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Page 10

by SK

  Frowning, Jerra asked, “What do mean? Are you saying…?”

  Sighing, Aleesha said, “He cheated on me, about a year ago. Actually, cheating is putting it mildly. It was an out and out affair.”

  “What? Why didn’t you tell us, Leesh?” Keisha asked, shocked. “We knew that you and Amir went through a rough patch around that time, but all couples do. We thought it was a bump in the road because later you guys seemed to be fine.”

  “I couldn’t bear to tell you. I guess I didn’t want to lose face, but…it’s just that I loved him so much, and he swore it would never happen again. We talked and cried it out and I decided to give him another chance. He hasn’t given me any reason to doubt his love or fidelity since then.”

  Jerra and Keisha were stunned. Aleesha and Amir seemed like the perfect couple and Amir was the epitome of the perfect man. He was handsome, successful, and seemingly worshipped the ground Aleesha walked on. They never would have thought in a million years he’d cheat on her.

  “I know that doesn’t justify what I did last night. I told him I forgave him, but deep down, maybe I never did. Maybe I felt a need to get even. I can tell you that I don’t feel guilty. I know I should - but I don’t. The way Marcus made me feel….” Aleesha closed her eyes as the memories of the things they’d done ran through her mind. She opened her eyes and looked at her friends. “There’s something else…”

  She explained that she and Marcus first met three years ago here in Vegas, and how they’d ditched the afternoon meeting and spent the rest of the day together. She told them how she’d decided to sleep with him that night, but he hadn’t attended the remainder of the conference. Jerra and Keisha were clearly shocked.

  “And you mean to tell me that out of all of the people in this city, you two end up connecting again?” Keisha asked. “It’s almost like it was meant to be or something.”

  Jerra glared at Keisha. “No, it was just coincidence, but at least now you have closure Aleesha. When we get back to Atlanta, you and Amir can begin your lives together as man and wife with a clean slate.”

  Aleesha looked at her two best friends and wanted to believe that statement more than anything in the world. “I just need you to support me, no questions asked. Amir will never know about this weekend. We’ll go home and finish the final details for the wedding and everything will be back to normal.”

  Jerra and Keisha got up and went over to Aleesha. They wrapped their arms around her, silently letting her know they had her back.

  Keisha told her, “It goes without saying that you have our support. And as far as this weekend, what happens in Vegas - stays in Vegas.”


  Spring Valley Hospital

  Marcus wearily walked out the hospital and climbed into his truck. It had been one hell of a night. A multiple car pileup on the interstate had turned the emergency room into a living nightmare as victim after victim was brought in with life threatening injuries. Marcus had worked on pure adrenaline. He’d made a conscious effort to separate his feelings from the patients he had to try and save, some of them children - he had lost two of them. All because of a drunk driver.

  Slamming the door of his SUV, he briefly leaned his head back against the headrest of the seat. When would people learn not to drink and drive? Letting out a pent up breath, Marcus felt the fatigue finally catching up with him now that the crisis was over. As he started the ignition, he heard the faint roaring of a plane taxiing down the runway to prepare for takeoff. He immediately thought of Aleesha. Was she on the plane?

  If nothing else, this emergency kept his mind off of her and the night they’d shared. Closing his eyes, her face came into view. He remembered the way she smiled, the way her body looked, the way she smelled - the way she tasted…

  With his eyes still closed, he took a trip down memory lane to the time they’d spent together at the conference. Would things have been different if he’d come back that night? Would they still be together? Would he be the man she was preparing to marry instead of Amir?

  His mind drifted to the call he’d received right after seeing Aleesha to the elevator after taking her on a tour of Vegas. A woman he’d dated had overdosed on sleeping pills and was in the emergency room. He’d broken up with Paula a couple of months prior, but she hadn’t taken the ending of their relationship very well. To make matters worse, they were colleagues and worked together at the hospital. When she’d continued to call and “accidentally” pop up wherever he happened to be, he’d finally told her in no uncertain terms, there was no chance of the two of them ever being a couple and he didn’t want to be with her. He knew his words had been blunt, but he wanted her to realize how serious he was. He wasn’t sure if she actually meant to commit suicide that night or if she’d been trying to get his attention. Either way, he’d felt he needed to be at the hospital. Once there, he’d gotten caught up in other things, and by the time he was able to leave, the conference was over and Aleesha was gone. Marcus couldn’t help but feel he’d missed out on knowing someone who would’ve been very important in his life. Every so often, he still found himself thinking, what if?

