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Snow Cold Case: A Mystic Snow Globe Romantic Mystery (The Mystic Snow Globe Mystery Series Book 1)

Page 30

by M. Z. Andrews

  The next thing Mitch knew, someone had helped him to his feet. While officers worked to free Johanna from her restraints, others cuffed Tim Shaw and began heaving him out of the house.

  His world was spinning. Had all of that really just happened? “Rocky was shot. He needs an ambulance.”

  “We’ll take care of your dog, sir. Don’t worry.”

  Mitch rushed to Johanna’s side. “Jo! Wake up!” His heart throbbed wildly. What would he do if he lost her? He’d only just found her. Felicia had somehow led him to her. He knew it. It was a mystical connection that he just couldn’t explain, like the fabled Christmas miracles they both loved so much. “Jo! Please talk to me!”

  And then, her eyes fluttered open. It took her a moment to regain her bearings, and when she did, she smiled. “Mitch, thank God!” she whispered weakly.

  Tears streamed down his face as he threw his arms around her. “No, it’s me who’s thanking God,” he cried.


  Rocky limped over to Johanna’s side of the bed and laid his head in her lap.

  “Aww, how ya feelin’, Rocky?” she asked him, scratching him behind his ears.

  He merely whimpered as his eyes moved animatedly, garnering more scratches from his master.

  Snuggled up next to Johanna, Whitley reached a hand across her lap and patted his head too. “Poor Rocky. It’s got to be pretty painful getting shot.”

  “He’s tough. Pain doesn’t faze him,” said Esmerelda, perched on the side of the bed between Johanna and Rocky. She reached out and gave her supposed nemesis a gentle pat. “Right, Rocky?”

  Rocky let out a little noise from his throat.

  “Aww, Essy, you love Rocky!” said her sister with a big smile.

  Esmerelda pulled her hand back and scowled. “No, I don’t. I just think it was pretty cool how he saved JoJo’s life. I guess he’s not so worthless after all.”

  “You love him!”

  Esmerelda’s energy to rebuff her sister waned. “Eh, he’s alright.”

  Johanna grinned at the two. Somehow both of them had managed to grow on her over the past two weeks. “I can’t believe we actually solved the mystery of the wedding dress.”

  Whitley laid her head on Johanna’s shoulder. “You mean you solved the mystery. Essy and I only helped. It would have been impossible for us to do it without you, Hanna,” she sighed.

  Esmerelda licked a paw and smoothed out her fur. “I suppose JoJo played a significant role in solving the mystery.”


  “Kidding, kidding,” sighed Essy. “She rocked it out.”

  Johanna grinned at her. “Thanks, Es. But we did it together. Everyone pitched in. Mitch would have never found me if you hadn’t pointed the recorder out to Rocky.”

  Essy grinned. “This is true. I helped save your life! You’re welcome. All I require is your eternal gratefulness.”

  Johanna laughed. “You all pitched in and saved me, and for that I’ll be eternally grateful to the two of you, and to Mitch, and to Rocky,” said Johanna, giving her trusty companion a hug. She winced as she moved, lightly fingering her forehead.

  “Head still hurt?”

  “Yeah, kind of throbs. Mitch said he’d bring in some more ibuprofen when he’s done making lunch.”

  “That’s pretty cool that he took the week off to nurse you and Rocky back to health,” said Whitley, her green eyes shining brightly.

  A soft smile spread across Johanna’s face. “Yeah,” she whispered. It was incredibly sweet. She swallowed hard to fight the tears threatening to fall and then whispered, “I owe you both a lot.”

  “Oh, Hanna! Don’t cry! You’ll make me cry!”

  “If it wasn’t for the two of you, and your magic snow globe, and that dress… I never would have met Mitch. I feel like I got a new start to my life.”

  “Well, if it wasn’t for you, we never would have solved the mystery of that dress, so… I guess we’re even.”

  Esmerelda sighed. “One dress down, a ton to go.”

  Johanna peered into the snow globe on her nightstand. She could see the tiny little dresses hanging inside the wooden wardrobe. “You guys have to solve the mystery of all of those dresses, huh?”

  “Yup,” said Whitley.

  “It’s gonna take you a while.”

  “We know.”

  “So what are you going to do now? How does it all work?” asked Johanna.

  Whitley shrugged. “I don’t know. I was wondering the same thing.” She flicked her magic wand and it let out a little sputter. “I still haven’t gotten my magic back yet.”

  “Maybe I have to shake the globe again,” suggested Johanna, lifting the globe off the nightstand.

  Whitley held out a hand to stop her from shaking it. “Wait!”


  “What if it works? What if I get zapped back into the globe and Essy goes back to not being able to talk?” Johanna could see the fear in Whitley’s eyes.

