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Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2]

Page 13

by Candace Smith

  “I’m not much of a proud cougar now, am I?” he sniffled.

  “Only a man can cry.” Black Horse had been waiting for the trauma of adjusting from animal to man again to hit him. He knew he’d be overwhelmed. “There are a lot of rules for you to learn. Some you already know from your journey. Wild Flower and Straight Arrow will help you on your journey, too. The tribe needs strong men, and I can always use a strong friend.”

  Oh, great, now he’s got me bawling like Shining Star’s baby. His trembling hands worked at the laces.

  “Think of Gentle Wave. She’s waiting for her warrior. Think of the warriors you’ve met. Your journey has been a strong one. You can look any warrior in the eye with pride.” Black Horse waited for him to compose himself. “Only a man who has truly understood the journey he’s made would feel it so deeply.”

  The cougar finally stood and wiped his eyes. Black Horse looked at him and nodded. “Wild Flower, is the stew ready?”

  She turned. Her face broke out in a huge smile. “Gentle Wave is going to be fighting her friends over you. Wait a minute.” She walked over to him. “Tip your head.” Her fingers worked to untie the leather strip and she fluffed his hair. It had grown to about an inch since he’d been shaved, but the four inch hair lock fell to the top of his shoulders. “Your eyes are going to shine when the rest grows in.”

  “Can I have that?” He pointed to the four colored strip of leather Whispering Wheat had given him. Wild Flower handed it to him and he tied it to a loop at his waist. He didn’t want to forget any of his journey.

  They talked over lunch. It still seemed surreal to him. “At first, I thought Wind Seeker was the chief.”

  “He’s pretty much performed all the duties for the past couple of years. When Mother died, Father’s light left him. He wants to join her. Sometimes we feel guilty because we keep him here. He knows the tribe will be safe with Wind Seeker. I don’t think he’ll stay here much longer. I’m glad I’m second born. I like to fool around too much to be serious all the time. I told my brother he’s going to forget how to laugh and smile.”

  Straight Arrow got up from the table. “The guys and I are going hunting. I’ll be back in time for dinner.” He picked up his bow and left.

  The cougar thought about the skills the Indians seemed to take for granted. “I’ve still got a lot to learn, don’t I?”

  “The journey takes your whole life. I learn something new every day. I make sure I do. That way if I screw up,” Black Horse rolled his eyes, “when I screw up, I have a couple of pluses to fall back on.”

  “You always seem so sure of yourself.”

  “Yeah, well I was real sure I screwed up about the morning of the second day I laid out on that hot stable roof after volunteering to watch you. I missed the whole celebration frying my ass when I could have gotten a young warrior to do it and been celebrating.”

  “Then, you would have only tied Yellow Hawk in feathers. In the old world, there’s a saying that every journey begins with a single step. I figure I’ve made it about a third of the way to the stables, by now.”

  Wild Flower jumped up. “I think we should celebrate your journey so far.” She put three cups on the table and reaching behind a jar of honey, retrieved a jug. “Hannah brought some apple wine to the Harvest Celebration. When she heard you were watching the stallion, she insisted I take some to share with you later.”

  “And why is this the first I know of it, wife?”

  “Because this is the first reason I’ve had to bring it out, husband. Besides, if you knew I had it, you would be tearing the place apart while I was helping with cougar.”

  The cougar flushed a little. “Thank you for sharing with me.” Now that’s a double entendre if there ever was one.

  While they were sipping the wine, the cougar asked, “When is it proper for me to approach Gentle Wave?”

  Wild Flower laughed. “At this point, all you have to do is get within twenty feet of their home. Fierce Bear is going nuts thinking every other father in the village is going to try to use their daughter to steal you.”

  “But, I want Gentle Wave.”

  “For whatever reason, many of us only have one child. Those that have daughters love them of course, but they always want a warrior to carry on their family. You’ve proven yourself strong. As soon as it’s known you’re a warrior, I expect you’ll be receiving invitations,” Wild Flower explained.

  “But, I want Gentle Wave,” he repeated.

  Black Horse said, “Then, I suggest you go express your intentions.”

