Book Read Free

Discovering Her Curves

Page 2

by Jane Fox

  That’s all it could be, at least for now.



  I watched, my mouth ajar, as Celeste Richmond stomped out of the office. And I wasn’t the only one. The entire office seemed to have ground to a standstill as soon as she’d come sailing through the door. I hadn’t been able to hear their entire conversation—the building was old and solidly built, which muffled their voices to a degree. But Celeste had opened the door before she’d made her final statement.

  Part of me wondered if she’d done it on purpose, to let the entire office know that Dom was hers, and that she controlled when he’d be free.

  I suddenly felt shaky and weak, and I had to grab the back of a nearby chair to keep my knees from buckling.

  Their divorce wasn’t finalized. I was going to dinner with a married man.

  I felt tears spring to my eyes. I should have known better than to think a man like Dominic Richmond was actually interested in me for me. He probably thought I’d be so desperate that I’d let him do whatever he wanted. And the thing that angered me the most is that I wasn’t sure that he was wrong.

  I had to cancel dinner.

  It took me close to an hour to work up the courage to go tell him I wasn’t going out with him that night. Finally, I saw my opportunity as he left his office and headed for the elevator.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Richmond,” I said, hurrying to catch up with him.

  “Serena,” he said, his face breaking out in a smile that looked real. “I’ve had a rough day. Looking forward to a nice dinner tonight.”

  “Yes, about that, sir…”

  “We should talk about which law schools you’re considering. I have some close friends that work as faculty at various schools, and I think they’d be interested to hear about your work ethic.”

  I just stared at him for a moment. What was he offering?

  “If you keep up the way you have been, I’d be happy to write you a recommendation,” he continued. “I mean, if that’s something you’re interested in.”

  A letter of recommendation from an ADA? Yes, I was interested, but I wasn’t willing to pay what I suspected it would cost.

  “Just give me a chance,” he said, and he looked so beaten down that I just couldn’t cancel. I knew I’d feel terrible about myself later, but, at that moment, I just didn’t have it in me.

  I swallowed hard. “Ok,” I said.

  I fretted for the rest of the afternoon, but it was tinged with an excitement I was ashamed to be feeling. I mean, Dom seemed like a nice guy. He might just want to be friends. And maybe I could even handle that.

  But when I saw him at the end of the day, tie loosened and looking the exact right amount of casual, my heart leapt. I didn’t know that I could ever just be friends without wanting him, at least a little.

  But he was a married man. Friends is all we could possibly be, at least for now.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, offering me his elbow. “It’s only a couple blocks away. I thought we could walk. Unless your feet are bothering you?”

  “No, I’m good,” I said, tentatively placing my hand in the crook of his elbow. That was an entirely platonic friendly gesture, right?

  It would be a long night if I kept second-guessing everything like this.

  We fell into conversation easily as we walked. Part of me felt like I’d known Dom forever; he was so easy to talk to. Another part of me kept wondering just what he wanted from me, what he expected. I wished that part would just shut up and let me enjoy the evening.

  “Do you like Italian?” he asked.

  “I do,” I said. “It’s one of my favorites.”

  “Perfect,” he said, grinning wide. “Let me introduce you to one of the best restaurants in the city.” With a flourish of his arm, he indicated the fairly generic-looking red-and-white-awning of the restaurant in front of us. “This is Mario’s. Might not look like much, but their eggplant parmesan is the best you’ve ever tasted.”

  “Oh yeah?” I said, returning his smile. “My Nonna was born in Italy, so that’s a pretty high bar.”

  “No offense intended to your Nonna, but I suspect that Mario’s recipe will blow hers out of the water.”

  I mock-gasped. “Talking trash about my Nonna, Mr. Richmond? Well, I never.”

  “C’mon,” he said, opening the door. “Let’s find out.”

  What my Nonna doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Mario’s eggplant parmesan was the best I’d ever tasted.

  Dom and I were both on our second glasses of wine and stuffed full of pure deliciousness.

  “Room for dessert?” he asked.

  “Ugh, not a chance,” I said. “I should have asked them to wrap half of it before I even started.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” he said.

  “Might not be fun, but it would have been responsible.”

  “Responsibility’s not all that it’s cracked up to be,” he said, his eyes flashing dark for a moment. “Trust me.”

  We sat in silence for a moment, the wine almost loosening my tongue enough that I was willing to ask about Celeste. To say that would be an overreach on my part would be a serious understatement. I flailed for safer ground.

  “What got you interested in law?” I finally settled on.

  His face lit up again. “My uncle,” he said. “He was always my hero growing up, and he was a lawyer. I wanted to keep people safe, just like he did. I guess I’d like to make the world a better place, too.”

  We smiled at each other for a moment, before things began to feel just a bit too intimate. I reminded myself that, even if he was interested (which was a big “if”), he wasn’t available.

  “I should get home,” I said lamely.

  Dom glanced at his watch. “It is getting late,” he said. Was I imagining things, or did I hear a trace of disappointment in his voice? “Let me call you a cab.”

  “No, I can just take the subway,” I said.

  “I insist. It’s my fault you’re running late, and it would do wonders for my peace of mind, especially at this time of night.”