  Johanna put her arm around her friend’s shoulder. “I don’t know, Whit. I don’t have the answers, but I assume it’ll be time for you to solve a new mystery.”

  Esmerelda leapt over Johanna to sit on her sister’s lap. “Don’t worry, Whit. I’ll keep an eye on you. We’ll stick together. Just like we did the last time.”


  Essy tipped her head and held a furry paw up to her sister. “Yup. Cat swear.”

  Whitley giggled as she shook her sister’s hand. “Cat swear.”

  “So, should I shake it?” asked Johanna, holding up the globe.

  “What will you do with it when I’ve gone back in there?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I should take it back to the antique shop,” said Johanna.

  Esmerelda sighed. “Can’t you find a new antique shop? That old guy wasn’t very friendly to me.”

  Johanna smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek. “I’ll pick a really great shop, okay? And I’ll hang a sign around your neck that says does not like dry cat food.”

  “Yeah, okay,” said Essy with a grin. She sucked in a deep breath. “I guess I’m ready.”

  Whitley nodded, squeezing her sister tightly. “I’m ready too.”

  Johanna sighed as she wiped away her tear. “Wow, I never thought I’d actually say this, but I think I’m going to miss you both.” She put an arm around Whitley’s shoulder and hugged her.

  Esmerelda leapt over Johanna’s lap to hug Rocky. “I guess I’ll miss this big old oaf too.”

  Rocky gave Essy a big lick across the face. “Woof!”

  “Eww, Rocky!”

  Whitley and Johanna laughed.

  Johanna took a deep breath. “Alright, here goes nothing!”

  Whitley squeezed her eyes shut as Johanna shook the snow globe, working the flakes up inside into a flurry. She shook it again, and again, mesmerized by the way the flakes fell, and suddenly, it was snowing in her bedroom.

  “It’s snowing!” cried Whitley. “It’s working!”

  Esmerelda hopped up onto her sister’s lap again.

  Suddenly, a brilliant stream of light lit up the globe, drawing Johanna and Rocky’s eyes to it. A loud cracking sound filled the room. Johanna pinched her eyes shut, suddenly remembering how loud that sound had been.

  When it was over, she opened her eyes. The snow had stopped and Whitley was gone!

  Suddenly, Mitch tore into her bedroom. “Jo! Are you alright? What was that noise?!” he cried in a panic. He looked around the room and saw snow on the bed. “Is that snow?!”

  Johanna’s heart thumped in her ears. She felt a cold breeze circling her. She glanced over at the window to see that it had blown open. She pointed a finger at it. “Oh, I opened a window. The noise and the snow came from out there.”

  Mitch put his hand to his chest. “You scared me! I thought something had happened to you!”

  Johanna grinned. “Nope. I’m fine.”

  Mitch sat down on the side of her bed and took her hand in his. “Goo
d, because I’m never letting anything happen to you again!”

  Johanna squeezed his hand tightly. “And I’m never going to interview a murderer without you again.”

  Mitch smiled. “Well, I appreciate that.”

  “I thought you might.” She touched her head. “I have a splitting headache.”

  He nodded. “Your soup is almost ready and then it’ll be time for your ibuprofen. How’s our superhero doing?” he asked, patting Rocky’s head.


  “He’s sad because he can’t jump into bed with me,” said Johanna. “I think his backside hurts too much.”

  Mitch laughed. “No problem. That’s what you’ve got me here for!” He lifted Rocky up onto the bed and scooted him next to Johanna.

  Rocky licked Mitch’s face thankfully.

  “He really likes you, you know.”

  “I really like him,” said Mitch. Then he looked at her with his heart shining in his eyes. “I really like you too.”

  Johanna’s heart felt so full that it might burst. “I really like you too.”

  Mitch gave her a kiss on the forehead and stood up. “I’m going to go get that soup and your medicine now.”

  “Thanks, Mitch.”

  “My pleasure.”

  When Mitch left, Johanna stared anxiously into the cat’s eyes. “Essy!” she hissed. “Can you still talk?”

  The cat blinked her eyes back at Whitley and opened her mouth to speak. “Meow.”

  Rocky barked.

  Johanna leaned forward and reached for the snow globe, which had fallen into the soft mounds of blanket on her bed. She peered inside the snow globe to see Whitley, seated behind her sewing machine. Johanna gave the globe a little shake, whipping up the flakes inside. Whitley looked up at her and gave her a little smile and a wave.

  Esmerelda stared down at her sister in the globe. “Meow,” she said sadly.

  “I know, Es. I know. But soon, you’ll get all the mysteries solved and both of you will be able to go back to where you came from.”


  O ne Year Later

  “O h, JoJo! You look beautiful!” gasped Dawn Marshall, dotting at her eyes with a tissue.

