The Deal

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The Deal Page 7

by Becca Steele

  “Hang on, what did the message say?” George looked pointedly at my phone.

  “Oh, I forgot about that.” Sliding my phone into the middle of the table where we could all see the screen, I opened the message.

  Two words.

  I’m sorry.

  Eddie and George eyed me with interest. “What are you going to reply?”

  I tapped my fingers on the table, thinking aloud. “Well, he’s obviously realised that he’s been acting like a dick, but—”

  My phone lit up with another message.

  Can we talk?

  “Okay, he wants to talk.” I tapped out “Yes, when?” and sat back to wait for his reply. It was almost instant.

  Monday? I’ll get Delia to schedule it.

  “Looks like he can squeeze me into his busy life on Monday.” I wrote “OK” then turned my phone off, so I wasn’t tempted to reply anymore. Anything he had to say to me was better done face to face.



  Monday. This particular Monday was worse than usual. It was pouring with rain. Instead of my usual walk to work, I caught the Tube to avoid as much of the downpour as possible, but by the time I arrived at work I was drenched, regardless. I peeled off my soaked coat and hung it on the hooks near the office door, leaving a large puddle to gather on the floor underneath. Pushing my dishevelled hair out of my face, I gathered it into a ponytail and collapsed into my chair with a sigh of relief.

  Ugh. My feet were wet. My mind flashed to the bus that had driven past just as I was hurrying past a large puddle…yeah. Not great. I rushed into the toilets and peeled my damp tights off and dabbed my feet with a damp paper towel. What a mess. The day had barely begun, and I was already feeling like I needed to drink something large and alcoholic. I glanced at the time on my phone and decided I had time to use the work showers, if I hurried. Until this precise moment, I’d never appreciated the fact that our building had them, but as of now, I was beyond grateful to work somewhere that had such facilities.

  Returning to my desk after the world’s quickest shower, I stretched my legs out in front of me and proceeded to start the tedious task of inputting expenses receipts into the accounting software. A meeting request popped up on my screen, and I immediately clicked on it, glad for an excuse to stop what I was doing.


  I clicked Accept and the meeting added itself to my calendar. My workday ended at 5:00 p.m. so it didn’t look like Ethan was giving our discussion much time. Still, I was intrigued to hear what he had to say.

  The day dragged, my mind constantly straying to Ethan, and I was clock watching all afternoon, willing the time to go faster. Finally, it got to 4:45 p.m. and my calendar reminder popped up to say my meeting was due to begin in five minutes, so I switched off my computer and gathered up my things. Ignoring Luke’s quizzical expression, I headed into to the conference room, closing the door behind me. Ethan was already there, seated at the head of the large ash wood table, and he sent a heart-stopping smile my way. Damn, he looked sexy. My heart fluttered as I stared into his dark eyes.

  “Avery.” He indicated the chair next to him. “Come and take a seat.”

  I slid into the chair, crossing my bare legs. Ethan’s gaze darted to them, and he let out a low noise that sounded remarkably like a growl. “Why?”

  I stared at him, but it didn’t appear that he was going to say anything else. “Why what?”

  He looked pointedly at my legs, his eyes darkening.

  This was interesting. Maybe there was still a chance that something could happen between us.

  Time to see just how far I could push Ethan.

  Was this a good idea? Absolutely not. Would that stop me? No.

  I stood, slipping my feet out of my heels, and swung myself onto the conference table, angling my body towards him. He sat completely still; the only sign that I was affecting him was the muscle ticking in his jaw. I lifted my leg and placed it on his thigh, then deliberately moved my foot up and over the obvious bulge between his legs. He gave a strangled moan and grabbed my ankle, halting my progress. We stared at each other, both breathing rapidly, the air between us crackling with tension. His thumb caressed my skin where he held me, and I couldn’t help a tiny whimper escaping. He cursed under his breath, his gaze molten as he moved his hand higher. “I tried so hard to stay away from you.”

  He was on his feet suddenly, pushing my legs apart, and then his mouth was on mine, urgent and demanding. I hooked my ankles around him, moving against his hardening cock, and he groaned, tightening his grip on me, pulling me even closer.

  Then he was gone, striding towards the door.

  No. How did it all go wrong? I thought we’d been on the same page.

  “Ethan…” My desperate words died away as he flipped the lock shut, then turned around and advanced on me. I gulped at the intent in his expression.

  I thought I’d been in charge of the situation. How wrong I was.

  Ethan was in control now.

  He spread my legs wide, pushing my skirt up so it bunched around my waist, exposing my underwear. His hands moved to my blouse, undoing the tiny buttons, and he reached inside to caress my breasts through my bra. I moaned as he pushed my bra cups down and bent his head, sucking a nipple into his mouth, then did the same with my other nipple. He raised his head and kissed me again, a devastating kiss that sent every coherent thought out of my brain.

  Pushing me back so I was lying on my back on the conference table, legs spread, he raked his gaze up and down my body.

  “Even better than I’d imagined,” I heard him say, and then his hands were tugging off my underwear and his head was between my legs, and his tongue…

  “Ethan. Oh. Fuck.”