  As I rode home in the cab I’d finally agreed to, I contemplated just how hard it would be to be Dominic Richmond’s friend when what I really wanted was to be so much more.



  I had hardly slept the previous night, and when I did, I had dreams about a beautiful woman who was just out of reach. I had it bad for Serena, and there was nothing I could do about it. Celeste was holding my future hostage.

  I even contemplated giving it to her. The money wasn’t an issue; the family had more than we could spend in several lifetimes. But I knew that if I gave in to Celeste’s threats, it would never be enough. I’d never get her out of my life. I had to remain strong, no matter how difficult it was.

  Almost as if thinking about her had summoned her, Celeste strode through the door of my office.

  “You’d best not be here to make another scene,” I growled.

  “Oh, not at all,” she said in an artificially sweet voice. “I’m here with a mutually beneficial offer.”

  “Why do I not believe that?” I said coldly.

  She ignored that. “Aren’t you ashamed, Dominic, that you’ve been carrying on with an underage girl?”

  Her words had the intended effect. I stood up and slammed my hand down on my desk. “What the hell are you talking about, Celeste?”

  She tsked and continued. “Been screwing her since she was seventeen, haven’t you? Four long years you cheated on me, starting when she was still a child.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  She slapped a photo on my desk. It was of me and Serena, having dinner together the previous night. “I have witnesses, Dominic, who are willing to testify that you’ve been involved with this girl for years.”

  My blood boiled. Of course she did; some people would say anything you wanted if they were paid enough. “How dare you try to drag a promising young lawyer’s name
through the mud for financial gain?” I said. Something in my tone must have startled her, because she took a step back, put a chair between me and her. It’s not like I’d ever considered being violent with her, but I think she knew that she’d pushed me to my breaking point.

  “Don’t worry, Celeste. I have no intention of ever laying my hands on you. For any reason,” I said. “But this ends here.”

  “I don’t think so,” she said, although her tone was wary. “I have a compelling case against you.”

  “Compelling,” I spat. “I’ll show you compelling.”

  I went to my office safe and retrieved a large manila folder. I threw it on the desk in her direction. “As compelling as you cheating on me since before we were even engaged?”

  Her eyes widened, and she looked from the folder to me.

  “Oh, I knew. I started to suspect a couple of years ago, so I hired an investigator. I was willing to work past it, Celeste. I was willing to try to make our marriage work. But I suspected you’d pull something like this—although I never knew you’d sink enough to drag an innocent woman into it. But trust me when I tell you I know everything.”

  All the blood had drained out of her face. That shouldn’t have brought me the satisfaction that it did, but I’m only human.

  “Your falsified claims will fall apart the minute they’re inspected closely,” I continued. “The information in this folder won’t, because it’s entirely true. I had no intention of using it, but you’re leaving me with no choice. So here’s how it’s going to work. You will sign the divorce papers and have them couriered to my lawyer by the close of business today. You will accept the generous terms that I’ve offered. And if you ever so much as breathe in Serena Sinclair’s general direction again, I will use this leverage to ensure you’re cut off without a single cent more.”

  Celeste opened her mouth, closed it, and opened it again. Then, without another word, she turned on her heel and left.

  Within two hours, my lawyer called to inform me that he had the signed divorce papers in his hands.



  It was after lunch when my document delivery rounds took me somewhere I wasn’t sure I wanted to go—to Dominic Richmond’s office.

  Celeste had stormed in—and then, fairly quickly, out—several hours before. I hadn’t managed to catch any of their conversation, but whatever it was, she left far more upset than when she’d arrived. I didn’t think they’d be coming to a settlement any time soon.

  So I just needed to keep my head down, do my job, and try to be Dom’s friend.

  “Serena,” he said warmly as I entered his office. “I need to speak with you. Please close the door.”

  I did as he asked, moving trepidatiously. My heart was beating so loudly I was afraid that he’d hear it. What did he need to tell me with the door closed?

  “I’m so sorry about last night,” he said as I approached his desk. “I didn’t know the divorce papers weren’t signed when I asked you to dinner.”

  “It’s ok,” I said, trying to put a confidence that I didn’t feel into my voice. “I knew we were just going as colleagues.”

  “But what if I want to be more than colleagues? I apologize for being so forward, Serena, and I want you to know that I plan to make that recommendation no matter what. But I thought we had a connection, and I’m wondering if you’re willing to explore that with me.”

  I felt my eyes filling with tears. “We did have a connection,” I whispered, “but you’re married. I can’t. We can’t.”

  Dom took my hands and looked into my eyes. “I never meant to put you in this situation,” he said. “Celeste signed. The papers are with my lawyer. I’m a free man.”

  I felt a tear slide down my cheek as my eyes widened. “You mean it?”

  He grinned. “I do. I’m all yours.”

  I couldn’t help it. I stood on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips. There was a beat, and then he was crushing me to him, one hand tangling in my hair while the other pulled me close. I gasped, and he licked into my mouth. I met his tongue with mine, savoring the taste of him, the feel of his hands on me. Too soon for my liking, he broke the kiss.

