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Page 18

by SK


  Inside the condo, Jerra tried to scramble off the floor and run, but Earl grabbed her long ponytail and jerked her back. Jerra felt a sense of déjà vu as the memory of him grabbing her the same way the night he raped her flashed in her mind.

  "Let me go!!” Jerra's hatred and anger took over. "Let me go you sorry son of a bitch!!”

  Earl gave her hair a sharp jerk which made her tumbling backward against him. He reached around and roughly covered her mouth. He squeezed so hard she tasted blood from her teeth cutting into the soft lining of her inner lip.

  “Shut up!” he growled in her ear. “You hear me?! Shut your fuckin’ mouth!”

  Jerra frantically clawed and scratched his hand. She tried to stay calm, but panic made its way into her body. She relentlessly twisted, turned, and kicked to get away before sinking her teeth down hard over his fingers as hard as she could.

  “Shit!” Earl released her go for a moment. In that split second, Jerra tried to remember the self-defense classes she, Keisha, and Aleesha had taken several years ago. She sharply swung her elbow back and made contact with his ribs.

  "Ugh...!!!" Earl let out a low cry of pain, and without missing a beat, curled his fingers around her neck and applied pressure. “Be still, bitch! Now! Or I swear, I’ll squeeze the life right outta you as I stand here….!”

  Trembling from head to toe, Jerra stopped struggling. “I told you I’d give you money, however much you wanted. I just want you to leave me alone…”

  “And I told you I wanted something else, didn’t I?” Earl rubbed his crotch against Jerra’s backside. His breathing became labored when his erection came in contact with the thin material of her silk pajama bottoms. “Mmmm….you’ve filled out quite a bit, Jerralynne.”

  Earl’s fingers squeezed until she had to struggle to intake air. He kept one hand on her throat and used the other to reach down and unzip his pants.

  “Ah yeahhhh. Admit it slut. You want me to screw ya, don’tcha? You like the fact that ole Earl was the one to bust your cherry. Ain’t that right? Made you a woman...” Earl’s voice shook with excitement as he reached around to grab and roughly squeeze her breast. Jerra's cry of pain only served to arouse him even further. “We gonna have a real good time, you and me….”

  Chapter 27

  Darrell walked inside the building and waved at the security guard who'd become familiar with him by now. “’Sup, Stan.”

  “Hey there, Mr. Darrell. I thought you were leaving. Changed your mind?”

  “Yeah. I decided to stay a while longer, spend a little bit more time with my lady.”

  “I tell ya, that Ms. Jerra’s a real nice woman. Always gives the employees a gift on Christmas. “He leaned close to Darrell and lowered his voice. “A lot of the people in this building act like we’re their personal servants or something, but not Ms. Jerra. Real nice lady,” he said again.

  Darrell didn’t want to be rude, however, he was in a hurry to get to Jerra. With a quick wave, he cut him off mid-sentence and walked towards the bank of elevators. “Well, Stan, I’ll holla at ya later, okay my man? You take care.”

  As he stood in front of the elevators and impatiently waited for one to descend, Stan seized the opportunity for more small talk. “Yeah, Ms. Jerra sure has been getting a lot of ‘surprise’ visitors lately. First you. then her stepfather. Said he hadn’t seen her in years….”

  “What? When?!” Darrell interrupted Stan’s long winded monologue and hurried over to him. Was Earl here now?

  Taken aback by the ferocious expression on Darrell’s face, Stan stuttered, “Well…uh… a-about fifteen minutes before you walked in….”

  But Stan was talking to empty air as Darrell raced to the stairs and took them two at a time. All he could think about was getting to Jerra - and getting his hands around Earl's neck.


  Inside the condo, Earl grasped Jerra by the arm and pulled her towards the couch. Jerra dug her heels in, fighting him every step of the way. Earl laughed, enjoying her fear and helplessness. He slapped her hard across the face and sent her flying back on the cushions. Jerra immediately tried to get up, but Earl turned her on her stomach and held her down by the nape of her neck. The more Jerra screamed, the harder he squeezed until she cried out. Satisfaction showed on Earl’s face. He couldn’t perform if he wasn’t inflicting pain to stimulate him sexually. By now, his erection was stiff and ready as he pushed his pants down to his knees.

