Book Read Free

Spellbinding His Ranger

Page 8

by Shannon Pemrick

  “Aw, Mercedes, don’t be like that,” he begged. She didn’t acknowledge him. “I’ll buy you a treat.”

  She gave him a sidelong glance. “You’re bribing me?”

  He smirked in a way that made it hard for her to be mad at him. Why is it all of a sudden this “just friends” thing is so hard? “I have two younger sisters. Of course it’s not.”

  Mercedes pursed her lips, noting the thick sarcasm in his fake lie. “What kind of treat?”

  “Well, ice cream would be too obvious a choice.” Takashi tapped his lips with thought. “But I do know of a place that sells delicious roll cakes.”

  I love roll cakes! But she’d never told him that. She regarded him for a minute. “Roll cakes?”

  Takashi chuckled. “You and Narissa were gushing about them a few weeks ago.”

  Oh, duh! She and Narissa had done that just before a raid. Mercedes had gone down for a visit, and they’d gone to a small boutique that sold specialized variations of common treats.

  “This one has some unique flavors I know you’d like. Like a chocolate peanut butter truffle.”

  Mercedes’ mouth watered. It sounded amazing.

  “I’ll buy. What do you say? Will it make you forgive me?”

  Her brow creased. When they’d finished with lunch, Takashi had tried to offer to pay for her meal, but she didn’t feel right accepting. When they’d arrived at the museum, he’d up and paid for her ticket without consulting her. And now he wanted to buy her a treat. Was he trying to make this into some sort of date? No, don’t be silly, Mercedes. The flower he’d given her and the joke he’d made at the restaurant had just thrown her off. This wasn’t some abstract romantic date. It was just time being spent between two good friends, and he was just a bit old fashioned about the guy picking up the check.

  And as friends, she could drag out his “torture” a little longer. She grinned. “I will need to taste this cake before I can forgive you. It’d better hold up to my standard of deliciousness, or you’ll still owe me.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to bring you there, then. Owing you for a little longer wouldn’t be that horrible of a situation.” Takashi grinned. “It’d give you time to come up with a suitable punishment for me.”

  Mercedes’ cheeks flushed again, and a growing arousal plagued her. Is he— She shook the thought. No way someone like him is flirting with someone like me. She crossed her arms. “No. I have decided I want roll cakes.”

  Takashi smiled. “Excellent. Tasha, I would like to add a pitstop to the GPS path.”

  “I can do that for you, Mr. Takashi,” Tasha replied. “Just tell me the name of the location.”

  “I want it to be a surprise for Mercedes,” Takashi said.

  Mercedes’ brow rose with interest.

  “Miss Mercedes, are you okay with this?” Tasha asked.

  “I am.”

  “Very well. Please enter the location manually, Mr. Takashi.”

  Mercedes watched him enter the address but she didn’t recognize it. Where could he be taking me?

  “The undisclosed location has been added, and the car will reroute,” Tasha said. “Estimated time of arrival, fifteen minutes.”

  Takashi looked her way and smiled, and Mercedes smiled back, trying to hide any evidence of the little butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. If this was how she was going to react to him every time he looked at her, she was in trouble. I can’t ruin our friendship. I have to get myself under control.

  Takashi reached for the stereo dial again and she pushed his hand out of the way. He smirked and tried again. She pushed his hand away and he tried once more, enticing a laugh from her.

  Except, I’m struggling to find a good enough reason to do so.

  The GPS guided the car into a parking space in front of the small boutique Takashi wanted to treat Mercedes to. He couldn’t pass up the opportunity to tease her earlier, and her reaction only made things easier for him. He knew she wouldn’t stay mad at him, she wasn’t petty, but it gave him a good excuse to spoil her. He also wanted to test the waters for some of her reactions.

