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Ancient Blood: Infernal

Page 13

by Kate Hill

  In spite of the seriousness of the situation, she thought how stunningly handsome Matthew looked in his black suit and gray-on-gray silk tie. The scent of his cologne battled with Marcus’s in the elevator—Matthew’s clean, crisp and extremely masculine, Marcus’ softer, stranger, like incense.

  “Other than Marina, there are two female hybrids on The Jury, Cassia and Pilar. Cassia is very tall with steel gray hair. Pilar is heavyset and has blonde hair. She always wears bright red lipstick. Thomas and Arkin are the last two members. Thomas is a muscular redhead in a kilt. He’s a druid. Arkin is tall, big-boned—not unlike yourself— with a long blond ponytail and pale blue eyes. You probably won’t remember all their names.”

  “He has a photographic memory,” Dulcie stated.

  Marcus glanced at Matthew. “Then I gather all I’ve heard about your intelligence is true. Good. You’ll need every skill you possess to convince The Jury. They’re very old, very set in their ways. Ashford has known them for over a thousand years. Your youth will be a detriment, Dr. Winter.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know. Adam and I have always been second-guessed due to our youth.”

  The elevator stopped. They walked down a long hallway covered with a plush peach-colored carpet and paused outside a door at the end of the hall.

  “I wish you luck,” Marcus said. “I detest injustice of any kind.”

  Marcus’ slender hand turned the doorknob, and the three stepped inside.

  The spacious room contained two rectangular windows tinted black. A semi-circular table stood at the farthest wall. Adam sat in a chair at the center of the table, Marina—a petite blonde—and Thomas to his right, Pilar, Arkin and Cassia to his left. The Jury appeared just as Marcus had described. All stared at Matthew with penetrating eyes.

  “You’d think you’re the one on trial,” Dulcie whispered to him.

  “Aren’t I?” he murmured. “I better do well. The child’s life is my responsibility.”

  “Why?” Dulcie looked up at him. “Why do you feel that way?”

  “Because I’m aware of what’s going on. To ignore it would be unethical.”

  “No one else seems to care about ethics.”

  “I’m not everyone else.”

  “I know.” She squeezed his hand. “That’s why I love you.”

  Matthew’s attention focused on the group as he approached the table and took his place on one of the seats facing The Jury. Dulcie waited beside Mara across the room.

  “Are you okay?” her sister-in-law whispered.

  “I guess. We’ve had so much going on lately.”

  “I know. Matthew feels very strongly about this. So does Adam.”

  “Matthew didn’t think Adam felt strongly about it after speaking to him on the phone.”

  “Adam is the Network leader. He has to appear impartial. You both know that.”

  “I know—” Dulcie glanced at her friend, “—but you know how passionate Matthew can be.”

  “Adam’s been thinking about what he said. You know how Adam feels about child abuse, especially after how he grew up.”

  “I can imagine what the Network must have said about this trial, Adam being Matthew’s brother and all.”

  “They also know how he feels about the First Father, so I don’t think they’re concerned with him siding with Matthew on this.”

  “There’s Jay!” Dulcie interrupted, pointing to the door as Jay and Amanda stepped inside and took seats next to Matthew. Dulcie resisted the urge to snarl. Jay looked so pompous, so self-assured. He actually smiled at Matthew!

  “Now that everyone’s finally here—” Adam glanced at Jay, who pretended not to notice, “—we can begin this case. Both sides will be presented, and by the end of the evening, a decision will be made. The decision will be honored by all parties. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir,” Jay stated.

  “Yes,” Matthew said.

  “First Father,” Jay stood, addressing Adam by the rank he’d inherited upon killing the Original First Father, “I realize I have the right to speak first, but I’d like to defer to Dr. Winter.”

  “As you like.” Adam waved his hand. “Just get on with it. Matthew, you have the floor.”

  Matthew stood and reported what he’d seen on the eleventh floor of Jay’s research center. As he spoke, The Jury listened attentively, particularly to his descriptions of the child’s cage and raw meat being fed to him.

