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Little Suckers Bite Too (San Francisco Vampires #6) (Vampires of San Francisco series)

Page 7

by Jessica McBrayer

  “I just hope my parents haven’t bought off the magistrate. I’ve had my lawyers working on getting one from another city to make sure he or she is unbiased.”

  “Good plan. Yes, after I heard what they did and are doing, I wouldn’t put anything past them.”

  I throw a stick for Hades and he catches it doing a fine aerial twist before gamboling back to me. He drops it at my feet waiting for me to throw it again and looking at me like “Is that all you got?”

  Julian picks up the stick and throws it vampire-far and Hades is jumping and barking fire in excitement. I hope to hell that he doesn’t catch anything on fire. We are going to have him sitting next to Hannah during the hearing, as well as myself and Lily. Most of our job is going to be making sure that Han stays calm and relaxed.

  Julian and I head back to the house after Hades has retrieved his stick.

  “This is a truly beautiful spot,” Julian says passing the lake and its plethora of gem stone colored birds. Every once in a while a fish jumps in the air.

  “I like it too. Hannah is the one that wanted to buy it. It’s perfect for our needs and just the right amount of distance out of town.”

  “Yes, I believe you three will be happy here,” Julian says. “And there are plenty of rooms for visitors, which I hope I may be one of them. It’s so fascinating here. I could spend years cataloging the flora and fauna alone. I haven’t even been in the city yet.”

  “You are always welcome here, Julian. The whole family is. That’s what we consider you all. Especially since I have pretty much disowned mine.”

  “We can’t pick who we are born to, but we can pick who we love,” Julian says.

  We climb the stairs to the patio off the back of the house and I can hear Hannah yelling for Lily to get her sweet butt in there so she can take a shower. I chuckle and run up the rest of the stairs and up to our room so I can spend some time with her and help her myself.

  “Lover, I’ll help you. Lily, would you help Helena get everything set up? I want to spend some time with my wife.”

  “Of course,” Lily says and smiles. “Hannah, I’ll be right at your side during everything just like Diel. I’ll see you later. By the way, I laid out your clothes for today, they’re on the bed.” Then she blurs out of the room.

  “Hey, babe. How are you feeling so far?” I ask Hannah as I pull her nightgown up and over her head.

  “Pretty nervous to tell you the truth. I’m just trying to take it minute by minute so I don’t get overwhelmed,” she says climbing into the shower.

  “It will be okay, Han. I promise,” I shout above the running water.

  “You don’t have to shout, Diel. I can hear you quite well,” she reminds me.

  “Sorry, I forget sometimes.”

  “No worries, love.”

  She is soon done and is climbing out of the shower. I help her out and have a towel ready for her. Helping her dry off, I feel the baby kicking. I swear her stomach grew overnight. She has to be so uncomfortable.

  “Good thing I heal fast. This baby would leave me black and blue otherwise. He’s so active.”

  “I know, I can see him move all around the place. You have to be so uncomfortable. I’m sorry I can’t share this part of it.”

  She beams at me.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m enjoying every minute of it. I love knowing that I am keeping him safe and warm inside me.”

  “Okay, so now I’m jealous.” I smile back at her.

  “Don’t worry, babe. You’ll have plenty of time to snuggle while I sleep. It will be your special daddy time,” she says and runs her hand down the side of my face. I lean in and kiss her.

  “Mmm… I love you, Diel. With you at my side I know that everything will be okay.”

  “It will be okay. Everyone is pulling for us, babe.”

  I dry her back and beautiful belly – pear-shaped with my son. She grabs another towel to towel dry her hair. She plugs in her hair dryer and it is soon completely dry.

  I lead her into the bedroom and notice she is leaning on me more than usual.

  “Are you okay, babe?”

  “Yes, it feels like the baby has dropped, though. It’s a little uncomfortable to walk. I feel pressure.”

  “Good thing Dr. Hildebrand is here. He has to testify,” I explain.

  “Oh goody, another exam by the good doctor. Good thing I’m not shy.”

  I rumble my approval and kiss her neck letting her know just how happy I am that she isn’t shy. She leans into me and I turn her around to kiss her fully. She moans against my lips and I let my tongue explore her mouth. It seems like a lifetime since we made love.

