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Brothers Next Door: A MFM Menage Romance

Page 11

by Samantha Twinn

  “Yes,” I say, interrupting him. “Please. I want to.”

  Tyler looks over my shoulder, and the two of them have a silent conversation. He nods and crawls out of bed. “Let me get a condom and some lube.”

  “Wait,” I say. Tyler freezes and turns around. I take a deep breath. In for a penny and all. I look between the two of them and steel my nerves. “I love you. I love both of you. Like you, I’m all in.” I bite my lip and ask for what I really want. “Can we skip the condoms? I’m on the pill and you know I’m clean.”

  “Sweetheart, are you sure you don’t want us to get checked out just to be sure?” Dean asks.

  “I know you would never do anything to put me at risk. I trust you both. And I want to feel all of you. No barriers.”

  “As long as you’re sure.”

  I nod. I never thought I’d fall in love again, but now I have two guys. I tried to fight it, tried to pretend that this was just sex, an adventure, but I can’t deny it any longer. I love them. I want them in my life. I know it’s going to be hard. I know not everyone will understand, but I don’t care. As Liv said, this is my life. It’s time I start living it.

  Tonight, I’m going to surrender myself to them, every part of myself.

  Tyler comes back with a small bottle of lube. He pours a small amount into his hand and slides his fist down his cock. He crawls into the bed and hands the bottle over to Dean.

  “Climb up here,” Tyler says, beckoning me with a finger. I crawl up on my knees and straddle his hips. “Dude, she’s fucking dripping wet. I think our girl is ready.”

  With a single thrust, all that thick hardness glides into my channel, eased by the lube and my own excitement. The bed dips as Dean joins us. My heart is pounding so hard I’m afraid it’s going to leap out of my chest. Fear and excitement war in my head, heating my body.

  “Lean forward. Balance up on your knees,” Dean directs.

  I hold my breath as he traces the crack of my ass with his fingers. Cool gel trickles between my cheeks, and he starts to work a thick finger inside.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Like that.” He moves in and out, fucking me with his finger as Tyler starts to move beneath me. “Just breathe.”

  I take a deep breath just as the head of Dean’s cock presses against the muscle. It burns, and I bury my head in the crook of Tyler’s neck, letting out a strangled whimper as Dean pushes in farther.

  “It’s okay. We’ve got you,” Tyler says against my ear. “We’ll go slow and let your body adjust.”

  “Okay,” I barely manage. I’m worried this was all a mistake. Dean is only halfway in, and I’m full. Too full. “Dean?”

  “Push back,” he says, voice strained. “You set the pace. Go as slow as you want.”

  I suck in another breath and push back until he’s fully seated. Dean’s fingers trail down my spine and move to grip my hips.

  It feels so… I can’t even describe it. The fullness burns, but feels so good at the same time. I need something. I need...

  I pull forward, and both cocks slowly retreat, sending an uncontrolled shiver across my body. Yes. That’s what I need.

  Slowly, the two of them build up to a steady rhythm, retreat and plunge. And that full, burning feeling intensifies, but this time in a good way. But it’s not enough. I want more, so I start to move.

  The air is heady with the scent of sex. The only sounds are our labored breathing.

  “That’s it, baby,” Tyler says. “Use us. Fuck yourself.”

  I rock harder against them, feeling their cocks press together inside my body. A throbbing starts low in my womb, building intensity with each thrust. I moan and grip Tyler harder, my fingernails digging into his flesh.

  I lift up on my hands and give over to the moment, letting my body take control. I don’t think I could handle anymore, but Tyler takes advantage of the new position and sucks a nipple into his mouth, causing me to spiral out of control. That throbbing from earlier has spread, and my whole body is vibrating like a live wire.

  Dean picks up the pace, thrusting harder, faster. “Fuck, sweetheart, I’m not going to last.”

  “Grind down on me,” Tyler says and tugs on a ring.

  I try to move, but my orgasm slams into me, catching me off guard. Every muscle in my body contracts and Dean swears behind me. He pumps in again, and Tyler matches his thrust. Their choreographed movements trigger another, stronger climax.

