Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2]

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Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2] Page 11

by Candace Smith

  “Then why did you think he would look back?”

  Gentle Wave thought about it. “I guess it was me who stepped off my path with my jealousy.”

  “I was concerned about Wind Seeker’s choice when he told me. His reasons are good, Gentle Wave. He believes the stallion will be a man and the two of you will be together. Your father is going to have a hard time with that. Fierce Bear could control Straight Arrow. The stallion is going to be a strong man. My husband thinks if Gray Dove can bring honor to your family with the stallion, Fierce Bear may be able to accept his strength instead of fight him. Whispering Wheat and I are going to be there to help her. Trust in your stallion, Gentle Wave.”

  Gentle Wave was glad she’d spoken with her. She felt much better. “Thank you, Shining Star. While you’re helping the stallion become a cougar, I’ll be thinking about my own journey.”

  “Good girl. I remember when I first knew I was in love with Wind Seeker. He’s fifteen years older than I am, and my father was afraid I would bring disrespect to our family because I wasn’t strong enough for the chief’s first son. The road for my journey seemed to twist and bend. Now,” she smiled at her son, “my path is straight, and yours will be again soon.”

  Gentle Wave walked back to the teepee thinking about what Shining Star had said. She was right about her father. There might be many bends in her path because of him.

  Gentle Wave would like to have known what other wives would be helping her stallion. She knew no one would tell her. She sat by the fire between her father and her stallion while her mother served dinner. She snuck a hand beside her and the stallion felt her thumb caress his leg.

  After dinner, Gray Dove stood. She ran hands down the front of her buckskin dress, smoothing imaginary wrinkles. She took a calming breath and Fierce Bear stood next to her. “I’ll try to be back soon,” she said.

  Fierce Bear pulled her head against him. “Take as much time as you need, Gray Dove. You were chosen for this honor because of your way. If they wanted the stallion hurried, they would have chosen someone else. The warriors all say the stallion is going to be a strong man. I’m going to be outnumbered when Gentle Wave chooses him, so I want him to be the best man he can for her.” He kissed the top of her head. “So, you take your time and train him your way. I’ll be waiting here for you. I’m proud that you were chosen no matter what happens.”

  Gray Dove squeezed him. She knew everyone thought he was disagreeable. She knew different. She straightened and took the stallion’s reins, leading him toward the stream.

  The small fire was already lit and surrounded by the other women. They were all friends and had grown up together. Shining Star was the youngest. The women stood and hugged her.

  “I was so happy to hear you were chosen, Gray Dove.” Wild Flower studied the stallion. “You have only had the warriors train you for your journey so far, stallion. If you are a man, one of our sisters or daughters may become your wife. We train with that goal.”

  What the hell does that mean? The stallion turned his shoulders so he could see the six women. A thought crossed his mind that they must keep the plain girls out of sight. He had yet to see a tribe woman who wasn’t at least very pretty.

  Gray Dove walked behind him and he felt her untying the tracers from his ring. She stood and untied them from his collar. She moved his hands so they were bound in front of him, resting low on his stomach. Next, she removed the front tracers putting them all in a pouch on her hip.

  Pulling the ring on his collar so he bent down, she hooked a finger through the rubber ring in his mouth working it free. She looked into his eyes. “You are a stallion. Stallions don’t speak.”

  He didn’t care if he had to keep still. Finally having the ring bit and reins removed was a reward in itself. He watched Gray Dove add them to the pouch and remove a two inch wide strip of soft black leather. She tied it over his eyes, blinding him.

  “We’ll teach you to use some of your senses differently.”

  That doesn’t sound too bad. No sooner had that thought come to mind, when he felt hands all over him … all over him. The woman started laughing softly as he gritted his teeth, twisting his cock away from them. It was stiffening anyway. He was going to get hard in front of all these wives. He couldn’t imagine what the husbands would do to him. His dance kept up for a minute longer until he reluctantly stood still in defeat, waving his pole in the firelight.

