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Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2]

Page 16

by Candace Smith

  Linda looked over her head and smiled at her former boyfriend. His green eyes crinkled at the edges as he grinned back. Linda was happy for him. She’d been afraid the girl was going to cause him a bigger problem. She knew she should have had more confidence in him.

  After lunch, Turning Leaves helped clear the tables and wash the dishes. As the older women prepared dinner, she sat in a corner lost in thought to the monotonous chore of churning butter. She still hadn’t said a word.

  After dinner, Gertie came over to Robby. “Your girl did you proud today. She worked hard without a single complaint. We’ll clean up tonight. I’m sure she’s tired.”

  Robby’s cock stirred as he felt the slight trembling of her thigh against his. He knew she’d have wanted to stay and help to prolong returning to the cabin and more pain.

  As they approached the door, she slowed her steps. She finally broke her silence with a gushing sob, “Please, Robby. Please don’t hurt me again.”

  He ignored her as he pushed her inside with the hand resting on the small of her back. His wide brimmed hat barely rested on the shelf before she turned on him in panic. “Please, Robby. I don’t deserve this. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “You think you’re being punished?” He laughed. “You’re not being punished, Turning Leaves. You’re merely pleasing your companion, as you will continue to do as long as we’re here.”

  “You hurt me,” she sobbed. “Your games hurt me. I’ve watched my mother and father love without these games.”

  He shrugged. “That works for some couples. Never has for me, though. As far as what you deserve, let’s see. What do you deserve for trying to steal your sister‘s warrior? What do you deserve for breaking your parents’ hearts with your threats to leave with me? What do you deserve for manipulating Gentle Wave?” He noticed her surprise as she shrunk back at his accusations. “Oh, yes. I heard about that.”

  “And what do I deserve for putting up with your prick teasing games? What do I deserve for busting my ass for the last ten years with only my own hand for company, except for the few nights Constance would send for me?” Robby pointed at her. “You, Turning Leaves, are a well earned reward.”

  He’s insane. Oh, my god. I can’t live like this. Her eyes widened as he approached her.

  “Strip now and let me enjoy your bruises.” He sat in a chair, watching her.

  Her frantic mind snapped and she dashed toward the door. Robby caught her easily and dragged her across the room, throwing her face down on the bed. He caught her hands as she tried to reach behind and claw him and laughed at her wails as he tied a wrist to each bed post.

  He stripped her and tied her ankles. The sobs and pleas aroused him, but he reluctantly gagged the sounds. He let his breeches fall to the ground and climbed onto the bed, kneeling between her trembling thighs. His hands began rolling and gripping her ass cheeks, pleased with their fullness.

  A strong arm reached out to the dresser and retrieved a leather strap. His stiff cock twitched at the alarm in her eyes as she realized what he was going to do. There was a swish before a loud slap reverberated in the room. A second later, the intense burn of the blow registered and she screamed.

  He reached a finger to her crease and ran it up and down her bared pussy until he felt her cream begin to flow. Turning Leaves squeezed her eyes closed as her hips began their humiliated push into his stroke. Thwack! Another searing welt reddened across her flesh accompanied a second later by a muffled shriek. She banged her head into the pillow in agony.

  Once again, his fingers brought her to the edge of climax. Once again, the strap came down denying her. She moaned and wailed her torment. Robby couldn’t hold back his desire much longer and tossed the strap on the dresser. He lightly trailed his finger tips across the purpling welts, absorbed in them.

  He ran his finger up and down her soaked folds and plunged a finger into the tight puckered ring of her ass. She clenched her aching cheeks together, screaming as she realized his intention. He kept plunging his finger deeper, adding more of her juices with a second intruder. Wild thoughts flew through her mind, humiliating her further that it was her own arousal that would lubricate this torture.

  His cock slipped up and down through her cream and she shook her head wildly trying to buck him away. His staff centered on her and pushed past the tight entrance. She shrieked and pushed down on the mattress trying to dislodge him. He gripped her hips and plunged deep.