  I saw stars.

  I grabbed his hair, holding him in place as I spiralled higher and higher.

  My legs trembled as I came, hard, arching off the table, crying out his name, not caring who heard me.

  “Shhh,” he laughed. Laughed.

  I stared up at him in confusion as he leaned down and slid his arms under me, pulling me up and collapsing back into his chair, with me on his lap.

  “I don’t understand what’s happening.”

  He smoothed my hair back from my face, still smiling, and began to button my blouse. I could feel his cock, against me, still hard, and I moaned, rubbing myself against him. How was it that I’d just had the most mind-blowing orgasm, but I needed even more from him?

  “No, wait.” He groaned, the smile slipping from his face as I continued to grind against his hardness.

  “I don’t want to wait,” I managed to say, before we were kissing again.

  “Can you taste yourself on me?” he rasped against my lips, and I nodded.

  He groaned again. “Avery, you’re incredible.”

  “So are you,” I whispered, reaching for his belt.



  “Wait.” It took everything in my power to still her hand. She stared at me, her cheeks flushed, her lips swollen from our kisses. Why did I ever think she wasn’t my type? That’s right, because I refused to see what was right in front of me. She was leagues above any other woman I’d been with.

  I was tired of trying to fight it. I was finished denying my feelings. I’d stayed away from her the whole week, but it was no use. Memories from our weekend together were constantly playing on my mind, and I’d tortured myself thinking about Victoria’s words to me, that Avery and I had something real. I’d called her in to apologise, and as soon as I’d seen her, my decision had become crystal clear.

  With an effort, I moved her so she wasn’t straddling me, swinging her legs around so she was sitting sideways. I reached around to her ponytail and pulled the hairband out. Her hair fell around her shoulders in loose waves, dark and silky, and I ran my fingers through the soft strands.

  “What’s going on?” Her voice was small, confused.

hat’s going on is that we need to talk. Believe it or not, I didn’t plan on any of that happening just now—although watching you fall apart for me has been the best thing that’s happened to me since, well, the last time we were together.” She blushed at my words. “I asked you to meet with me because I wanted to say something to you, something important. I realised I made a mistake. As soon as you walked in here, it reinforced my feelings. Staying away from you all week…” I took a deep breath, staring into her eyes. “I missed you, Avery. I missed the silly memes you were sending me before we went away. I missed your smile lighting up the room. I missed holding you, having you by my side as my girlfriend. I know we were playing a part at the wedding, but if you have any feelings for me, I’d like us to explore that. Together. For real, this time.”

  She looked at me, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. “Wow. I wasn’t expecting that. Are you sure about this?”


  I sighed. “Look, I want to apologise. Firstly, for the way I’ve acted towards you ever since we slept together, and secondly, for not even entertaining the thought that something real could happen between us.” I pulled her closer, kissing her forehead, and she relaxed against me. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  She pulled back a little. “Honestly? I like you; I really do. I’m just not sure if it would work out between us. It’s obvious that there’s an attraction between us, but…” Her voice trailed off, and she twisted her hands together, agitation on her face as she stared down at the floor.

  “But what?” I tipped up her chin, forcing her to look at me.

  She bit her lip, hesitating, and I had to use considerable restraint to stop myself from kissing her. Or more. I bit back a groan. Focus.

  “Please tell me.”

  “I’m worried that I’m going to end up annoying you. You know, I’m kind of messy.”

  “You think?” I said dryly, raising a brow at her.

  “Ha. I’m not finished. I’m nothing like the other women you date. The complete opposite, in fact. Also, do you even have time for a relationship?” she finished in a rush.

  “Listen. I’ll be honest with you. Those are all thoughts I’ve struggled with. Well, not struggled with. Okay, I’ve struggled with the time issue. Being away from you, though, made me realise that the other things aren’t important. Maybe I need a bit of mess in my life?” I grinned at her, and she laughed. “You make life fun. Being around you, I feel more relaxed. I feel…free.”

  “Really?” She beamed at me.

  “Yes. And none of those other women I’ve been with have ever made me feel that way. Not to mention…” I kissed her softly, then trailed my lips across her jawline, up to her ear, where I placed another kiss. She shuddered as I whispered in her ear, “…the best sex of my life.”

  “I think the word you used was ‘extraordinary.’” She giggled, then turned her head to capture my lips with hers before she pulled back, her expression turning serious. “What about making time for a relationship, though? Is this really going to work?”

  “I don’t have the answers for you, Avery. I want to try. You might have to bear with me. Barrett London is my life, and I know I’m too wrapped up in it. But I want you in my life. As soon as I saw you in that red dress, I think I knew. I was just denying it to myself.”

  “Okay. I want to try, too. On one condition.” A mischievous smile spread across her lips.

  “What? I can already tell I’m not going to like it, based on that look.”

  “Oh, it’s nothing much,” she said, waving a hand airily. “I’d like you to come to a show with me. A musical, to be precise.”

  I groaned. Loudly. “Must I?”

  “You must.”

  “If it’ll make you happy, I’ll torture myself. Book the tickets.”

