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Rebirth (Game of the Gods Book 1)

Page 35

by L. Fergus

Kita moved forward to the helm. She grabbed the radio and called her ship. “Zak, Kita.”

  “Yes, Captain?”

  “Stand by. We’re going to be coming in hot. We’ve got two wounded, one critically with a piece of shrapnel in her back.”

  “I’ll pass it along to the doctor. Species?”


  “We also have one dead, Cross. I want the other boat sent back to retrieve him once we’re clear of the sloop. I’m not leaving the poor kid to be picked over like some lab specimen.”

  “Of course, Captain. The recovery team will be standing by.”

  “What’s the status of Dallas?”

  “We left it at anchor outside the port.”

  “What’s the guard detail?”

  “None, only a small team is aboard to help maintain it.”

  “Send a heavy platoon over and secure it. I want the human Auggy arrested and taken back to Mauler. The human Lacy is to be detained. I want the ship swept for any kind of communications gear, weapons, or anything that shouldn’t be onboard.”

  “Yes, Captain. Engagement restrictions for the boarding party and overall?”

  “You’re not to fire unless fired upon. Even then, shoot to disable. I believe these ships are following illegal orders, and I’d like to keep the collateral damage to a minimum. I want Auggy taken alive so I can talk to him.”

  “Anything else, Captain?”

  “If you need to contact me immediately, go through Princess Cotton. She can patch you to me.”

  “I’ll update Communications, Captain.”

  “Thanks, Zak. Good job. Kita, out.”

  The gunboat’s environmental shield closed to pressurize the boat. Kita watched as the other boat engaged the sloop. To her horror, two rounds struck the bottom of the boat. The petal’s gravity still had enough force to break the boat across the beam.

  “Jess, Case, follow me. We’ve got to catch as many as we can.”

  “You can’t go out there, it’s open space,” Cotton yelled.

  “So?” replied Kita as she grabbed the other Angels’ hands and phased outside.

  The three Angels streaked for the other boat.

  “Incoming!” said Valor. She hit her jets and sped ahead of the others. Her arm expanded into a round shield. Two rounds struck the shield, shooting Valor backward.

  Kita and Defiance caught Valor and dove back into the atmosphere, where they’d be able to maneuver. They juked and weaved as shells rained down on them. Kita spotted the falling crew of the other boat. She led the others in a steep dive to catch her falling Diamock soldiers.

  Valor caught the first pair as more shells flew by. One shell struck a falling Diamock and exploded, peppering the Angels and other Diamocks with hot fragments.

  “Jess, pass them over. Try and keep those shells off us.”

  Valor flared her wings and shot skyward, expanding her armor to form a large umbrella to deflect the rain of shells.

  “Kita, we’re coming for you,” said Cotton.

  “No, get to Mauler. That’s the only thing big enough to put that sloop down,” said Kita as she caught up with another soldier. She turned and tossed the Diamock up to Defiance to join the other two they’d already caught. She closed her wings and dove faster after the remaining two soldiers. She slammed into the first and grabbed the second. She turned her wings and opened them wide to enter a slow circle.

  “Are you all right?” She asked her catch.

  “Just some scratches, Captain,” a specialist said.

  “That piece of metal in your gut says otherwise. But, good job.”

  “You’ve got a piece too, Captain,” the other Diamock said.

  Kita looked down. She had a four-inch gash in her side. “Damn, Cotton’s going to kill me,” she muttered.

  Below her, six Tet-Sec security cruisers approached. Kita and the other Angels pulled up and waited for them. The six cruisers encircled them. Hatches on top of the cruisers opened, and officers appeared, brandishing the heaviest weapons Tet-Sec had in its arsenal.

  “You’re under arrest,” a car blared. “Follow us to the ground.”

  “I’m not interested in hurting any more innocents today,” Kita yelled, “but I will. I’ve got injured here that need attention. I know you’re following orders, but the person giving them at the top isn’t right in the head. I’ll make you a deal. I’ll pass over my soldiers so they can get care, and we’ll return to figuring this out up above.”

