gray Dove, Wind Seeker has chosen you above all women in the tribe to guide the stallion on his journey through cougar.”

  Give me a break, you pompous ass, Black Horse thought.

  Gray Dove was nervous. She was never destined to be dominant female because of her gentleness. Her overbearing husband balanced their family. When Fierce Bear had come collect her and tell her about the honor Wind Seeker was giving her, she almost fainted.

  She quickly disappeared into the teepee to arrange herself. Gentle Wave was placing their furs. “What’s wrong, Mother?”

  “I’ve been chosen by Wind Seeker to train the cougar. Oh,” she waved her hands like she was fanning herself, “Oh, why would he choose me?”

  “You’ll be fine, Mother. The stallion is good and he’s proud. As soon as you can get near him, tell him I already miss his blue eyes. You’ll be fine. You must help him continue his journey so we can be together. Please, Mother. My heart is empty without him.”

  Now her daughter’s journey rested on this too? “Oh, oh, dear,” she moaned.

  Fierce Bear returned with his wife. Shining Star had been watching through the window for her cue and came out to the porch.

  Wind Seeker took the reins from Yellow Hawk. He held out the feather and pulled it back slightly as Yellow Hawk tried to take it. The blonde Indian grinned and grabbed it from him.

  Wind Seeker turned to Fierce Bear‘s wife. Her wide eyes darted between him and the stallion. “Gray Dove, your gentle nature has convinced me you are the most suited to guide the stallion on his journey through cougar.” He handed her the reins.

  Gray Dove swallowed. “Thank you, Wind Seeker. I’ll guide the stallion to cougar so he can be a man.”

  Mike felt his reins quivering in her hands. Shining Star bounced off the porch. “Oh, Gray Dove. I’m so happy for you. Please, let me help you. I’d be honored.”

  A voice came from behind the stallion. “As would I, Gray Dove. He’s a proud stallion and I’ll also stand beside you and offer my help.” It was Whispering Wheat.

  The stallion was honored that Yellow Hawk’s wife would help him on his journey. He was convinced more than ever he’d be a cougar.

  The stallion would have liked to say thank you to Yellow Hawk. He’d learned a lot on his journey with his training from dog to horse to stallion. Yellow Hawk simply walked up on the porch and sat down.

  Gray Dove led the stallion through the village, holding his reins in a tight, quivering grip. Fierce Bear walked proudly beside her ready to attack anyone who challenged her right. They got back to the teepee. She managed to tie the stallion off before she collapsed.

  “Are you all right, Gray Dove? The stallion didn’t kick you?” Fierce Bear glanced at the stallion almost wishing for a reason to kill him.

  “No, husband, I’m just so overwhelmed to be chosen to guide the stallion through cougar. Teaching him his senses is such an honor.”

  Teach me my senses? The stallion watched the couple. They would be his future in-laws.

  “I’ll miss you in the evening hours while you’re gone,” Fierce Bear held her close.

  “I’ll miss you too. With Shining Star and Whispering Wheat helping me, I’m sure I can train the stallion to be a cougar.” Gray Dove knew how proud her husband would be if she succeeded and earned them a feather.

  Gentle Wave came out of the teepee and stared from her mother to the stallion. She still couldn’t believe Wind Seeker had chosen her mother to guide him on his journey. Her mother was a kind person, everyone in the tribe knew that. No one would consider her to train a stallion, though. Gentle Wave was almost reduced to tears when her mother told her. How would the stallion ever be a man so they could be together?

  Gray Dove was a wreck. The honor of her husband and her family, the journey to man for her daughter’s heart, all would be decided on her training. She dove into the teepee to calm her nerves and prepare.

  Gentle Wave followed her. “Mother, please. My journey depends on you training the stallion to be a cougar. I know you can do this. Please, think of my happiness,” Gentle Wave begged.

  “Daughter, I’ve only been on one cougar journey before. Whispering Wheat and Shining Star said they’d help me. We
both know I’m not a dominant female. Why Wind Seeker picked me, I don’t know. I thought he wanted the stallion to succeed. Did he do something that would make Wind Seeker want him to fail?”

  Gentle Wave hadn’t considered that. She kissed her mother and ran from the teepee. Mike saw her take off without looking back. Gentle Wave found Shining Star sitting on their porch nursing the baby before the stallion’s training would begin.

  “Why does Wind Seeker want the stallion to fail?” Gentle Wave planned to sound demanding. It came out as a wail.

  “What are you talking about, Gentle Wave?

  “He’s named my mother as trainer,” she looked into Shining Star’s eyes, “of a stallion to cougar.”

  Shining Star smiled and patted the chair beside her. The baby’s fists were balled up as he sucked noisily and she twirled her finger in his long black hair. “I’ll tell you something, but you have to keep it to yourself.”

  Gentle Wave nodded.

  “You can’t tell anyone, not your girlfriends, and not the stallion.”

  Gentle Wave’s eyes widened. Shining Star knew she liked the stallion.

  “Yes, I see it in your eyes when he walks by. I think you’ve already spoken to him.”

  Gentle Wave looked nervously at her lap. “I snuck out to see him when he was stalled, twice. I got caught the second time.” She looked anxiously at Shining Star. “I was so afraid when I saw Ariel and all her colors that he’d want her back.”

  “I see. Then you don’t believe he’s truly on the journey to being a man.”

  Confusion crossed the young woman’s face. “Of course he’s on the journey. He’s already a stallion.”

  “Then, you don’t believe he’s to be a part of your journey.”

  “Yes, he is. He wants me to wait for him to be a man,” Gentle Wave confided.


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