  “Oh, my God. Yes. Yes. Yes.” I scream out, repeating the words over and over as the most powerful, mind-blowing orgasm washes over me. Wave after wave hit me and at some point I fall forward, unable to hold myself up.

  “That was amazing,” Tyler says, kissing my temple. “You were amazing.”

  Dean pulls out slowly. He leans over, sinking his teeth into the back of my neck, and trails kisses down my spine. “Stay there while I get a washcloth.”

  I suck in a ragged breath still unable to move and nod. I’m not sure I have any other option than to stay put.

  “Brenna? Baby? Are you okay?” Tyler asks, moving the hair out of my face.

  Still unable to speak, I nod.

  “Thank you,” he said, his voice rough with emotion. “Thank you for this. Thank you for giving us a second chance.”

  The next time my eyes open, the sun is up. But this time, I’m alone. I scavenge a T-shirt from Tyler’s drawer and follow the heavenly smell of coffee and bacon down the hall.

  I stop in the doorframe and take in the scene. Tyler is transferring a stack of bacon onto a paper towel, and I’m not sure which looks more appetizing the bacon or him. He’s bare-chested, his athletic shorts hanging low on his hips showing off his ass dimples. Dimples of Venus. Mmm. He was definitely blessed by the goddess of love.

  “I’ve got feelers out with some agents I trust,” Tyler says, returning to the stove. “I’m thinking I’d like to work on a mixed-use project downtown. Shops and high-end condos.”

  “I’d like to keep it near the riverfront area,” Dean says out of frame.

  Tyler turns and sees me loitering. “We were going to bring you breakfast in bed,” he says.

  Dean gets up from the breakfast table and frowns. “Back to bed.”

  I kiss Tyler good morning. While in his arms, I sneak a piece of bacon from behind his back. When I pull back, I take a bite and shrug.

  “That’s nice of you guys, but I’d rather eat in here with you.” I walk over to Dean and kiss him. “Besides, I need coffee. I had these really sexy guys keep me up all night, and I’m exhausted.”

  “I believe you were the one that woke us up.” Dean snakes an arm around my waist and drags me down to sit on his lap. “But I forgive you.” He turns me to face him and presses his forehead to mine. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  “I’m a little sore.” My cheeks heat. After everything that’s happened over the last few weeks, I’m amazed I can still blush.

  Tyler sets down a plate in front of us piled high with waffles and bacon. “Then you need to take a long bath in the Jacuzzi after you eat.”

  “The one in the master bath?” I smile and suppress the effervescent giggles that are bubbling up in my chest. “I used to fantasize about taking a bath in there when I was a teenager. It’s big enough for two people.”

  Dean cuts up the waffle and feeds me a bite of sticky goodness. It melts in my mouth, and I let out an audible moan.

  “Remind me to thank your mother for the cooking lessons,” I say around another bite.

  Dean shoots Tyler a look, but he shakes his head.

  “Ask her,” Dean insists.

  Tyler’s visibly annoyed, and I’m more than a little confused.

  “What?” I say, looking between the two of them. “You guys are starting to freak me out.”

  Sighing, Tyler relents. “Thanksgiving is in two weeks. Dean wants you and Landon to have Thanksgiving with us down in St. Thomas.”

  “But you don’t?” I ask, hurt. I know this is all still new, but I thought
everything changed after last night. I thought we were together, really together.

  “Our parents live in St. Thomas,” he says, and then I understand.

  Tyler blames his dad for tearing us apart, and while I agree one hundred percent, a small part of me is grateful. We were too young to have a real relationship. We wouldn’t have lasted.

  I get up from Dean’s lap and take Tyler’s hands in mine.

  “Don’t let the past screw with your head,” I say, echoing Liv’s words. “We both needed to grow up, and now we’re back together. And I love you more than the eighteen-year-old me ever could.”

  He leans over and kisses my forehead. “I fucking love you.”

  “Then it’s settled. I’ll book us a charter later this afternoon,” Dean says. “But right now, I’m going to go run you that bath.”

