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Rock My Body

Page 21

by Lee Piper

He really needed to get into advertising, Diet Coke would take him on for sure.

  There was every chance I licked my lips as Dominic swallowed his last mouthful. He placed both drinks on the coffee table and then sauntered toward me, a dangerous smile tormenting my already waning equilibrium.

  Sweet Lord, I might not make it ’til morning.

  Dark jeans hung in the way I loved, his gray V-neck sweater strained against that strong torso, and with every purposeful step I found myself growing wetter and wetter. Surely, there would be a puddle on the carpet soon? Heaven only knew how I would explain that to housekeeping in the morning. I shook my head.

  Focus, Riley.

  Eventually, Dominic stood before me, his gaze a fiery caress as it traveled from my bare feet, up tingling legs, and over my sapphire silk nightie. The material felt cool against my heated skin as those blue eyes followed the curve of my hips and came to rest for a moment on my breasts. There was no point in denying it, my erect nipples could have cut through glass easily. Those girls relished his undivided attention and I did not blame them. In fact, I watched, mesmerized as the pulse at the base of his throat throbbed at the sight of them.

  At least I wasn’t the only one throbbing here.

  His eyes continued upward, momentarily lingering on my parted mouth, brushing across flushed cheeks and finally, they met my own fevered stare.

  Touch me. For the love of God, touch me, Dominic. I’m going to explode if you don’t.

  He leaned forward, his breath tickling my ear as he murmured, “You’re a fuckin’ wet dream, Riley.”

  I may or may not have moaned. Okay, I totally did. When he licked and nibbled my ear lobe, I honestly could not help a small mewl. When his lips traced along my jaw and finally found mine, I hummed. And when his tongue entered my mouth, exploring every last crevice… Well. Let’s just say all bets were off.

  Reaching up, I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my hands in his hair and pressing myself flush against him. God, he felt good. My breasts crushed against his chest and the sensation of my hard nipples rubbing against his solid pecs sent unfettered pleasure coursing through me.

  “Naked. Need to get you naked,” I muttered between hot, frantic kisses. Running my hands down his torso, I reached for the hem of his sweater and tugged. Anyone might have thought I found his clothing offensive, and in part, it was. Dominic gave a low chuckle which did nothing to ease my growing lust-fueled psychosis, though helped me get rid of the cursed sweater. Once it was safely thrown out of sight, I stood back and admired.

  Holy fuck.

  Dominic’s wolfish grin proved that my internal exclamation was not as private as I first thought. In fact, I was pretty sure I could still hear it echoing throughout the hotel suite. But I didn’t care because in front of me stood the most breathtaking sight I had ever seen. Dominic’s upper body had always been a draw card for me, but up close—I shook my head, trailing possessive fingers over each rise and dip of his taut muscles—Michelangelo himself could not have sculptured anything better.

  “Christ, Dominic.”

  However, when I looked back at his face, I was surprised to see his expression had turned cynical. “It’s just a body, angel. Just a shiny wrapper, nothing else.”

  He winced when my fingernails inadvertently dug into his skin. “No.” My voice was adamant. “You’re wrong.” Dominic raised an eyebrow but I continued anyway. “It’s so much more than that.” I skimmed my fingers across his chest, marveling at how smooth he was. “It’s your body, Dominic, the body of a good man.” I paused before looking at him, murmuring, “And that makes all the difference.”

  Immediately worried I had said too much, I then kissed my way down his neck. When I reached it, my lips lingered just above the loud thumping of his heart.

  There was a sharp intake of breath and my head was pulled back by the hair. Not painfully, just enough to put my body into sensation overdrive.

  “Where did you come from?” Dominic’s incredulous eyes bored into mine.

  After a moment of silence on my part—I mean, really, what was there to say?—he brushed the pad of his callused thumb across my bottom lip. I opened my mouth, sucking it gently. When I wrapped my tongue around it, a stifled groan emanated from the back of Dominic’s throat and when I nipped him, he made another sound entirely.

  Fucking brilliant.

