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Obsessed King: Ruthless Bratva Brotherhood

Page 6

by Blue, Kaye

  But then again, nothing about him was what I had expected, something I would be wise to remember.

  “We’ll see where it goes. No promises, no questions.”

  I looked at him, wondering if it could really be that simple.

  Deciding in that instant that it would be.

  I stretched up to kiss him, and when he wrapped his arms around my waist, I pulled back, kissed the corner of his mouth, kissed his chin, and then said, “So what’s for lunch?”

  He reached for my hand and then smiled.

  Hand in hand, we left.

  * * *


  “Only the best for you,” I said as I handed Erin the foil-wrapped taco.

  “You joke, but there’s a reason we waited for thirty-five minutes for this,” she said.

  She unwrapped the taco, took a bite, and moaned.

  “Delicious,” she said.

  I didn’t say anything, not at first, instead watching her, enjoying the sight of her happy, free.

  Strangely, I felt that way too, and it was because of her.

  I hadn’t lost sight of what I was, but when I was with Erin, it was like I had room for something else, room for just Sasha the man, not only Sasha the mobster.

  It couldn’t last, but I was determined to enjoy it while I could.

  We finished eating in companionable silence and then she stood.

  “You want to walk around the park?”

  I nodded and fell in step beside her, marveling at how something so simple as a walk around the park could be so pleasant.

  We walked across the city and back to the park, something I was ashamed to say I had never done, and something I found surprisingly pleasant.

  “You come here often?” I asked.

  She raised a brow at me and chuckled.

  I shrugged. “That sounded like a bad line, but I’m curious. You like the park?”

  “I love it, and to answer your question, not nearly enough. What about you?”

  “I’m embarrassed to say I’ve never been here before.”

  “Never? How long have you lived here?”

  I considered. “On and off for twenty years.”

  “Well, I’m glad I got to show you one of the greatest places in the city,” she said.

  “I am too,” I responded, reaching for her hand.

  “How long have you lived here?” I asked.

  She paused then glanced at me and looked away.

  She suddenly seemed uneasy, which was something I didn’t want, but the moment had become tense.

  “I came for college and never left.”

  “Fashion school?”


  “That’s why you have a fabric store?”

  She nodded.

  “I design a little, but it’s not really a passion.”

  “But fabric is?”

  “Yeah. There’s something nice about helping someone find exactly what they need,” she said.

  I could tell she was uncomfortable, and she quickly tried to turn the subject away from herself.

  “What about you? You passionate about your work?”

  I looked at her, the warning on the tip of my tongue.

  “Sasha,” she said before I could speak, “no judgment. I’m just curious.”

  “That’s nothing you should be curious about, Erin.”

  “I’m not asking you to tell me your secrets. I’m trying to get to know you better,” she said.

  It was that reaction, the way she didn’t freeze up at my warning, didn’t seem overly concerned at all, that allowed me to answer.

  “It’s my life. Has been for as long as I can remember.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I didn’t have a very good upbringing. Typical story, really. Shitty home, so I fell in with the wrong crowd and all that.”

  “That’s simple, huh?”

  I thought back over my life, the things that had brought me here, and then nodded.

  “Yeah, pretty much.”

  I studied her, trying to gauge her reaction, though she didn’t seem to be having much of one.

  “Does that scare you? Make you think I’m a monster?”

  She stopped walking and turned to look at me. “I’ve met monsters before, Sasha. You aren’t one.”

  She looked at me with a sincerity, fierceness, and protectiveness that left me humbled and made it impossible for me not to touch her.

  “Come here.”

  * * *


  Sasha had a look in his eye, one that was mischievous and made him look younger, carefree.

  “Come here,” he repeated.

  I reached for his hand, then followed as he led me deeper into the park, the sounds of the crowd receding, making me feel like we were enveloped in our own little world.

  “Was there something you wanted to show me?” I asked.

  He pushed me against the trunk of a tall, wide tree, one that almost was as broad as his incredibly broad shoulders.

  “No, but there’s something I want you to feel,” he whispered.

  He nudged my neck with his lips and then sucked my skin between his teeth.

  He reached between us, putting my hand at his ever-hardening cock.

  I eagerly wrapped my fingers around him, moaning into his mouth at the feel of his solid cock against my hand.

  Even through his clothes, the feeling was intense, magnetic, and made me want more.

  I kissed him deeper and slipped my hand into his waistband.

  He broke the kiss and moaned when I touched his skin, moaned deeper when I wrapped my hand around him.

  There was hardly any room, and we both sighed with relief when he opened and unzipped his pants, giving me free rein.

  I stroked him eagerly, his soft skin practically burning my palm.

  His crown was slick, spongy against my touch, but also steel solid.

  I gently cupped his sac with the other hand, rolled him between my fingers as I stroked him from root to tip, moving in an irregular pattern that didn’t allow him to get a rhythm.

