Tangled Paths

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Tangled Paths Page 16

by Kimi Flores

  And she was in just as much trouble as ever.

  Sighing, he leaned back on one arm. “You have very sexy lips, especially when you play with them.”

  Bri touched her lips with her fingers, self-conscious. She didn’t even realize she was doing it.

  Turning her attention to his leg, she peeled the pad away, sneaking a peek. “The bleeding has almost stopped. I think you’ll live.” It was meant to be funny, but it came out breathless.

  He gave her an intense look that seemed to mimic exactly how she felt.

  Yep. Big fat trouble.

  “Are you sure you’re up for this?” Josh raised an eyebrow at Bri’s outfit, trying to suppress a laugh. He couldn’t believe she was actually wearing this shit.

  When they arrived at the zip line, she was told to change into a different shirt and close-toed shoes, so they made their way to the closest gift shop. In order for them to get back on time, she grabbed the first things she could find.

  Now she was sporting fluorescent pink canvas shoes and a huge shirt that read ‘I love Catalina Island’. The shirt was so long, the bottom of her shorts were barely visible. For good measure, she added a bright pink foam visor that had the Island’s name printed on it as well.

  She smacked his arm as they passed Descando Beach and made their way up the inclined path toward the entrance. “Hey, at least I blend in with the tourists.” She winked.

  “Blend in?” That was it. He stopped in his tracks, bent in half, and let out a loud laugh. “I bet you they can see you from space right now. Those damn shoes and visor are burning holes in my retinas.” He squinted for dramatic effect.

  “Hey, I’m rockin’ this outfit. Maybe I’ll even have it laundered at the hotel so I can wear it at dinner tonight.” Bri passed him by, attempting to hide her smile. She twisted the hem of her shirt into a knot at her back so she at least didn’t feel bottomless.

  Fuck, I hope she’s kidding.

  Josh caught up to her as they walked to the outdoor counter where they paid, signed waivers on the iPads they were given, got geared up, and waited for further instructions. Despite her ugly ass outfit, Bri looked beautiful sitting next to him as they listened to their instructors telling them what to expect and all of the dos and don’ts. She smiled up at him when she heard they were actually going to be traveling down five different zip lines during the tour.

  After they got the lowdown, their party of ten jumped on a small bus that took them up a steep windy road where they got out, walked through a small gate and onto the wooden platform connected to the first line.

  One of the instructor’s went first and when Bri offered to let Josh go before her, he grabbed at the chance. Normally he would be a gentleman and insist she take the first turn, but he was dying to watch her face as she came in after him.

  Helmet in place, harnesses secure, and the trolley handle attached, he was led to the edge of the wooden platform where he stepped off, pulling his knees up and letting gravity take over. The wind whipped in his face while he zoomed above the green canyon, hooting. The fresh smell of nature and eucalyptus filled his lungs.

  Suddenly he dipped further, going even faster as he rocketed past a few treetops. Closing his eyes, he took in the sound of the metal wheel rolling along the wire above him. What a rush.

  He saw another platform connected to the green hill ahead. Lifting his knees up higher, he prepared to stop, hoping not to run into the planks of wood at the end of the landing. Once he came to a stop, the attendant in a green shirt helped unhook him, then he made his way over the lookout platform. The moment he heard over the instructor’s radio, “We have Bri coming next,” Josh’s heart started to beat profusely.

  Are my hands shaking?

  He took a look at the scrape on his calf. Maybe I lost more blood than I realized.

  Wrapped in anticipation, he listened to the zipping sound in the distance.

  What’s wrong with my heart? It’s gonna beat out of my damn chest.

  Grabbing onto the wooden railing to steady himself, he saw a tiny bright pink figure zooming toward him. Those god awful shoes and shirt had to go the minute they were done.

  His body pounded even stronger with eagerness. I can’t wait to see her face.

  And just as he imagined, there it was—the look. Bri was filled with the same high he’d just felt. Most of the girls he’d been around hated this kind of activity and didn’t understand what was so thrilling about it, but Bri totally got it. She understood his passion, because it was hers too.

  The moment she was close enough to make eye contact, he was a goner. He didn’t know much about what his future held, but one thing was sure—he had no plans of letting her slip through his fingers a second time.

  “I’m gonna grab my things and settle in my room before dinner.” Josh walked alongside Bri as they made their way to the room.

  After the zip line tour, lunch, and more sightseeing with the group, he checked into his new room, while Bri chatted with Alison in the lobby. Her stuff had exploded, taking over his first one, so he figured it was easier for him to move than to pack up her crap and haul her big ass suitcase to the next wing.

  “Oh. Okay,” She replied.

  He noticed her fake smile, and frowned. Is she…disappointed?

  Had he done something wrong? He’d thought that was the original plan—share, then get a new room when they were available. He had no plans to stay with her. It was too soon, that might scare her off. But now…?