  When he’d finished, Jay stood and said, “I cannot deny any of Dr. Winter’s observations. However, I can explain everything he’s described.”

  At Jay’s significant pause, Adam said, “So continue. That’s why you’re here.”

  “This child is kept caged because he’s a danger to society. He’s violent and uncontrollable. He cannot be reasoned with—”

  Matthew interjected, “Have you even tried?”

  “Quiet, Matthew,” Adam snapped. “You’ve had your time. You won’t speak again until the closing comments.”

  Despising Jay’s smug attitude, Dulcie tightened her grip on her purse. She hoped Matthew would control his temper.

  “As for the removal of the child’s teeth and claws, several times he tried damaging himself and my assistants. We’ve done our best to make this Original comfortable.”

  “I don’t believe I appreciate your tone when you speak of the Originals,” Marina’s soft voice rang out. “Remember, sir, I am from Atlantis. I knew the Originals. All of them. Not just the First Father. They were a noble race.”

  “I’m sure.” Jay offered one of his easy smiles. “And I meant no insult, Your Honor. I simply mean to say that this particular Original is mad. He doesn’t have the ability to reason. He can’t even speak, let alone understand the damage he does to himself and others. At the center we’ve been able to restrain him as well as learn about the Originals. Our research has narrowed the gaps between hybrids, Originals and Immaculates. It has brought us closer to our forefathers. Even if we were callous enough not to care about the welfare of this child, we would not risk all that we can learn from the last of the Originals. That’s all I have to say. Thank you.”

  Jay sat beside Matthew while Adam and The Jury exchanged looks for several moments.

  Dulcie drew a deep breath and willed herself not to invade the telepathic exchange occurring at the semicircular table across the room. Adam and The Jury discussed the case telepathically. To eavesdrop would be such a sign of rudeness that she could be asked to leave the room. For the first time, she understood how frustrated Matthew must feel when other vampires communicated telepathically in front of him and he was unable to participate.

  “Why have you not mentioned this child before?” Pilar asked, her white teeth stained red from her lipstick.

  “We didn’t want to pester the Network with our research. We didn’t feel it was significant enough—”

  “You thought I wouldn’t be interested to know about the First Father’s son?” Adam demanded.

  “I can see I was wrong.” Jay bowed from the neck. “You have my apologies for offending you.”

  “Not necessary,” Adam snapped. “Your apologies don’t affect this case.”

  “You used platinum to remove the incisors and claws?” Marina asked.

  “For his own good—”

  “May I speak?” Matthew stood. Thomas’s red head nodded in his direction. “I believe the Original’s teeth and claws were removed as part of an experiment to see if he’d regenerate.”

  “That’s completely untrue,” Jay scoffed. “I understand Dr. Winter’s position. He’s very, very young. He’s also new to the center. If I had walked in after less than a month of work and seen the caged Original, I probably would have felt the same. If he would only spend more time on the eleventh floor, he’d understand that our methods are far less cruel than his suggestion of destroying the child.”

  Six pairs of eyes flew to Matthew. “He’s using my words out of context. I said rather than torture the chi
ld, he should be destroyed. Would any of you like to be caged simply for being what you are? There are mortals who believe we should die because we possess fangs and drink blood. They eat flesh all the time, yet we should die because—”

  “This case isn’t about mortals and their beliefs, Dr. Winter,” Marina said. “Please keep to the subject at hand.”

  “Jay, you’re known and respected in the Network,” Thomas stated. “I’ve known you for close to a thousand years. Your research has always helped our kind. I can’t understand such extreme measures in this case.”

  “Perhaps it would help if you saw what I’ve been dealing with.” Jay motioned to Amanda, who stood, removed a videotape from her purse and walked to the television and VCR across the room. She slipped in the tape and stepped aside.

  Some of the members’ eyes widened while others squinted as the caged child flashed across the screen. The Original grasped the bars and shook them violently, shrieking like a wild beast. One of the scientists stepped too close to the cage. The child grasped his arm, and the scientist screamed as the sound of snapping bone echoed throughout the room.