  Stop it. Marcus abruptly opened his eyes. You need to file last night’s memory away as a wonderful experience. Aleesha is engaged to be married in a couple of weeks, and you have your life here. Let it go, Marcus. It’s past time for you to move on.

  Putting the car in gear, he pulled out of the parking lot and tried to ignore the persistent voice that taunted him all the way home…

  Let it go?

  Easier said than done.

  Chapter 15

  One week later, Aleesha, Keisha, and Jerra were at Aleesha’s house in Atlanta going over last minute details with the wedding planner. Aleesha was getting married this Saturday, and the days seemed to fly by as she ran around making sure everything was taken care of.

  She actually welcomed the opportunity to stay busy. When things were too quiet, it gave her mind time to wander back to Las Vegas - and him. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t put the memory of that night behind her. Being with Marcus made her feel like no other man ever had - including her fiancée.

  Once she returned from the trip, she and Amir continued their pledge of celibacy. Oddly enough, Amir hadn’t complained about the lack of sex between them the way he’d been doing before she left. Maybe he finally realized it wouldn’t do any good to try and change her mind. Whatever the reason, Aleesha was grateful and somewhat relieved. She didn’t want to admit that deep down inside, her relief came from the fact that Amir wasn’t the man she desired. When she closed her eyes, it wasn’t Amir’s touch she yearned to feel glide over her body, but Marcus’. It didn’t matter where she was or what she was doing, he was constantly on her mind. She tried to tell herself those feelings would subside as soon as she and Amir were married - at least she prayed they would.

  “Aleesha. Aleesha….HELLO EARTH TO ALEESHAAA……!”

  Hearing her name, Aleesha snapped back to the present and laughed when she saw them looking at her expectedly. “I’m sorry, did you say something? My mind was wandering I suppose.”

  “Yeah, we know. Evelyn was asking if this just about covered everything. Is there anything you want to change?” Keisha asked.

  Aleesha directed her attention to her wedding planner. “No, everything is perfect. You’ve done a great job. I’m very satisfied.”

  After they’d shown Evelyn out, the three friends kicked back with a bottle of wine and reminisced about all the mischief they used to get into in college. They were just recovering from a fit of laughter when the doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get it.” Still giggling and shaking her head, Jerra stood up and walked over to the door and opened it. A tall, attractive sista with light blond, shoulder length hair was standing there with her hand on her hip. “Can I help you?”

  The woman’s tawny colored eyes went over Jerra from head to toe as if sizing her up and looking for flaws. “I’m here to see Aleesha.”

erra frowned at her rude tone. She folded her arms and shifted her weight to one leg. “Excuse me?”

  Aleesha came to the door with a curious expression on her face. “Can I help you”


  “Yes...and you are?”

  “Aleesha, my name is Simone. You don’t know me, but I know you. And I know Amir - very well. I thought it only fair to inform you that he and I have been seeing each other on and off for the last year.”

  Aleesha stared at Simone as if she were speaking Greek. “What… who…What did you say?!”

  Keisha joined Aleesha and Jerra at the door. She curled her hands into fists and gave Simone an intimidating glare. Simone ignored everyone else and kept her attention focused on Aleesha.

  “You heard me. Amir and I are in love, but he’s confused. Apparently, his sense of obligation has convinced him to actually go through with this farce of a wedding. I’m here to make sure he doesn’t. And just so you know I’m not lying, I left proof in the corner of your lingerie drawer.”