  The cougar stood. He expected Black Horse to stand but he continued to sit at the table, sipping wine with his wife. Now, he was nervous. This would be his first time walking alone through the village and he was going to face the meanest warrior. “How will the tribe know it’s okay for me to walk without you?”

  Wild Flower said, “They know your journey to man is almost done. They know you need to start making your own decisions and mistakes. They’ll offer help, if you need it, but even the cougar walks alone.”

  He stood and ran his hands through his hair. Wild Flower started pushing him toward the door. “You look magnificent and proud. Now, get over there before Fierce Bear tears up the village,” she laughed.

  Black Horse grabbed his wine and took a chair next to his wife on the porch. Fierce Bear’s teepee was diagonally across the street. The big man was muttering and stirring the ashes. Gray Dove would pat his shoulder, then sit quietly. Gentle Wave wasn’t in sight. The cougar walked slowly toward them and stopped.

  “Perhaps I should go with him,” Black Horse put down his wine.

  “No, he’s proud. He’ll do this on his own. He’s had a lot of changes today. Give him a chance to balance.” Wild Flower felt better when she saw him take a deep breath and straighten like he still had on tracers. He didn’t just walk over to Fierce Bear, he strode.

  “Fierce Bear, I would like to talk with you.”

  Fierce Bear looked up and his scowl melted off his face as he recognized the cougar.

  For the first time Gray Dove could remember, her husband‘s voice quivered. “The cougar wishes to speak to Fierce Bear?”

  “Yes, sir,” he said in as strong a voice as he could manage.

  “The cougar wishes to speak with Fierce Bear.” He bellowed it loud enough to be heard at the stables.

  Black Horse’s head sagged back against the chair. “How does sis put up with him?”

  The cougar continued, “I wish to talk to you about Gentle Wave.”

  “The cougar wishes to talk to me about my daughter, Gentle Wave?” The big man was standing now and scanning the street to make sure people heard.

  The cougar was confused. The big man didn’t look angry, at least he wasn’t scowling any more, but he kept shouting the same questions he asked him. He tried to remember if the man was hard of hearing, or if he wasn’t approaching the situation correctly.

  “I will get my daughter, Gentle Wave.” He yelled, and turned toward the teepee.

  The cougar quickly whispered, “Gray Dove, does he not hear well?”

  “He hears fine, cougar.”

  “Then why is he shouting?”

  She smiled. “He’s proud. This has been a good day for him. He wants the village to know.” She quickly added, “He’s been driving me crazy about you. I think he wanted to cage you until you could approach Gentle Wave. He’s going to make it seem like a battle. He is a warrior, but you’ll win,” she winked.

  The cougar thought while he listened to grumblings from the teepee. The big man was nervous, he realized. Okay, he would be the cunning cougar. He knew what to do now.

  Fierce Bear came out and Gentle Wave followed, looking down. She sat by her mother. “Cougar, this is my daughter, Gentle Wave,” he yelled.

  Believe me buddy. I know my princess better than you think. He glanced at her and she looked up at him. Her eyes traveled up and down his length in astonishment. Then, she smiled. He smiled back at her,
and not just with his eyes. His full lips parted to show his even white teeth. Gentle Wave sighed, already dreaming about their first kiss.

  “Fierce Bear,” he spoke loud enough that he hoped it wouldn’t have to be repeated by the Indian. “When I am a man, I would like to be with your daughter, Gentle Wave, if she will have me. You are a proud warrior. If you would allow this, I ask that you teach me to provide for your daughter, Gentle Wave, and that you help me on my journey as a proud, strong warrior.”

  Black Horse sat up. “Brilliant.”

  Wild Flower agreed, “We told you he was cunning.”

  Fierce Bear was silent. He intended to bargain for the right to teach him how to hunt or fish. The cougar wanted him to be his teacher to make sure he could provide for his daughter. There was nothing else to battle for. He thought for a moment, yes there was. He still didn’t trust Night Wind.

  “You would join your journey with my daughter, Gentle Wave, so I, Fierce Bear, will teach you to provide for her?” he bellowed.

  Okay, order’s a little backward, but the results are the same. “Yes, Fierce Bear. When I am a man, I would like to take your daughter, Gentle Wave, for my wife.”