  He removed his thumb, cupped my face in his hands and kissed me with a ferocity I never before experienced. Honestly, I had no idea where he ended and I began because it was like we became one writhing, desperate mass of want and need. And yet, I still could not get close enough, could not grasp the sensation I craved. It was driving me insane.

  Like usual, Dominic knew what I needed and murmured into my mouth, “Back pocket.”

  Like a hawk targeting an easy prey, my hand dived into the back of his jeans and returned triumphant with a foil packet—though not before giving his delicious ass a quick once over. Pulling back slightly, I raised an eyebrow and flashed the condom. “I was a foregone conclusion, huh?”

  He gave me one of those wicked smiles, the one that left me clinging to him since my knees suddenly forgot their purpose in life. “I was hopeful.”

  “There’s only one.”

  “You know the rules.”

  “What if it breaks?”

  “It won’t.”

  Determined not to overthink the fact that we would never be intimate like this again, I shook my head and returned, faux brightly, “Better make the most of it then.”

  “That’s my girl.” And he slipped the spaghetti straps of my nightie off my shoulders, grinning as the garment fell to the floor. However, his triumph was quickly crushed. With pupils more dilated than I had ever seen them, he glanced back at me, growling, “No panties?”

  It was my turn to smile. “Nope. I never wear any to bed.”

  Dominic groaned before dropping to his knees. With his face pressed against my pubic bone, he breathed in deeply, mumbling, “Fuck. What are you doing to me, woman?”

  My own breathing hitched as he placed one of my legs over his shoulder.

  Hang on, is he going to—

  “Can’t get enough of this pussy, so pink, so perfect. It’s all I’ve thought about for weeks. Drivin’ me fuckin’ crazy.”

  Oh, my God, he is.

  I threw my head back as his long fingers slid through the soaked lips of my sex and with a low growl he delved them inside me. “Goddamn, Riley.”

  I moaned. Deafeningly.

  His tongue darted out and hungrily lapped my clit.

  “Dominic.” Reaching down, I ran my fingers through his hair, scratching my nails along his scalp and rocking my hips in time with his rhythmic carnal assault. To say it was mind-blowing would have been the understatement of the century, millennium even.

  Sweet. God. In. Heaven. This. Is. So. Good.

  I hate to admit this but it took me all of three minutes to climax. Seriously, I could not help it. From the moment his mouth first touched my skin, I was lost. With each swipe of his tongue, each thrust of his fingers, and each guttural growl, my body came alive with sensation. It took over all other thoughts and feelings until I was a quivering, boneless mess screaming incoherently at the roof overhead.

  By the end of it, I’m pretty sure I garbled something like, “Wow” or “Yikes.” There was every possibility it verbalized as, “Wowkes.” Yeah, not my most intelligent moment. Not that it mattered, of course, because Dominic was too busy drawing out my orgasm for as long as possible to notice. Thank fuck.

  Once I calmed down, blinked and regained my focus, Mr. Orgasmatron kissed and licked his way up my trembling body, his lips leaving a wet trail of our combined desire. And when he took one of my nipples in his mouth, teasing it, tantalizing it until my fingernails left half-moon imprints in his shoulders, I almost came on the spot—again.

  “Need you inside me,” I moaned, as my back arched and a ball of tension began to build at the base of my stomach. �
��So much. Please, Dominic, I can’t—”

  He straightened up and stared at me, lips moist and eyes dark with heat. “You dropped something.” In his hand he held the condom, I must have let go of it while he had his head between my legs. Understandable, given the circumstances. “Undress me and put it on.”

  The man did not have to ask twice. I attacked the button and zip of his jeans with a vengeance—hell, the Crusaders would have been proud of my dogged determination—and with a sigh of satisfaction, watched as his pants finally dropped to his ankles.

  Dominic kicked off his boots, peeled off his socks and then stepped out of his jeans. Not that I paid much attention. Oh no. I was far too busy eyeballing the gigantic bulge in his black boxers, trying to determine how the heck it was going to fit inside me. Physics was never my strength at school and for once I wish I had taken an extra class.