  Aleesha’s eyes narrowed. Was this bitch saying she had been in her house? Her bed?? When Simone’s mouth curled up in satisfaction at the reaction she’d provoked, Aleesha made an effort to calm down. However, Simone’s next words all but ruined her good intention. “You have cute stuff, by the way, although I now see why Amir loves to sit back and have me model my lingerie for him. He adores the more…racier outfits, if you hadn’t figured that out yet.”

  As the shock of Simone’s words finally penetrated Aleesha’s brain, her first instinct was to slap the taste out of this ‘Barbie doll’ wannabe’s mouth. She actually took a step in her direction before she pulled herself up short. After all, Simone was only able to do as much as Amir allowed. Her loyalty wasn’t to Aleesha - but Amir’s was supposed to be.

  Lifting her chin, she met Simone’s eyes. “You’ve said what you’ve come to say. You need to leave. Now.”

  Simone obviously couldn’t take a hint. “I spent the weekend here with Amir a couple of weeks ago while you were in Las Vegas at your little bachelorette party.” Anger coursed through Aleesha’s body. She’d never fought a woman over a man in her life, and she was trying not to start now but she was about two seconds from grabbing this heffa by her long flowing weave and opening up a can of serious whip ass.

  Taking a deep breath, her voice was ice cold. “Is there anything else?”

  Simone’s brows lifted in surprise. “No. Just wanted you to know what a fool you were. That’s all.”

  Okay, that did it. Aleesha was going to knock the smirk off of Simone’s face if it was the last thing she did. Before she could follow through on the thought, Keisha stepped in front of her and wielded a closed fist to knock Simone flat on her ass. Screeching from the pain of the blow, Simone held the side of her face and looked up at Keisha in shock. Her fair colored skin turned beet red.

  Keisha stood glowering over her. “Nah, Bitch. Now that’s all.” Keisha contemplated whether or not she ought to just whip this slut’s ass and get it over with, but decided Aleesha needed her more right now. Grabbing the doorknob, she stepped back into the house, but before she slammed the door, she delivered a threatening promise to Simone. “You and I will be seeing each other again - believe that.”

  Aleesha walked to the family room and started pacing. Keisha ranted and raved about what all she should’ve done to that ‘skank’ Simone and listed different ways to castrate Amir. Jerra tried to comfort Aleesha while shooting daggers towards Keisha, which she stubbornly ignored. After a few minutes, Aleesha told them she wanted to be alone. Although reluctant to leave her, Keisha and Jerra knew she needed time to herself. Aleesha promised to call them soon.

  Now hours later, Aleesha sat on the couch as she once again went over the scene with Simone. The fact didn’t escape her that she was more angry than hurt. Yes, she had been unfaithful in Las Vegas and was doing her best to forget Marcus and that night, but this wasn’t the first time Amir had cheated on her. When she found out before, he’d begged and pleaded with her to forgive him and swore it would never happen again.

  But not only had it happened, he’d brought her to their home. Did he have so little respect for her? Aleesha felt the white hot fury building. Finishing off the last of the wine, she sprang up from the sofa and went to her bedroom. She headed directly towards her lingerie drawer and haphazardly threw everything out on the floor until she saw it.

  Stuffed in the corner of the drawer was a wad of material. Curling her lip in distaste and disgust, she pulled it out and held it away from her by thumb and index finger. It was a hot pink thong - one she knew didn’t belong to her. Aleesha made her way back to the living room and waited on Amir. She was too numb for the tears to come, at least right now.

  Maybe I’m still in shock, she thought. A whole year. He’s been seeing her all this time while lying to me, making wedding plans…

  Aleesha didn’t know how long she sat there, but finally, she heard a key unlocking the door, and a moment later Amir walked in. He still had on his t-shirt and basketball shorts from the pickup game he and his boys had just finished. Looking at him, Aleesha absently took note of how handsome he was. Even though his frame was large and muscled, he moved with a grace not found in many men. His arms bulged as he threw his gym bag in the corner and pulled off his wet shirt. Her eyes went over the chiseled perfection of his chest and stomach. Women were constantly coming on to him, but foolishly Aleesha thought he had only strayed that one time. She should’ve known better.