  I break away and sigh.

  “We better get you dressed and downstairs. Lily said your clothes were on the bed.”

  “I can hardly wait to see what she has laid out.”

  We look over and both of us grumble. Lily has purchased, or had Aidan summon, a pink dress with an empire waist. A line of little pink roses wrap around the waistline. It couldn’t be less Hannah. But it will give a good impression.

  “I’ll give her credit for picking something comfortable and appropriate. But I will have to kill her later for dressing me in pink,” Hannah grumbles.

  “I agree. What kind of shoes did she pick out?” I ask looking around.

  “Ballet flats, in pink of course. And look at this lingerie!”

  “I can’t stop looking at the lingerie. Imagining you in it. Gods.”

  “Well you can stop imagining and help me get into it.”

  I help Hannah with her panties and bra and then slip the dress over her head. She bitches the whole time and I can’t help but laugh. She gives me a dirty look.

  “Help me with my shoes too, please. I haven’t been able to see my feet for the last few weeks.”

  I pick her little foot up and slip it into the shoe. I feel like a prince to my Cinderella.

  “Do they fit all right?”

  “Yes, of course they do. Lily knows everything about clothes and shoes. Ugh!” She brushes a stray lock of hair off her forehead. “Just get me downstairs so I can start yelling at her.”

  “I heard that,” Lily yells.

  “Good,” Hannah replies and smiles.

  I pick up my princess and carefully carry her down stairs, depositing her in her chair and propping her feet up.

  “I feel so useless. I want to do something to help,” Han says.

  Lily comes walking in with Helena, each carrying a huge tray of cookies and tarts.

  “I baked a truth spell into everything. Also the punch. Everyone is going to be honest today if it kills me. No lies,” Helena says with a determined look on her face. I’m shocked. Why didn’t I think of that?

  “Great thinking, Helena,” I say. I’m touched by all their help and love.

  “I thought so, too,” Julian says as he enters the room. “Sebastian and Aidan will be letting everyone in and encouraging them to take a treat before we start.” Nothing like vamp glamour or Djinn charm.

  “Excellent,” Hannah says. “Doxie and Millicent are gluttons. They won’t be able to help themselves.” She rubs her hands together, looking like a Machiavellian character.


  People start showing up a few minutes later. Everything is ready. They throng to the snack table and start chowing down. Almost everyone is someone here to testify. The magistrate is here. A female demon in her forties from another district. Score one for team Diel.

  My parents are the last to show. I am edgy waiting to see if they will eat anything. Finally, my dad loads up two plates. Excellent, as Hannah said. I wink at her. She is covering up her grin with her hand.

  “Your honor, thank you for coming all this way,” I say to the magistrate.

  “You’re welcome, your Grace. It’s an interesting case. I hope to find the truth behind all the accusations.” She gives me a funny look, and raises her brow, shakes her head. I don’t think she wanted to say all of t
hat. Ha. Bless you, Helena.

  “That’s all we want too. I assure you. I think we are almost ready to start. I have chairs and a table set up in here for you and the recorder. I assume the bailiff will stand?”

  “Yes, he will be available if anyone becomes in contempt. Thank you for setting this up,” she says. I nod and usher her into the great room.

  Everyone trickles in. Hannah waits patiently, which is not her norm. We need to start soon before she starts getting antsy. I notice Sebastian is pushing every last cookie. They help the guests to their seats. Aidan smirks but Sebastian plays it cool. They take their seats and the magistrate bangs a gavel.

  “Everyone, this is a somewhat relaxed environment in comparison to what a normal hearing would be. But make no mistake, the law will not be lax. Each witness will be sworn in and I expect the truth from them. No disruptions to the proceedings will be tolerated. You will be in contempt of court and removed by the bailiff,” she says pointing to an intimidating demon by the door. He’s got a full rack on his head and hooves. He’s a bit yellow, too. “Let’s begin.”

  The lawyers for my parents state their claim and then my lawyers give our story. My parents’ lawyers predictably bring up Brandon and Josephine. Did they forget they were a part of that? Fuck this is frustrating. Gotta keep my cool. Han squeezes my hand. It calms me down a little.