  He stopped, and after registering the trepidation in my eyes, gave a soft smile. Stepping closer, I felt his erection rest heavily against my stomach. I bit my lip. “Don’t overthink it, angel. I won’t hurt you, I’d hate it if…” He sucked on my bottom lip, took a breath, and said, “Reckon my cock was made to fit inside you.”

  So true.

  With those words, the tension in my body dissipated and I kissed him back. “Yeah, I think you’re right.” My hands trailed down the ridges of his abs and played with the elastic band of his boxers. One finger dipped inside and brushed against soft hair, Dominic groaned, and I smiled against his mouth. After taking a deep breath, I delved inside, releasing him from his boxers and stroking the long, smooth length of him.

  “Damn, woman.”

  Yep, there was no denying it, the man was big. But I was not nervous anymore. Instead, I relished his ragged breaths as I worked him, I welcomed the way he gripped my hips to the point of bruising. I did that to him, I was the one responsible for his pleasure, for his undoing.

  It. Was. Awesome.

  Taking the condom from Dominic, I grinned at his sharp intake of breath when I tore the packet open with my teeth. Throwing away the foil, I pinched the end, placed it over the straining head of his hard cock and slowly unrolled it down the shaft.

  He growled. “Now there’s a fuckin’ sight. I love seeing your hands on me, angel.”

  I smiled but soon gasped when he picked me up, wrapped my legs around his waist and strode over to the dining table. With a single kick, one of the chairs flew across the room and I was carefully placed on the cold glass top. Without any further preamble, he spread my knees open, his hands trailing up the inside of my thighs until he found my pussy again. The sexiest damn smile I had ever seen lit up his face just before I dropped my head back and moaned.

  “Want my cock inside you?”

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  I felt him shift closer and the slight pressure of his hardness against my entrance almost did me in.

  “You sure?”


  Still, he did not enter. “Really sure?”

  My head snapped up and I glared at him. Now was not the time for games. “Fuck me, damn it.”

  Dominic’s gravelly chuckle resonated directly with my center. “Whatever you say.”

  He entered me.

  Oh. My. Sweet. Baby. Jesus.


  I was thankful Dominic took his time slowly stretching and filling me because, in all honesty, there was a lot of him. And maybe it was his size or maybe it was the fact it was Dominic, but no other man had ever felt as good. It was like he crowded every possible space inside me, leaving nothing but him, me and this insanely pleasurable friction. When at last he reached as far as he could go—I swear, his cock hit my cervix—he mumbled into my shoulder, “You okay?”

  I think I nodded.

  “Riley?” I opened my eyes and the concern on his face almost broke me. “I need some words here, angel. Do you want me to stop?”

  After wrapping my arms and legs around him, shifting him even closer, I whispered, “No, don’t stop.”

  A gust of air escaped him. “Thank Christ.” And we both smiled. “Wasn’t sure if I could. Now hold on, shit’s gonna get wild.”

  It did.

  He pulled out, almost to the very end and then slammed back into me.


  Over and over again his cock hit my sweet spot. I couldn’t think, couldn’t talk, couldn’t do anything except drown in the pleasurable sensations he created.

  It felt so fucking good.

  And in no time at all, I once again spiraled out of control, my body shuddering and shaking with exquisite pleasure as another orgasm tore through me.

  “The way you come apart in my hands—Fuck, angel. Can’t get enough of it.”

  I blinked dazedly up at Dominic and he gave a wicked smile. “Reckon there’s still another one inside you.” And before I could object—half-heartedly, I grant you—he pulled out of me. Carefully standing me up on trembling legs, Dominic then spun me around, pressed down on the small of my back and bent me over the table.

  “Look up.”

  It was safe to say, until that very moment I paid no attention whatsoever to the floor to ceiling gilded mirror hanging on the west wall of the hotel suite. But when Dominic wrapped my hair around his fist and pulled my head back, it was all I could see. We were all I could see.

  Oh, my.

  I blinked. Who was that woman with the sultry eyes glowing with pleasure? Who was that woman with the bruised mouth and glossy sheen of sweat coating her skin? No idea. I sure as hell had never met her.