  Green eyes glazed with passion stared into her pleading tears as his thrusts became more urgent and deep. With one final lunge, he lifted her hips off the bed and she felt the hot liquid of his seed filling her.

  His withered member fell out of her with a slow closing of her widened entrance. She shuddered painful sobs and he bent to kiss one of the welts. “It will be a shame when you get used to this.”

  Turning Leaves worked through the next day in shocked silence, wincing as she sat to peel vegetables and sipping on the juice that always appeared within reach.

  After dinner, Patrick left the hall and Constance approached Robby. “I think Patrick and I would like to welcome Turning Leaves to the settlement this evening.” The morose girl said nothing. Constance hoped she wasn’t in too much shock to enjoy their welcome.

  “Of course, Constance, I’ll see her at breakfast, then.” Robby brushed a barely registering kiss on his Indian’s cheek and left the hall.

  Deciding to avoid a scene, the Vampire gave the girl a small push to follow her. Turning Leaves stood and accompanied her onto the street. “Patrick and I are so happy you decided to join our little Clan. We wanted to welcome you the first night, but felt it wouldn’t be fair to Robby.”

  They entered a large home at the end of the street and Constance guided her to the back bedroom. Patrick sat on the bed, already naked. Turning Leaves trembled but could neither move nor speak. “I think it’s best if we encourage her to receive our welcome, the first time,” Constance said softly.

  Patrick agreed. “Robby seems to have the girl quite mind fucked already. I hope her brain doesn’t snap.”

  “No, I’ve been studying her. I think she still hopes to escape. Her thoughts are panicked but lucid,” Constance replied as she folded her gown over the back of a chair.

  She joined her husband on the bed. Patrick stared at the silent girl and her fingers moved to the laces on her dress. It fell to the floor and his eyes ringed red at the sight of the harness bruising. “Magnificent,” he whispered.

  After she removed her moccasins, they ordered her to turn around. Her long black hair swayed across her hips and Constance gripped her mate’s hand with agitated arousal at the sight of the welts.

  “Such a shame, I was hoping to introduce her to the pleasures of forbidden sex. Robby’s been busy,” Patrick murmured.

  Turning Leaves fought the compulsion to lie on the bed between them. With two Vampires controlling her, reluctance to the tryst only showed in her frightened eyes.

  Patrick’s soft lips seduced her mouth while Constance lowered to her breast. The woman’s lips sucked and her tongue teased her tip to a hardened bud. “She’s so firm, so young.” She blew gently causing beads to rise around the dark areola.

  Her golden hair spread around her as she lowered her mouth again. Turning Leaves was confused by the passion mounting in her. There was a piercing burn on her breast as Constance continued to gently suck.

  Patrick smelled the blood. He left the girl’s mouth and traveled down to her thighs, smelling the young woman’s arousal glistening along her bared mound. He gently spread her thighs and licked her length, enjoying her passionate shudder before sinking his fangs into her artery.

  Turning Leaves jumped a little at the unexpected brief pain, dissipating quickly from their venom. The aroused senses in their fangs secreted the numbing juice as they were stroked with each pull of life giving elixir.

  No one suspected the Vampires had turned. They carefully controlled their emotions and desires and spent most of t
heir time hidden in the safety of the their home. They made brief visits to the hall and they gorged themselves before they traveled so they could make it through the celebrations. Robby and Linda knew what they had become and reveled in the same perversions.

  The Vampires’ change began when Lonnie had tried to kill Amelia. Constance found him standing over her with the knife still dripping her blood on the ground while the young girl moaned and begged for him to stop. The young Vampire couldn’t control her urge. She ripped through the girl’s chest drinking the faint pumps of blood still struggling through her heart.

  Patrick walked in on the scene and slammed Lonnie against the wall before he could run to the settlement. At first, he’d thought Constance had been responsible for all of the mutilation. He gently tried to pull his mate back and her eyes burned red as she hissed at him. The Vampire within him realized his mate was free and it triggered the response Patrick could not control. He tore into the girl’s neck.