  “Present the first witness. The Demon Millicent. You may take your seat,” the magistrate says.

  “Oh, thank you, your honor. You look lovely today,” my mother simpers.

  “Just answer the questions, please, Millicent,” the magistrate says.

  “Yes, your honor.”

  My parents’ lawyer questions her first.

  “Millicent, you’ve made some charges about Hannah, Duke Sidiel’s wife. What are they?”

  “She is an unfit parent. She has killed two demons in the past. Doxie and I want custody of the baby demon.”

  “Objection, the baby will be half-vampire,” my lawyer snaps.

  “Objection sustained. Recorder please strike that and amend to say hybrid baby.”

  “I object to the term ‘hybrid.’ The word implies that it is better than normal,” Dad’s lawyer shoots out.

  “Objection overruled. The term is the correct term. It doesn’t matter what you perceive it to mean,” the magistrate says. Point two for team Diel. “If you have nothing else for this witness I believe it’s the other party’s turn.”

  “Millicent,” my lawyer, Dean, says. “How do you really feel about your daughter-in-law?”

  “I can’t stand her. She took my baby boy. I don’t even recognize her as my daughter-in-law. She’s a vampire for Satan’s sake. Euw.” My mom’s hands fly to her mouth. I don’t think she can quite believe what she’s said.

  “Didn’t you orchestrate her kidnapping and order a hit on her? Forcing her to kill in self-defense,” my lawyer questions Mother further. He acts casual as if my mother’s histrionics are an everyday way for a crazy person.

  “Yes, I did it. All of it. She should have lay down and died. But that damn Djinn interfered and kept me from reversing the mating.” Again her hands fly up and she looks a little green. Hannah is trying to look serious but Aidan is outright chuckling. I’m trying hard not to laugh myself.

  “So you are confessing to kidnapping and attempted murder?” Dean, my lawyer, asks. He looks excited.

  “Yes. Doxie did it too!” she yells at my father who wisely starts to duck down in his seat.

  “Enough!” the magistrate yells. She runs both hands through her hair and sighs. “I’ve heard enough to make a decision,” she says through clenched teeth as Mom is carrying on in a high pitched voice.

  “This should never have been brought to this point. It is painfully obvious that Doxie and Millicent would be terrible parents, dangerous even. Their attitudes are everything that is wrong. I hope their son takes a different path.” She looks at me and I nod and squeeze Hannah’s shoulder showing her that I have already started down that path. She smiles at me and Han. “Furthermore, I want these two taken into custody to be brought up on charges of kidnapping and attempted murder against a pregnant woman or uhm… vampire.”

  “Noooo…,” Mom shouts. She takes a vase and breaks it and leaps for Hannah. She takes everyone by surprise. I had stepped to the magistrate to thank her and I am too far away to deflect the sharp metal object headed towards my wife’s head. Our life together blurs through my mind and agony hits me at the possible loss of our child and future. I can’t breathe.

  Out of nowhere, Aidan appears before Hannah and vaporizes my mom. Hannah coughs from the fumes and then clutches her stomach.

  “Well that’s one way of dealing with her,” the magistrate says. She doesn’t seem upset at all. Even Dad looks relieved.

  My focus turns back to Hannah who is trying to get my attention. Lily is beside her and so is a big wet spot. Hannah’s water broke. Shit, this is too soon. She’s doubled over in pain.

  “Diel, get your ass in the car and I will bring Hannah,” Lily snarls, getting me moving. Sebastian and Aidan help Lily carry Hannah by lending a hand here and there while I rush out to get the SUV. I know Aidan would be faster but we don’t want to take a chance on the baby at this point.

  “Helena, get her hospital bag. It’s in her closet,” Lily says.

  “Wait, I have a hospital bag?” Hannah grunts out between contractions.

  “I packed it when I got here. You’ll have everything you need,” Lily says. “We’ll stay here and get everyone out and clean up then have Aidan bring us. We might even beat you,” she says and winks at Han. Hannah gives her a weak smile as Lily snaps her seatbelt.