  Dulcie’s heartbeat quickened. She felt a little sick, whether at the child’s behavior or the way he’d been raised, she wasn’t certain. And she had agreed to take that into her home? As appalled as she felt by any creature being so mistreated, she wondered if she and Matthew could handle the boy—or rather if she could, considering the crazy hours Matthew worked.

  “And you are?” Marina said to Amanda as the screen went black.

  “I’m one of Dr. Ashford’s assistants.”

  “That behavior is common for the Original?” Thomas asked.

  “That was a good day.” Amanda removed the tape and returned to her seat.

  “If your life consisted of confinement and raw meat being tossed at you, how would you act?” Matthew demanded.

  “What do you suggest we do with the child, if not keep him at the center?” Cassia asked.

  “My wife and I are willing to look after him.”

  Again the room fell silent as Adam and The Jury discussed the case.

  “We’re prepared to hear your closing statements,” Adam finally said, indicating for Matthew to speak first.

  “Not only is the treatment of this child cruel and unhealthy,” Matthew began, “but I believe it could be detrimental to Dr. Ashford as well.”

  For the first time, Jay looked shocked.

  “I realize how much Dr. Ashford has contributed to vampiric society. I greatly respect him and his research. I know how easy it is to become so involved in one’s work that you lose your sense of reason. I wouldn’t want Dr. Ashford to act in a manner he might one day regret or which might affect his reputation. I would be willing to protect both the Original and Dr. Ashford, if given the chance. Thank you.”

  “Dr. Ashford.” Adam motioned for Jay to begin his closing statement.

  “All I can say is I believe Dr. Winter is a good man who is trying to serve justice. If I didn’t believe this, I never would have hired him, considering all the recent controversy regarding his ethics. I believe in him, but I know he’s very young and naïve of our ways—the old ways. He also hasn’t been involved in the eleventh-floor research long enough to make a fair judgment about our care of the Original. To remove the Original from the lab setting would be detrimental to the child and to the rest of society. Dr. Winter and his wife are not prepared to handle this boy. We’ve been caring for him for over eight years. If you want to do what’s best for the Original—and for society—I implore you, leave the boy in the center.”

  Jay took his seat.

  For the next half hour, Adam and The Jury discussed the case in silence.

  “It’s time for our vote,” Adam stated. “Everyone in favor of leaving the child in the center, remain seated. Everyone who believes Dr. Winter should be given custody of the Original, please stand.”

  Adam and Marina stood while the others remained seated.

  Dulcie wasn’t sure if she felt relieved or not. Even across the room, Matthew’s sadness reached her. His gaze fixed on Adam’s for a long moment.

  “The Original will remain at the research center,” Adam said. “But there will be stipulations. A report will be prepared monthly regarding all studies of the Original. Bi-monthly, perhaps more often, an agent of the Network will visit the center to ensure the child is not being mistreated. This seems a fair compromise.”

  Jay smiled. “Yes, it does.”

  “Dismissed,” Adam stated.

  Everyone dispersed.

  “Matthew, I think eventually you will agree that this is the right decision.” Jay offered Matthew his hand. “I hope you’ll stay on at the center and—”

  “You’ll find me difficult to get rid of.” Matthew accepted Jay’s hand.

  “By the way, that was an excellent twist at the end of your speech. Imagine, expressing concern for me. You’re young, my friend, but you’re learning to play the game. In a few hundred years, you’ll be one to watch out for.”

  As Jay and Amanda left the room, Matthew thought, You won’t have to wait that long, Jay.

  Chapter Twelve

  Matthew and Dulcie spoke little during the ride home from Poet’s Manor. Though he appeared stoic, she felt his concern and disappointment.

  “You did all you could, Matthew.”

  “Did I?”

  “At least you have access to the eleventh floor. You can see the Original is not mistreated.”

  “I can’t be there twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and even if I could, he’s still a prisoner. How can I possibly teach him all he needs to know to prove himself to the Network?”

  “You really believe he’s capable of civil behavior?”


  Dulcie sighed, remembering the skinny, naked, vicious creature. Or had it simply been terrified? After seeing the Original, she understood Matthew’s compassion for it. If anyone could reach the child, she knew Matthew would.