  “You’re not allowed to harden at the sight of another man’s wife,” Gray Dove reminded him as she placed her hand under his cock. He groaned, waiting for the painful slaps. “Whose wife do you see?”

  He was blindfolded. He didn’t see any of them. Gray Dove saw the slight tilt of his head in confusion. “You don’t see any man’s wife.” She dropped his erection.

  “First, you’ll use your sense of smell. Each of us has on a different scent. Inhale the scent I’m wearing and remember it.”

  Mike leaned forward. He nervously bent down and moved closer to her neck. It was the smell of some kind of flower and spice. He inhaled again and smelled something close to cinnamon. He stood.

  “We are all standing in front of you and will guide you to us. When you’ve decided, stand in front of the woman you think is me.”

  Mike thought back on what he could remember of the women. Two of them were tall, so he could discount them automatically. That left four to choose from. Hands reached out and pulled him close. He bent and breathed in a flowery fruit scent. He straightened.

  Two more hands reached out. It was one of the taller wives. He inhaled anyway. The test was sort of fun.

  The next woman was shorter, but smelled like spices, no flowers.

  As he inhaled the next woman, he stood then leaned forward and inhaled again. It was her. He was sure of it. When two more hands reached for him, he planted his feet.

  “I told you we should have all stuck to flowers or spices,” one of the woman laughed. “You did well, stallion. Though I think you passed me because you could tell I was too tall.”

  He grinned. He didn’t know if stallions did that, but he couldn’t help it.

  The hands were all over him again. Apparently, the ladies wanted to watch him bounce through their games. He was more than happy to oblige them.

  “Next is your sense of hearing. The stream is in front of you. We’re going to line up, three feet apart. You are to make it to the stream without touching any of us.”

  This should be easy.

  A minute later, he heard Gray Dove’s voice. “Find water, stallion.”

  Mike listened for the sound of the stream and carefully stepped forward. All he could hear was the water. He wasn’t sure how far in front of the stream the women would be standing. The grass under his feet was cool, but not yet damp. He stopped and lifted his head, flaring his nostrils as he inhaled left and right.

  Gray Dove looked excitedly at Shining Star and her friend nodded. It was the second test. He remembered to check his sense of smell for their scent. Gray Dove let out a sigh of relief. She wanted to kick herself when the stallion turned his head at the sound and stepped away from her.

  Whispering Wheat raised her hand in a ‘that’s okay’ gesture. The other women waited anxiously as the stallion took a step forward. He was heading straight for Dances on the Wind. The woman’s fists were clenched hoping she could deliver the first slap.

  He took another cautious step forward and his foot brushed hers just as the scent of spice registered. Shit. He felt her grip on his penis as she laid it flat on her palm. Thwack! He jerked but stood still for the punishment. It took two more blows for him to dwindle.

  They guided him back, waited for a few minutes, then the hands worked their magic. Okay, maybe this isn’t so much fun. He stepped forward without the benefit of knowing where they were again.

  He stopped and listened, trying to separate breaths from the sound of the water. All he could hear was the stream. Once again, he inhaled and changed directions slightly at the smell of flowe
rs and fruit. Another step and he smelled spice directly in front of him. He trembled at his almost mistake, and took another step to the side.

  He thought he heard the faintest sound of grass moving in front of him. It could be his imagination, but he didn’t think so. He thought someone had moved in front of him again. He took another step to the side. The stallion stood still, listening for sounds and smelling for scents. He didn’t sense anything in front of him and took a tremulous step forward, still nothing. On the next step he felt the damp mud on the edge of the stream. He stood straight and walked forward into the water. I made it!

  Gray Dove beamed. The stallion had used both his sense of hearing and smell to find the water. She was doing very well and her confidence increased. Her friends congratulated her as they guided the stallion back by the fire.

  Mike stood still, wondering what the rustling noises were. “Next is your sense of touch. You have seen all the women here tonight. You know who we are from your time in the village.”