  “Fuckin’ gorgeous.” Dominic ran his free hand from my shoulder down the curve of my spine and across my ass. His fingers then deftly trailed along the back of my thigh until he reached my knee. In one fluid motion, he hitched it up until it was resting on the dining table, his pupils growing darker with each passing second.

  He stepped back, and I watched his reflection as those enigmatic eyes took in my exposed pussy. Never before had I felt so desired. With a low growl, a muttered curse and a shake of his head, he moved closer, angling his straining cock at my wet entrance—I was positively dripping. Dominic teased me with himself before taking a deep breath and, in one swift movement, thrust inside.

  I screamed. Not from pain, hell no, I screamed because the pleasure of him taking me so thoroughly felt that damn good. Seriously.

  “Open your eyes.”

  Blinking, my fevered gaze met Dominic’s lust-filled one in the mirror. His deep, purposeful strokes instantly creating a ball of tangled energy in my lower stomach.

  “Jesus,” I whimpered, almost certain this building orgasm was going to be the one I compared all others to for the rest of my life. They would suck in comparison, there was no doubt about it.

  “Dominic, I can’t—”

  “Yes, you can. Watch.” And he moved his fingers over my clit, skillfully rubbing the swollen nub in time with his deep thrusts.

  My breathing grew erratic.

  “Just look at you.”

  Light flickered before my eyes.

  “Sexiest fucking sight I’ve ever seen.”

  Sparks of heat unfurled in my stomach.

  “The moment I saw you, I knew. Knew I had to have you like this.”

  “Oh, God, I’m going to—”

  “Your hot pussy is heaven, Riley.”

  “Dominic, please I—”

  “It’s clamped so tightly around my cock. Can you feel it?”


  “Tell me you feel it too.”

  “Dominic,” I cried, as the orgasm to end all orgasms completely rocked my body, pulsing, throbbing and owning every inch of me to the core.

  A minute later, Dominic came too. His deep roar a sound I wanted to bottle up and keep forever. We were still for a minute and I gazed at the mirror, fascinated as his features turned possessive yet soft in the aftermath of what we had done. Neither of us said a word as he eased out and helped me straighten u
p, we just stared at each other, our breathing labored. But our faces said it all, and the combined realization was a headfuck of epic proportions.

  Once was not enough.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I see your conscience,

  It’s changing your words,

  What I want you to say.

  —MONDEZ, “Distance”

  “So, did you do it? Did you finally do the deed?”

  “Huh?” I shook my head, blaming the warm rays of sunshine and the lingering X-rated memories of my evening spent with Dominic for my lapse in concentration.

  “Dominic. Sex. Did his cock enter your vagina?”

  I blushed. “Jesus, Mae. You’ve got no shame, do you?” Her laughter echoed through the phone as I lay back on the sunbed, exhausted. Needless to say, I got next to no sleep last night and despite a lazy morning spent on the hotel balcony doing nothing but reliving every spine-tingling caress and toe curling thrust, I still felt tired. It also did not help when every time I moved, muscles ached in the most delicious way possible.


  I needed a run. I needed some fresh air and the beach to clear my head. Maybe if I closed my eyes, ignoring the intermittent honking of car horns and occasional gusts of exhaust fumes from the streets below, I could pretend I was back in Geographe Bay? The sudden screeching of tires followed by the most elaborate use of the word, fuck I had ever heard interrupted my musing. I groaned. Nope, not a chance.


  “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

  “You mean, the fact that you left town with the hottest man alive without warning me? Hell no, I was rostered on with Tiffany, for God’s sake. Tiffany, Riley. Longest eight hours of my life, that alone deserves some juicy gossip in compensation.”

  I grimaced, immediately feeling guilty for leaving Mae with the least intelligent midwife in the history of the universe. No exaggeration. “How was she?”

  “Vacant. Like a walking, talking, breathing vacuum of nonexistent particle matter. How that woman ever got herself a midwifery degree is a fucking paradox I can’t even begin to comprehend.”


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