Book Read Free

Tangled Paths

Page 6

by Kimi Flores

Just as she was checking out the back of his carpenter shorts, he looked over his shoulder. Busted. Oh well. I’m sure girls look at his ass all the time.

  A smile broke out on his handsome face before his attention was pulled back to the girl at the counter. “I’m sorry, Blaine, we’re running a little late today, it’s gonna to be another fifteen minutes if you don’t mind waiting.”

  He glanced back at Bri, then again to the cashier. “I don’t mind.”

  Bri raised an eyebrow, thinking, this guy is gorgeous. She loved that surfer-style blonde hair and damn, look at those blue eyes. Strong arms, too. Hmm…might be the distraction she needed after seeing Josh. Old habits die hard. I guess I’ll always be running away from my feelings. Whatever.

  After that one fateful night when she’d given her herself to that asshole who crushed her, Bri only went out with hot guys she knew wouldn’t try to take their relationship beyond a few dates. The few times she’d traveled with her boyfriends, they’d always gone their separate ways before they’d even returned from their trips. It was safer than getting emotionally invested and then tossed aside. It was also a better option than ending up unhappily ever after, just like her parents.

  No thank you.

  “Hi.” He smiled as he stepped aside, motioning for her to go in front of him.

  “Hey,” she flirted back, well aware of this game. Looking at his ring finger, she was relieved to find it bare. That was a line she would never cross. No married men for me. As she stepped up to the counter, he inhaled and checked her out the same way she’d done to him.

  Oh yeah, this guy is a yummy diversion.

  Felicia, the older seamstress Bri was here to see, stepped up to the counter with her short curly hair sticking up in all directions. “Hi Bri, what do you have for me today? I love working on the beautiful clothes you bring in here.”

  Bri beamed, ready to show off the striking dress she’d picked up at her new favorite boutique on Mission Street. “I need a dress altered.”

  Felicia’s hippy, bohemian style was very different from Bri’s but she did amazing work. “Go try it on. I can’t wait to see.” The seamstress led Bri to the dressing room in the back where she stripped off her sundress and put the designer dress on. She also slipped on matching shoes and fixed her boobs and hair again. Good thing she brought heels. Otherwise, she would’ve been standing here in this gorgeous dress with flip flops on.

  Bri was sure that Blaine would have a perfect view where she’d be standing.

  As Bri stepped out of the small room, Felicia started fawning. “Ohmigosh look at that dress, Bri. It’s breathtaking.” Her eyes sparkled as Bri took a quick glance at Blaine.

  Perfect, his eyes are on me.

  Standing in front of the mirror, Bri pointed out where she needed alterations. “I need it taken in here.” She pulled on the fabric around her waist, which in turn made it stretch tighter across the chest area. “And here.”

  She hiked the hem of the dress up, exposing more of her legs but careful not to show the thigh tattoo she’d gotten in Paris last summer. No matter what Bri had been told throughout her life, she knew her legs were her best feature but didn’t need a dress that was so short her brother would have a shit fit when they went to the party. “I’d like it to be two inches shorter.” Bri looked past her reflection and saw Blaine sitting down, mouth gaped open. She had to bite back a grin.

  “What’s the matter, Blaine?” The cashier huffed under her breath. “Never seen a pretty girl before?”

  Finally, Bri made eye contact with him through her reflection and smirked.

  Once Felicia pinned all the areas Bri had pointed out, she said, “Okay, got it. Go take it off and Cindy will check it in for you.”

  Bri held her shoulders straight as she headed back into the room. Ball’s in his court. Time to ignore him. She hated games, but guys like Blaine needed to feel in control, like she was a conquest or some stupid shit like that.

  While she was in the dressing room, she heard cashier girl’s voice again, “Here you go. Tell your brother I said hi.” Sounded like she had a crush on someone.

  Standing in the dressing room a little longer than necessary, she listened to their small talk. From what she gathered, Blaine was in the medical field and his brother was currently living in Colorado, managing a customer service call center. Blaine and who Bri now knew was Cindy didn’t flirt and the conversation seemed very casual.

  Interesting, maybe her eyes were on the brother after all.

  Casually strolling from the back to the front counter, Bri handed her dress over. Cindy seemed nice enough, asking for her name as she typed away on the cashier’s computer screen.

  “The account should be under Brianna Hunter.” Bri purposely let her strappy heels hang from her fingertips to get Blaine’s attention. She didn’t need to turn and see if it was working. His heavy breathing was proof enough.

  “Hunter?” she asked, to which Bri nodded. “You wouldn't by any chance be related to Caleb Hunter would you?”

  Surprised, Bri’s eyebrows raised. Wow, I haven’t heard a girl ask that since we were in college. She felt the smile on her lips, remembering all of the pathetic girls trying to befriend her just to get to Stefen and Caleb. It used to bug her, but now she just thought it was funny. “He’s my cousin. How do you know him?”

  “Hear that, Blaine? Bri here is, Abby’s cousin-in-law.” Cindy nodded toward him, sneering.

  With a tight smile, he raised his eyebrows before looking down at the ground. “Caught that Cindy. Thank you.”