  Mike thought about the women he’d seen before he was blindfolded. There was Gray Dove, Fierce Bear’s wife, Whispering Wheat, Yellow Hawk’s wife, Shining Star, Wind Seeker’s wife, Dances on the Wind, Rising Sun’s wife, Wild Flower, Black Horse’s wife and Golden Dawn, Night Wind’s wife. Their images passed though his mind.

  “Using your sense of touch, you will arrange us in this order. Shining Star, Whispering Wheat, Golden Dawn, Dances on the Wind, Wild Flower and me.”

  I’m supposed to touch the wives? He stood still. This just seemed like a bigger no-no than the hard-on lesson. The stallion didn’t realize it, but just the fact he didn’t reach out and grab and that he had reservations about the test, was part of the test itself. The women smiled at Gray Dove who was obviously relieved.

  “You may begin.” The stallion faltered as he stepped forward. He raised his bound hands. He’d place Dances on the Wind and Golden Dawn, the tallest, first. He thought he remembered the order. Wind Seeker’s wife and Yellow Hawk’s wife made sense for the first two. Gray Dove last made sense and the other shorter woman beside her. He tried to remember the order of the two taller women in the middle. He was pretty sure Night Wind’s wife went in front of Rising Sun’s.

  A bead of sweat rolled under the blind fold. His hands contacted flesh and he jerked them back like he’d been burned. They’re naked! Oh, shit! Oh, crap! He waited for some kind of punishment. Nothing happened.

  Okay. I hope it’s alright if I have to feel my way through this a little more than they expect. He stepped forward and his bound hands touched a breast. He quickly moved them up to her chin. It was one of the taller women, the one that smelled like spices. He touched her shoulder and pulled her a step forward.

  He reached out and felt a chin. This one was shorter. He moved on until he found the second tallest woman and guiding her with her shoulder, placed her by the other one. He had Golden Dawn and Dances on the Wind, but which was which? He thought about them. They were both tall and built about the same. He remembered Dances on the Wind had very long hair. He reached around behind them, ran his hands down their silky manes and changed their order. The women grinned at each other.

  The last four were going to be hard. They were all about the same height. Gray Dove had small breasts. This was one helluva’ way to sort them, he thought. Whispering Wheat and Wild Flower were going to be the hardest. Shining Star’s tits would be heavy with milk. Fuck. He was going to have to go to the tits to at least get Shining Star and Gray Dove placed.

  He walked forward and cautiously touched the first woman’s chest. He couldn’t tell and decided it must be either Wild Flower of Whispering Wheat. The next tits were small. He hoped he hadn’t embarrassed her as he guided her to the end. Next, his hand fell under the heavy weight of a large breast. He guided Shining Star to the first position.

  The stallion stood before the last two women. His hands shook as he touched them and tried to remember their differences. Gray Dove was getting concerned. He had all of them right so far. The two sisters left were a lot alike.

  He stood and concentrated, remembering the woman. He’d only seen Wild Flower a few times, then was distracted by his training. He remembered Black Horse playfully swatting her butt when he was being walked back through town after the test with the horses. Her nice, tight butt, he remembered. He thought back to Whispering Wheat as she straddled Yellow Hawk with her supple hips.

  He rolled his hands down the side of the woman in front of him. She had a nice waist and the sensuous full curve of a woman supporting it. It was definitely Whispering Wheat. He placed the last two women, sure of who they were but still nervous about the order of Golden Dawn and Dances on the Wind. He walked back and stood straight.

  “This is your decision?” Gray Dove asked.

  He thought about it. Damn. Wouldn’t they be happy if he was right? Maybe he got the tall women backward. No, the more he thought about it, the more he was sure the order was right. He stepped backward again.

  The women laughed and congratulated Gray Dove. The stallion had passed the tests of touch and indecision. They spent a few minutes joking with each other about how the stallion had told them apart. “I don’t mind having small breasts if it helps him on his journey,” Gray Dove declared.

  “You should have cut your hair or we should have tied it up,” Golden Dawn decided.

  “Well, even though my son isn’t walking yet, he helped the stallion on his journey. Wind Seeker’s going to be bragging.” Shining Star lifted her boobs.

