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I Can See You (The Gods Made Me Do It Book 5)

Page 10

by Lisa Oliver

  Turning in his mate’s embrace, Artemas draped his arms around Silvanus’s neck. He’d discarded his jacket while eating dinner, and he could feel the heat of Silvanus’s exposed forearms searing through his shirt on his lower back. “I feel as though I’ve known you forever, yet logically we’ve barely met.”

  “Another construct of time and space,” Silvanus dropped his voice and Artemas could feel his stare on his lips. He licked them. “The heart isn’t bound by the ticking of the clock, or the sweep of the tides. Our souls expand to encompass all eternity, across time and space. What may be mere days in human terms, can be a lifetime to the soul. Our minds, so intricate, complex and diverse may think one thing, but it is our heart and soul that know the universal truth.”

  “Which is?” Artemas did some lip-looking of his own.

  “Which truth do you want?” Silvanus chuckled. “That a soul knows it’s mate from the moment they perceive them in any being or species? It’s just some have fallen out of the habit. That love has no boundaries – there isn’t a specific time for someone to fall in love, a magic number of days, weeks, or even years that two people should be together before that magical construct comes alive? Or maybe you want to know that I love you, and feel as though I have my whole life, even though this is only the second time you’ve been in my arms like this?”

  “I know what you mean.” And Artemas did. He might not be able to verbalize his feelings as well as his mate, but he could show those same feelings in a meeting of mouths. Silvanus’s lips still tasted faintly of the wine they enjoyed, but the flavor added a piquancy to his natural taste. The kiss quickly became heated, and Artemas could feel it – that urgency from Silvanus conveyed in the tension of his muscles.

  He wants me, and why Artemas was surprised, he wasn’t sure, but he could feel it in every plunge of Silvanus’s tongue and the tight grip of his arms. If arousal was a storm, the lightening involved would take down a city.

  “Tell me there’s a bed,” Artemas snatched his lips free, panting for breath. “A patch of grass, moss, the trunk of a tree. I don’t care.”

  “You’ll have a bed.” Silvanus’s eyes were almost black, his lips a bright red slash, his nostrils flaring. “And we’ll both be naked. Now.” A surge of power, maybe it was because of where they were, but Silvanus seemed stronger, his powerful aura electrifying and when Artemas found himself on his back, without a stich of clothing on, he wasn’t going to complain.

  “I will worship every inch of your body through the ages. Later.” Silvanus’s voice had deepened to a rumbling growl. “But I have to be in you now. Please.”

  In me? Artemas froze. He knew it’d been coming, knew it was inevitable since he’d seen Silvanus in his British hotel room. But being on the receiving end took a lot of trust. Can I? Will I? Fuck it, just do it. He nodded, a brief thought preparing his body for what was to come. “Shall I turn over?”

  “And make me miss the chance of watching your beautiful face when you come apart?” Silvanus shook his head, a pillow appearing from thin air. “Lift up.”

  So damn exposed. Such a vulnerable position to be in. But buoyed by the lust he could see in Silvanus’s eyes, and the heat of his own arousal Artemas dutifully lifted his hips, the pillow slightly cool on his ass. Closing his eyes, he spread his legs, and then had the ridiculous image of a hapless virgin on a wedding night from olden times flash through his head. I’m no virgin, although as he felt Silvanus probe him with fingers, rumbling his approval at the slick softness, before replacing those fingers with the blunt end of his cock, Artemas felt like one.

  Breathe damn it. Artemas prayed none of his reservations showed on his face. He was as horny as a buck rabbit. Silvanus was his mate and while Artemas hadn’t really thought about the ramifications of that word in the past, at least in relation to sex, he was going to let this happen….. No. There was no “letting” about it. Artemas wanted this. They needed it. And as he felt Silvanus’s shaft shove past his outer muscles, Artemas forced his eyes open and his body to relax.

  “There you are.” Silvanus loomed above him, supporting his weight on two sturdy arms. “If you don’t….”

  “I do.” Artemas breathed out through his mouth. “I do, just… it’s been a very, very long time for me.”

  “For me too.”

