Taylor, Sir Teddy, 325–6, 460
Te Kanawa, Kiri, 144
teachers: training, 176–8, 190, 192, 245; pay, 227; transfer of salaries, 248
television: commercial, 86; general election (1959), 100; early closedown (1973), 231
Thatcher, Carol: birth, 80; childhood, 81–2, 99, 101, 102–6; education, 106, 138, 185, 280, 309; career, 280, 309, 388; MT’s leadership election, 280; Zurich (1977), 318; on kibbutz, 379–80; China (1977), 388; general election campaign (1979), 456
Thatcher, Denis: wedding, 11, 76; on 1945 election, 43; work, 65, 76, 96, 97, 103, 138, 271, 309; meets Margaret Roberts, 65–6; engagement, 66–7, 74; married life, 76–7, 78, 103–5; holidays, 78, 99, 105–6; fatherhood, 80, 103; MT’s career, 85, 94, 96, 97, 98, 101, 137, 182, 266; Suez crisis, 88–9; Rolls-Royce analysis, 206; EC entry celebrations, 211; winter (1973–74), 232–3; MT’s leadership campaign, 266, 277, 280; quoted, 361; impressed by Reagan, 372; daughter on kibbutz, 379–80; winter of discontent, 427; general election campaign (1979), 442, 450, 456, 460; MT’s departure from Downing St, 465; fortieth wedding anniversary, 480; baronetcy, 488
Thatcher, Margaret (née Roberts): upbringing in Grantham, 3–34; schooling, 17–19, 33–4; Oxford, 35–60; employment, 61–2, 67, 74; Dartford candidate, 63–75; marriage, 76–9; legal studies, 78–9, 81, 83–4; twins, 80–3; tax law, 83–4; Selection Committees, 93–6; Finchley, 95–101; family life, 102–7; arrival at Westminster, 107–9; Private Member’s Bill, 109–13; maiden speech, 112–13; Ministry of Pensions, 119–25; Shadow spokesman on Housing and Land, 136; Shadow Treasury spokesman, 137; Shadow spokesman on Fuel and Power, 142–3; Shadow Cabinet, 142, 143–50, 156; Shadow Transport, 143; ‘What’s Wrong With Politics?’ CPC lecture, 147–9, 255; US visit (1967), 153–4; USSR visit (1969), 154–6; Shadow Education and Science, 156–60; Education Secretary, 163–93; in Heath’s Cabinet, 194–235; general election (February 1974), 235–9; Shadow Environment spokesman, 240–1; housing policy group, 242–50; Party Political Broadcast (1974), 247; manifesto (October 1974), 248–50; general election (October 1974), 257–61; leadership campaign, 266–80; leadership election, 279–81; forms Shadow Cabinet, 282–91, 310; Leader’s office, 293–4, 309; Blackpool Conference speech (1975), 305–9; Shadow Cabinet reshuffle (1976), 310; devolution issue, 321–6; Europe, 330–48; East-West, 348–72; Middle East, 372–83; Asia and the Far East, 383–91; ‘Iron Lady’, 362, 370, 470; relationship with foreign dictators, 392–3; Leader of the Opposition, 394–433; general election (1979), 435–61; Prime Minister, see The Downing Street Years; departure from Downing Street, 465–6; Bruges speech (1988), 473, 487, 506–7; Washington speech (1991), 475–7; life peerage, 488; Hague speech (1992), 488–91, 609–25; House of Lords maiden speech, 491–2; CNN conference speech (1992), 492–3
appearance: dress, 13, 71, 74, 94–5, 96, 97, 107, 118, 119, 295, 443; jewellery, 103–4; 37, 295; voice, 295–6, 457–8;
family: children, 80–2, 99, 101, 102–7; holidays, 15, 78, 99, 105–6, 248, 304; homes, 4, 62, 67, 74, 76, 102–3, 138, 309, 465; nannies, 81, 94, 103; wife and mother role, 80–2, 94
interests: antique furniture, 103–4; cinema, 14–15; interior decorating, 138; music, 9, 38–9, 66, 77; porcelain, 104, 156; reading, 7, 8, 28–30, 50–2, 56–9, 84–5, 113, 309–10; silver, 103
religion, 5–6, 8–11, 37, 39–40, 105, 554–6, 565, 603
woman in politics, 63, 64, 71, 72, 94, 117, 144, 157, 163, 261
Thatcher, Mark: birth, 80; childhood, 81–2, 99, 101, 102–7; education, 106, 138, 280, 309; election campaign (1974), 238; career, 280, 309; MT’s leadership election, 280; lost in desert, 384; MT’s departure from Downing Street, 465
Thatcher Foundation, 469, 602
Thatcherism, 115
Theosophy, 7
Thomas, Harvey, 441, 458
Thomas, Hugh, Lord, 347, 442
Thomas, J.P L., 65
Thomas, Peter, 144, 202, 285
Thorndike, Sybil, 76, 211
Thorneycroft, Peter: Oxford debate, 48; resignation (1958), 92; MT’s adoption, 98; Party Chairman, 290, 291–2; Heath’s role, 416; The Right Approach to the Economy, 419; ‘Stepping Stones’, 421, 422–3; winter of discontent, 427; election campaign (1979), 440, 442–3, 444, 447, 450–1, 453, 456, 458
Thorpe, Jeremy, 239, 431
three-day working week, 231–2, 311, 414
Tibet: Chinese policies, 530; science and technology, 579
Tindemans, Leo, 338