  “You’re under arrest,” the cruiser said again.

  Kita burst into flames. “I don’t have time to play games. If you want to arrest me, fine, you can arrest me as many times as you want when this is over. You can throw the damn book at me. I won’t care then. So, if you don’t want to go down in flames let me hand them over and get out of here.” She phased over and stood on the roof of a cruiser behind the hatch. She put her three soldiers down. Reaching down, she grabbed the officer and yanked him out.

  “You,” she looked at his shirt, “Officer Felx, are responsible for my soldiers. If something happens to them, I will seek you out, and you’ll answer to me. Radio the others so my friends can land and hand over the others. I promise you they’ll give you no trouble and obey all your commands. Do we have a deal?”

  The officer looked over from Kita’s grasp down toward the ground. “It’s not my decision, ma’am.”

  “Then whose is it?” Kita snarled.

  “Kita!” Cotton called over the boat’s PA system.

  Kita turned to see her gunboat drifting down toward them. “Your lucky day, Officer. My girlfriend’s come to save your ass.” Kita waved as Cotton looked over the side of the boat. She didn’t come without teeth. The heavy mounted weapons of the gunboat tracked the cruisers.

  “Cool yourself, pretty bird. She’s just doing her job. Come on. We’ve got to go.”

  Kita looked at the squirrel. How can you tell it’s a she?

  The Angels ferried the soldiers to the other gunboat. Under the watchful gaze of the boat’s weapons, the boat boosted for space.

  “Where’s the sloop?” Kita asked Cotton as she came up next to the Verisom.

  “Mauler arrived and chased it off. We’re going to dock and boost for Dallas.”

  “Any word from the party sent over?”

  “Last report was they were just leaving.”

  Kita sighed. She knew she couldn’t make anything move any faster, but it didn’t stop her mind from trying.

  Cotton seemed to read her thoughts and put an armored arm around Kita. “We’re in reaction mode, pretty bird. Soon, we’ll be the one dictating the actions.”

  “Was this what you had in mind when you started this?”

  “Are you blaming this on me?” Cotton said, her ears and whiskers twitching wildly.

  “Some of it.”

  “No. I figured watching you squirm for a day would be the most excitement for the entire summit.”

  “Glad you find me squirming amusing.”

  “Only if I’m making it happen,” Cotton said with a smile.

  “Can you just support me for one second?”

  “I…I’m sorry. I thought you’d be having fun.”

  “I’ve got dead and wounded, a traitor, Cross is gone, what about this is fun again?”

  “I get to do this with you—the good, the bad, and the ugly. I wouldn’t even care if it wasn’t for you. I guess it is a weird idea for a day outing.”

  Kita chuckled sadly. Cotton dug into a panel on her armor. She pulled out a necklace with a long, narrow, pink and blue crystal dangling from a series of dirty white stones. She handed it to Kita.

  The Angel held it up and watched it turn in the light. It was heavy, and the chain had an interesting bluish-silver coloring. “Wow. It’s amazing.”

  “There’s a peephole in the back.”

  Kita found the hole and looked through. There was a hologram of the pair hugging each other with big smiles. She remembered the moment and laughed. I
t was from their formal date. “That’s incredible,” Kita said, smiling.

  “If you put it on it means you’re officially mine.”

  “Like being partnered?” said Kita, warily.

  “Nothing that formal. That comes with a ceremony that takes years to plan. It’s Verisom tradition that when two females declare exclusivity, they exchange tokens of the rarest things they can find.”

  “What’s this made of?” said Kita, while taking another look.

  “A supernova diamond, in my colors, with a pike cut and inlaid hologram. The rocks above it are pieces of a comet suspended in a stasis field. The chain is made of osmium. Ultra-rare items to go with the rarest thing in the universe.”

  Kita didn’t know about supernova diamonds or comet fragments, but she did know about osmium. She tried to hand it back to Cotton.

  “I can’t take this. It must have cost a bloody fortune. I can’t do this. I’ve got nothing to give you.”