  Artemas felt a warmth in his ass, and somehow, Silvanus was suddenly buried deep inside of him. No pain. No uncomfortableness, just a sense of fullness that resonated deep inside of him. “Your magic?”

  “My powers. It’s not as though I’ve got a magic button on the end of my dick.” Artemas’s heart lightened at the humor. “Is it so bad, being joined with me like this?”

  “No.” Even as he said it, Artemas could feel the truth of that one word in his heart. “We were meant to be like this. Now move, you big lug, and make me fly.”

  Okay, maybe he shouldn’t have used the word “fly” because Artemas couldn’t ever remember the act of sex making him feel as though he was soaring through the skies. But Silvanus took him at his word, rolling them onto their sides, his hands roaming, his lips breathing caresses over Artemas’s skin everywhere he could reach. His hip movements were slow, deliberate, as if he was savoring every thrust. Artemas hooked his top leg over Silvanus’s hip, moaning as Silvanus deepened his thrust.

  “You. Will. All. Ways. Be. Mine,” Silvanus thrust each word, the pace hypnotic. Artemas tried to take the time to commit the whole thing to memory – the scents, the sounds of the birds around them, the feel of sun on his naked skin. Every minute detail – he wanted to remember everything about the experience as though it would be his last time, but he couldn’t think.

  Each slide of Silvanus’s cock in his ass forced him to stay in the moment. Every drag out made him anticipate the next thrust. The only thing Artemas could feel was the need to come, and through it all, the only thing that registered at all was the power of Silvanus’s body and the look in his mate’s eyes.

  “Mine,” Silvanus growled, with a particularly well-aimed thrust. Whether it was the zing to his prostate, the intensity of that single word, Artemas didn’t know or care. He came. Untouched, unheralded. His body tensed and his balls unloaded. The massive tattoo covering his back seemed to hum and a sense of well-being flooded his body. Silvanus groaned long and loud, his hips stuttering to a stop, his release sending even more heat to Artemas’s insides.

  He floated, or at least that’s what Artemas thought he was doing. Maybe this was as close to flying as a person got when they weren’t born with wings. His mind was adrift, his body awash with pleasure. Somehow, he was in Silvanus’s arms, his release on his belly smushing between them as Silvanus was under him, over him – it was as if the man wanted to burrow under his skin, and Artemas would let him. Hell, he never wanted the moment to end. Closing his eyes, Artemas followed the waves in his mind. He was flying.


  Silvanus would purr if he had the physical abilities to do it. Artemas’s head was relaxed on his chest, his cock still resisting the urge to slide from his mate’s body. Now the edge of his passion had dulled, all Silvanus could feel was a deep overriding sense of contentment. All around them, life in his little glade went on. Birds sung, insects and rodents foraged. Somewhere to the left of him a bear was snoozing in the sun, apparently unfazed by the noise of their lovemaking.

  In theory it was night time, but the glade was attuned to Silvanus’s wishes. He hadn’t been lying when he told Artemas he wanted to see his face as he took him for the first time. And it was worth it, seeing Artemas’s hesitation morph into pleasure.

  Taking one last look at Artemas’s features so relaxed in sleep, Silvanus settled down, closing his eyes, allowing the glade to settle into dusk and then nightfall. There was a disapproving grunt from the bear who’d been enjoying his sun, but soon the night creatures came forth, going about their business. Confident Artemas would be demanding his turn at topping when he was rested, and secure in the knowledge that none would dis
turb them in his realm, Silvanus slept.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Time seemed to lose all meaning in the glade and Artemas couldn’t remember ever feeling so content. During the daylight hours, Silvanus took him over his realm – sharing the secrets of a land hidden from time. There was so much to see. Flowing brooks teaming with fish, who seemed to leap out of the water to say hello when Silvanus approached. Tall trees, some of them over a thousand years old stood in lofty splendor protecting the undergrowth below. From one particular hill top, rolling green grass paddocks stretched as far as the eye could see. Artemas remembered a particularly sexy afternoon, having sex in a cave while rain and wind howled outside.