  Johanna stared at her reflection in the mirror. “You think so?”

  The woman nodded, nearly unable to speak. “I do.”

  Johanna threw her arms around Felicia Marshall’s mother. “Thank you, Dawn. And thank you for letting me wear Felicia’s dress. You have no idea how much it means to me.”

  Dawn squeezed her hand tightly. “Felicia would have wanted you to wear it. That’s why you found the dress, you know. You were meant to find it. Not only did you find out what really happened to my daughter, but you gave Mitchell his life back.”

  Johanna grinned. “No, he and Felicia gave me my life back.”

  Suddenly a door burst open. “JoJo! They’re ready to start!”

  “I’ll be right there, Mook. You and Maureen can go ahead and start.”

  Melissa nodded from the doorway in her red bridesmaid dress. “Oh, JoJo, you look beautiful!”

  Johanna smiled. “I know! You’ve told me at least thirty times today!”

  Melissa wiped away a tear. “I know, but I never thought this day would come. I’m so happy for you!”

  Johanna swallowed hard. “I’m happy too.”

  They heard the music firing up outside the doors.

  “Mook! They’re ready for you!” said a voice.

  “Okay, okay! I’m coming, I’m coming,” said Melissa, rushing out the door.

  Dawn touched Johanna’s arm. “I’m going to go take my seat now. Good luck, Johanna!”

  “Thanks for everything, Dawn.”

  Dawn wiped the tears that spilled freely down her cheeks. “It’s my pleasure. I didn’t get to see my own daughter walk down the aisle, but I’m so thankful that I get to be a part of your big day. It’s sort of like I got a piece of my daughter back.”

  Johanna hugged her honorary mother one more time. “It’s sort of like I got a bit of my mother back, too.” She swatted at the woman softly, fighting tears. “Now go! Before you make me mess up my makeup! Mook would kill me if I did!” She giggled.

  When Dawn had gone, Johanna looked at herself in the mirror one last time. She adjusted the little capped lace sleeves on her dress and patted her hair and then the door burst open.

  “Alright, JoJo, it’s time!” said Denny, extending a crooked elbow to his daughter.

  “I’m ready.” Johanna turned around to face her father.

  His face brightened as he saw her in her wedding dress. “Oh, Johanna! You look so beautiful. I wish your mother could be here to see your wedding.”

  “I have three mothers here to see it today,” she whispered. “Mom’s watching me from heaven, my honorary mother, Dawn is watching me from the audience, and my beautiful stepmother is watching beside me as my bridesmaid. I couldn’t be any more lucky, Dad.”

  He nodded as tears filled his eyes. “I know, pumpkin. I’m so proud of you, you know that?”

  Johanna’s head bobbed. “I do know that, Dad.”

  And then the music changed and the wedding march began. The doors to the church split apart. Johanna took her father’s arm and he led her to the beginning of the aisle.

  Standing at the front of the church was Mitch, more handsome than ever in his tuxedo, with Rocky by his side. When he saw her, a smile covered his face from ear to ear.

  “Are you ready, JoJo?” whispered Denny.

  Johanna nodded. “Yeah, Dad. I’m ready. I’ve been ready my whole life. It’s time to marry my best friend.”


  Curious about how Whitley and Esmerelda Snow managed to get themselves into the predicament they’re in? Then you might be interested in reading the prequel to Snow Cold Case. Deal or Snow Deal is a short-story telling exactly what happened on that fate-filled Winter Solstice night.

  The Mystic Snow Globe Mystery Series

  Deal or Snow Deal: A Prequel

  Snow Cold Case: Book 1

  The Witch Squad Cozy Mystery Series

  The Witch Squad: Book 1

  Son of a Witch: Book 2

  Witch Degrees of Separation: Book 3

  Witch Pie: Book 4

  A Very Mercy Christmas: Book 5

  Where Witches Lie: Book 6

  Witch School Dropout: Book 7

  The Coffee Coven’s Cozy Capers Series

  That Old Witch!: Book 1

  The Witch Island Series

  Behind the Black Veil: Book 1


  I am a lifelong writer of words. I have a wonderful husband, whom I adore, and we have four daughters and two sons. Three of our children are grown and three still live at home. Our family resides in the midwest United States.

  Aside from writing, I’m especially fond of gardening and canning salsa and other things from our homegrown produce. I adore Pinterest, and our family loves fall and KC Chiefs football games.

  If you enjoyed the book, the best compliment is to leave a review - even if it’s as simple as a few words - I tremendously value your feedback!

  Also, please consider joining my newsletter. I don’t send one out often - only when there’s a new book coming out or a sale of some type that I think you might enjoy.

  All the best,


  For more information:

  Table of Contents



  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

/>   Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Also by M.Z. Andrews

  About the Author




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