  “Mmmm. I bet pretty boy enjoyed fuckin’ that tight pussy of yours, didn’t he? Bet you didn’t fight him, did ya? Well, guess what? It’s my turn.

  As his meaning sunk in, Jerra desperately writhed around on the couch, struggling escape. “No! You bastard! Get off of me!”

  Furious, Earl leaned over her from behind and slapped the side of her face. “Bitch, didn’t I tell you to shut up?!Putting a knee in the small of her back, he wrapped her ponytail around his hand and pulled so that the blows he rained out connected. With his weight on top of her, Jerra could barely move and wasn’t able to defend herself.

  Satisfied that he’d finally subdued her, Earl pushed her head back down and moved between her legs again. As he grabbed his penis, he roughly pulled her towards him and positioned himself to enter her anally. A second before he made contact, a loud banging sounded at the door.

  “Jerra…! Jerra!”

  Hearing Darrell's voice, Jerra screamed his name. “ Darrell…!!” Seconds later, Earl clamped his hand tightly over her mouth.

  Darrell’s pulse quickened when he heard her. He took a step back, then using his body’s momentum and the adrenalin pumping through his veins, he kicked the door until it flew open. What he saw created a rage similar to one he’d felt the day Roni had been murdered. In that instant, he took in Jerra’s terror. Tears ran down her face and blood gathered at her nose and mouth. Her eyes wordlessly pleaded for him to help her.

  He didn’t remember moving, but he must have because the next thing he realized, he’d jumped over the couch and tackled Earl to the floor. Straddling Earl’s chest, he began pummeling his face over and over again with fists that surely felt like iron. Earl cried out, not much different from the way Jerra had a few minutes ago, begging for mercy. He tried to raise his hands to ward off Darrell’s punches, but that only escalated the intensity of Darrell’s anger.

  “You sick muthafucka! You sick ass fuck!!”

  Fury coursed through Darrell’s body. He stood up and kicked Earl over and over again. Murder shone in his eyes when the reality of what Earl had been in the process of doing set in. Earl howled and cried like the animal he was.

  “Nah, your M.O. is beating and raping women?” Darrell circled Earl, slamming his booted foot into his ribs. “Don’t cry now, bitch!”

  Jerra tried to stand up and go to Darrell, but her trembling legs wouldn’t hold her. “Darrell…! Baby stop! That’s enough!” She hated Earl with a passion, but he wasn’t worth Darrell killing and going to prison over. “Baby stop…! Oh God, please,” Jerra begged. “Darrell!”

  She finally managed to grab hold of the couch and pull herself up to a standing position. Using it for support, she staggered over to Darrell and clutched at the bunched muscle of his bicep.

  Darrell slowly became aware of her tugging on his arm and screaming his name. Chest heaving, it took a moment to bring her into focus. When he did, he pulled her to him and held her tight.

  “Jerra….Jerra….” He chanted her name repeatedly. Moving back, he brought trembling hands up to carefully frame her bruised face. The fear he felt was evident when he saw her injuries and his eyes reflected his horror about what she’d just gone through. “Baby…aw no, baby. What did he do to you…” Darrell scooped Jerra up in his arms and quickly walked over to the couch and sat down, pulling Jerra close to him.

  “I tried t-to fight him o-off….I t-tried so h-hard….” Jerra sobbed hysterically and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Shhh…I know, baby, I know…it’s
okay.” Darrell spoke in a gentle tone and ran soothing hands over her quivering body. “Jerra, it’s alright. I’m here. He’s never going to hurt you again. I promise you that.”

  Hearing voices from the hall, Darrell reached over and grabbed the afghan and covered the lower part of Jerra’s naked body just before the police rushed in with guns drawn.

  Stan was right behind them. “Ms. Jerra….”

  Apparently, someone called down to Stan when they heard the screaming and commotion coming from Jerra’s condo, and Stan had dialed 911.

  “Stan, I need an ambulance here. Now!”