  I froze when he stuck his hand down my pants and jammed two fingers inside me.

  I hadn’t been prepared for the invasion, but the slight pain of his entry only made the pleasure that much more intense.

  He curved his fingers, stroking against a spot that drove me wild.

  I squeezed him tighter and then loosened my grip when he tugged my clit.

  I chuckled, breathing deep against his neck, taking the moment to enjoy the sensation, the part of me that was still capable of thought marveling at how this man seemed so in sync with me, the rest of me content to be washed away with feeling.

  He stroked inside me harder, setting a rapid pace that had me panting.

  I was close but wouldn’t go alone.

  I moved as close to him as I could, wrapped my fingers around his shaft, and stroked him, spreading the moisture that leaked from him freely up and down his length, his harsh breaths and the way he rocked his hips telling me he appreciated my efforts.

  I gripped him harder still at the same time as he lay featherlight caresses against my clit.

  It was too much.

  My breath came out ragged, only Sasha’s kiss keeping the park from hearing my screams.

  In the throes of ecstasy, I continued to work him and felt him harden in my palm.

  He pushed my hand away then slammed our bodies together, releasing his seed, covering my mound and thighs.

  He held me close, his breath warm against my face, his cum cooling on my skin, the perfection of the moment almost overwhelming.

  I looked into his eyes, searching, not sure for what but smiling when I found it.

  He kissed me then adjusted my pants and fixed his own.

  “I would apologize for the mess, but I like my cum on you, almost as much as I would like it in you,” he said.

  I thrilled at his dirty words, the shy part of me lost in the moment.

  “I like
it too,” I said.

  He didn’t speak, but the way he gently gripped my hands spoke volumes.

  He put an arm around me as we walked away, the gesture unexpectedly sweet, making me feel safe, adored.

  These were feelings I didn’t have too much experience with, feelings I never in a million years would have imagined I would find with him.


  I’d been going to ask him some question, one that scattered from my mind when he stiffened and pulled me closer.

  One moment, we had been walking in the park, him as carefree as I had ever seen him, me oblivious to everything but him, and in the next, that changed.

  Gone was the playful lover I’d come to know, and in its place was the dangerous boss I had met at first.

  I immediately understood why.

  Four men approached us, three of them flanking one in the middle.

  Much like I had been able to tell that Sasha was boss, I could see that the man in the middle was in charge of this group.

  I hated him on sight.

  “Sasha, you’re out enjoying the fresh air,” he said.

  Sasha didn’t acknowledge his presence at first.

  If anything, he sneered, and I watched as he regained control of himself.

  “As are you, Denis.”

  “I fucking hate the outdoors,” the man, Denis, said. “But a little bird told me that you were here, so I thought I’d come see for myself.”

  “Well, here I am,” Sasha said.

  I could tell he was being restrained, maybe to keep information from me, but mostly, I suspected, to protect me.

  “So you are,” Denis said.

  He looked at Sasha then glanced at me, though he paid me no mind. He looked back at Sasha, and in that moment seemed to reach a decision.

  “Enjoy your afternoon.”

  He turned and walked away, something that shocked me.

  I was expecting something else, had felt the adrenaline spike, my body getting ready, for what, I didn’t know, but one look at that man, and I’d been on alert.

  But when I glanced at Sasha, I could see why Denis had walked away.

  The look on his face was one I had never seen and one I hoped to not see again.

  All trace of my lover was gone, and in his place was a man who was terrifying. Even I wanted to shrink away from the intensity in his expression.

  I didn’t, but seeing him like this was a reminder, one that I had apparently needed.

  “Let’s get you home,” he said, the finality in his voice unmistakable.

  I didn’t protest because I had known this would come to an end.

  But at least I’d have the memory.

  * * *


  I was in turmoil as I walked Erin back.

  Pissed at myself for letting my guard down.

  Even more pissed at myself for exposing her to someone like Denis fucking Fedorov.

  It was a remarkably stupid position to put her or myself in, but also a reminder of how foolhardy I’d been to believe I could do shit like this.

  It was true, I wanted Erin as much as I wanted my next breath, but there was a smart way to go about this.

  Most men in the business had women that they sought to take care of their needs, women that they saw undercover, kept out of sight.

  That was what I should have done with her—taken what I needed, but never let our worlds cross.

  But even as I thought it, I rejected the idea.

  What the fuck do I know about feelings and emotions?

  Shit, that was what.

  But even the thought of Erin under wraps, only seeing her in the dead of night, not doing things like this with her, not treating her the way she deserved, was something I couldn’t tolerate.

  It would be smart, and in fact was what I should do, but I wouldn’t.

  It wasn’t just for her.

  She made me feel things, made me want to share all of myself with her, and I wouldn’t deny myself that either.

  Still, that encounter in the park had been a wake-up call.

  I’d have to be smart because there was no way I was going to give her up.