  “Every princess is worth a fortune. That’s why the components are so rare. We spend a long time looking and collecting. I’ve been looking since I met you.”

  Kita held up the necklace and watched it spin in front of her. She handed it back to Cotton. The Verisom’s face fell.

  “Put it on me,” Kita said as she pulled the tails of her hair out of the way.

  With a happy chirp, Cotton slipped it around Kita’s neck. The others and boat crew applauded. Kita had forgotten there was more than just her and Cotton on the boat. She blushed a bright red.

  “I think the middle of a battle is an odd time, but congrats on whatever this means,” said Hawke.

  “What do you mean, a battle isn’t romantic?” said Onyx. “It’s a perfect time.”

  “So, what did just happen?” said Defiance.

  “I, ah, agreed to be Cotton’s,” said Kita.

  “Is that all?” said Valor. “We already knew that.”

  “It’s in case other Verisom princesses come sniffing around,” said Zentix. “Exclusivity is a big deal to the Verisom. They’re normally very promiscuous. Kita’s made a big impression on our Verisom Princess.”

  “Are you sure you want her?” said Defiance. “She’s kind of a pain in the ass.”

  “And you aren’t?” said Kita.

  “I’m a princess, I’m supposed to be.”

  Kita rolled her eyes. She kissed Cotton just as the boat slid into dock with Mauler. The gunboat matched pressurizations, and everyone disembarked. Kita glided to the nearest communications panel.

  “Zak, what’s the status of Dallas?”

  “It’s pulled anchor and is underway.”

  “How quick to overtake it?”

  “We’ve got to turn around, about twenty minutes.”

  “Anything from the boarding party?”

  “Negative, Captain. The last report was they were closing. Sensors show they’re nearly there.”

  “I want a boarding company and the bridge on alert. I want Dallas treated as hostile.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  General quarters sounded throughout the ship.

  “Everyone else, rearm and reload as needed.” The injured were already headed for the medical bay.

  “What about your injuries?” said Valor, pointing to the gash in Kita’s side.

  She’d been so excited she’d forgotten.

  Kita gritted her teeth and dug her hand into her side as everyone squirmed or looked away. With a gasp, she dug the piece of metal out. She placed her hand over the wound and sealed it.

  “All done.”

  “Girl, you’re crazy,” Hawke grumbled.

  “It was barely bleeding,” said Kita. Which is why I’d forgotten about it.

  Kita hurried onto the bridge with Zentix and Cotton behind her. Her assault team and ship commanders were waiting for her.

  “The boarding party is currently docking,” said Zak.

  “Good. Communications, can you establish a link with Dallas?”

  “All hails have been ignored, Captain.”

  “Keep trying. See if you can force a link.” I wish Raph was awake. “All right, people. We’re treating this as a hostile ship. The captain of Dallas, Auggy, is to be treated as an enemy combatant. I want him taken alive. If you can’t get a clear takedown, just contain him until I get there. This man is a trained intelligence operative. That means he knows traps, bombs, weapons, and sabotage. If something doesn’t seem right, it’s because it’s not. Tell your people to go slow and be careful.”

  “Captain, we just lost life sign data from the boarding party,” the officer from the combat control station announced.

  “Dammit. Malfunction?”

  “Negative. Equipment is operating as normal.”

  Kita looked back at her team. “Environmental and hazmat suits for everyone.”

  They created a plan on how best to board Dallas. Kita left the bridge and rushed back down to the boat.

  She picked her team. Due to the limited size of Dallas, Onyx had to stay behind. She also chose to leave Defiance behind.

  “Are you kidding me?” the Angel yelled.

  “This is a job for a trained soldier. You’re not there yet,” said Kita.

  “Auggy’s been my handler for years. I can talk him out of this if his goal is something stupid.”

  “It’s not worth the risk.”

  “He’s not going to do anything if I’m aboard. He’d rather die than have anything happen to me. I’m your best weapon against him.”

  Kita ground her teeth.

  “We need her, girl,” said Hawke.

  With a frown, Kita waved Defiance aboard. The girl’s already living up to her name. “Just stay in the back until we need you.”