  Chapter 28

  A couple of hours later, Jerra tightened the belt of her robe as the EMT cleaned the final wound on her face.

  “Are you sure she shouldn’t go to the hospital to get examined?” Darrell asked the man for about the tenth time as he anxiously hovered over Jerra.

  “Sir, she’s fine. Unless, as I said, she wants to -”

  “And I don’t. Thank you.”

  Darrell silently studied Jerra who unblinkingly stared back. He bit his tongue to stop the protest trying to make its way past his lips. Although worried as hell, Darrell wouldn't argue with her. She'd been through enough already. He’d just have to watch her closely because he wasn't leaving, not until he was satisfied that she was better. Jerra saw his struggle and tried to give him a reassuring smile, but his eyes continued to probe hers.

  “I’m okay. Honestly.”

  Seeing movement out of the corner of her eye, the smile vanished from her face. They were sitting at the dining room table and could see the nonstop goings on in her family room. Jerra turned her head away as the paramedics wheeled Earl out. He was handcuffed to the side rail of the stretcher. A brace was around his neck and a bandage wrapped around his head. He was being transported to the hospital for observation for now and would later be transferred to jail and charged with assault and attempted rape.

  The murderous expression on Darrell’s face promised retribution as his gaze followed Earl before turning back to closely watch Jerra. He kneeled down and pulled her to his chest in order to shield her from Earl. A cold emptiness entered his eyes. He wanted more than anything to finish what he had started.

  The policeman came over to them. “Ms. St. James, I think we have everything we need from the statement you gave us. And Mr. Monroe, if you remember anything else you want to add, we’ll be in touch, but it’s a pretty open and shut case.”

  A wave of understanding passed between the two men. The officer reached out his hand to shake Darrell’s. If he had walked into a scene like Darrell had described, he would’ve done the same thing - or worse.

  Darrell saw him to the door and breathed a sigh of relief once he and Jerra were alone. With a worried expression on his face, he wordlessly picked her up and took her to the bedroom. He sat her down in the chair before going to draw a warm, scented bath. When the tub was full, he went to get Jerra and carried her back to the bathroom. Gently standing her on her feet, he removed her robe and the t-shirt underneath. Jerra stood almost like a child, quietly letting him undress her.

  Darrell was getting ready to pick her up and lower her into the tub when she said, “I can do it, baby.”

  He held fast to her hand, not wanting to break physical contact with her. Jerra let out a quiet sigh as she sank down into the relaxing water and closed her eyes. Darrell picked up the sponge and slowly bathed her from head to toe. Afterwards, he reached for the bottle of shampoo and washed her hair. He massaged her scalp with firm, soothing strokes of his fingers. Once he’d rinsed the suds out, he leaned her against the bath pillow and just let her soak in the water while he went to the bedroom to pull the bedding down.

  Jerra’s eyes followed him as he walked out. It felt so good to let someone take over for a change. Her lids suddenly seemed very heavy and her body felt lethargic. Exhaustion claimed her and she was soon lulled into a light doze.

  In the bedroom, Darrell fluffed the pillows and smoothed the covers one last time. Satisfied, he walked back into the bathroom and stood in the doorway staring at Jerra. He tried to quiet the rage building up inside him as images continued to flash in his mind: Earl getting ready to rape Jerra...her helpless eyes calling out to his for help…her bruised and bloodied face as he burst through the door...

  Darrell’s hands balled up into tight fists as his eyes darkened like violent storm clouds. He took several deep breaths. He had to put aside his anger for now in order to be there for Jerra. He’d deal with Earl later. There wasn’t a prison he could be sent to that would stop Darrell from arranging to have someone finish the job he’d started.

  After giving her a little bit more time to rest, Darrell walked over to Jerra. He knew the water had to be cooling by now. “Sweetheart….” He waited until she opened her eyes and looked at him. “Come on. Let me get you dried off and in the bed.”

