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Little Suckers Bite Too (San Francisco Vampires #6) (Vampires of San Francisco series)

Page 4

by Jessica McBrayer

  “In the empty bedroom.”

  “Thanks, that’s perfect.”

  “Aidan would you assemble everything? Please,” Lily asks sweetly. Aidan smirks at her and waves his hand.

  There is a beautiful white round crib and netting falling from the ceiling. A dressing table, dresser, swing and bouncer. The bedding is bright and bold like a baby needs for stimulation but still looks delicate in the crib.

  Helena starts to pull out blankets, burpers, including some black ones for Diel. They have everything I will need including some things I hadn’t thought of. Tons of layettes and fun clothing for our bambino.

  “Now for the mamma,” Lily says. She starts getting bags and pulling them up to me. Seven total. Oh Goddess. She kneels next to me to go through them.

  There are yoga pants, sweaters, soft shirts and long skirts that look so comfortable. Everything is built for comfort. Along with sleepwear and lingerie. Nursing bras too! I’m crying again.

  “Everything is so perfect. Thank you. Fucking hormones.”

  “Oh, I got something for that. It’s supposed to be for fathers but I think Han will use it more.” Lily finds a glass jar with a lid on it. There’s a slit in the lid and on the side it says “Potty Mouth.” Diel starts laughing hard. He almost falls off the stool.

  “Hannah will have that filled before the baby comes. What do you say, babe, a quarter for every curse word?” he asks me.

  “Fine, but you’ll be sorry. I have a new mission in life,” I say.

  “No fair cursing in foreign languages either,” Sebastian says. “And yes, I will endeavor to curtail my swearing as well. We will have a little one with big ears.”

  “Hey, don’t talk about my son having big ears. I know what you meant, but still. You’ll jinx him,” I say.

  “I agree, no jinxing the baby,” Lily says and elbows Sebastian. He rubs his chest as if he is mortally wounded. “Have you decided on a name yet?”

  “No, we are still trying new ones. Diel thinks once we hold him, we’ll just know.”

  “We’ll get there,” Diel says as he pats my knee.

  I double over and groan. Everyone panics, including me. Another contraction, shit. I take some deep breaths and Diel is down on his knees next to me. He starts whispering to me to breathe and hold on. He punches a key on his phone. He’s put our doctor on speed dial.

  “Ahh,” I cry out. “Another one,” I whisper trying to catch my breath.

  “Fuck, that’s too close together,” Diel says panicking.

  “Relax, Diel,” Helena says moving over to me. “Let me feel her stomach. I’ve been delivering babies for a thousand years.” Diel gets out of her way and I plead with her with my eyes.

  “The baby is low. You need to keep breathing slowly. Everyone leave, please. Let’s try to get these under control. I think you’ve had enough excitement for one day,” Helena says gently. Everyone scatters and I can hear Diel on the phone with Dr. Hildebrand.

  “See you soon,” Diel says.

  “Do we have to go?” I say through clenched teeth as another contraction rips through me.

  “Yes, he wants us to meet him at the hospital. I’m not having Aidan take us because I don’t know what that will do to you. From now on we drive. Come on, I’ll carry you, sweetheart,” Diel says. “Helena, will you go in the car with us? The others can go to the hospital with Aidan.”

  “Of course,” she says.

  All the things that can go wrong wind through my mind. I’m trying to calm down but I’m not able to.

  “It’s too soon, Diel. It’s too soon,” I say as he scoops me up.

  “Shh… it is what it is, sweetheart. It will be okay. Our baby just wants to come early. He’s impatient like his mom and stubborn like his dad.”

  I half giggle, half sob. I am so scared for my baby boy. Diel is racing down the stairs with me and yells at Aidan to take everyone to the hospital, we’ll meet them there. Before I know it I am buckled into the back seat of the SUV and Helena is sitting beside me, holding my hand.

  “Just hold on, Hannah. We’ll be there soon.”

  True to his word, Diel breaks every speed law and space continuum to get us there in fifteen minutes. I have contractions and Helena helps me breathe through them.