  “We can’t do this here,” he said, sounding as out of breath as I felt. “Come home with me after work. Will you?”

  “Yes,” I said, nodding my head for emphasis.

  “Sweetheart,” he said, giving me one more chaste kiss. “How will I survive the afternoon?”

  We avoided each other for the rest of the day by tacit agreement. I doubted my ability to play it cool if we were anywhere near each other, and I didn’t think I was alone in that. In fact, as we walked to the parking garage after work, his finger traced the back of my hand. I wanted so much to grab his hand, to show the world how I felt about him, but I controlled myself.

  Once we were in his sleek black car, he pulled me in for another kiss, exploring my mouth hungrily. I could feel myself getting turned on just from kissing. I was going to be a mess by the time we got to his apartment.

  “Can’t wait to get you alone,” he said in a low voice that did amazing things to me. “Need you so much, Serena.”

  Luckily his apartment was close. “The place isn’t a permanent thing,” he said. “I just needed somewhere to stay while everything got finalized. It’s not much.”

  “Not much” wound up being a two-bedroom with a spectacular view of the skyline, a gourmet kitchen, and a huge fireplace.

  “Yeah, I don’t know how you live in this sort of squalor,” I said as I spun around, taking in the view.

  “Maybe you can help me pick the next place,” he said, stepping close to kiss me thoroughly. And, at that moment, the last thing I was thinking about was real estate.

  “Am I going too fast?” he asked, breaking the kiss and looking into my eyes.

  I shook my head no. “It feels right.”

  “Damned if it doesn’t,” he said, backing me up against a wall, his hands on either side of my face as he kissed me. He pushed his thigh in between my legs so I was straddling it and ground it against my core. I groaned at the delicious friction of it, rubbing my clit against him.

  “That’s it, baby girl. Take what you need,” he said, one of his hands moving down to encourage my hips as I rubbed myself against him. I heard a wanton moan and only realized after the fact it was me.

  Dom put his hands on the back of my thighs. “Up,” he said simply.

  With any other man, I would have worried about his ability to hold me, but I already trusted him more than anyone. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he backed me away from the wall to carry me down the hall to a bedroom.

  He gently put me down on the king-size bed and he was on top of me, kissing, his hands roaming everywhere he could reach without breaking our connection. He brushed his hand over my nipple and I arched up against him, encouraging him. He hummed into my mouth.

  He broke away and put his lips right next to my ear. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. “God, seeing you like this, all spread out beneath me. I can’t decide what to do next.”

  “Do it all,” I said, the last word breaking as he sucked right below my ear.

  “Greedy girl,” he said. “I love it.”

  And then he was unbuttoning my blouse and unzipping my skirt, leaving me in nothing but my slip and my stockings. He bent my leg and ran his mouth over my ankle, licking up to my knee, and I wiggled under him, desperate for more. He reached under my skirt and seemed delighted to find that my stockings were thigh-highs.

  “Woman, you’re killing me,” he groaned as he began to roll one stocking down, kissing the skin as it was exposed. When he’d stripped me of that, he gave the other leg the same treatment, nibbling over my ankle as he pulled the second stocking off.

  “What are we going to do about this?” he said, pulling at the strap of my slip. I quickly shimmied out of it, leaving me in nothing but my bra and panties. Luckily, I’d matched them when I got dressed that morning.
It wasn’t my best set, but Dom didn’t seem to be complaining.

  Starting at my ear, he kissed down my neck and my chest, before opening the front clasp of my bra. I felt shy as he sat back on his heels and looked at me; was he noticing my stomach or how thick my arms looked?

  “Beautiful,” he repeated. It sounded like a prayer.

  Dom leaned over and took one of my nipples in his mouth, sucking hard. I couldn’t hold back my moan at the overwhelming sensation, and I pliantly let him pull the bra down my arms until I was wearing nothing but my black lace panties.

  I tugged on his tie. “You now,” I said. He quickly shucked his clothes, self-confident in a way I could only envy, and soon he stood in front of me, his cock hard and ready.

  “Are you sure this is ok?” he asked, looking concerned.

  In response, I slid my panties off and dragged my fingers over my clit, spreading my legs wide so he could see.

  “Fuck,” he whispered. He got into bed and laid down on his back. “Ride me, Serena.”

  And who could resist an invitation like that? I positioned myself over him, quashing the last lingering concerns about my body, and slowly slid myself down his hard cock until I’d taken him all.

  Dom groaned and rolled his hips, thrusting into me. I began moving up and down, chasing the sensation of his cock rubbing in just the right spot, driving me crazy.

  He reached his thumb down to rub my clit, his eyes never breaking contact with mine. I could feel the pressure building in me, the need to explode, almost there. When he gave my clit a firm circle just as he thrust upwards, my entire world exploded around me and I moaned while I bucked on his cock, desperate for the sensations to continue.

  He held my hips and thrust into me once, twice, a third time, deeper than he’d gone before, and let out a deep groan.

  I leaned down over his chest, burying my face in his shoulder and trying to catch my breath. When I finally realized that it would be difficult to do both things at the same time, I rolled off and tumbled down next to him.


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