  I looked at her as she unlocked her apartment door and followed her inside.

  She hadn’t said anything, and while I had been grateful, needing the time to come down from seeing Denis, now, I wondered.

  Maybe she hadn’t asked questions because the answers didn’t matter if she wasn’t going to see me.

  The very thought made my chest ache, and I curled my fist to fight back the emotion.

  “You didn’t ask any questions.”

  My voice came out rough, harsher than I intended, and Erin looked at me.

  “No,” she said.

  “So that’s it?”

  “What do you want me to say, Sasha?” she asked, looking almost annoyed.

  “Something. Whatever you’re thinking.”

  “I’m thinking I didn’t like that man very much. I’m also thinking he’s a topic you’d rather not discuss.”

  “And you accept that?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “You always have a choice.”

  “So what if I did? If I asked you all the questions that were in my mind, would you answer them? Tell me exactly who he was, exactly what that was all about?”

  I didn’t answer, and she nodded, not gloating but satisfied.

  “Exactly. You don’t want to tell me about your world, and being with you, doing whatever this is, requires me to accept that. Doesn’t it?”

  I nodded, and she shrugged.

  “So I don’t ask,” she said, speaking as though the response was self-evident.

  “And you can accept that?”

  “I don’t like it, but if that’s the deal, that’s the deal.”

  I looked at her, disbelieving.

  It couldn’t be true, couldn’t be like this.

  Erin had just explained the very thing I had agonized over.

  I knew that she was going to be a part of my life, but figuring out how to manage that and the darkness of my world was something that stumped me. As had trying to figure out how to make her accept it.

  But I didn’t have to do that.

  I pulled her close, kissed her, the only thing I could do to show my gratitude and my surprise.

  “I want to buy you another place,” I said.

  “Sasha, we’ve had exactly one date. Let’s say the real estate discussion until at least date number three.”

  She was brushing me off, but I was dead serious.

  As I thought about it, it became clear to me that Erin was going to be a part of my life. And I’d hated her place from start, and the sooner I got her somewhere safer, the better.

  But she didn’t seem too keen on that idea, so I simply kissed her again and then said, “This discussion isn’t over.”

  “Sure,” she said.

  She stared at me and then sighed, seeing something in my face.

  “You have to go,” she said.

  “Yeah,” I said.

  “But I’ll see you soon?”

  I pulled her close, held her tight, her soft, curvy frame against mine perfection.

  “I hope so,” I whispered, not caring that she could hear my emotions, knowing I should leave and never come back.



  I tried to stay away. Told myself it was the best thing for both of us.

  I couldn’t ever make myself believe that but managed to keep my distance.

  For eight whole hours.

  By the time evening came, I gave up any pretense of not going to her.

  As soon as I could, I left the restaurant. I made it to her apartment fast, but not as fast as I’d wanted to.

  I walked up, again annoyed that she lived in a building with such lax security, knowing I would change that soon.

  When I reached her door, I stopped and decided against using the key I’d made. She’d
expect that, and I wanted to keep her on toes like she did me, see how she would react if I knocked.

  So I did and waited as I listened to her approach, impatience to see her riding at me.

  She pulled the door open slowly, the expression on her face somewhat hidden.

  But I didn’t miss the little spark of excitement to let her eyes.

  It was barely there, but I latched onto it, feeling gratified in a way that I didn’t care to examine too closely.

  I had no question of her wanting me, but to see proof of it so clearly made me happy.

  I smiled, and she returned the expression.

  “Can I come in?”

  She laughed, then stepped aside, allowing me to enter.

  “As I recall, you’re not one to knock.”

  “Not usually,” I responded.

  “So what changed today?”

  I stared at her, saw that her expression was light, but I could sense the significance in the words.

  I knew she was asking me something, but I couldn’t give her the answers she was seeking, not when I didn’t understand was happening myself.

  So instead of responding, I smiled and stepped closer to her.

  “I like your outfit,” I said.

  “What?” She blinked, brows furrowing.

  She followed my gaze as I looked down her body, her breasts looking edible under the T-shirt, her nipples puckered and begging for me to taste. So I did, leaning forward to capture a tight bud between my lips, but breaking away before I lost control.

  I kissed her, and she smiled, the expression making her look younger than she had before, making me want her with that intensity that never seem to go away.

  “I didn’t think I’d see you again,” she said before she froze, seeming to want to take the words back.

  “And how did you feel about that?” I asked, knowing the way I’d left her last time gave her reason for doubt.

  She didn’t answer but instead sighed and then looked at me, the playfulness and passion of moments ago receding.

  “I’ve asked before, but I need to ask again. What are we doing here, Sasha?”

  “I think you have a pretty good idea.”

  She smiled, but the expression was stiff and didn’t reach her eyes.

  To my surprise, I wanted to comfort her, so I did just that, or at least tried to.


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