  Every time Lonnie tried to make it to the door, one of the creatures would turn and compel him to slam into the wall across from the exit. One time, he hit so hard his shoulder dislocated. He sat huddled on the floor as the beasts fed. By the time the girl was drained, there was no place on her body that had not been bitten or torn. Lonnie stared at the ragged corpse that was once his beautiful, shy Amelia. The Vampires scanned his emotions and recoiled at the pain and fear of their actions. They realized Lonnie’s mind was gone.

  Patrick took the knife and sliced the body to ribbons, disguising the fang marks as best he could. Constance sat in the corner crying at what she’d done. The settlement believed the crazed man was responsible for all of it and hastily agreed to send him to the Indians.

  Constance quietly discussed her loss of control with Patrick and nervously vowed not to let it happen again. Patrick didn’t tell her that once the Vampire took over, the human soul could never completely contain it again. It’s thirst for pain and blood would overrule what the human surrogate wanted. They were lucky Robby and Linda had a natural thirst for sadistic pleasures and enabled them to keep what they had become hidden for a decade.

  Patrick and Constance were in a sexual frenzy with their new Indian woman. When their initial craving was satisfied, Patrick knelt and plunged deeply into her bruised channel. Turning leaves uttered a whimper, but didn’t move until she was compelled to constrict the muscles in her core.

  Constance rose and straddled her face. As her arms wrapped around her mate’s thrusting form and their lips met, she felt her cream flow onto the Indian’s lapping tongue. It was everything they thought it would be.

  The Vampires’ tongues stroked each other’s aroused fangs, causing them to plunge in quicker movements. Constance ordered the girl to lick and suck her clit and she felt spasms in her core. They exploded together in each other’s arms.

  They rolled off the girl and spent the rest of the evening tasting her throat, breasts, groin and wrists. By dawn, Turning Leaves was so weak and pale, Constance was alarmed and forced her to drink some of the juice she had waiting on the nightstand.

  They licked and healed the piercing bites, but left the bruising, knowing Robby would enjoy it. Patrick carried her back to Robby at dawn, before the rest of the settlers had risen. “We had a most enjoyable, rejuvenating evening. We will require her to visit once a week. Her blood is strong.”

  “Happy to oblige, Patrick.” Robby gazed at the naked form on the bed as Patrick handed him her clothes.

  She was still enthralled and her frightened eyes stared at the ceiling, but she heard everything being said and she remembered all that had happened.

  “I think I’ll let her rest today,” Robby decided out loud.

  “Make sure she drinks plenty of juice. We don’t want her getting run down on us,” Patrick reminded him as he headed back to Constance.

  As the first snows fell on the settlement, Turning Leaves’ life had become weary monotony during the day and torturous liaisons between the Vampires and Robby at night. She’d stopped speaking almost all together and stopped running from her companion. Her mind drifted in escape to her life as an Indian girl, playing by the stream and daydreaming in the woods. She saw herself flirting with the young warriors. She learned to cope with the travesty her journey had become.



  While the Indians celebrated Clear Skies journey to a man, and Turning Leaves began her journey at Patrick’s settlement, Lucien’s Clan knew it was time for their companions’ turning.

  The short, cold winter days would make it easier for them to adjust to losing their ability to walk in the sun. It would take decades to build up resistance to withstand the light of a full summer day.

  They decided to wait until they were back for a week from the Harvest Celebration. That gave Lucien time to work with Mason and build a cage to house a Vampire whose mate didn’t survive the turning.

  Ariel was as nervous as her friends about the impending conversion. The Vampires explained very little about it, leading Paula into a frightened misconception that they quelled. They decided it must be quite painful and dangerous. As the time grew near, she realized Lucien’s agitation was fear. He was afraid she wouldn’t survive it.

  Lucien explained the mating between his Vampire nature and her. He told her that during the turning, he may not even be there. The Vampire would completely control the event with his desire for pain and blood.

  “I’ve been with him before, Lucien. He and I, we have a sort of understanding. He won’t hurt me,” She tried to reassure him.