  Bri narrowed her eyes at both of them. “Am I missing something?”

  “Oh,” Cindy motioned back and forth between her and Blaine, “we went to high school with Caleb’s wife. Well, she was in my grade. Blaine’s a few years older than us.” A devious smile broke out on Cindy’s face.

  Why are they acting this way? Bri knew for a fact that Abby only dated one guy in high school. She couldn’t remember his name, but it definitely wasn’t Blaine.

  “I’ll make sure to tell her you guys said hi then.” Bri knew that was uncouth, but whatever. She didn’t like when people acted like they were holding a secret over her. With a hard smile, she turned and left.

  Blaine ran up behind her when she got to her car. “You forgot your pick-up slip.” He handed the pink receipt over. “I'm sorry about that,” he said sheepishly, gesturing toward the shop. “Cindy likes to play games when she thinks she holds the cards.”

  Popping her hip, Bri folded her arms across her chest nearly smacking herself in the face with her killer heels. “And you don’t?” She didn’t mean to sound so clipped, but she was annoyed.

  He snickered, gazing at her with those amazing blue eyes. “No more than you just did in there.”

  Letting her arms fall to her sides, her mouth pulled into a grin. He’s got me there. “Touché.”

  Relief washed over his face, a slow smile working its way onto his lips. “Let me make it up to you? How about dinner sometime?”

  Drawing her head back, Bri asked cheekily, “Why, are you asking me out?”

  He tightened his lips and looked down at the ground. “Sure, why not?”

  Bri tilted her head, eyeing him up and down. “Sure.” Then repeated his same words with a smile. “Why not.”

  “A little sarcastic, are we?” he teased.

  Bri laughed out loud. “Oh, you have no idea.”

  “Sounds promising.”

  Yes, it does.

  They exchanged phone numbers before Bri got into her car and rolled down her driver’s side window. He lowered his chin and eyes to her, smiling once more. “I need to check on something, then I’ll give you a call.”

  Hmm, wonder what he needs to check on. Really, who cares? “Sounds good.” She turned on the ignition as he tapped the door frame like a goodbye wave. With the stick shift in reverse, she backed her Roadster out and pulled onto the street.

  When she came to a red light, Bri called Dani from the cell p
hone controller on her steering wheel.

  “Hey girly, what’s up?” Dani yawned, sounding drowsy.

  Bri reached for the volume control, turning it up so she could hear. “Are you just getting up?”

  “Yeah, I worked all night. I’m dead.”

  “Well, I have a shopping emergency. Get dressed, I’m picking you up in fifteen minutes.” She switched on her signal before turning right.

  “Shopping emergency? We just went the other day and you got a shitload of outfits, Bri. I think you have a problem.” Dani sounded like she was still lying in bed, stretching possibly.

  “Those were casual outfits and the dress for the wrap party. I might have a date and need something new.” A very polished, good-looking guy pulled up beside her in a luxury sports car, raising his perfectly trimmed eyebrow in approval.

  Wow, there’s an abundance of hot guys today. Lucky me.

  Bri was just about to flirt back when a little white Pomeranian dog popped its head up at the passenger side window, panting with its little pink tongue jutting in and out. Completely turned off, Bri rotated her head forward again. Adorable dog, but it’s either his girlfriend’s or his. Either way, he just lost his man card with her. He probably got manicures too. Oh wait, so does my brother. Bri snickered quietly.

  Dani brought her attention back to their conversation. “I’m sure you have something in your closet Bri. It’s busting at the seams and don’t think I haven’t noticed you starting to put clothes in the hall closet. Forget the shopping, grab us some food and get home so you can tell me all about this date.”

  “Fine,” she grouched. “What do you want to eat?”

  “Surprise me.”

  Checking her rearview mirror, she noticed the driver of the sports car behind her. “When are you going to surprise me and actually cook something?”

  “I told you, manicures or cooking. Not both.”

  With a place in mind, she made a U-turn on Las Positas Road. “You’re such a brat.”

  “I know but you love me anyway.” Bri could hear the smile in Dani’s voice.

  Jumping onto the 101 freeway, she took the five minute drive north toward Goleta. “Yes, I do. Okay, I’ll grab some burgers and fries from In-N-Out and be there in a bit.”

  “You sure know how to make a girl happy.”

  Bri had no problem making her friends and family happy. Maybe, just maybe she could make a guy happy one day. Yeah, who am I trying to kid?

  “Goodbye!” Bri chortled playfully before checking her rearview mirror again and ending their call. But the mini doggie whisperer wasn’t following her. Thank goodness.

  “Couldn’t you have worn something a little less revealing?” Stefen grumbled into Bri’s ear for the third time since they’d gotten into the limousine an hour and a half ago.

  She backhanded his chest, speaking loud enough for everyone in the confined space to hear. “It’s designer and trust me, I won’t be wearing the skimpiest outfit of the night.” Bri looked down at the beaded crystals on her short champagne-colored dress that she’d picked up from Felicia earlier today.

  I don’t care if Dani thinks I shop too much. This outfit was a must-have.