  Mercedes held herself to a standard of strength, and in front of a group of people she knew, spit out appropriate responses as easily as she breathed. But like anyone else, when he got her alone, she became a different person. Her smile widened—her laugh unfiltered—her cheeks flushed at the slightest sexual hint. And Takashi knew she was no stranger to that. She’d joined in on the jokes in guild chat, and worked with men all day. Her responses in those situations were a part of her, but this setting showed the other. The less guarded, softer her.

  Mercedes gasped when she saw the name of the boutique. Those Buns Dough. “Is this… oh my god, it is! When did this come to town?”

  Takashi tilted his head. “You know this place?”

  She nodded. “This is the place I went to with Narissa in L.A. We found it by chance, and decided to give it a shot because of the name. Their pastries are amazing!”

  “Well, according to my mother, it’s been here for a few years, but didn’t gain popularity until it branched out to another city. I guess I now know why, if it went to L.A.”

  Mercedes looked at him with wide eyes. “So, is this really where you wanted to take me?”

  “Yep.” He opened the car door. “So, let’s get you that promised treat.”

  Mercedes squealed with delight and flung open her door, making him laugh. She had some adorable moments that he just loved. Upon meeting up on the same side of the car, he placed his hand on her lower back, a bold move on his part. Lucky for him, she smiled and didn’t protest. Maybe I do have a good chance at this.

  The pair entered the small shop and perused the long display of various treats.

  “I’m going to struggle to keep my figure with all these options,” Mercedes mumbled.

  Takashi smiled and took a chance. “You’d still be beautiful.”

  Her eyes widened and her cheeks tinted a shade of red. She then looked away, rubbing her cybernetic arm with her real one. “Yeah, I… I guess that’s true.”

  Takashi frowned. Was this response out of humility, or a result of how she’d been treated?

  One of the employees working the counter finished with his customer and addressed the pair. He took great interest in Mercedes’ presence, but Mercedes needed more time and focused on the display. Takashi found great joy in seeing the man’s disappointment.

  With Mercedes still deciding, Takashi ordered a few items for his mother and siblings. He knew he’d be in trouble if didn’t. The young man retrieved the treats and boxed them up, but Mercedes still hadn’t decided. She chewed her bottom lip, and a strong wave of arousal hit him. He really wanted to do that to her now. “Struggling to decide?”

  She nodded. “There are so many good choices. I don’t know what one to pick.”

  “Then don’t choose one. Select a couple.”

  Her eyes widened. “I can’t do that! That’d get expensive fast.”

  Takashi smiled at her. “I’m not worried about that. Pick what you want.”

  Her brow creased and she looked at the large display. He could see she struggled with this offer, and while he wished she wouldn’t, he admired her conservative nature with other’s money.

  “We do offer sampler boxes, if that would help you,” the man behind the counter said.

  Mercedes looked at him, her interested piqued. “Really? How big?”

  He smiled and held up a hand before leaving the counter. He grabbed a book and came around to their side to show her. The book contained a catalogue of their treats, as well as boxes, samplers, and gift ideas. The employee pointed out popular choices and new offers. Takashi kept a close eye on the two, jealousy simmering in his blood at the sight of how close the employee was getting to Mercedes. He knew it wa
sn’t the right thing to feel in this situation, but since he’d decided to pursue her, he didn’t want anyone else getting in his way. But from the way Mercedes focused more on the book than the guy, she either didn’t notice his interest, or didn’t care.

  Takashi caught a pattern in her looking and approached. He flipped the pages, and landed on a box offer she had gone to several times. “Why not this one? It offers a double size for each sample, with the same sample selection as the smaller one you were eyeing as well?”

  “But it’s so expensive,” she mumbled.

  He sighed. “I told you, forget about the price. Pick what will make you happy.”

  She looked at him through her lashes. “You’re sure? You won’t get mad?”

  God, this woman is going to be the end of me. Takashi grinned. “You could buy one of everything in this store at their full size and it’d be fine.”

  She laughed. “Don’t tempt me!”

  He shrugged. “If it’s what you want.”

  Mercedes stared at him for a moment and then smiled. She looked at the boutique employee. “I’ll get this sampler box, then.”

