Tangled Paths

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Tangled Paths Page 15

by Kimi Flores

  Guys do not date their friend’s baby sisters.

  Making up his mind, he decided to sleep in the bed with Bri. It wasn’t like he was planning on trying anything…At least, not until she was ready, so there shouldn’t be any problem, right?

  The bed dipped when he sat on the edge to take his shoes off. Looking over his shoulder, he took in the beautiful woman lightly snoring. The blankets were pulled over her shoulder and tucked under her chin.

  I hope I can fall asleep, knowing she’s right there and I can’t touch her.

  Shaking his head, he peeled his jeans and shirt off and crawled under the covers, falling asleep without hesitation.

  The warm body plastered to hers shifted, rousing Bri from her sleep. Slowly opening one eye, she saw a familiar tattoo imprinted on a chest muscle, opposite from the one her face was glued to.

  From where her head lay, she peered up, seeing the overnight scruff on Josh’s jaw and chin. His delicious lips were parted, allowing his low snores to escape.

  His lashes fanned out just under his closed eyes, convincing her that he was still asleep. Carefully she lifted herself, peeling her bare skin off of his.

  Wait, bare skin?

  Her eyes made their way down to her naked breasts then darted to him. “What the hell?” she shrieked, yanking the blankets up to cover herself.

  Startled out of his sleep, Josh shot up. He blinked rapidly, moving his head side to side as if trying to figure out where her voice had come from. “What happened?”

  “What happened? I should be asking you that.” Her spread open hand held the covers up to her chest as her panicked words shot out of her mouth. “I woke up half naked, attached to you.”

  Holding his hand up to her, he became immediately defensive. “Now wait a minute. Nothing happened. I came in here after dinner and fell asleep. On my side of the bed.”

  Popping her mouth open, Bri barked out, “Your side of the bed? Josh, you don’t have a side in my bed.”

  “Bri, this is my bed,” he growled. “You are staying in my room.”

  Yesterday’s events came flooding into her mind.

  Migraine, no available rooms. Sleep, lots of sleep. Couldn’t find PJs, decided to sleep in panties only. Oh shit.

  Humiliated, Bri closed her eyes. “I’m so sorry. Yesterday was rough for me, and I completely forgot what happened…until now.”

  He rubbed his face. “Bri, I didn’t even know you weren’t dressed until now. I swear. I wouldn’t have gotten under the covers had I known. There wasn’t any place else for me to sleep.”

  Swallowing hard, she apologized once more, “I know. I’m sorry I accused you.”

  He sighed, propping his elbows on bent knees. “I’m not going down that road with you again… until you say you want to.” His voice softened. “I know we haven’t really talked about ‘us’ yet, but I think we both know that’s where we're headed. Right? I would never take advantage of you.”

  Sucking in her bottom lip, she realized what he was saying. “Thank you.”

  Curious, he narrowed his eye. “Can I ask why you aren’t wearing anything? You did realize I would probably be coming back here, right?”

  Nervously running her fingertips back and forth across her lips, she answered, “I couldn’t find anything to put on when I got up to change, and I didn’t really care at the time. I was in too much pain.”

  “Ah,” he nodded, “that explains all the clothes on the floor when I came in.” He took a close look at her face. “How are you feeling this morning? Is your migraine gone?”

  “Yeah. I feel a lot better.” She rubbed her cheek with her fingers.

  “Okay, good. I was hoping it wouldn’t damper your fun today.” Looking past her, he asked, “What time is it?”

  Bri turned to see what he was looking at and found his phone on the side table. Holding onto the covers for dear life, she leaned over to get it. When she pressed the power button, she noticed a missed call and text from Stefen.

  Great, they’re working together now. “It’s seven o’clock,” she huffed.

  Throwing the blanket off, Josh stood up. Bri was about to close her eyes when she noticed he was wearing boxers. Relieved, a loud breath escaped her mouth.

  He looked at her through the reflection in the mirror attached to the wall, smirking in a sinfully sexy way. “Did you think I was naked?”

  A blush rose up from her chest to her face as she faked her best ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ look. “No.” She dragged out the ‘o’ sound.

  Keeping his back to her, he placed his open hands on his hips. “Really, Bri. You don’t have a very high opinion of me, do you?”

  Suddenly interested in the stitched pattern on the comforter, she watched her finger as it traced the symmetrical design. “I know how guys think, that’s all.” That was the most honest answer she could give him.

  Rolling his eyes, he told her, “We have to get ready. There’s a whole itinerary laid out for us and everyone’s meeting for breakfast in an hour and a half. Do you mind if I jump in the shower first?”

  “Nah, go ahead.” She waved him away. “I think I’m going for a quick swim. It’ll help loosen my tight muscles.”

  He pointed to the dresser on the way to the bathroom. “Don’t forget the keycard.”

  Her eyes roamed his body from behind, until he closed the bathroom door.

  I hope that pool is nice and cool.

  “So what’s on the agenda for the day?” Bri held Josh’s hand as they made their way through the hotel’s garden atrium courtyard on their way to breakfast. Boats scattered the harbor as they passed the open archways with views of the ocean.