  What surprised Artemas was the diversity of animal species they found. On one of their walks they carefully skirted a mama bear with a cub, an animal Artemas was sure wasn’t native to Africa. But Silvanus shrugged, blushed a bit, and mumbled something about liking them. Just as Poseidon filled his realm with creatures usually found scattered across the globe, so Silvanus chose to share his space with animals he felt a fondness for.

  Evenings were spent eating, drinking, and sharing stories. Silvanus was an avid listener, and could often provide added insight when Artemas explained about some of the archeological digs he’d been on. In turn, Artemas learned his mate was a dab hand at fixing things with his hands, absorbing the stories Silvanus told like a sponge.

  The one thing they didn’t discuss was other gods. Artemas hinted at the troubles he had with Thoth and Poseidon, but refusing to go into detail and changing the subject if their names were mentioned. Silvanus was friends with everyone, refusing to take sides in conflicts no matter who was involved. When Artemas asked what he did during the Great War, which saw countless gods pitted against each other, Silvanus gave that shrug of his, and simply said he’d spent that time with the Mother.

  It was so easy to forget life outside the glade. Artemas didn’t bother with his glasses, he didn’t even comb his hair. Wearing a pair of shorts and nothing else, he and Silvanus explored, laughed and loved each other whenever the mood took them. Which was why, when another orb from Zeus arrived while they were enjoying lunch one afternoon, Artemas was angry.

  “You have no right to intrude in Silvanus’s glade, Uncle. This is a private sanctuary.”

  “You wanted an appointment with the asshole who keeps trying to track you down. It’s been rescheduled three times over the past two weeks. It’s about time you pulled yourself off Silvanus’s cock long enough to address this issue.”

  “It’s been two weeks?” Artemas mouthed at Silvanus.

  “Time passes differently in my realm,” Silvanus said with a touch of growl in his voice. “Surely, nothing is more important than our bonding, whelp.”

  Whelp? Artemas covered his mouth to stifle his laughter. Silvanus was one of the few beings that could get away with calling the mighty Zeus names.

  “A thousand pardons, Ancient Silvanus.” Zeus turned on the charm. “It’s only a trivial matter, but my nephew did promise he would take care of it for me. An afternoon out of your time, that’s all. It concerns the individual who bid against Artie in the auction for your book. He’s being persistent and I’m concerned usual methods of disposing of him might attract unwelcome attention from certain parties.”

  Zeus meant the Fates. Since the laws were enacted, preventing gods from interfering in mortal affairs, the Fates took a very dim view of unexpected deaths. Every individual’s thread length was calculated to provide the most color, and strength to the weave. Zeus was probably worried if he fucked up in the Fates’ eyes, he could end up with a mate, just as Poseidon had done. Artemas could have told him being mated wasn’t the curse so many single gods believed it was, but he was more keen on getting his Uncle to go away.

  “When is the appointment, Uncle?” Artemas sighed, looking down at his shorts. The thought of putting a suit on seemed a foreign idea in Silvanus’s home.

  “An hour from now at the Café Royal Hotel. Mr. Klaxon and guest has been booked in the Dome Penthouse rooms for the next week. I told them you didn’t need a butler or maid service, but that should be enough time for you to conduct your business, don’t you think?”

  “A simple room for a night would have been plenty.” But Artemas accepted the gift for what it was. Zeus was trying to make amends and Artemas had often wondered what the view from one of the two Penthouse balconies would be like. “We’d better go, if we’re to arrange luggage and check in before this person arrives. Did he give a name?”

  “Melrose Jackson from California, so he said.” The anger returned to Zeus’s voice. “The fact that my minions can’t find any reference to anyone of that name anywhere in the human systems will tell you something.”

  “He’s not likely to be human.” Looking across at Silvanus he saw his mate was already tidying away the remains of their lunch. “We’ll be there, Uncle. Tell your minions to keep us updated if you do learn anything important.”

  “I’ll drop in and tell you myself.” Zeus’s voice took on a seductive tone. “I’d forgotten how sexy your mate’s legs were.”

  “Uncle!” Artemas smashed his hand down on Zeus’s orb causing it to shatter. Seconds later the shards of crystal all disappeared. “He’s as infuriating as Poseidon.”