  Saturday evening, I stepped into the foyer of Her Majesty’s Theatre and there she was. So beautiful, and she was mine.

  She watched me walk towards her with a small smile on her face. Reaching her, I bent down to kiss her cheek.

  “What are you trying to do to me, Miss Jenkins? You know what I think about you in that red dress.” I kissed the soft shell of her ear, and she shivered.

  “Maybe I’m hoping to get lucky later, Mr. Barrett.” Her voice came out breathy, and I loved knowing she was as affected by me, as I was by her.

  “With you looking like that, you’re guaranteed to get lucky,” I murmured. “How long does this show last? I’m not sure how long I can keep my hands to myself.”

  “Um…it’s probably best that you don’t know.” She bit her lip. “Let’s just go to the bar and get a drink.” She put her hand on my arm, and I followed her through the foyer and up the stairs to the bar area.

  “Avery. How long does the show last?”

  “Two and a half hours, not including the interval. Now, about that drink.” She raced away to the bar, leaving me standing in the bar entrance. I strode over to her.

  “Two. And. A. Half. Hours.”

  “Don’t forget the interval, too.”

  I gave a pained groan. “This had better be worth it.”

  “Oh, it will be. There’s a reason why Phantom is one of the longest-running shows of all time.” She cocked her head, studying me. “If you don’t love it, I won’t bug you to come to another one again. Annnnd…I’ll make it worth your while later. Deal?”

  “Deal. I’m holding you to that,” I warned her sternly. I turned to the bartender and ordered a bottle of wine, asking him to reserve two glasses for the interval; then we found a small table to sit at, sipping our drinks and listening to the softly played piano in the corner of the room.

  “This is our first proper date.” Avery smiled at me. “I couldn’t think of a more perfect setting.”

  “That’s because we’re at your favourite place.” I smiled back at her. “Thank you.”

  “What for?”

  “For forgiving me for my behaviour. For agreeing to make a go of things with me.”

  “Eth, are you insane? There was never any doubt that I wouldn’t agree to giving us a chance. As for forgiveness, that was easy. You needed time to think about what you wanted, and now you know, we can work out this relationship stuff as we go.” She held up her hand, her eyes sparkling at me. “Fingers crossed.”

  My heart started beating faster as I watched her. Why had I ever fought myself on this? Why had I decided that we couldn’t be together? I might have missed out on this moment—being here, with this incredible woman who somehow seemed to be just as into me as I was to her.

  “Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?” I said hoarsely, my throat feeling clogged up with emotion. “I really want to kiss you right now.”

  She leaned over, placing her hand on my arm. “Don’t say things like that to me,” she whispered. “You make me want to ditch the theatre and go home with you.”

  “Can we?”

  Avery laughed at my hopeful tone, sitting back and sipping her wine. “No. Sorry. Come on, let’s find our seats. Let me just grab some plastic cups so we can take our drinks in with us.” She jumped up and returned a moment later with two plastic cups that she decanted our drinks into. “Sorted. Okay, we’re in the Royal Circle, so we need to go this way.” She slipped her arm through mine, and we headed in the direction she’d indicated. “By the way, you look amazing. Like…like a GQ model or something.”

  “A GQ model?”

  “Uh-huh. Yes. I’m pretty much swooning just looking at you,” she sighed.

  “Well, thanks for that. I don’t think I’ve been ever paid that particular compliment before.” We grinned at each other, and Avery walked straight into the wall.

  “Ouch! What was that wall doing, appearing from nowhere?” She rubbed her head, laughing. “You really need to stop distracting me with your sexy looks, you know.”

  “Oh, it’s my fault, is it?” I chuckled. “Seriously, though, is your head okay?”

  “Yeah, it’s fine. I’m more concerned about
the poor wall.”

  “You’re crazy.” I shook my head at her, still smiling.

  As the lights went down in the theatre Avery took my hand, squeezing it in excitement. “You’re going to love this.”

  And as the chandelier came crashing to the ground at the end of the first act, startling me so much that I actually jumped, I realised she was right.

  I’d never tell her, though.



  I snuggled up next to Ethan in the cab, his hand tracing up and down my arm. Laying my head on his chest, I listened to his steady heartbeat as he pulled me closer, kissing my head.

  “Tired?” he murmured.

  “No. I’m relaxed,” I told him, running my hand over his chest. His heart rate sped up as I continued my exploration, lazily stroking down his body until I got to his belt. His breath hitched, and I moved my hand back up and rested it against his heart. “Your heart is beating so fast.”

  He huffed out a laugh. “I wonder why. I can’t wait to get you home and in my bed.” He paused and looked down at me, his face illuminated by the streetlamps. “That’s if you want to? I don’t want to presume anything.”

  I placed a kiss on his chest, above my hand that still rested over his heart. “Oh, I’m more than ready. Believe me, if the cab driver wasn’t here, my hand wouldn’t have stopped at your belt.”

  “Fuck, Avery,” he groaned, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back. He pinched his brow, muttering under his breath.

  “What are you muttering to yourself?”

  “I’m trying to hold on to my control before I take you right here in the cab, audience be damned.” he ground out.


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