  Gentle Wave squeezed her mother’s hand waiting for her father’s reply.

  “You are a proud cougar. You are strong and cunning.” Fierce Bear paced a few steps by the fire.

  Black Horse shook his head. “Honestly, Wild Flower. I’d have pushed him in the damn fire pit by now. Sis never had that kind of patience growing up.”

  “Quiet, Black Horse, I want to hear.”

  “You already know he’s going to say yes, and I’m pretty sure even the Clans will be able to hear it.”


  Fierce Bear walked over to the cougar and stared down at him. The cougar met his eyes and tried not to flinch. Shit, this guy’s huge.

  They stood that way for a few seconds. The smile started in Fierce Bear’s eyes and traveled down his face. “You will be welcomed into our family, cougar.” He almost knocked the wind out of him with the embrace.

  As soon as Fierce Bear released him, he found Gentle Wave flying into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and looking at him anxiously. “You still want me? You still want me, cougar?”

  He smiled down at her. “I’ve always wanted you, Gentle Wave. I can’t finish my journey if I don‘t know you’re waiting for me.” He kissed her softly on the lips and whispered, “How long will we have to wait to be joined?”

  Fierce Bear studied the faces on the street. Night Wind and Little Moon were slowly making their way toward them. “We will meet with Wind Seeker. Come.” He pulled Gray Dove to her feet and the couples walked to his cabin. Wind Seeker was sitting on the porch talking with Yellow Hawk. He looked up at them. “You’re late.”

  He laughed at Fierce Bear’s confusion. “I figured you would have dragged the cougar over here half an hour ago. You’re getting a strong warrior for your family.”

  Dammit. It seemed everyone knew about his daughter and the cougar except him. Was there no one he could brag to? “He’s asked that I teach him warrior skills.”

  Wind Seeker, along with the rest of the village, heard Fierce Bear bellow that earlier. “So, the cougar approached Fierce Bear and asked you to teach him skills?”

  “Yes, he stood proud and asked me for help with his journey.”

  Wind Seeker studied the cougar. He was scared, but standing straight. His hand held Gentle Wave’s and he saw the hope in his niece’s eyes. “The cougar is fortunate you‘ll help guide him. So are you. Not many young warriors have the strength,” or patience he thought, “to share their journey with you.”

  Fierce Bear glared at Wind Seeker, defending his future son. “The cougar has proven himself to be a strong, proud, cunning man.”

  “Calm down already. I was complimenting you, not challenging his ability. You say, a man?”

  Fierce Bear panicked that Wind Seeker didn’t think the cougar was up to the task of having such a fierce warrior as a teacher and would suggest someone else. “My daughter wants to join with the cougar,” he stuttered.

  Yellow Hawk spoke up. “Cougar, this isn’t like our old ways. In the tribe, if you offer to share your journey, it’s forever. There is no changing your mind about this. You’re sure you want to join your journey with Gentle Wave?”

  “He’s already asked me,” Fierce Bear thundered.

  “Let him answer, Fierce Bear. He’s new to this life and Yellow Hawk is familiar with his old ways,” Wind Seeker said.

  “Yellow Hawk, my journey was joined with hers the first time I looked into her warm brown eyes. I’ve never been surer about anything. She is my journey.”

  “Gentle Wave, you’re sure this is not infatuation. You want to join your journey with him?” Wind Seeker asked.

  “I love him, Uncle. My journey would lead nowhere without him.”

  Wind Seeker looked at the couple. It reminded him so much of how he and Shining Star felt when they decided to share their journeys. He realized there was no doubt the two should be together.

  He climbed down from the porch and stood in front of the cougar. “You have faced Gentle Wave’s father, the fiercest warrior in the tribe, and made him your friend. You are now a man.” He handed the shocked cougar a white feather. “You will be known as the warrior, Clear Skies. Gentle Wave, your journey is joined with this warrior.” He glanced up at Night Wind standing angrily in the background. “No one may challenge your path together.”

  Fierce Bear clapped Clear Skies so hard on the back he jerked forward a step. “I have a son.”

  Clear Skies looked up at him. “And I have a strong father,” he rubbed his shoulder and grinned.