  He nodded. “Sure, I’ll go grab the box while you decide what you want in it.”

  The young man ran off, Takashi taking the opportunity to take his spot next to Mercedes and help her with her decisions. She pointed them out to the shop worker when he returned, and then Takashi paid.

  Mercedes cringed when she saw the total, but it didn’t faze him. He knew the online business like he knew how to breathe. At long as someone wasn’t getting it shut down on him, he’d be able to make money without issue, including any extra he’d need for trips back to the states whenever he wanted. If he was going to convince her to give him a chance, he wasn’t going to try to make this a virtual-only relationship.

  The two left the shop and hopped into the car. Tasha set the car into motion for Takashi’s family home, and Mercedes impatiently waited for Takashi to pull out her sweet box. He noticed a small slip of paper tucked into the ribbon holding the box together. “What’s this?”

  Mercedes took the box and slipped the paper out, opening it. She laughed. “His name and phone number.”

  To Takashi’s surprise, she ripped the paper in half and tossed the strips into a pocket in the console. “Not interested, I guess?”

  She opened her box to look over her treats. “He didn’t talk to me in any way that would indicate he wanted to invest any time to know me as a person. Meaning, he wants a single night or a casual fuck buddy. No thanks.”

  Takashi handed her a fork in case she wanted to use it on any of her samples. “If burning it will make you feel better, we can do that once we get the house.”

  She smiled. “No, don’t worry. A pretty face like this gets used to this kind of interest. One-nighters, I can have whenever.” He noticed her shoulders sag. “Long lasting relationships are a different beast…”

  She stared down at her treats, pain clear in her eyes. Takashi wasn’t sure what to do. Words wouldn’t help much, and if he overstepped bounds, that wouldn’t go over well.

  Mercedes stabbed a roll cake with her fork and shoved the baked dessert into her mouth. She threw her head back and moaned. “So… good…”

  The sound of her moaning sent an unexpected pulse of arousal through him. Would she make that same sound if he were the cause of it, or would it be even better? His eyes darted to the back of the car for a moment. Would that be big enough for the two of us? He may be able to convince her to climb on top of him without needing the back seat.

  Takashi shook the thoughts from his head—no easy feat, of course. He needed to refocus himself before his mind got him into trouble. “So, am I forgiven?”

  She glanced at him. “I want to say no, but we both know I like this too much for either of us to believe that.”

  “You could if you wanted.” Takashi smirked. “I’d prefer you to forgive me, as then I can spoil you without you claiming it’s some arbitrary obligation.” Her brow lifted, and he chose to change the subject before it all backfired on him. He pointed to her sampler box. “Just don’t eat that all in one sitting. You’ll need room for my mother’s cooking.”

  Mercedes held her head high. “You’re looking at the daughter of an undefeated wing eating champion of the California State Fair. Don’t underestimate what I can do.” Takashi’s face twisted with confused interest, and she giggled before closing her treat box. “But these aren’t wings, and that’d be a lot of sugar. I think I’ll hold off rotting my teeth out until I get home.”

  Takashi chuckled and looked at the GPS route. They’d arrive in ten minutes. He tapped his fingers on his knee. Ten minutes before things get interesting.

  Mercedes tilted her head. “Something the matter?”

  He looked at her and then out the window. “Yeah, I’m just hoping my mother doesn’t go overboard. She’s convinced I have a secret girlfriend, and since I’m hanging out with you, I think she’s come to the conclusion—”

  “That I’m that lady.” Mercedes laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m pretty sure I can handle it.”

  He glanced her way and she smiled wide at him. He should be reassured, but he knew his mother too well. And there was the matter of Rei. He didn’t expect her to behave with Mercedes around. Tonight would get interesting.


  The white sports car pulled into the driveway of the medium-sized suburban home built of tan sandstone. The pair climbed out of the car, and Mercedes noted the large column entrance and beautiful arched windows. The other homes stacked up on either side looked similar, though each had a bit of flair that set them apart from the rest.

