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Curves & Curls ~ Bethan's Story (Erotic Romance) (Naughty Nights House Parties)

Page 2

by Sophie Shearer

  “Come on,” Charlie said taking hold of her arm lightly, “let’s go and find somewhere comfortable to talk.”

  Picking up two glasses of red wine from the tray on the hall table, Charlie led Bethan back into the drawing room and over to one of the sofas near the fireplace.

  “Let’s sit here,” he said smiling as he put the glasses down on the small table at the side of the sofa, “we can swap life stories if you like, but I’d rather hear yours; mine would probably bore you to sleep.”

  Bethan was in a bit of a daze. Ten minutes ago she was trying to summon up enough courage to try group sex for the first time in her life, but now here she was sitting having a drink and a friendly chat with a gorgeous man.

  Is this really happening, will I wake up in a minute? Bethan wondered, looking round for Ashley and Jo.

  She saw them sitting at the dining table laughing at something another of the guests had said. They haven’t even noticed me, thought Bethan, I wonder what they’ll say when they do.

  “Those are my friends over there at the table,” Bethan told Charlie pointing in the general direction of the table. “The one with short blonde hair, that’s Ashley and the girl next to her is Jo. See what I mean about them being gorgeous?”

  “Will you please stop that,” he said, a little bit of irritation showing in his voice. “They might be conventionally pretty but you are much more my type. You’re stunning and a real woman, not a stick thin, anorexic look alike.”

  “Sorry, it’s just that most men prefer the tall willowy types.” She said blushing at his compliment but not sure if she believed him.

  “Well, not me!” he said firmly. “Forget about them and tell me why you came here tonight?”

  So leaning back into the deep cushions, Bethan told him all about their girl’s nights out and the conversation that led to Jo ringing Jenny to find out more about the party nights. She told him how she had not really wanted to come to the party but, as they had decided together, she came with the girls anyway but had been expecting to sit and wait whilst they enjoyed themselves.

  Unable to stop the flow of words, she found herself telling him about her job as a legal secretary, how she had known Jo and Ashley from school; she even told him about Sam the musician. She also told him that she had never really wanted to be a one night stand type of girl but that was how most of her dates seemed to turn out. She even rambled on about her dreams for the future; that she wanted to be slim, popular and married with a couple of kids. She couldn’t seem to stop talking; Charlie was such a good listener. But, she thought, it didn’t matter what she told him. After all, she would never see him again after tonight.

  Charlie sat quietly letting Bethan talk, adding a comment or asking a question here and there. When she seemed all talked out he took hold of her hand, looked intently at her and said gently, “Bethan, you are your own worst enemy with your doubts and insecurities. Please believe me when I tell you, you are stunning and just from the last hour I can tell that you’re a beautiful person too. Please don’t change anything about yourself; be proud of who you are.”

  He lifted her hand to his lips and gently kissed each fingertip. Bethan shivered at his touch, she knew she would be putty in his hands if she was not careful.

  Bethan pulled away and tucked both her hands under her legs.

  “Now it’s your turn,” she said. “Do you live in England or are you just visiting?”

  “I’ve been here for about six weeks and should be here for at least another month. I came originally to visit a company that we were considering doing business with but it turned out that the company really wanted to sell up, so we bought the company ourselves. I’ve spent the past few weeks completing the deal and it will take another month or so to sort the company out,” he told her.

  He also told her that he was 35 and happily divorced with a small daughter who he adored. “She’s the only reason I’m going back to Florida, I love England,” he said. “Do you want another drink or would you like to find somewhere private – it’s your choice. I’m happy to just sit and talk if you’d rather.”

  Bethan was not sure if he would think she was easy but as she would never see him again, decided to...what was the phrase? Ah yes, carpe diem, that was it – seize the day! That’s exactly what she was going to do.

  “Let’s go and find a room,” she said quietly, “that’s if you’d not rather go and chat to some of the other ladies.”