  They walked back to the teepee amongst a gathering of Indians congratulating Fierce Bear and Gray Dove and staring at Clear Skies’ white feather with admiration. “I knew you’d be a man, Fogging Horizon,” Raining Thunder said.

  “You can do better than that, Drizzling Rumble,” he joked back. Clear Skies knew this was the way Raining Thunder told him, he was his friend.

  While Gentle Wave and Gray Dove prepared dinner, Fierce Bear and Clear Skies talked. “I have so much you need to teach me. Other than these pants Wild Flower gave me, I have nothing. I don’t know how to hunt, I’ve never ridden a horse... Hell, I’m even lousy at fishing.”

  “You’re my son. I’ll teach you these things and help provide for you until you learn. I was worried Gentle Wave was going to settle for Straight Arrow. I never thought he was strong enough for her.”

  After dinner was finished, Gray Dove said, “Show them, husband. It’s time.”

  Gentle Wave glanced at Clear Skies, obviously as confused as he was.

  “Come with me.” Fierce Bear stood and walked behind his lodging. Everyone followed. Twenty feet away stood a lone teepee with heavy stones circling a fire pit of logs. Gentle Wave recognized the hides of the structure as the deer her father had hunted last year, and that Gray Dove was tanning for new breeches for him.

  “A warrior builds his lodging for his joined path. Your journey was a quick one, with many unusual bends. A father provides for his children until they can walk alone.”

  Gentle Wave hugged him. “When did you do this?”

  “While you were distracted with your blue eyed stallion,” he chuckled. He looked at Clear Skies. “I do expect you to replace the hides someday. These pants will last another winter.”

  Clear Skies held out his hand. “Thank you, Fierce Bear. This is a generous gift.”

  “Yes, well, I didn’t think it would be safe for me to share my tent while a man loves my daughter a few feet away,” he admitted.

  Clear Skies and Gentle Wave had privately discussed spending the night down by the stream or in the stables. He wasn’t crazy about the idea of sharing a teepee with the big man either.

  Gentle Wave lifted the flap. Her sleeping furs and belongs were already inside as well as a few supplies. She smiled. “Thank you, Mothe

  “I knew you’d get your blue eyed Indian, Gentle Wave. The two of you are good together. Come on, husband. This will be the first night we’ve had the teepee to ourselves for eighteen years.” Gray Dove pulled the big man toward their lodging.

  Clear Skies followed Gentle Wave into their home. She lit the wood already waiting for them. They knelt on the furs and she put her hands on his shoulders, feeling his slight tremble.

  “I’ve missed your touch,” he whispered.

  “I’ve longed for yours.” Gentle Wave’s lips brushed lightly across her warrior’s. She stared into his blue eyes, still not quite believing the proud man had chosen her.

  His strong hand fisted in her long hair and pulled her closer, deepening their kiss. Clear Skies’ other hand pressed against the small of her back and she gasped into his mouth as her hips connected with the erection trying to spring from his breeches.

  The laces on his pants were untied by her small hands and he felt her lips smile against his as her fingers wrapped around his shaft. He laughed as he broke their kiss and tossed her lightly onto the furs.

  “Oh, no you don’t. I’m not tied down anymore, forced to subject myself to your tortures.” His eyes shone with desire. “I think it’s my turn to torment you.

  She squealed and tried to scramble away. A strong hand gripped her ankle and she kicked, leaving him holding an empty moccasin. He quickly dropped it and grabbed her ankle. His other hand slid the other boot off and bared her other foot.

  “That’s a start,” he grinned. The desire in her brown eyes pierced his passion and he growled at her. He let go of her ankle and crawled up her body. “You forget. I am a cougar. I am cunning and strong.”

  “You are handsome and mine,” she laughed and pulled his head back to her. She lost herself against his soft lips and the liquid motion of his tongue. His hands found her breasts and stroked and lightly squeezed the soft flesh. Her eyes opened in surprise. She hadn’t noticed him untying her laces.

  “I told you I was cunning,” he smiled. His lips traveled down her throat and he kissed up the rise of her breast, settling on her tight brown nipple while her fingers traveled slowly through his hair as she closed her eyes.


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