Book Read Free

Heated Curves

Page 1

by Harmony Raines

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Other Books By Harmony Raines

  Heated Curves


  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written consent of the author or publisher.

  This is a work of fiction and is intended for mature audiences only. All characters within are eighteen years of age or older. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, actual events or places is purely coincidental.

  © 2013 Harmony Raines

  Silver Moon Erotica

  Kindle Edition

  Chapter One

  Jess sipped her champagne and discreetly looked away. Her best friend, Rachel, was getting married to a fabulous man called Paul. This weekend was a time for the happy couple, together with maid of honour, Jess, and best man, Jason, to get together and organise who was doing what to make the day perfect.

  However Jason was already late and now the two lovebirds were so wrapped up in each other Jess felt like a third wheel. It wasn’t that she begrudged Rachel her happiness; she loved the fact that she had found her soul mate. But seeing the two of them together made Jess realise how much she wanted to find her own Mr Right.

  Yet Jess was resigned to the truth, Mr Right seemed to have lost her phone number. In her world good honest men were few and far between and to make matters worse all the good men had the pick of their women. Those women tended to be slim and attractive, not the words you would use to describe Jess.

  She didn’t realise how far her thoughts had drifted until her eyes were brought into sharp focus by the sight of a godlike male walking towards the table. He was toned and fit, and dressed to emphasise this in a well cut suit. Any woman in his vicinity could not help but follow his progress through the restaurant; such was the effect of this man.

  Jess took a gulp of her drink, and dragged her eyes away from him, if she felt bad before then she was about to feel a hundred times worse. She tried to smile sweetly when the Adonis reached their table, she succeeded in not commenting on how late he was, but she completely failed to melt the frosty atmosphere that cocooned them.

  This was Jason, best man, and firefighter, every woman's dream, and the one person who couldn’t stand being around Jess. Their thinly veiled animosity went way back, Jess had no idea what she had done to upset him, but he was rude and arrogant around Jess, the opposite of her perfect man. The only good thing was they had an unspoken mutual agreement to keep it well hidden from Rachel and Paul.

  The whole situation would be quite funny to Jess, if it were not for the truth she kept to herself. And that truth was she found him incredibly attractive.

  Yes. Just like every other woman in this room she could swoon at his feet, having lost count of the number of fantasies she had of being rescued by him, and then being given the kiss of life by those sensual full lips. In her dreams he would suddenly realise how much he wanted her, and be swept away by his desire for her.

  Before she could stop herself she had drifted off into one of her fantasies.


  Jason carried her to a safe place, private of course, laying her down on a bed strewn with rose petals, he peeled off her clothes. After carefully checking her for any injuries, he used his fingers and mouth to explore her lush curves, sending thrills of desire through her body.

  When his fingertips brushed her taut nipples she gasped, making him pause.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  She smiled meekly at him, lifting her hand to run it through his shoulder length hair, feeling the silky strands sliding against her fingers. “You could never hurt me, Jason.”

  Slowly his soft lips chased away the panic she had felt at being trapped, and his caresses soothed away her fears.

  His mouth covered her nipple, sucking hard until she writhed under him, his fingers moved lower, much lower and slid across her clit, lightly at first, before his strokes became firmer. He instantly knew what she liked, and would do everything in his power to please her, because she was his woman, chosen above all others.

  Sliding his fingers along her slit he made sure she was wet and needy before pushing his fingers into her sex. When she opened her legs wider for him, he moved in and out steadily, bringing her close to a shuddering climax. Then he stopped. She looked to him for answers, and was relieved when he slid his well toned masculine body between her thighs, and slowly guided himself into her.

  His cock was huge, and stretched her sex, filling her completely. But considerate as always he moved slowly, making sure she adjusted to his girth. His tempo increased, and she spurred him on, her nails digging into his hard toned back, urging him to greater heights. His hands seemed to be everywhere they needed to be, making the excitement in her body grow.

  Their simultaneous climax was earth shattering, their voices mingling together in ecstasy, and he came harder than he had with any other woman. His seed filled her, and her body throbbed around him, her sex contracting in great waves of pleasure.

  They lay together in the afterglow of their love making, content to be together.

  “I love you, Jess,” he said, turning to kiss her forehead. “And I always will.”


  “Jess?” His voice so deep, resonating with her very soul. “Jess?”

  No this wasn’t right, he sounded cross. Jess came back to reality, her fantasy disappearing rapidly. She knew her face was flushed, the intensity of her daydream having made her physically aroused. Her eyes flew up and she looked him straight in the face, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at her.

  He was very experienced with women, and their reaction to him, so he could read at least a little of what she was thinking. His face relaxed and a smug look passed over it.

  “Something you want to share?” he said quietly.


  “Looked like you were having some interesting thoughts.” He pushed her buttons, in every way. He was so arrogant, so self assured in his masculine charms.