  “You’re gonna love this,” he said excitedly. “The schedule said ‘touristy day’, which basically means we’ll be checking out the Island.” He noticed another guy checking her out and had to fight the urge to pull her to his side.

  “So you think my outfit is okay for the day then?” Her manicured toes were peeking out of jeweled flat sandals, while her long tanned legs met up with the hem of her khaki shorts. The first thing that had caught his attention when she opened the bathroom door earlier, however, was the purple strapless ruffled top she was wearing.

  You’d look beautiful no matter what you did or didn’t wear. Just taking in her sensual curves made him want to groan. Clearing his throat, he answered, “Yeah. I’m sure you’ll be fine. If not, we can go back to the room so you can change.”

  Seemingly satisfied, she smiled and walked silently, ignoring the men staring at her as they made their way through the lobby and into the restaurant.

  Assholes. Didn’t they see that she was with him? Silently sighing, he wondered if he’d ever get used to that.

  “So, um. Who’s your girlfriend?” Bri moved in, just close enough to whisper in Josh’s ear before popping a strawberry in her mouth.

  He frowned. “Huh? Who?”

  She gave him a teasing grin but was irritated inwardly. “Well, don’t look now, but Miss Thang on the end there has been giving me a death glare since we walked in together and you introduced me.” Bri couldn’t stand catty girls.

  “Oh, that’s just Paul’s little sister, Brandy. We’ve known each other forever.” He took a long sip of orange juice, oblivious to Bri’s annoyance over Brandy’s stare down.

  “She’s not too keen on you being around other girls, is she?” Bri finished her last bite of French toast, bringing her forearms to the table as she leaned forward.

  Snickering, he shook his head. “Uh, no.”

  When they joined the group at the table earlier, Bri was introduced to the rest of the wedding party. They all seemed friendly enough, but the moment her eyes met up with Brandy, she knew that girl was going to be trouble.

  Great. She’s gonna be watching my every move all weekend. How annoying.

  Alison stood up while Paul placed his hand on her lower back. “Okay, everyone. Grab your things. The golf carts are ready for us outside.”

Golf carts?” Bri looked at Josh while everyone headed out.

  “Yeah, there’s not a whole lot of room on the roads here so we’re going to caravan in golf carts and stop at a few tourist attractions.” He pointed toward the glass lobby doors where several four-passenger golf carts were parked.

  “Oh that sounds like fun.” She did a little bounce. “Can I drive?”

  Josh whipped around to face her. “Hell, no. Are you crazy, woman? I’ve seen your driving.”

  Bri threw her fists on her hips. “You’re just jealous because I can kick your ass in a race.”

  “I’ll ride with you, Josh.” A sultry voice came from behind her.

  Brandy. Bri’s hands clenched into fists but the one was still slightly tender so she quickly loosened her fingers.

  Stepping closer to Bri, he asked in a low tone, “What do you think? Should I let her ride with me?”

  Bri gasped angrily. Prick.

  She gave an indifferent shrug. “What do I care? I’ll just get my own.” As she sidestepped Josh, she felt a hand around her elbow, causing her to turn and see Josh’s panicked face.

  He pulled her away from their crowd. “I was totally kidding, Bri. I want to go with you.”

  Bri pointedly told him, “I hate games. Don’t ever try to make me jealous again. That kind of relationship does not work for me. I have enough drama in my life.”

  His grimace reflected that he understood.

  You don’t even know the half of it.

  He rested his hands on the back of his head and looked up, blinking hard. “Sorry. I wasn’t thinking. Will you please go with me?”

  Her eyes narrowed, challenging him. “Can I drive?”

  He smiled playfully. “Um…no.”

  Pouting, she raised her shoulders, dropping them with a huff. “Fine. Let’s go. But we better be in the winner’s circle when all is said and done.”

  “Believe me, I already planned that.” Hands still connected, he pulled her behind him.

  They rejoined the group in time to receive a map and hear the route they’d be taking. Bri spotted something that nobody had mentioned. Excited, she called Alison to the side. It was her day after all, and Bri didn’t want to be a pain in the butt.

  “What’s up?” Alison asked.

  Bri ignored Josh’s questioning look. “I noticed there’s a zip line on the map and wondered if that could be worked in. If not, don’t worry. I’m not trying to throw a wrench in your plans.”

  Cackling, Alison yelled over to her fiancé, “You owe me twenty bucks, hon.”

  Paul laughed, giving Alison a thumbs up and throwing her a kiss.

  Bri frowned. “What was that about?”

  Alison’s face lit up. “When we were mapping all this out, I told Paul you were going to be the one to ask about the zip line, and he swore it would be Josh, Brad, or Tanner. So thank you for the extra twenty bucks.”

  Bri giggled, “Are you serious?”

  Grinning, Alison gave an easy nod. “You haven’t changed that much, my girly tomboy friend, and yes we did consider it. We’re having lunch where the zip line ends so anyone who wants to do it, can and then you can join us for lunch.”