  “The Jury’s decision was wrong,” she said softly.

  “I don’t know if I can live by it.”

  “Their word is the law of our kind. If you disobey, there will be repercussions.” She placed a hand on his knee. “But you know all about that.”

  He pulled into the driveway and stopped the car. Before getting out, he embraced her. “I love you, Dulcie.”

  “I love you too.” An uncomfortable feeling crawled up her spine. She knew how tightly Matthew clung to his beliefs. Once he thought he was right, he’d stand his ground until death.

  “What do you think of all this?” he asked, and she knew his question had implications. He wasn’t simply asking what she thought of The Jury’s decision—he was seeking her approval to go against it. She was probably the only person on Earth whom he would ask to clear one of his decisions. She also trusted his judgment enough to know the Original was as abused as he’d described. As he said, he’d become responsible for the child because he’d been exposed to him. Now so had she, and she hated Jay’s methods as much as Matthew did.

  “I know you, Matthew. I know you have to follow your heart and do the right thing.”

  He brushed her mouth with a kiss. “I’m sorry we didn’t have our date Friday night.”

  “There were other more important things to deal with.”

  “Maybe I can try to make it up to you a little?” He traced the shape of her lips with his fingertip.

  Dulcie offered him a slow smile as she stepped out of the car.

  Before she reached the front door, he swept her into his arms, growling sensuously, and kissed her. She locked her arms around his neck as he carried her into the house. In their room, he flung her hard on the bed. Dulcie’s pulse raced with anticipation. Nothing aroused her more than a bout of rough sex with Matthew.

  She stared at him, a purr in her throat as she watched his eyes turn lavender and his fangs lengthen against his lips, a startling contrast to his understated, pristine suit. He u
nknotted the tie and slipped it off his neck, then tossed it on a chair. His jacket followed.

  As he started unbuttoning his shirt, she leapt off the bed and grasped his wrists. “Let me.”

  Her teeth lengthened, and she bit the buttons off his white shirt. As his flesh exposed, she licked it, feeling the muscles of his taut abdomen tremble beneath her probing tongue. By the time she reached his zipper, his cock bulged, filling the crotch of his pants. Licking her lips, she took the zipper in her teeth and pulled it down, sliding her hands over his thighs as she sank to her knees. He stepped out of the pants and stood in front of her, his erection thick against his black silk boxers. With a brush of her fingers she wrapped the silk tightly around his cock head and used her tongue to tease him. The material grew wet, clinging to the bulging crown of his erection.

  Growling, Matthew buried one hand in her hair and gently tugged her to her feet. Dulcie moaned, her throat arching as he licked her neck. With one sweep of his claws, the dress fell from her body. She wore no bra beneath, and he tore off her black thong and discarded his boxers.

  “How do you want it?” His voice was a husky whisper in her ear. One of his hands cupped her breast, his thumb stroking the nipple, while the other dipped between her legs. Two fingers eased into her wet pussy, caressing and exploring.

  She clung to his neck. “Hard. Fast. Now!”

  His laugh turned to a howl of pure animal pleasure as he grasped her beneath the arms, threw her on the bed, and covered her body with his. She was more than ready for him—or so she thought. Tonight his passion seemed almost desperate. His lean hips drove into her, thrilling her with climax after climax until his name became a ragged cry on her lips. He rolled her onto her stomach, his nails raking her flesh, his tongue lapping the wounds as he took her from behind, his thick cock filling her, building delightful pressure with every powerful thrust. She wasn’t sure how long he played the game, molding her body into multiple positions until she couldn’t think coherently.

  Pushing her onto her back, he knelt between her legs and lapped her clit. Dulcie gasped, her fingers buried in his sweat-dampened hair, her smooth legs draped over the slick, hot muscles of his shoulders. As he pleasured her with his lips, teeth and tongue, she thrashed beneath him. When he finally slipped into her again, she bit his shoulder, drawing his blood, her sinewy legs tight about his waist. His chest heaving and muscles taut, Matthew pierced her throat, the taste of her blood and the hot pulsations of her slit around his cock driving him to a blinding climax.


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