  “Oh Bethan, will you stop already,” he said impatiently, “there’s no-one I’d rather spend time with than you.”

  Charlie stood up and held out his hand. She took it and as she followed him she caught sight of Ashley and Jo staring open mouthed as they went through the door.

  Bethan grinned smugly and waved.

  Chapter Five

  Bethan followed Charlie up the wide staircase and, when they reached the galleried landing, she looked around to see that one bedroom door was open with a rope barrier across and another had a label on the handle. Remembering what Jenny had told them when they arrived Bethan couldn’t resist peeping in the open door as they passed.

  “Charlie, can we stop here for a minute?” Bethan asked feeling a little foolish. “I have never, in my whole life, seen anyone else making out in the flesh and because the door is open, Jenny said it’s OK to watch.”

  “Sure, if that’s what you want,” Charlie said quietly.

  They stood just outside the door looking in. There were three people, two women and one man, on the large bed. At first, because the trio were so engrossed in what they were doing and appeared to be just a tangle of naked arms and legs, Bethan couldn’t make out who was doing what to whom. When she finally managed to make sense of what was going on she couldn’t help feeling turned on as a gentle pulsing started up between her own legs.

  A small dark haired girl had her head buried between the legs of a blonde woman facing her feet, licking the blonde’s pussy enthusiastically. The man was sitting astride the blonde lady’s face also facing her feet as she licked and sucked his balls at the same time as giving him a hand job. The dark haired lady had her ass up in the air so the man could lick her pussy from behind. All three of them seemed to be really enjoying themselves judging from the noises of passion that seemed to be reverberating round the hallway.

  Charlie put his arm around Bethan’s shoulder then, with his other hand, placed her hand on his trousers where she could feel his cock, hard and straining against the fabric.

  “Have you seen enough?” he whispered in her ear.

  “Oh yes, let’s find somewhere a bit more private,” Bethan said urgently, her pussy now wet and throbbing.

  Luckily the next room on the landing was unoccupied so Bethan took the label and transferred it to the outside and firmly shut the door.

  “I’m not comfortable with anyone watching so the door stays shut if that’s OK with you,” she said kicking off her silver shoes and throwing her bag down on the dressing table.

  “Absolutely; I have no intention of sharing you with anyone,” he said catching hold of her hand and pulling her close.

  Charlie pushed her long red curls aside and kissed her neck and ears over and over until she was almost begging for him to kiss her lips. When their mouths finally met, Bethan’s lips parted so she could probe his hot mouth with her tongue.

  As they kissed he unfastened the six small buttons down the front of her blouse, then slipped it off her shoulders and placed it neatly on the ottoman at the bottom of the bed, then did the same with her skirt.

  Oh, for heaven’s sake – a neat freak, thought Bethan successfully stifling a giggle, if he folds his boxers I’m out of here. But she was soon too distracted to think any more about it as she lifted his t-shirt over his head to reveal a smooth, tanned and toned chest.

  Charlie sat her gently down on the bed, removed her bra then laid her flat and pulled her panties off, leaving her stockings on. He stood back and looked at her appreciatively, making her feel very vul
nerable. He’s going to think I’m just a fat bird now I’m naked, Bethan thought.

  But she was so wrong.

  “Oh god, you’re beautiful – a real woman,” he whispered with admiration as he kicked off his shoes and ripped the rest of his own clothes off and threw them down carelessly on the floor.

  Sitting down next to her on the bed he licked and kissed his way from her stocking feet up past the freshly waxed landing strip, to her already erect and sensitive nipples. She heard herself moan with pleasure as he sucked and nibbled on her breasts, then just as she was about to take hold of the huge erection that was pressed firmly against her thigh, Charlie manoeuvred himself around until his face was buried in her pussy and his cock was poised above her in just the right place for Bethan to take it into her mouth. So she did…

  She reached up and took hold of his erection and guided it into her mouth then took his balls in her other hand and gently squeezed and stroked them while she sucked and licked the length of his penis. She felt him tense and heard a muffled moan coming from the direction of her pussy as she began to run her fingernail from his balls towards his ass then back again.