  “Or maybe he’s lonely?” Silvanus suggested, calm as he always was. Artemas found himself pulled to his feet, snug in Silvanus’s embrace. “This hotel sounds very grand if it has a penthouse. I might need your guidance on improving my wardrobe.”

  “You look perfect the way you are,” Artemas said, taking in his mate’s tousled hair and tanned features. “Your tan is going to stand out in London,” he added, tracing his fingers over Silvanus’s cheek bones. “Winter was just setting in when your book was auctioned. It’ll be cold.”

  “Not with you in my arms, it won’t be.”

  Artemas lifted his lips for a kiss, but inside he worried. Silvanus said himself he didn’t spend a lot of time around people. After the quiet of the glade, or even Artemas’s Australian home, London was going to be bustling, noisy and nothing like the peaceful natural environments Silvanus preferred.

  I’ll send this guy packing and then we’ll disappear again. Just because Zeus paid for the room for a week, didn’t mean they had to stay there. We can stay one night for appearances sake, and then home. Although, where that home would be, Artemas wasn’t sure. He liked to think he could be romantic, and just say it didn’t matter so long as Silvanus was with him. Unfortunately, his brain wasn’t wired that way.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Silvanus knew Artemas was worrying about him. It was in his mate’s nature, and in a different time and place, he’d have said worrying was unnecessary. He might be god of the trees and lands, but he wasn’t a barbarian. He could scrub up as well as the next person if necessary.

  Which Artemas might have noticed, if he wasn’t flapping about making sure they had designer luggage, clothes and shoes. “Black, blue, no dark gray looks far more understated.” Artemas waved his hands over two suitcases. Flipping them open, he checked the contents. “Damn it, toiletries.” A bag appeared. Artemas frowned and then waved the case closed again.

  “You’re not dressed,” he said, finally noticing Silvanus watching him. “Suit, shoes, tie…. Red, I think, no maybe a lighter lilac color. A watch which has to be a gold Rolex. Shoots, did I remember to change the color of your handkerchief? Let me look.”

  Sighing, now completely covered in a suit, Silvanus opened his arms and did a twirl. “I will do and for your information, I could’ve done this myself.”

  “Yes, I know.” Artemas was visibly trembling. “It’s just, it’s the little details people notice that can make you stand out in a crowd. Although,” Silvanus watched as Artemas looked him up and down, “You’re going to stand out anyway. You look like a movie star.”

  “I think you’ve worried enough,” Silvanus said calmly. “Take my hand, time to find a taxi, I think. Or no, what ab
out a limousine?”

  Before Artemas could open his mouth, because chances are a limousine was over the top in his mate’s opinion, Silvanus transported them, using a wrinkle in time, to ensure a long gleaming limousine slotted into London traffic as if it had always been there, complete with driver. A two minute drive later, and they pulled up outside of the hotel.

  “I won’t embarrass you,” Silvanus whispered as the driver came around and opened the door for them. “Have some faith.”

  Sliding across the seat, Artemas got out of the limo, nodding at the driver, doing up his jacket buttons. Silvanus noted the precise moment Artemas’s armor was in place. It was when he put on his glasses. “Please bring the bags into the lobby,” he said to the driver, his head held high. “Silva, oh, damn it.”

  Silvanus quickly stepped out of the limo, taking Artemas’s hand. “What’s wrong?”

  “What do I call you?” Artemas whispered as they strode through the opened doors and into the lobby. “You’ll need ID to sign in here.”

  “Silva Forest,” Silvanus said, quickly magicking the necessary ID into his pocket. “Don’t worry so much.”

  “Computers can track anyone,” Artemas hissed. Then his face cleared into the aloof expression Silvanus hadn’t seen since they’d claimed each other as he faced the reception desk. “Good evening. I apologize for the late arrival. Mr. Klaxon, and er, Mr. Forest. We have the Penthouse reserved.”

  “Of course, Mr. Klaxon. I have all the paperwork here.”

  Check in, despite Artemas’s concerns was a breeze. The receptionist accepted Silvanus’s ID without a blink. Within minutes they were in the elevator, being whisked upstairs. Doing the best impersonation of a bored businessman as he could muster, Silvanus waited until the porter had been tipped and the suite door closed before taking Artemas into his arms again.


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