  The rest of the weekend is heaven on earth. The guys go out of their way to spoil me. We spend a ton of time together. We rewatch the movie since I missed the ending and the boys try to teach me how to play some first-person shooter game on the Xbox.

  I also get to spend time alone with each of them. I go for a swim with Dean in the mornings. In the afternoons, I take a walk with Tyler and Luther through the park.

  Sunday night, as the sun sinks over the horizon, the mood in the apartment changes. Real life is pressing in, and everyone feels it. Tyler crawls into the shower, and Dean takes Luther on one more quick walk before we go to sleep. It’s the first time I’ve been alone in three days and the realization that the weekend is about over hits me.

  I don't want to leave this cocoon of sex and love. I strip out of my clothes and crawl into bed, hoping Monday never comes.

  I’m staring up at the ceiling, trying to hold back time with my thoughts, when my cell phone rings. I don’t recognize the number. A sick feeling settles in my belly as I swipe the screen to answer.


  “Is this Brenna Parker?’

  “Yes,” I say, clutching the phone so hard my knuckles ace.

  “This is Mrs. Weston, Landon’s band teacher. Landon is missing.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I unhook the leash from Tyler’s horse of a dog, and he trots back to his bed in the corner of the living room. He circles the bed a few times before flopping down on the oversized bed with a groan and settles in for the night. I turn and head down the hall, looking forward to doing the same. More specifically, I’m looking forward to crawling into bed with Brenna.

  I’ve never been much of a cuddler and prefer to sleep alone, but since she’s come into my life, I’ve happily taken up the habit of co-sleeping. As a matter of fact, this has become my favorite time of the day, when I can close my eyes with Brenna pressed up against me—to the point where I have a hard time sleeping without her.

  I’m considering various ways to move her and Landon into our apartment without disturbing this equilibrium we’ve found, when Brenna comes racing down the hall, nearly knocking me on my ass.

  “Whoa there,” I say and hook her around the waist to keep us both from falling. She pries my arm loose and tries to escape without saying anything. It’s then that I notice the tears and my gut clenches. “Brenna. Seriously, stop. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “It’s Landon,” she sniffs and keeps trying to get free. “He’s gone.”

  “What do you mean he’s gone?” Dread washes over me, and I put a hand on the wall to steady myself.

  “They can’t find him. They did a bed check, and he wasn’t there. They don’t know where he is.” She pulls at my arm and breaks free. “I’ve got to go. I need to be back at our house in case he shows up there. Please let Tyler know.”

  Before I can call her back, she’s out the door.

  I fight the urge to run after her. I know she’s just going downstairs and I’m going to need Tyler’s help with this one. I nearly sprint back to the master bath and bang on the shower door.

  “What?” Tyler asks, sticking his head out the door.

  “Get your clothes on. Brenna needs us. Landon’s missing.”

  “What? What do you mean he’s missing?” he asks, stepping out of the shower.

  I tell him everything I know, which isn’t much. By the time I get done, he’s nearly dressed.

  “Go downstairs and be with her,” he says, pulling on a shirt. “I’ll finish getting dressed, grab my laptop, and meet you.”

  When I get downstairs, the door is unlocked. Brenna is pacing the living room, staring at her phone. She’s so distracted, she doesn’t even realize I’m here. I cough, and she looks up. Relief, then panic flick through her eyes.

  “They haven’t called,” she says and glances down at her phone as if willing it to ring. “Mrs. Weston said the police would call, but they haven’t called.”

  “Sweetheart,” I say, and pull her into my arms. “They’ll call.”

  She wraps both arms around me and starts crying. Actually, crying is too mild a word. She’s shuddering in my arms, soul-deep sobs racking her entire body.

  “It’s okay. We’ll find him,” I say and run a soothing hand down her back.

  “Why? Why does this keep happening to me?” she says through her tears.

  “Why does the universe keep taking away everyone I care about, everyone close to me? I let Landon down. I wasn’t there for him.”