  Seated on Stefen’s other side, Leah creased her eyebrows. “Amor, your sister is a beautiful woman. She should be able to wear whatever she wants.”

  Leah whispered something in his ear before leaning forward, causing the curve of her breast to peek out of the top of her red halter dress. “By the way, your outfit is absolutely gorgeous, Bri.”

  Stefen moved his glare from Bri’s bare legs to his wife’s exposed cleavage. “You girls are trying to give me a heart attack tonight.”

  Caleb cleared his throat from across the limo. “Come on Stefen, give them a break. We’re surrounded by stunning women who enjoy looking their best.” He pulled Abby’s hand to his lips and tenderly kissed her knuckles. “Other guys would kill to be in our position.”

  Thank you, cousin.

  Lowering his brows, Stefen murmured under his breath, “I have a feeling I’m the one that’ll be doing the massacring tonight.”

  Bri rolled her eyes, glancing back and forth between the two couples. She was the only one without a date. As usual. Frowning, she wondered why Blaine hadn’t called. He seemed interested the other day.

  Dani was supposed to be her date for tonight but was lucky enough to get a last minute job. She’d been struggling to get clients for her new at home nurse care business, and Bri didn’t have the heart to make her feel guilty about not coming. But had she known a few days ago that she’d be a third wheel tonight, she would’ve stayed home and watched old movies in her jammies.

  “How did I let you talk me into this?” Josh climbed into the backseat, bitching and complaining to his younger brother. “A limo? Really, Brad?” He shook his head. “You live twenty damn miles away from this party.”

  A million dollar smile spread across Bradley’s face. His brother was way more relaxed than Josh thought he was going to be. “Dude, you know how these things go. I can’t exactly pull up to the curb with my muddy dirt bike in the bed of my truck.”

  On edge, Josh rubbed a hand down his jaw and around to the back of his neck. “I know. It’s just ridiculous, if you ask me. The whole thing. It’s a wrap party, not the Oscars. Why’s the media there anyway?” He closed his eyes, waving his hand. “Never mind, I know why. The studio arranged it, right?”

  Bradley nodded, rubbing his palms on top of his thighs. “Every opportunity to promote the movie, ya know.”

  As cocky as Bradley acted in front of the cameras, Josh knew how nerve-wracking these events could be. That’s the only reason he’d agreed to go with him tonight. But Brad seemed fine. I might just be the one that passes out though.

  Brad shook his head, eyeing Josh. “I still can’t believe I got you in a suit, but where’s the tie?”

  “In the trash can in your bathroom.” Josh smirked. “I appreciate you having your people take care of the suit, but I’m definitely not into ties.” Josh ran his hand down his chest, feeling the silky material of his button-down shirt and the lapel of his blazer. “I actually like the jacket. It’s pretty light.”

  “Yeah, I know you’ve long forgotten, but that’s what a good suit feels like.” Bradley clapped his brother on the shoulder as they pulled up to the curb. Peering out the window, he added, “Here we go.”


  The door opened and immediately the flashing lights filled the space of the limo.

  Josh put on a smooth face, but cringed inwardly. I don’t miss this shit one bit.

  He waited for Bradley to get a head start before stepping out, hoping he didn’t get noticed. No such luck. As soon as his feet hit the pavement, photographers were yelling Josh’s name. Trying his best to ignore them, he scanned the walkway that led to the gates in front of the iconic Hollywood mansion where the party was being held. Thankfully, the brick pathway was lined with metal barriers to keep the wolves at bay, while the opposite side had a white backdrop stamped with the movie title’s logo all over it.

  Steadying his hands, he took a deep, comforting breath. This was the first time he’d been to one of these things in years, but now that he was here he was ready to leave. It reminded him of times filled with too much partying, too many girls, and definitely too much of it in the gossip columns. Put there by some of these same vultures.

  Memories of being in front of all the cameras with his close friend flooded him. Kai lived for this shit.

  Still standing there, Josh turned when a car door opened behind him. He desperately searched for a familiar face. It would make the evening that much more bearable if some of his other film friends were here. Everything moved in slow motion as the first couple of people stepped out. Josh recognized Caleb Hunter and his wife from his Uncle Joel’s vineyard.

  Blinking hard, he started to feel lightheaded.

  Caleb grabbed Josh’s bicep. “Hey, you okay, man? You look like you’re gonna th
row up.”

  Deep breath in, slowly exhale out.

  Josh braced his palm on the limo’s roof, keeping his back to the photographers. “Yeah, I just need a minute.”

  He unbuttoned his collar, looking down at the pavement while the camera lights continued to flash behind him, and he took another deep breath. As he stared at the ground, something caught his eye—petite toes poking out of a pair of glittery high heels. A sense of calm washed over him as his gaze slid up to a pair of long tanned legs that led to a mini dress covered in sparkling crystals.

  Oh shit. It’s her. Of course it’s her. Now I really can’t breathe.

  When Josh’s eyes landed on the stunning brunette he’d been so conflicted about, he heard a chuckle from one guy and a grunt from another beside him. Turning slightly, he watched Caleb walk away, pulling the guy Josh recognized as Bri’s brother with him as Leah and Caleb’s wife followed.


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