  Dr. Hildebrand waits in the lobby sending us straight to labor and delivery. I sob as we pass our friends in the waiting room. Lily is crying too and Sebastian is holding her.

  “It is going to be okay, it is going to be okay,” I say like a mantra as I rub my huge belly. I feel a kick back and I’m relieved to know the baby is still moving around. Maybe we can stop this.

  “It is going to be okay,” Diel says, rubbing my shoulders as we come to a halt in a private room. There’s a large bed, laminate wood floors, a wide screen TV and various electronics. A mini fridge finishes it out for luxury. The room looks out over the city and is decorated in a nauseating yellow but that’s its only fault. Right now I’m just trying to cope.

  I squeeze Deil’s hand.

  “Hannah, we will be admitting you. You will be given medicine through an IV to stop the contractions. You’ll also be given a blood transfusion. Being dehydrated can cause preterm labor so we want to cover all the bases. Do you have any questions?” Dr. Hildebrand asks me. He says everything so fast that I have to concentrate on him. I’m not prepared for the contraction. I squeeze Diel’s hand, hard. Good thing he is a Demon and can handle it.

  “Easy, Han. Try to let it roll off you…” Diel stupidly says.

  “I’ll let it roll off you, asshat. Damn! Diel, it hurts.” Diel winces as I squeeze his hand again.

  When the contraction passes they move me to the bed and a team of Demons descends on me to hook me up to everything. I’m stripped and put into a gown, I have a belt and monitor attached to my stomach and my legs are up in stirrups so Dr. Hildebrand can check me again.

  “Dilated to three centimeters. I want that IV in stat. We are stopping this labor.” I see why Dr. Hildebrand is the best. No one argues with him and he is completely calm in this crazy situation.

  “Dr. Hildebrand, what happens if we can’t stop it?” I ask.

  “We have a NICU on site so the baby would be transferred there immediately. Do you have a pediatrician picked out yet?” he asks.

  “Yes,” Diel answers for us as another contraction hits me. “Dr. Green.”

  “I’ve worked with him before. He’s excellent. Good. If we have to do a c-section we’ll have a good team assembled.”

  The nurse starts administrating the medicine via a syringe into my IV.

  “This is Indomethacin, Hannah. We will also be giving you Antenatal corticosteroids to help the baby’s lungs develop faster in case we can’t stop labor. As I explained, their lungs are typically the last things to develop.”

  “How long does it take for that medicine to work?” I ask.

  “We want to give it forty-eight hours,” he says.

  I start to panic, hyperventilating, which is an achievement when you don’t have to breathe. Diel gets in my face and starts talking to me but I can’t make out what he is saying. I’m too unfocused.

  “Back up, Diel. Give her some room,” I hear Dr. Hildebrand say and I hear Diel’s answering growl. That brings me back to the present and I am soon calming Diel down.

  “Diel, d-don’t,” I try to say loudly but it comes out in a whisper. Diel still hears me and settles right down to focus on me.

  “Babe, if you’re going to breathe, breathe slowly and focus on me. I’ll help you through it.”

  “Okay,” I mumble, trying to calm down so all the medicines can work.

  He starts to rub my arms and then they put my feet on the bed so he can rub them. Someone gives him some lavender lotion and the scent is soothing. I’m calming down and relaxing. The contractions are coming less frequently. Dr. Hildebrand comes back to check on me. He reads the little report paper that comes out of one of the machines.

  “Looks good. The medications
are working. Your contractions are slowing down,” he says and gives me a reassuring pat. “I want to keep you in the hospital overnight and monitor you. If they stop completely in the next couple of hours we may be able to let you go home tomorrow.”

  “That would be excellent,” I say. I hate hospitals and don’t want to stay longer than I have to.

  “Thank you, Dr. Hildebrand, sorry about growling at you,” Diel says sheepishly.

  “I’ve seen so much worse, your Grace,” Dr. Hildebrand says. Diel chuckles.

  “I’m sure you have. Can some of our family come in now?” Diel asks.

  “One at a time and only if Hannah can stay calm. No one is to upset her.”

  “Lily first, please, Diel.”