  “Oh my god, that feels so good.” he murmured when he came up for air.

  Very soon Bethan could only concentrate on the licking and slurping noises that were happening around her wet pussy; she knew she was on the brink of climax as he sucked and licked her clit but didn’t want it over so soon.

  “Come up here and kiss me,” she pleaded, “I need to see your face.”

  So, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, Charlie moved up the bed and kissed her deeply. Bethan could still taste her juices around his mouth which made her want him inside her even more.

  “Slowly honey or it’ll be over too soon,” he said hoarsely as she moved her hand up and down his hardness, caressing it with each stroke, “I want this to last and you’re driving me wild.”

  With his lips covering hers he inserted two fingers into her hot, wet pussy using his thumb to rub her clit. Bethan’s hips moved almost involuntarily to meet his fingers as he plunged them deeper and deeper with each movement. She felt the first waves of ecstasy begin deep inside her and knew she wanted his cock inside when she came.

  “Please Charlie, put it in now, I want you to fuck me,” she said, desperately trying to delay the orgasm that was threatening to burst into red hot fireworks at any moment.

  “Anything you want little lady,” he drawled in that sexy American voice as he positioned himself over her.

  His engorged cock slid smoothly into her hot, wet pussy without any resistance. Bethan’s hips rose to meet him as he began to thrust hard again and again, deeper and deeper.

  “Oh fuck, I’m can’t hold it back, I’m coming,” Charlie gasped.

  “Oh yes,” Bethan purred, “harder, fuck me harder, I’m coming too.”

  Charlie slammed his cock hard into her pussy faster and faster as Bethan matched his rhythm. She could feel the exquisite pulsing beginning to gain momentum deep in her body as she reached for release then, as Charlie rode her harder and harder towards his own climax, her body jerked in an explosion of ecstasy as her orgasm flowed through her body, wave after magnificent wave.

  Just as Bethan’s orgasm reached it delicious peak, Charlie let out a gasp of pleasure as he reached his own release. Bethan could feel his engorged cock pulsating as he came inside her.

  Still panting, their movements slowed then stopped as absolute ecstasy turned into the feeling of utter satisfaction.

  Charlie lifted himself off and lay down next to Bethan without a word. He put his arm round her and lifted her head to rest on his chest which was still slightly damp with sweat. They lay with Charlie cradling Bethan in his strong arms, neither one saying anything; not wanting to break the magic of the moment.

  Finally Charlie gently moved his arm from around Bethan and sat up on the edge of the bed.

  “Do you fancy going for something to eat?” he asked smiling down at her, “making love always makes me hungry.”

  Bethan was a bit surprised at his suggestion; she’d been prepared for him to make his getaway once the sex was over. After all, that was all they’d come to Jenny’s for – wasn’t it? And she was intrigued that he’d called it ‘making love’ not fucking or having sex or any of the other slang terms she’d expected.

  “You mean leave here?” she asked, “I came with my friends; we didn’t bring a car so we’re sharing a taxi to get home.”

  “I have a driver; I’ll call him and he can drop us at a restaurant then come back to pick up your friends when they’re ready to leave and get them home safely.” Charlie said easily.

  Wow, a driver! It must be a company perk, thought Bethan, but she did feel a little better about going to dinner with him. There would be a chaperone, so she’d be safe enough and she really didn’t want the evening to end and Jo and Ashley would be taken home as well.

  “OK thank you, that would be great, I’m starving. I won’t feel quite so guilty about leaving Jo and Ash. I’ll get dressed and go and find them.”

  “I’ll write down the number for them to call when they’re ready to leave.” Charlie said reaching for the pen and paper that was placed, conveniently, on the dressing table.