  Dances on the Wind said, “We better continue or it will be dawn before we are finished.” The women murmured their agreement.

  “Next is the sense of taste,” Gray Dove said.

  The stallion’s mind flashed on a commercial of an old soda ad where the blind folded shopper had to tell the difference between two drinks. The test ended up nothing like that.

  The stallion was led into higher grasses. He almost jumped when Gray Dove’s husky voice whispered in his ear. “We told you at the beginning of your training for cougar, you might marry a daughter or a sister. Now, you will show us you’ll be worthy of her.”

  Whoa, seriously, whoa ladies. I don’t know what you mean but I see a lynch mob of pissed off warriors. He could almost feel Fierce Bear grabbing his hair lock before he scalped him.

  “You will taste each one of us until you have pleased us and spill your seed to prove you have the virility and passion of the cougar.”

  Holy shit, do their husbands know about this little taste test? He felt hands push him to his knees. He felt two thighs brush against his hips. Hands pulled his hips up so his ass was in the air and his bound hands supported him, resting against the soft curls of a woman’s pussy. Her musky scent hit him and his cock twitched.

  He balanced in the awkward position and felt a hand wrap around his shaft and another start rolling his balls. They were serious.

  “You better get busy, stallion, or our husbands will be watching you finish the test and be angry that their breakfast isn’t prepared.”

  The stallion buried his face. He used his fingers to separate the fleshy wet folds of the woman, he didn’t know which one, spread in front of him. With his hands bound and balancing him, the use of them would be limited. This was definitely going to be an oral test.

  His tongue swiped along her cleft and he felt a shudder. Hands distracted him as they gripped and pumped his cock. On the flatlands, he’d been much more interested in his own satisfaction, rarely considering his partner once he got started.

  Now, he found himself tasting an unknown woman, willing her to cum. His tongue slipped into her passage then back as his finger entered her. After some searching, which judging by her gasps she didn’t mind, he found the stiff bead of her clit and went to work. Lightly flicking, sucking and nipping, a hand reached down, grabbed his hair-lock and pulled him deeper into her.

  He felt his own impending release and his mouth worked faster. Finally, he felt the woman contract tightly ag
ainst his buried finger. As she gasped her orgasm, the hands behind him pumped his eruption.

  Good god, five more? The stallion was fairly certain someone wasn’t getting a feather out of this. He had wondered how Gentle Wave was such a seductress. He found out when the women let him rest for a few minutes and between hands on his chest, cock and testicles, they had him hard again and ready for contestant number two.

  With the rules explained his tongue went to work. She was already wet from watching the interlude before hers. He discovered, for this one at least, she liked a soft, slow lap. His finger pumped slowly and deep as his tongue worked her folds and clit. She was gasping and tightening against him. He was getting frustrated because the women behind him were stalling the orgasm he wanted. He nipped her clit and she pounded the grass and groaned while his sperm erupted.

  Okay, this isn’t funny, really. This should be at least a two night test. He was exhausted. The women let him rest for a while, then went to work on him. He groaned. His tired shaft made a weak salute. A finger breached the tight ring of his ass. The gland, I forgot about the damn gland. The women hadn’t. The soft strokes and presses of the slim digit forced him rock hard. It was painful and not the aroused erection like when they stroked him.

  “He made it through two on his own. That’s not bad,” one of the women said. “We can help him through the rest.”

  While his head attended to the next wet feast, he decided not to ever consider what it would be like to have multiple women pleasuring him in his bed again. It used to be one of his favorite fantasies. This was a nightmare.

  Luckily, the rest of the women had been so worked up watching the proceedings it didn’t take long to have the women happily gasping away. The painful forced orgasms were exhausting, but he was almost finished.

  When his last jet of seed erupted and the last clench on his drenched fingers ended, he wanted to roll into a ball and sleep for a week. He doubted Gentle Wave could get a response from him. The women let him rest while they got dressed again, all with satisfied looks on their faces.


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