  The front door opened and a young girl, maybe eleven or so, who looked similar to Takashi, skipped out of the house. Her short raven hair bounced around her shoulders. “Niisan, you’re home!”

  Mercedes knew the ages of both Takashi’s sisters, and had met his little sister in game briefly the other day. She guessed this to be Mia.

  The girl ran to Takashi and hugged him tight. If Mercedes didn’t know any better, she’d have thought he’d only just returned home from Korea.

  Takashi chuckled and rubbed his sister’s head. “Yes, Mi-chan, I’m home.”

  Mia looked up at Mercedes, smiling wide. “You did bring her!” She pulled behind her brother, acting sheepish all of a sudden. “She’s prettier in person.”

  Takashi patted his sister’s head. “I think so, too.”

  Mercedes’ cheeks warmed, and she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear as she looked away from the siblings. “Thank you…”

  Mia pulled away from Takashi. “I’m going to tell Okaasan you’re here.”

  The dark-haired girl ran off. “Okaasan! Okaasan! Niisan and his girlfriend are here.”

  “Mia, she’s not—” Takashi sighed with defeat, his sister repeating the phrase again, this time even louder.

  Mercedes laughed. “I don’t think there’s any winning that right now.”

  He looked at her with apologetic eyes. “Sorry. I’ll do my best to get them to let it go.”

  Mercedes noticed the tiny bit of disappointment pricking in her stomach. “It’s okay, really. We know the truth, so that’s what matters.”

  He jerked his thumb toward the house. “Let’s head inside so we can control the damage.”

  Mercedes nodded and the two entered the house. Mercedes slipped off her shoes in the foyer and looked around. High vault ceilings and large windows allowed for the perfect amount of light. The home appeared to be a standard open-concept two-story home, the decor modern with slight oriental flair. Mia ran into the room, her socks sliding on the wood floor until she came to a stop. A smile on her face, she looked behind her.

  An older Japanese woman, somewhere in her fifties with bobbed black hair, also approach
ed. Mercedes’ eyes widened. “Mrs. Asaka?”

  The woman smiled at her. “I thought as much. I only know one Mercedes, and she fit your description and age perfectly. It’s good to see you, Mercedes-san.”

  I was right! When she’d read the texts on Takashi’s phone, she had a hunch, but it was too coincidental to assume. It was one reason she agreed to have dinner with his family. “It’s been a long time, Mrs. Asaka.”

  The two bowed to each other, and then his mother held out her hand for a hug. Mercedes excitedly accepted the gesture, and when she pulled away, she noticed the confused look on both Mia’s and Takashi’s faces.

  Takashi looked at her, his mother, and then back at her. “Um, what?”

  His mother smiled. “Mercedes’ mother was my old business partner. She used to bring Mercedes to the store when she could drag her away from those cars.”

  Mercedes laughed and held up her grime-stained hand. “Didn’t work.”

  Asaka chuckled. “Yes, as I suspected would happen.”

  Takashi looked at Mercedes. “You didn’t tell me you knew my mother.”

  Before Mercedes could answer him, his mother clapped her hands. “We can explain in a moment. Right now, we need to welcome a guest in our home.”

  “Oh, right.” He rubbed the back of his neck and then gestured into the house. “Why don’t we go into the living room?”

  Mercedes nodded. “I’m a guest here. You lead and I shall follow.”

  Mia grabbed her by the hand and pulled her farther into the house. “This way!”

  Mercedes found herself pulled into a large adjacent room filled with more furnishings matching the rest of the house interior. White satin drapes fluttered in the light breeze filtering through the open windows. Mia sat down on a couch, patting the spot next to her. Mercedes took the indicated seat, and Takashi took up the last available spot next to her, while his mother took one of the chairs.

  The necklace on Mrs. Asaka’s neck jangled, catching Mercedes’ eye. It looked a lot like the one Takashi wore. She knew his necklace had come from his grandmother on his father’s side, so she wondered if that one was also from his grandmother.


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