  Bethan picked up her clothes and went into the bathroom to repair her makeup and make herself look presentable again.

  Chapter Six

  Looking into the bathroom mirror at her reflection Bethan couldn’t believe her luck. She had not, even in her wildest dreams, imagined she would end up with the sexiest, best looking guy at the party. In fact she had not imagined that she would end up with anyone; she only agreed to come because Jo and Ashley wanted her to.

  But Charlie was amazing and from their brief time together, Bethan already knew he was gentle, considerate and easy to talk to, as well as being handsome with a fantastic sexy body and, to cap it all, he was a great lover. There must be some bad points, she thought, but I’ve yet to find them and I’m not going to look too hard.

  She was happy and actually amazed that he wanted to spend more time with her and fully intended to make the most of it while it lasted. But she knew that even if they did get to spend more time together, she should enjoy it but not get too attached because he would be going back to the US soon.

  Just my luck, she thought, I meet an amazing man and he’ll be leaving the country in a few weeks.

  Bethan came out of the bathroom looking just as amazing as she had before they came into the room.

  “That didn’t take you long; fifteen minutes exactly,” Charlie chuckled, looking her up and down then looking at his watch, “an unusual trait in a woman; the ability to get ready and look stunning in less two hours.”

  “I’ll go and find Jo and Ash and tell them what’s happening,” she said laughing at his view of women.

  “Great, I’ll be downstairs after I’ve washed and dressed,” he said, pulling her close and kissing her lightly on the top of her head. “Wait for me, I won’t be long.”

  Bethan picked up the paper with the driver’s phone number on, checked the room to make sure she hadn’t left anything then went downstairs to find her friends.

  She found them exactly where she last saw them, sitting round the polished dining table chatting to three women and a small olive-skinned man.

  “Can I have a quick word with you both?” Bethan said standing between them at the table.

  Jo and Ashley stood up and the three of them walked away from the table so they wouldn’t be overheard.

  “Who was that fabulous bloke you went off with?” asked Ashley in a whisper, “and what have you done with him?”

  “That’s Charlie, he’s American and only in England for the next month or so,” Bethan replied. “He’s taking me out for dinner – if you don’t mind of course.”

  “Of course we don’t mind, but are you sure it’s safe to go off with someone you’ve only just met?” Jo asked.

  “Oh yes, he’s really lovely
and he is going to make sure you two get home safely when you’re ready to go. He is sending his driver back to pick you up. Can you believe it; he has a driver!” Bethan said. “Here’s the driver’s number, just call when you are ready to go and he’ll come and pick you up. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Have good time, and don’t forget to call or I’ll be round to your flat,” said Ashley as Charlie came over and took Bethan’s hand.

  “Thank you for offering us a lift home,” Jo said to Charlie as the couple turned to go.

  “No worries, my driver will just drop us off at a restaurant then he’s all yours, you have the number to ring when you’re ready to leave.” Charlie said.

  When they went outside a large shiny black Jaguar was waiting for them. Charlie opened the car door for Bethan who slid onto the red leather seat, then went round the other side and got in next to her.

  “Mike, can you take us to a restaurant back in Manchester.” He said leaning forward to the driver, “I’m sure you know the best places for us to eat.”

  “I could see if I can get you a table at The Sunshine Room. It’s a fantastic restaurant and usually fully booked, but I know the Maître d'hôtel, I’ll see if I can pull a few strings” Mike replied picking up his phone and scrolling through the numbers.

  “Right, that’s done,” he said after a quick conversation, “they are expecting you. You’ll love it, the food is excellent.”

  “Thanks, I knew you could sort it,” Charlie said, “You’re a star.”

  Chapter Seven

  They arrived at the restaurant in less than an hour and were shown to a table near the window. It was an excellent vantage point for Bethan to see everything in the large dining room; including the well-known TV star she’d spotted dining with a friend at the next table and the Manchester United footballer across the room who was talking non-stop to his beautiful blonde companion.


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