  Kita’s gunboat fired its grappling hooks into Dallas. She felt the sudden change in direction as the gunboat was reeled into the airlock hatch.

  “Captain, we’re ready to drop the shield and blow the lock,” the lieutenant called.

  “Wait, I’ve got the codes to open it from the outside,” said Defiance. The shield dropped, and she glided over the side into space. She caught the side of Dallas and pulled herself along to the airlock’s outer panel. She punched in the code, and the door slid open. With a twist, she flipped inside and helped the others.

  Kita went to the comm panel. She hit the button for the bridge. “Auggy? Can you hear me?”

  “Captain, we’ve got noise in the engine room,” a sergeant reported from the third boarding party.

  “We’re on our way.”

  Defiance cycled the air and led the others through the cargo area to the engine room.

  Kita banged on the door. “Auggy, let me in.” She waited for a response. “Auggy, show yourself.”

  The screen next to the door lit, and Auggy’s face appeared.

  “Auggy, what are you doing?” said Defiance.

  “Case, what are you doing aboard?”

  “I came to get you. Why aren’t you letting us in? I order you to open this door and come out.”

  “I don’t take orders from you,” he said.

  “Yes, you do. Kita knows I’m more than just a Bush princess. She knows I’m the Princess.”

  “You’re my responsibility, Case. I’m trying to get you back to safety.”

  “How are you going to do that? Did you send a message back to Earth?”

  “Earth is Home, Case. You need to go back. It’s only a matter of months before your Grandmother dies.”

  “Auggy, I’m not going back. You know I’ve never wanted to take my Grandmother’s place. If I have to, I will abdicate the throne.”

  “You can’t do that. There’s no one to take your place.”

  “What do you mean? Where’s Lacy?”

  Auggy didn’t answer for a long time. “It doesn’t matter, Case. The fleet is coming to take you home.”

  “What are you saying, Auggy?” Defiance demanded. “Where is Lacy?” She fluffed her feathers.

  “Case, what did they do to you?” Auggy

  “I am not Case. I am the Angel Defiance,” she roared. “Where is my sister?”

  There was a loud bang as the door opened after Kita melted through the lock. She rushed into the room with everyone behind her. Kita stopped when she found Auggy with a pistol next to the engines’ control panel. He hit a button on the panel and fired into it. He put the weapon to his head.

  “Auggy, where is my sister?” Defiance screamed.

  He looked at her with fear in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Casey. Forgive me for Lacy.” Auggy pulled the trigger, and he fell to the ground.

  Kita rushed forward, and ignoring the body, she looked at the panel. “Engineer!” she yelled. The boarding party’s three engineers rushed forward. “What did he do?”

  The three Diamocks examined the engines.

  Kita turned to see Valor consoling Defiance.

  The crying Angel looked at Kita. “I need to find my sister.”

  “Jess, go with her. But, you come if we call,” said Kita.

  Valor nodded. “Come on, Case. You’re not alone.”

  “Captain,” an engineering ensign called.


  “All the safeties have been opened and are too damaged to close. We need to get the engines stopped.”

  “Ok. Clear the room,” said Kita. “Do you need anything from Mauler?”

  “A connection. This engine is so old we’ll need the schematics.”

  Kita searched the room for a usable connection. She didn’t want to bother Cotton with it unless she had to. She stopped at Auggy’s body. A circular band of energy was expanding and then collapsing. She dug into his pockets.

  Cotton knelt beside Kita. “What have you got, pretty bird?”

  Kita found the device and held it up. “I don’t know. I can see it pulsing in my comm lens, but it’s unlike anything I’ve seen before.”

  “I have no idea either.”

  “Can you patch these guys through to Mauler? All the comm gear in here except the panel Auggy was using has been disabled.”

  Cotton nodded. “Not a problem. Sergeant, what are the protocols and relay numbers to Engineering?”

  While they worked, Kita showed the device to the ensign.

  “Never seen anything like that before, Captain,” she said.

  “Maybe Case or Jess knows,” said Cotton.


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