  “Of course, honey. I’ll send someone out there. I’m not leaving your side.”

  A nurse volunteers to find her and let them all know my status.

  Lily comes in, quietly. I can tell she has been crying very recently. Her eyes are still puffy. Her vampire healing would have taken care of it otherwise.

  “Hannah, honey, how are you?” she asks taking my hand.

  “I’m doing better. They’ve given me some medicine to stop the contractions. They are slowing down. I barely feel them now.” I say. She gives me a tentative smile. “They also gave me something to help the baby’s lungs develop in case I do deliver.”

  Her body starts to shake, indicating she has started crying again. Diel takes her up in his arms and whispers something into her ear. I can’t even hear it, but Lily nods and makes a valiant effort to look like everything is fine.

  “It’s okay, Lily. I’m scared too.”

  “Yes, but we need to think positively and keep you as calm and relaxed as possible. Do you want to hear about our wedding trip?” she asks.

  “Yes, I do. I am so excited. We have to find a nanny, Diel, so that we can have some alone time to visit places that would not be appropriate for the baby.”

  “We’ll see. I already have it from Helena that there will be no need for that. She said that she and Julian are eager take care of the baby for us anytime we want on the cruise,” Diel says.

  “Oooh she stole my job. I am so going to have to battle everyone to see this baby. I just know it,” Lily says.

  “Lily, it’s your wedding cruise. You will not be taking care of our baby. You will be too busy celebrating. Or at least you should be,” I tell her.

  “I can’t think of a more worthy thing to celebrate than a new life. So we’ll see who has the baby the most.” She juts her chin out stubbornly and I just laugh. I’ve seen her in that mode before.

  “That’s the kind of sounds I want to hear coming out of this room,” Dr. Hildebrand says as he walks in. “Hannah, I’m just going to check you again. Do you need some privacy,” he asks as he looks at Lily.

  “No, we’ve been through a lot together and she will be my other coach throughout delivery so she better get used to it now.” Lily laughs and hugs me.

  Dr. Hildebrand checks me and I haven’t dilated any more. My contractions have also stopped. He’s pleased. Diel and Lily are relieved.

  “I still want you overnight but if the you have no more contractions then you can go home in the afternoon. Strict bed rest. I’ll see you every two days and I will bring you blood or a donor when I do. You need to stay hydrated and well fed. The baby is growing rapidly right now and will need the extra nourishment.”

  “Yes, Dr. Hildebrand,” I say. Diel shakes his hand.

  “I’ll leave you all to visit. Only one visitor besides Diel at a time, remember?”

  “Yes, sir,” Diel says.

  “I better let Helena in here. She was pacing the room, wearing out the tiles. I think we better let Aidan in then. He is just as anxious to see you,” Lily says, smiling down at me.

  “Okay, give me a hug at least. When everyone has visited, I want you all to go back home. Hades needs you too and Diel will stay with me. We’ll see you tomorrow when I wake up.” She reaches down and hugs me tightly and then surprises me with a kiss on the cheek. I reach for Diel as she leaves. I need him to ground me. He gives me what I need unconditionally.

  I spend the next half hour visiting. By then I am tired and Diel goes out to say goodbye to everyone. He comes back in and snuggles down on the bed with me and we talk until dawn when I fall asleep to sound of his heartbeat.


  I know that Lilith is worried about Hannah. But I am surprised by the depth of her concern. She surprises me all the time these days. I know she is living vicariously through Hannah right now and it is taking a toll on her.

  I give her a hug before we head off to the house Diel rented. I should say mansion because that is what it is with its nine bedrooms. It’s built like mis-stacked blocks with large balconies on every level. A veritable tree house. I really like it. It’s open, airy and gives me the feeling of being alone when I need it and the ability to congregate with others when the mood arises.

  Everyone scatters to their rooms when we get there. Lily mumbles something about taking a long hot bath before bed and Sebastian hums his approval. I remember running a bath for Manda in Paris, our first night there. I’d filled the flat with rose petals and candles. A wave of loneliness crashes into me. It makes me stagger for a minute while I walk to my room.