  “Hey babe.” Amir leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. “I know I’m late. The game ran a little longer than usual. Our competition was younger, but we still spanked that ass and schooled ‘em good,” he laughed. He continued to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. “Let me jump in the shower then I’ll be ready to go out to dinner.”

  Aleesha got up and followed him to the kitchen and stood in the doorway. “I had a visitor today.”

  “Oh yeah? Who?”

  “Um, I think she said her name was Simone….?” Aleesha’s sharp gaze never left his face. She wanted to see every twitch of deception that flickered in his eyes, and she didn’t have long to wait.

  When he heard Simone’s name, Amir spit out the mouthful of water he’d been about to swallow. A coughing fit seized him as some of the water trickled down his throat. He warily met Aleesha‘s accusing eyes as she watched him.

  “Baby, wait. Let me explain. That bitch is crazy. You can’t believe a word she says.” Aleesha just continued to stare at him in silence as he implicated himself even further with lies. When she didn’t respond, Amir walked up to her and took her hand. “Babe, you remember when I messed up a year ago…“ His eyes were desperately trying to hold hers captive as he gave her a sincere and pleading look. He did not want to lose her. “…well, it was with her. She’s been practically stalking me ever since. She won’t take no for an answer. I’m about ready to take out a restraining order on her psycho ass…..”

  Aleesha couldn’t stand it anymore. She pulled her hand out of his and pushed his chest. “Enough, Amir! You’re lying! She was here the weekend of my bachelorette party wasn’t she? In fact she left a little souvenir in my lingerie drawer.” Aleesha held the thong up with a piece of tissue then threw it in his face.

  Amir caught the scrap of silk. He immediately recognized it as being Simone’s and quickly tried to hide his guilt, but Aleesha saw it right away. When he opened his mouth to continue his lies, she held up a hand.

  “Don’t! Don’t lie to me anymore.”

  Knowing he’d been caught, Amir could only hang his head down. Garnering the courage to look at Aleesha, tears welled in his eyes as he realized what he’d just destroyed. “Babe, please. Let me explain…”

  “Explain?!” she yelled at him. “There is no way you can explain this! I understand perfectly. You lied when you said you’d only messed up that one time. She told me you’ve been sleeping with her for the last year…??”


  “No! I don’t want to hear it! Wait. You can answer this, though: Our house, Amir? You brought that bitch up in our house?! Our bed??”

  Amir almost broke down when he saw the hurt in Aleesha’s eyes. “Baby, please. I’m sorry. I love you Aleesha.” The words were barely out of his mouth before Aleesha’s hand swung back and connected with his cheek. Amir’s face burned and throbbed, but he knew he deserved that and a lot more for the way he’d been disrespecting her.

  “I want you out. Now. Today. Pack your things and get the hell out of my house.”

  Aleesha turned around to walk out of the kitchen. When she paused at the door, Amir’s expression became hopeful, but Aleesha quickly doused whatever small flame she saw burning there when she yanked her engagement ring off her finger then threw it at him.

  “One more thing.” She waited until she had his full attention. “I fucked someone else in Vegas. And it was the best sex I ever had." Turning to leave, she called out over her shoulder, “Have a nice life.”

  Chapter 16

  Las Vegas - Two months later…

  Darrell shook his head at the pathetic sight Marcus made. “Man, what the fuck? You been moping around here acting like you’ve lost your best friend. Damn, was the pussy that good?”

  Marcus cut his eyes at Darrell. “I specifically told you I didn’t feel like seeing anybody today. Did you listen? No. So once again, I repeat - I’m not in the mood for your bullshit, D.” His eyes burned bright with warning before he turned back to the game on TV.

  Unfazed, Darrell took another sip of his beer. “Well damn. Is that any way to talk to your best friend who happens to come by bearing a bit of interesting news?”

  Letting out a deep sigh, Marcus briefly closed his eyes. Knowing he wasn’t going to get a moment’s peace until he let Darrell have his say, Marcus fixed him with a pointed look and growled, “What?”


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