  No, he finally decided. As much as he’d love to wake up with her in his arms again, Bri had to see that he wanted more than a weekend sexcapade.

  “I’m dying to shower. I feel all sticky.” She pulled her hair up, fanning herself with the other hand.

  Taking a look down at the cut on his leg, he said, “Yeah, I need to go clean this. Properly,” he chuckled.

  Hooking her thumbs in her pockets, she grinned as they walked down the hallway. . “Well, you have to admit. You would’ve lost way more blood if it hadn’t been for my quick thinking.”

  With his lips pursed to the side, Josh agreed, “Yeah, and I’d probably be burned to a crisp if you didn’t bathe me in sunscreen.”

  She gave him a timid smile. “Yeah, sorry. I guess I should’ve warned you before I shot you in the eye.”

  He just laughed as they arrived at her room. He placed his hand on the doorframe behind Bri and glanced down at her blushing cheeks. “I have a feeling there are many more injuries in my future…with you.” He grinned at her sudden shyness.

  He unlocked the door, and she went straight to the bathroom, yelling through the closed door, “What time is it and how long do I have to get ready?”

  He felt his pockets for his phone, remembering that he’d left it charging in her room this morning before they left. Spotting it on the nightstand, he touched the screen, bringing it to life. A bunch of missed calls and texts showed, all from Stefen. He flipped through the messages, feeling more and more irritated and slightly confused.

  What the hell?

  “Josh?” Bri called.

  Snapping out of his bewilderment, he grabbed his suitcase and headed for the door. “It’s three-forty-five, and we’re meeting for rehearsal at five. I’ll be back to pick you up in an hour.”

  “Are you sure? I can just meet you there.”

  Shaking his head with a half-hearted smile, he yelled, “Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll be back.”

  Like I’m gonna let any other bastard in this place think you’re alone. Negative.

  “Okay, see you in a while.”

  Phone and suitcase in hand, he left, not bothering to read anymore of the messages. He would just call Stefen and find out what was going on.

  “Hey, Bri isn’t around, is she?” Stefen sounded strained.

  “No, she’s showering.” Josh smacked his forehead as he made his way out of the elevator.

  Crap. Wrong thing to say to her brother.

  “Listen, just because I don’t mind that you
took her away for a few days doesn’t mean I want you all over her.”

  Stopping in his tracks, Josh looked around to see if anyone was listening, then moved over to a more secluded spot in the lobby. “Let’s get something straight, that part of her life isn’t any of your business. But you should also know I’m not making any moves until she’s ready. She’s in her room, taking a shower, and I’m heading to my room.”

  Josh couldn’t imagine how he would’ve felt if he had a little sister.

  Huffing, Stefen breathed out, “Fine. Just know that I’m trying to get things under control over here. My mother is being psychotic right now. Something set her off, and she was taking it out on Bri. Not sure how much will be settled before you guys leave, so keep in touch before you bring her back home.”

  Things must’ve been really out of control for him to call so many times.

  “Will do.” Josh ended the call as he made it to his new room.

  God, Bri’s mother must’ve been a total psycho, to do what she did to Bri. Whatever that was. She still hadn’t told him the whole story. It didn’t matter. When she was ready to share, he’d be here. Right now, his only goal was to make Bri forget. The only problem was that he only had a few days to make that happen before she was thrust back into the reality.

  Alison stood at the long table in the restaurant section of the arcade. “So I know some of you think this is lame.” Her eyes intentionally narrowed at her soon-to-be sister-in-law, Brandy. “But we figured, since we have to dress up and use our manners tomorrow at the wedding, tonight we could have fun hanging out, eating pizza, drinking some beer, and playing arcade games.” Her college roommate’s infectious smile warmed Bri’s heart.

  I’m so glad she found her ‘happy’.

  When they’d first sat down, Bri spotted the air hockey tables off to the side. That’s where she was planning to spend the rest of her evening. She was all for dressing up in fancy, girly clothes when the time called for it, but this was also her kind of night. And she ruled at air hockey.

  “I see you eyeing those tables. Wanna play?” Josh’s arm draped over the back of her chair. He’d seemed to be hovering a little bit since he picked her up, but she didn’t mind.

  “You any good?” She leaned her elbows on the table, resting her chin on her shoulder.

  Leaning back further in his chair, he lifted a cocky eyebrow. “State champion.”

  In her smoothest tone, she said, “Oh really? I didn’t realize there was such a thing. I might have to enter.”

  He chewed on the end of a small straw. “You could always play me now and see if you qualify.”

  She tapped her index finger on her lips. “What do I get if I win?”

  “What do you want?” The chair scratched the floor as he moved forward, hope and playfulness in his eyes.

  She smirked, feeling the heat between them. “When I win, I’ll tell you.”