  “Thanks, Lil and Aidan. That bitch almost got me again. Ahhhh….” We lose her as another contraction hits. They are coming so close together. At least Sebastian thought to get Dr. Hildebrand in the car with us. One less thing to worry about. I drive like crazy to the hospital. And just as Lily said, they meet us at the doors. Sebastian takes the car and parks it for me. The rest follow us up to the birthing suite that has been reserved for us. Even the magistrate came along to see the baby. I notice she discretely sets up shop in the waiting room with her phone.

  “Well this sucks,” Hannah says. The understatement of the year.


  This room is bigger than the last one I was in. Still has laminate floors, I’m sure because they have to clean up all kinds of stuff. Euw. Big flat screen TV and DVD player. Stereo system, Jacuzzi tub in the corner, so a mother can relax during contractions or maybe for water births. Not sure if I can use it or not. There are plenty of comfy chairs and recliners. And my bed is double the size of the other one. Original artwork covers the walls. The only thing that lets you know it’s a hospital room are the large lights that can be pulled down from the ceiling, the oxygen unit on the wall and the baby monitoring equipment in the hall, ready to come in.

  The contractions have been one on top of the other. I am in excruciating pain. Screw natural delivery, I want an epidural, now.

  A hot demon comes in wearing scrubs. He’s smiling like this is a normal scene, well it is for him I guess. He gives Lily the once over, twice, and Sebastian notices. He lets out a low growl and the doctor laughs and puts his hands up in defeat. Lily turns at Bast’s growl and gives him an exasperated look.

  Hot demon doctor comes up to the bed. A nurse has just pulled a curtain from the gods know where for some privacy and she is undressing me so I can be in a gown.

  “Your Grace, are you ready for your epidural yet?” hot demon doctor asks.

  I give a look that has been known to be followed by a serious ass-kicking. He flinches.

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Just so you know you are not my first vampire so I do know how to calculate for your metabolism. Dr. Hildebrand will check you to see how far you’ve dilated. Just to make sure we have time to do the epidural.”

  “Oh gods, if he says no, I’m going to pull his fingern
ails out and see how he likes it,” I say, trying not to snarl. “There you are, Dr. Hildebrand. Check me so I can have an epidural, please.” My social skills seem to be slipping. A girl can get that way.

  The doctor has changed into scrubs too and paged our pediatrician. Now he is putting his hand somewhere he should never have to, gah! This is going to be embarrassing before it’s all over.

  “Hannah, I’m afraid you can’t have an epidural. There’s no time. You are at ten centimeters. Do you feel pressure? Like you have to push?”

  “Goddess yes!”

  “Hold on just a little bit longer. Nurse, get that privacy curtain out of here. Hannah do you want anyone to leave?”

  “No, but you all stand where you can’t see up my va jay jay,” I whimper. “Lily, Helena and Diel can see. Everyone else up by my head. Now! I have to push,” I yell. Everyone scrambles.

  “Okay, Hannah, push. Push hard.”

  Diel and Lily help me sit up and Lily talks me through it. Diel holds my hand while I try to rip it off. Oh Goddess, get me through this.

  “Good push, Hannah, I can see the baby’s head. Hold for a minute.”

  “Are you fucking crazy?” I scream.

  “Han, you are doing amazing. It will all be over soon. I promise, I’ve read all about it,” Lily whispers.

  “Lily, I love you but…. Ahhh!”

  “Babe, you are so beautiful, even now in your pain. Thank you for doing this for our baby. I love you so much,” Diel says more loudly because I am screaming again, trying not to push.

  “Okay, one big push now, Hannah,” Dr. Hildebrand says.

  I push with everything in me. I hear suction sounds and then a glorious crying and then I feel like I have to push still. WTF!

  “You have a gorgeous little girl,” Dr. Hildebrand says. Helena is sobbing and so is Lily. Diel is in shock. He lets go of my hand to cut the umbilical cord. Someone yells out “Apgar eight.”

  Next thing I know Diel is holding our little girl. I start sobbing too.

  “Dr. Hildebrand, I have to push again. Hard,” I yell, panicked.

  The good doctor checks me and chuckles.


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