  Docile and compliant, Jerra stood as Darrell patted her body dry with the utmost care. She halfheartedly protested when he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bedroom, but he just ignored her. After settling her underneath the sheets and propping the pillows behind her, Darrell picked up the brush sitting on the nightstand and started brushing her hair. When he finished, she reached up and deftly braided it, watching Darrell fuss with the covers so that they folded just right before tucking her in. Jerra understood his need to do this, so she lay still until he was finished.

  “Can I get you anything? Water? Juice? Are you hungry….?”

  “Darrell…” Jerra stopped his questions and patted the mattress.

  Darrell slipped his shoes off and climbed in beside her. Jerra snuggled up to his chest while Darrell tenderly stroked her hair. He thought she had fallen asleep until she began talking.

  “I never wanted anyone to know what he’d done to me. As close as we all are, neither Keisha nor Aleesha know about my past - about what happened to me. I was so ashamed.” Tears ran down her face as she talked, but she had to relieve herself of the secret she’d kept inside for so long. “After I escaped, I rode on a bus for days, not knowing where I was going, just wanting to get as far away as I could. When the bus stopped in Atlanta, the city bustled. It seemed busy enough for me to be able to blend in and never have to worry about him finding me here. A shelter for abused teens accepted me without question. Once I settled in, I eventually got my G.E.D.”

  She hesitated a moment as she contemplated what to say next. Tell him, Jerra. He’ll understand.

  But would he?? She thought about his past and the disgust and anger he felt towards the mother who’d so callously abandoned him as a child. Jerra didn’t think she could handle him looking at her the same way he did when he talked about his mother.

  Deciding to give that decision more thought later, Jerra continued her story and told him soon after she got her G.E.D, she found a job and moved out on her own to a small, cheap apartment. She took classes at the local university, and that’s where she met Aleesha and Keisha who became her only real friends. She worked nights at a diner and went to school full time during the day for three and a half years until she finally received her degree in criminal justice. Due to her high GPA, she was almost instantly hired as a paralegal by one of the better law firms in Atlanta.

  From the very beginning, she impressed the partners there with her dedication and intelligence. She found her niche in researching and finding information in cases which seemed to be lost causes. One such case saved them millions. The firm offered to send Jerra to law school, and after passing the bar, she returned to become one of their most successful lawyers. With the innuendos being thrown around lately, she knew she was on the fast track to becoming partner soon.

  “Up until now, that’s all I ever wanted, what I‘d worked so hard to achieve. I finally felt like I’d made it, like I was more than just that poor, little girl from a small town in Mississippi who was whispered about and looked at in disdain from the moment she was born to the day she left.” Jerra paused, her arm
s tightening around Darrell’s waist. “And I had achieved what I sought - until he showed up.”

  Darrell kissed the top of her head. “Babe, you don’t have to talk about this right now.”

  “I do. I want to.” After a moment, she continued. “When I saw him standing there today, memories of that terrible night came rushing back. I’d tried to block it out for so long that it seemed like a bad dream, as if it had happened to someone else. And actually it had. I wasn’t the same person anymore. I shortened my first name and legally changed my last name. About three months ago, I ran into a former classmate from Mississippi. I was fearful that something like this would happen, that he’d get wind of where I lived. When time passed by without incident, I began to relax.”

  “Did you ever seek counseling?”

  Jerra shook her head. “I just wanted to forget. But now I know that’s not going to be possible until I deal with what happened to me.” Jerra peered up at Darrell. “All those terrible things I said to you, the way I acted….”

  Darrell cut her off. “You don’t have to explain.”

  “Let me finish. Please. When I said those things to you, it was really a reflection of what I’ve always thought of myself. I’m constantly pushing myself to go further, to be better, and to do more because nothing ever seemed to be good enough to overcome the pain of the rape.” Jerra briefly looked down before meeting his eyes again. “And when I said I would be embarrassed to be seen with you, I was selfishly trying to raise my own self esteem. I’m sorry, Darrell.”

  Darrell sat up and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Don’t. You don’t have to apologize. We’ll get past this. I promise. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Jerra nodded, and sighed in relief as he pulled her back in his arms. She had a feeling everything would be okay. Exhaling deeply, she resolved to face the fears of her past and not let it hinder her any longer.


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