  Her words are barely coherent, but she keeps cursing the universe. It breaks my heart. I vow to do everything in my power to prevent her from feeling this hopeless and alone ever again. Because she’s not. She’ll never have to face another crisis alone.

  I pull her down to the sofa with me, afraid she’ll collapse if I let her go, and continue to try to assuage her increasing distress and unfounded guilt.

  “We’ll find him. I promise,” I say with more confidence than I actually feel. If something happens to that kid, it will destroy her. “Tyler is on his way down. We know people. We’ll get our PI involved, and Landon will be home before you know it.”

  The door opens, just as I finish those words. “I don’t care what laws you have to break. I want his location within the hour. Call me the second you know something.” Tyler disconnects the call and scans the room. When his eyes fall on Brenna huddled in my arms, he visibly flinches. “Trevor is working on finding Landon as we speak.”

  “Who’s Trevor?” Brenna asks into my chest.

  “Trevor is our Private Investigator. We use him from time to time to vet employees and business associates,” I say, kissing the top of her head. “He’s ex-intelligence and very good at his job.”

  “If anyone can find Landon, it’s him,” Tyler says, joining us on the sofa.

  His eyes shift from her up to me, worry and concern painted there. I’m sure my expression mirrors his. Helpless. I know we’re doing everything we can, short of aimlessly driving the streets. We’ve started the ball rolling, and there are people out there looking for Landon that are much better equipped to do so, but I still feel like I should be doing more.

  On top of that, I’m hurt that Brenna didn’t turn to us.

  After she got the call, her first response was to leave. Was I fooling myself into believing we had a chance to make a life with her? When things get hard, is her first reaction always going to be to run away?

  As the minutes tick by, fear and doubt burrow into my thoughts until I can’t take it anymore. I need to do something. I need to talk to her—demand a commitment, but it isn’t the time. I have to put my own doubts aside and be her rock.

  So barring every other option, I get up from the sofa and go into the kitchen to make coffee because none of us are getting any sleep tonight. I’m just bringing out the coffee when Tyler’s phone rings. He puts it on speaker.

  “Any news?”

  “I running this like I would any missing person,” Trevor starts. “I’ve backtracked his final hours, spoke to his friends, and checked his cell records and social media accounts. I checked his bank account and ran a—-”

>   “Did he post anything on social media?” Brenna interrupts. “He’s always online with his friends. Did he say where he was going?”

  “No. Nothing,” Trevor says. “He dropped off of everything right before the group had dinner.”

  “Have you checked with the hotel staff?” I say, grabbing the phone. “I bet there’s security footage. ATM cameras. Something. There has to be something else you can do.”

  “I did do something else,” Trevor says, flatly, as if annoyed by my frustration. “I also ran his credit.”

  “And what’s that supposed to do? He’s twelve years old.” Brenna says, more angry than panicked now. “He doesn’t have credit.”

  “Actually, it’s a good thing I did. His dad opened a joint credit card with him last year. The account’s been dormant, except for tonight.”

  “Damn it, Trevor. You could have lead with that,” I say and toss the phone back to Tyler, frustrated.

  “I realize this is a stressful situation, but I need to be thorough,” Trevor says. “The more you know about what I’ve already done, the less time you waste suggesting I do things that have already been done. Like talking with the hotel staff and checking security footage. I did all that and got nothing. He walked out the front door and down the street. After that, there’s no sign of him.”

  “But what about the credit card?” Tyler asks. “You mentioned there was a charge.”

  “Yes, he paid for an Uber to the airport,” Trevor says.

  “So he flew somewhere. That’s good,” Brenna says. “That means you know where he’s at. We can have someone pick him up at the airport.”

  “Not exactly. He didn’t use the card to buy a plane ticket. Just the ride to the airport. I figure, he either met someone there or is hanging out.”

  “He could have paid cash. I gave him six hundred dollars in cash,” Brenna says, covering her face with her hands. “I thought he’d use it to buy stupid touristy stuff.”

  “Did you check passenger manifests of outgoing flights?” I ask.

  “Not yet. I didn’t see any cash withdraws from his checking account so I didn’t bother. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll call you back.”


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