  “I was only thinking of how much we have to plan, and how late you are.” His words had made her snippy, and glancing at Rachel she knew it had been noted. She smoothed her expression, and added. “It’s been a long day, I’m sorry.”

  His face changed, and he turned from her and sat down.

  “Sorry I’m so late; there was a fire down town at the burger bar. It took some time to stop it spreading.” He managed to fold himself into the chair, and now sat looking poised and elegant, despite his well muscled frame.

  “The one next to the church?” Paul asked. All attention now on Jason.

  “Yeah, didn’t want it spreading. So all hands to the pump.”

  “God, Jason, I don’t know how you do it.” Rachel said, admiringly.

  “It’s what I’m trained to do; we were worried their propane would go up.”

  “That would have been terrible. I bet you are ready for a nice cold beer.” Paul organised drinks while Jess sat and seethed.

  Jason always came over as the good guy, but Jess knew better. She had first hand experience of how cruel Jason could be, it made the longing she felt for him all the more unbearable. How could she want someone so badly when he thought so little of her?

  “So, Jess, shall we get down to business before we eat?” Rachel’s voice brought her back to earth with a bump. They had come here to plan a wedding, and that was what they were going to do. Jess wanted this to be the most perfect day ever for her best friend.

  “Yes,” Jess answered, although she was
starving, not having eaten much all day. She had told herself it was because she had been so busy, in reality it had been nerves at the thought of seeing Jason. Now her appetite had won, and she wanted to eat, but she drew her notepad out of her bag and took notes while they sipped their drinks and made their plans.

  The atmosphere became more amicable between Jess and Jason as the evening wore on. It seemed they were both determined to make this work for their friends. Each was willing to cooperate, which was a good start, because the more they planned the more Jess realised she would have to learn to communicate with Jason. They would be spending quite a bit of time together in the coming months.

  This thought filled Jess with a mixture of dread and excitement, maybe during that time she could win Jason over, show him what she had to offer. “Stop that right now!” she thought. Jason had made it abundantly clear long ago that she was not his type, and never would be. Thinking those kind of thoughts would only lead to heartache.

  Three hours later they had finished their meal and were sitting drinking coffee. All the major things had been decided, Rachel already had a good idea of how she wanted the day to be, and Paul was happy to let her go ahead with what she wanted.

  “We are off to bed, if you'll excuse us,” Paul said, standing and pulling Rachel’s chair out for her to get up from the table.

  Jess looked at the two of them, so happy and wrapped up in their love for each other. It was instantly obvious when you looked at them that they were going to go and mess around a little before getting any sleep.

  “Goodnight,” Jess said standing and hugging Rachel.

  “Thanks for this, Jess. It means a lot to me that you’re the one helping me organise this.” Rachel held her close, and Jess felt tears sting her eyes.

  “No problem, Rach. You know I’d do anything for you.”

  Rachel had been orphaned at the age of eighteen. Being her best friend while growing up had made Jess the closest thing she had to family. It had been Jess who had persuaded her Mom to take Rachel in for a few months while the estate got settled.

  Having gone to college together and later sharing an apartment; they were more like sisters, sharing everything. No, that wasn’t quite true; Jess had never told Rachel how much she liked Jason.

  It had become the one big secret she could never tell, the truth would make things even more unbearable. Jess knew if he had any idea how much she wanted to go to bed with him he would be impossible to be around.

  “Want a nightcap?” Jason's voice cut through her thoughts.

  Rachel and Paul were walking away, hand in hand, and Jess had to admit she wasn’t ready to go to bed yet. She wouldn’t sleep, and a night of tossing and turning would not make her look good in the morning.

  “Sure, unless that would be cramping your style.” She frowned at herself, why did she have to be so catty when she was around Jason?

  “My style can take a good hammering before you could dent it.” He looked around the room, obviously eyeing up the women around them.

  Yes, that was why she behaved the way she did with him, he was always so arrogant. Jess wondered if he was even contemplating hooking up with some stranger tonight for sex. The thought made her incredibly jealous.

  He ordered two drinks, and then leaned back in his chair and studied her. Jess felt the colour rise in her cheeks; she hated people looking at her, especially men like Jason who dated beautiful women. There was no way she would come up to his standard under close scrutiny.

  “So, Rachel says you got a promotion,” he asked, sounding genuinely interested.

  Of all the things she had expected him to say, this was not it. Now she felt she had to be on her guard, this would surely lead to an ambush over something else.

  “Yes,” she answered.

  “She said it was tough, and you'd worked hard for it.”

  “Yes.” That was Jess, queen of scintillating conversation.

  He paused before he spoke again while their drinks arrived. He politely thanked the waiter, who eyed him hungrily; Jess only managed a weak smile. Did everyone on the planet find him attractive?