  “Okay, but I want a congratulatory kiss,” a smug look crossed his face, “when I win.”

  She gently touched her bottom lip with her thumb, hoping he was imagining how they would feel on his. “We’ll see.” His darkened eyes said that he was definitely thinking about kissing her.

  The pizza arrived as a woman at the next table yelled, "Hey, aren’t you guys those actor brothers? My friend says you aren't and I say you are."

  Bri saw the irritation on Josh's face, but he turned toward the table, putting on his best Hollywood smile. As hot as he looked with that smile, she was so glad he saved the real one for her.

  Bradley sat beside Josh, eating this up. "Yeah, we are." They’d been stopped by fans quite a few times since they’d arrived on Catalina. Josh told her he didn’t normally get recognized anymore, unless he was with Brad.

  "See, I told you." The loud fan pointed to another girl wearing a veiled tiara. "My friend over here is getting married next week. Can you give her a farewell kiss before she’s off the market?"

  Bri could hear the friend protesting. She looked up at Josh, wondering what he was going to do.

  He took a deep breath and leaned over. "Do you mind if I go take a picture with them?"

  Brandy snipped, “Bri’s not your keeper, Josh. Why are you asking her? You’re a celebrity. This comes with the territory.” She crossed her arms over her chest, giving him an ‘I dare you to say otherwise’ look.

  Man, this bitch is annoying.

  Josh and Brad got up from their seats, but before Josh headed over to the table, he approached Brandy and whispered something in her ear. Brandy’s smug look turned sour, and Bri had to bite down a satisfying smile.

  Spinning around, Josh was just about to pass Bri, when he winked and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

  Brad was already cheesing it up, taking pictures with the girls by the time Josh joined them. Each girl took their turn smacking their lips against Bradley’s like he was the main attraction at a kissing booth.


  Josh only smiled politely, signed napkins, and took a handful of pictures with them. One girl managed to sneak a kiss on his cheek right before the camera flashed. It would’ve been easy to miss, but Bri caught his mini eye roll before he shook the girl’s hand and headed back over.

  Brandy had tried to force Josh into a situation that would make Bri jealous, but it had the opposite effect. She was proud of him.

  He’d unknowingly held her heart for years. Maybe now she held his? Bri wasn’t a catty girl by any means, but she couldn’t help the smirk that spread across her mouth when she looked over at Brandy’s sneer.

  A hand touched her shoulder, sweeping her hair to the side. “I think I’m ready for that game now. What do you say?” Josh whispered in her ear, sending a million chills down her back.

  “Definitely ready.” Bri grabbed her beer, allowing Josh to pull her by the hand to the air hockey tables. Putting her drink down on a table beside them, she grabbed a paddle, ready to kick some ass.

  Josh gave her a wicked look and put some coins in the slot. When the puck fell on her side of the table, she did the first thing that came to mind—she picked it up and slammed it into his goal before he was ready.

  “So you’re a dirty player.” He smirked, pursing his lips as if he was picturing something entirely different. “Good to know.”

  Distracted by his comment, she missed him returning the puck to her goal.

  Dammit, he plays dirty too.

  Bri just shook her head, flipping her hair off her shoulder. She was far too competitive to let that happen again. By the look on his face, he wasn’t about to let her win either.

  She did a little side to side, eyes narrowed in a challenge.

  Now these are the kinda games I like to play. It’s on.

  “I won fair and square, y’know.” Josh laid on his side in the sand, next to Bri, holding her delicate hand as they both stared at the moonlit ocean. It was a toss-up, which was more beautiful—Bri or the quiet, frothy waves.

  They tied four games of air hockey before he finally beat her in the fifth one. After the mock tournament, they went back to the table, ate dinner with their friends, and said their goodbyes. Now on the hotel’s private beach, they were enjoying the romantic setting.

  Bri sighed, playfully rolling her eyes. “Did you stop to think that I may have let you win that last game?” She rested her head in the palm of her hand.

  Sounds like she wants that kiss as much as I do.

  Something flashed across her face as Bri sat up and brought her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around. Looking out across the ocean, she had a lost look on her face.

  Josh could tell by her expression that her brain was working backward. “What’s wrong, Bri?” he asked, pulling her hand into his and kissing the marks that had begun to heal on her palm.

  She rested her cheek on her knees, looking at him as she opened up. “I don’t know, I guess I‘ve always felt like a disappointment. I know you told me to enjoy this trip, and I really have. It’s been heaven, to feel free to be
myself. I just can’t stop thinking about what I’m going to face once we leave. Home is supposed to be a safe and happy place, but for me it’s always been a prison.” She turned and gazed out at the horizon, adding, “I’ve often wondered if there’s even a place on earth where I actually belong.” Her voice was barely louder than a whisper. Josh could see the haunted look on her face and the loneliness screaming from her words.


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