  Lifting her arm, Bri flicked her wrist. “Well, Paul should’ve known better. He’s the one that took us on our first zip run, not to mention all the other dude places he dragged us to.”

  Pleased with herself, Bri strolled back to Josh just in time to see Brandy and her friend asking if they could ride with them.

  Josh pulled Bri toward him, kissing her hand and directing her to the front passenger seat, then pointed to the bench seat behind it. “Yeah, sure. Just fasten your seat belts because we’re taking the lead.”

  He rounded the front, jumped in, and started up the not so impressive engine, taking off after Bradley and Tanner.

  “Shit, wait Josh! We’re still getting our seatbelts on,” Brandy complained.

  Josh gave Bri a sideways smirk. “It’s not like we’re going a hundred miles an hour in this lawnmower. Buckle up.” He leaned his forearms on the steering wheel, tapping his thumbs as they stopped at an intersection.

  Bradley barked out a laugh, flipping them off as he sped away. “Hold on to your panties girls, we’re gonna smoke my brother’s ass.”

  Laughing, Josh took the challenge. They zipped through the small windy road, up the hill, finally catching up to Bradley and crew, all while the girls in the back screamed like, well, girls.

  So irritating, yet she felt a twisted pleasure in the other girls’ discontent.

  The first stop for the day was Wrigley’s Botanical Garden, which was basically a large cactus garden. A huge monument sat at the top. According to the sign at the entrance, the memorial paid tribute to a man who loved Catalina Island, William Wrigley, founder of Juicy Fruit Gum.

  Bri held her hand up to shade her eyes from the sun as she looked at the white clay structure with red roof tiles, when she heard the girls screaming again.

  Bri grunted. Don’t they ever shut up?

  As their squealing got louder, the group started to head toward them.

  What the hell is their problem now?

  “Loo loo loo look down,” Brandy stuttered out as she pointed to Bri.

  Bri brought her chin to her chest and there, sitting on top of her boob, was an alien-looking spider. Its semi-translucent body blended into her shirt, similar to the way a chameleon would, but it sure as hell was there.

  Holy mother of…!

  Bri screeched at the top of her lungs, swiping frantically at her top. She wasn’t actually touching the spider, because who in the hell would touch that thing? Jumping back, she smacked into Josh, knocking him on his ass as she fell on top. The damn spider was still clinging on for dear life.

  “Fuuuck,” Josh groaned behind her. Paul came to her rescue, flicking the insect off with a stick. The son of a bitch was now crawling sideways on the ground toward her. Yelping, she jumped off Josh and darted behind Paul, her hero with the stick. She heard Josh grunting in the background but couldn’t focus on anything else, until Paul flicked the crab spider away into the bushes.

  More groaning caught her attention. Josh still sat on ground, holding his calf as blood trickled between his fingers.

  “Ohmigod.” Bri, as well as the other eight people in their party, turned their attention to him. “What happened?”

  “Some spaz knocked me on my ass, and I cut my leg on this cactus.” Josh pointed to the very angry-looking, spiny plant beside him. With one eye closed to block the sun, he smirked as the group worriedly crowded around him. “Anyone got a bandage?”

  Everyone looked around at each other, all shaking their heads, when Bri remembered something. She dug through her small purse and found the pink wrapper.

  Thank goodness I still have a few of these in here. He’s gonna hate me.

  Ripping open the plastic wrapping, Bri unfolded the pad. Moving his hand, she placed the absorbent side against his bleeding wound. “Here, apply pressure and hold this on your leg.”

  “Oh my God. Did you just put a panty liner on his leg?” Brandy sneered.

  “Wha…?” Josh looked down, eyes wide like the thing might bite him. But Bri held it in place.

  Squatting in front of him, she looked over her shoulder. “Does anyone else have another option?” Heads shook before she looked him in the eye, with a smirk. “Then suck it up, buttercup. It’s this, or bleed to death.”

  Since Josh was no longer in mortal danger, the snickering group started to disperse.

  Rolling his eyes, he pulled her forward so only she could hear him. “You owe me for this. The guys are gonna give me shit forever.”

  “I know.” She winced. “I figured. Sorry for knocking you down.” When she pursed her lips, she watched his gaze drop to her mouth.

  He licked his lips as though they’d suddenly gone dry then swallowed hard. “No problem. I have a feeling my reward will be well worth it.”

  Gulping, she felt a shiver run down
her spine. Her mind went crazy. Should she wait? Should she lean in now?

  But she didn’t want to wait. That would’ve driven her crazier.

  Unsure how he felt about kissing in public, she licked her lips as well then leaned in a few inches, hoping he would meet her halfway. To her relief, after his hungry stare darted to her lips then back to her eyes once again, he moved in the rest of the way.

  His lips were tender as they caressed hers a few times and pulled away. Bri’s heart pounded as if they’d just had a hot and heavy make out session. She’d never felt that before, not from a few tiny pecks. How was it that Josh was so different? But then, she remembered how explosive their chemistry had been, just that one night. She’d often wondered if she had built up those memories in her mind. Nope. The tingling sensation his lips left behind was just as wonderful as she remembered.


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