  “He will, Ariel. He has to,” Lucien said sadly.

  “I know he likes to feel me in pain. I don’t like it, but I know. I know he likes me scared. The more terrified I am, the more it arouses him. But, Lucien, he also wants me to desire him. He won’t let me be destroyed. He’ll give me back to you to heal when he’s satisfied.” Ariel whispered with conviction. “Lucien, I’ve always known, I think, that it wouldn’t be you in charge of this. In a way, it’s a kind of gift he’s giving you for allowing him to share your experiences. He wants both of you to be happy. It will be alright, Lucien.” Ariel led the seduction to release the beast while watching his deep blue eyes disappear behind the Vampire’s red gaze.

  She felt the hands on her waist turn to claws as he gripped her and stared into the blood red gaze of undiluted desire. The Vampire was angry it had been denied even a moment of this night, his night, with her.

  In a fluid motion, he threw her beneath him. He bared his fangs and growled his dissatisfaction. Ariel knew the Vampire would not want a calm façade, so she didn’t pretend to hide her fear. She realized Lucien had always been a part of this, until tonight. I’ll be alright. You’ll come back to me, Lucien, she thought fearfully, looking at the wild beast now pinning her hands over her head.

  Ariel tried to squirm out of his grasp and his claws dug painfully deep into her wrists, drawing blood. The scent brought a deep rumble of pleasure from inside the Vampire. He leaned forward and lapped the thick fluid. When he sat back on his haunches and smiled, she saw a small drop of red trailing from the corner of his mouth.

  He wanted more. He felt the throbbing of the pulse in her throat where her blood flowed quickly through the vein. He lunged toward the source and his fangs sliced through the skin. Ariel screamed in terror. This was no game. She felt him drawing deep long drags. “Please, you don’t want to kill me,” she whimpered.

  The Vampire stopped sucking for a moment. He resumed with a gentle pull, a slight tugging sensation. Her body responded. Dampness seeped from her core in light contractions matching his feeding pulls. He let go of her wrists, retracted his sharp claws and rested his hand on her shoulder, still pinning her. The other hand started stimulating her sex, fueling her arousal.

  He closed the wounds on her neck and moved toward her breast, tightly capturing her nipple between his teeth. She felt his fangs pierce her mound and he rested his head on her chest quietly suckling light
pulls of her blood, content. His fingers continued spreading her juices, randomly seeking her channel or stroking her clit. Her hips began an unintentional answer to his manipulation and he sighed, his warm breath breezing across her breast.

  They spent long moments this way until one of her small hands started stroking his hair. He nuzzled deeper into her mound. He’s enjoying this. It confused her. The Vampire was terror and pain, yet, here he was suckling like a babe. Reluctantly, he licked the wound on her mound and rose, kneeling between her thighs.

  His engorged cock pointed absently at her entrance. The Vampire studied her sex, spreading her slit with the rings, inhaling deeply. He ran a finger down her gash and stuck it between his lips, sucking noisily.

  He leaned forward and started sliding his wet tongue down her folds. Her body writhed, convulsing with his strokes. When it entered her core, her muscles tightened around him. He thrust with delight, pinning her hips with his hands. She tried to delay her orgasm but it crested through her with such power, the Vampire momentarily lost his grip on her.

  He sat up and stared at her as the spasm subsided, then he plunged to the hilt in one powerful stroke. Ariel shrieked at the unexpected impaling then thrust her hips forward to match the connection. The Vampire’s skin on his cock folded back and the sucking extension reached blindly toward her cream.

  Ariel was exhausted when the Vampire was finally sated. He had fed off her and forced her orgasms so many times, she was weak. When he at last erupted deep inside her, she could hardly squeeze him dry. Drowsy, she opened her eyes when she felt his passion released.

  The Vampire held his arms out to her. He took hold of her wrists, pulled her slowly up and hugged her close to his chest, protectively. She saw the claws exude from his hand. The sharp talon gently lifted her chin. She stared into the intense red eyes. “I love you, too,” she whispered. He gave her a brief kiss.


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