  She tried to examine her attitude and feelings towards him. The problem was he made her feel like she was back at high school, never able to fit in. His questions tonight made her feel insecure about herself; maybe he thought she wasn’t good enough for the promotion. That was stupid, at college she had learned to love advertising, and she was good at it. It was all about finding a way to make things attractive to others. If only she could work her magic on herself.

  He smiled. “I’m boring you. Let’s drink up and hit the sack.”

  “No.” The words tumbled from her mouth. “You're not boring me at all.”

  Jess knew this was the only chance they would have to spend time on their own this weekend, and she wanted to patch things up enough between them to at least see the wedding through.

  “Really? Because you always make me feel so inferior to you. I know I don’t have your brains, but that doesn’t make me a lesser person.”

  Jess sat with her mouth wide open, the look of shock on her face registered with him. She had never heard him speak like this, to anyone.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn't have said anything, it’s just that I want Rachel and Paul's wedding to be perfect for them, they are so meant for each other, and I don’t know how well we're going to work together.”

  “Wait. Go back a bit. How do I make you feel inferior? You're the one with the body to die for. Not to mention the good looks and personality that make women fall into bed with you.”

  “And that makes me a bad person in your book? I can’t believe you would judge me on my looks alone.”

  “You're damn right, I judged you on your behaviour towards women who don’t fit into your idea of perfection!”

  “I have no idea what you are talking about. Since when did you notice anything about me and my behaviour? You've always made it quite clear I’m not in the same league as you.”

  “In the same league as me?” Tears pricked her eyes, not tears of sadness, tears of rage. She hated him for laying the blame for their barely civil relationship on her. “You were the one who started this.”

  “Me? When?” he demanded.

  Their voices had risen, and people were starting to stare. Jess took a deep breath and wrapped her hand around the glass in front of her. Looking at the tawny liquid she felt close to crying, he obviously had no idea, and it hurt that something that had clouded her life for so many years had never even registered with him. Taking a couple of big gulps she swallowed her drink, feeling the liquid burn her throat and warm her insides. Then she got up from the table.

  “Goodnight, Jason. Thanks for the drink; I’ll see you in the morning.”

  She left the table, blindly fighting back the tears that threatened to overflow. Opening her bag she fished around for her key, all she wanted to do was get to her room and release the dam of emotion she was holding in.

  Her hand pressed against it and she held on tightly until it dug painfully into her hand. This was so messed up, she would have to go to Rachel tomorrow and tell her she couldn’t do this, not with Jason. She would help in any way she could, but spending time alone with the best man would be out of the question.

  She found her room, and had the key inserted in the lock when she felt someone behind her. For a moment she almost screamed, but then she turned she saw it was Jason.

  “Please leave me alone.” Her voice a barely controlled sob.

  “No. We have to sort this out. You can’t run from me forever, we have a wedding to help plan.”

  “I’ll speak to Rachel about that tomorrow.”

  “You're going to back out? You can’t. I know it means so much to you, if anyone walks away from this it will be me.”

  “How do you know anything about me? Women like me are invisible to men like you.” It was hard for her to register his words about giving up his role as best man for her.

  “For goodness sake
, listen to yourself. You have always pushed me away, made it quite clear I am not up to your high standards.”

  In an instant her tears turned to anger again, and her temper flared. “That is not true. I have never said anything like that to you.”

  “Really? Three years ago, New Years. I asked you to dance, right before midnight, and you turned me down. Your exact words were, “People like you and me are from different worlds, and I think it’s obvious they should stay that way”.”

  Jess was appalled; she couldn’t believe he was quoting her exact words. Or that he had completely misunderstood their meaning. “I didn’t mean it like that,”

  “No? Did you ever think about my feelings? Or do you think men like me devoid of emotion?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “But you didn’t think what you said would hurt me?”

  “No,” she replied honestly. “I thought it would be like water off a ducks back. I mean you had women chasing you all evening. I figured you would take one of them home to warm your bed. I was simply a joke, the entertainment.”

  He laughed sarcastically, “You really do have me all worked out don’t you?”

  “I thought I did.” She hesitated for a moment. “And I don’t think you can blame me, it’s not like you are innocent in all this.”

  “Come on, if we're going to get along, let’s get it all out in the open.”

  “Do you know why I turned you down?”

  He shook his head, and looked slightly worried.

  “That same night, before you asked me to dance I saw you laughing at me.”

  “Laughing at you? About what?”

  “I don’t know, you were dancing with two women, I saw you joking about me. You whispered something to them, and they laughed, and then you looked directly at me. The look on your face said it all. Then later I went to the bathroom and they came in. They didn’t know I was there and they were laughing about me, saying I must be so jealous Rachel had landed a great man like Paul, and that it would be so funny if they could persuade you to sleep with me.” She took a huge breath and them blurted out the shameful truth, “They said it would be the perfect New Years present, and probably the only sex I’d have all year.”


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