  I’m going searching again. They can do without me for a few hours. Hannah is well and I’ll take my cell. I go in search of Julian to let him know.

  I open my eyes to the architecture around me. I try to ignore the intense anger and unease I have as I attempt to admire some of one of my favorite cities. The smell of polluted water assaults my senses. I’ve tracked the Vampire King to Venice. I am hoping it will also lead me to Manda. So far I have been unsuccessful. The vamp has many secrets. He is much older than Zoe was and is ruthless in his punishments. He has a reputation for making business transactions.

  Basilio, King of the Italian Vampires, is reluctant to give me an audience. He’s notorious for his paranoia. A Djinn fits nicely into that “unknown magickal entity” category that he fears. I will see him. I am done playing nice and will just pop in on him.

  I drop the heavy weighted knocker at the front door of the King’s residence. A beautiful, female, raven haired vampire answers the door.

  “Signore Aidan. The King will see you today. He knows you have been in his territory and is anxious to know the reason for this,” she purrs. “I am Isabella. I will take you to see him.”

  “Finally,” I mumble. She gives me an arch look but says nothing.

  We pass through a marble foyer with a vast chandelier. In front of us is a curving grand staircase. Isabella takes me up stairs to where the more important rooms are because of frequent flooding. We pass many rooms that are mostly dark yet occupied. The hall goes far and it is soon obvious that the mansion is as large as any palace. It must be connected to several other buildings in the area.

  At last we find our way in to a throne room of sorts. Of sorts means that there is indeed a throne in it but it also has a large ornate desk in one corner, similar to the ones Elizabeth I used when conducting meetings. But Basilio isn’t seated at his desk, he is in full-blown king mode, sitting in his throne. I’ll humor him.

  I bow my head slightly when I am standing in front of him. He acknowledges me with a slight nod.

  “Signore Aidan, what can the good people of my kingdom do for you?” he asks, carefully not committing himself to anything.

  “Your Majesty, I have been searching for a new vampire. She was just reborn last month. I was engaged to her while she was human and she was kidnapped and turned against her will…”

  “That is against the law in my kingdom,” he interrupts me.

  “I am much relieved to hear that, your Majesty. The problem is that I can no longer track her essence since she was turned. She was turned on Italian soil and I am hoping she is still here.”

  “What is it you think we can do for you?” he repeats with a frown
on his face.

  “I would just ask that you make some inquiries into who are the new vampires and if you find any African-American females, that you contact me so that I can determine if it is her,” I say.

  “That is reasonable. I will do this as a sign of goodwill between my people and yourself.”

  “Your Majesty, it would be a foundation in a long-lasting relationship if you were to find her.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Then we will remain acquaintances and I will continue looking. But if you find her or know of her whereabouts and do not contact me, I will seek retribution.” I give him a look that shows I will not to be trifled with.

  “How will I contact you?” he asks. He has looked away, flicking his fingers at a subject who wasn’t doing his work to standard. The King does not like threats. He has all of his accumulated splendor to insulate himself from just that sort of thing.

  “Here is my card with my cell phone number on it, if you will permit me to approach you?”

  He nods and I give him my card and retreat to a respectable distance.

  “Thank you, Signore Aidan. I will contact you if I have any leads.” He motions for a lesser vamp to show me out but instead I transmanifest in front of him to let him know I could reach anywhere at any time.

  I couldn’t get a good read on him. He is too schooled in vampire politics to give away anything. He is older than Helena and a survivor. If he contacts me it will be for the boon of having a Djinn as a friend.

  I leave the palace to wander the streets of Venice. It makes me too sad, thinking of how I would love to show this city to Manda so I go back to Hell. Figuratively and literally.


  I wake slowly and am momentarily fuzzy about where I am. Then it hits me. The baby and the hospital. I reach out instinctively for Diel and find him snoring next to me. I smile down on his peaceful visage and move a lock of hair that has fallen across his eyes. He stirs.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you,” I whisper, hoping he will go back to sleep.

  “No worries, babe. I wanted to get up when you got up so we could get out of here.” He runs a hand through his hair, disheveling it more than normal. “How are you feeling? Any contractions?”


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