Tito, Marshal, 369–71, 384
Torrington by-election (1958), 93
Tory Reform Group, 325
trade unions: Conservative manifesto (1950), 70; MT’s attitude to, 109–10; Conservative policy (1960s), 115; Labour government relationship, 138; inflation, 141; reform proposals (1969–70), 160; teachers, 166; Industrial Relations Act, 203–6, 288; Conservative Party relationship, 288–9; Labour Party relationship, 299–300; Shadow Cabinet approach, 301, 310–12, 397; Grunwick dispute, 397–401; referendum proposal, 402–3; incomes policy, 403; winter of discontent (1978–79), 413–14, 419–20, 423, 437, 446; reform proposals (1978–79), 423–5, 427–9, 436–8; general election (1979), 446; reform programme (1980s), 575; membership, 575; Labour policies (1990s), 605
Trades Union Congress (TUC): Declaration of Intent, 138; Industrial Relations Act, 206, 222; incomes policy talks, 219, 223–4, 226, 403, 413; General Strike call (1972), 222; miners’ dispute (1974), 232; Prior’s relationship, 289, 311–12; MT’s meeting (1977), 312; Soviet visitors, 349, 400
transport, public expenditure, 573
Transport and General Workers’ Union (TGWU), 222, 420
Treasury, 92, 118, 179, 191, 199, 220, 225
Trend, Sir Burke, 194
Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 580n
Truman, Harry S., 54
Tuohy, Denis, 454
Turkey, response to Bosnia, 515
TV Eye, 454
Tynan, Kenneth, 38
U-turns, 188, 196, 198, 206–7, 215, 236
Uganda: expulsion of Asians, 212; economy, 589
Ukraine: MT’s visit (1990), 509; economy, 590
Ulster Unionists, 238, 327–8, 431
underclass, 544, 561, 599
unemployment: in 1930s, 23, 71, 118; election issue (1950), 71; attitudes to (1960s), 115, 118; rise (1971), 213; role of inflation, 213, 567; UCS, 213–14; fall (1973), 225; reaches one million, 256; public opinion polls, 299; rise and fall (1977–78), 409; ‘Labour Isn’t Working’ campaign, 411; rise (1992), 578; protectionist solution, 597
United Nations (UN), 56, 91, 511, 516, 533, 534–5
United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), 517
United States of America: Suez crisis, 88, 89–90, 91; trade with, 127; MT’s visit (1967), 153–4; détente policy, 348–9; MT’s visit (1975), 357–60; Carter Administration, 364–7; MT’s visits (after 1990), 468; special relationship, 469, 499; role, 472, 510–11; European policy, 473–4, 476–7; Gulf War, 474, 511; Bosnia, 516; nuclear defence of Japan, 520, 521; Reagan doctrine, 527–8; crime rate, 541–2; underclass, 544, 599; crime research, 552; Constitution, 553–4; Workfare, 560; Reaganism, 578–9; model of capitalist system, 594
universities, 186–7
Upper Clyde Shipbuilders (UCS), 213–14, 219
Utley, Peter, 114, 252, 273, 427, 442
Valtin, Jan, 29, 57–8
Van Den Haag, Ernest, 558
Van Straubenzee, William (Bill), 165, 187
Vance, Cyrus, 367
Varley, Eric, 312
Vassall, William John, 126
Venice, history, 580
Venice Declaration (1980), 476
Vietnam war, 349
Villiers, Philippe de, 494
Vinson, Nigel, 252
Volcker, Paul, 596
wage freeze (1966), 139, 160
Wages Councils, 575
Walden, Brian, 402, 423–4, 429, 444
Wales, devolution, 321, 323, 430–2
Walker, Peter: relat
ionship with Heath, 201–2; Environment, 202; local government reforms, 202; DTI, 224; manifesto (October 1974), 246–7; leadership election campaign, 274; MT’s Shadow Cabinet rejection, 289–90; income policy, 300, 302; devolution issue, 326
Walker-Smith, Derek, 210
Walley, John, 123
Walsall North by-election (1976), 319
Walters, Alan, 221, 254, 299, 303, 567
Ward, Alison, 269, 293
Ward, George, 397
Ward, Irene, 81
Warrender, Sir Victor (Lord Bruntisfield), 25, 33
Warsaw Pact, 362, 531, 532
water: charges, 247; privatization, 574
Webley, Simon, 252
Wedgwood Benn, see Benn
Weekend World, 402, 423–4, 425
Weighell, Sid, 446
welfare dependency, 538, 543–8, 559–60, 599
Welfare State: creation, 46, 47, 543; election issue, 71, 411; Conservative policy (1954), 87; growth, 148
Welsh Nationalists, 430–2
Welsh Party Conference (1975), 302
Wesley, John, 10, 105
Wesley’s Chapel, City Road, 11, 76
Western European Union (WEU), 475, 495
Westminster, Palace of, 107–8
Wheeler, Morris, 68
White, Eirene, 117
Whitelaw, William: in Heath’s Cabinet, 201; Employment Secretary, 231; miners’ strike (1974), 235; general election (February 1974), 235–6; Conservative manifesto (October 1974), 247, 249; leadership election (1975), 277–80; Deputy Leadership, 284–5; Thorneycroft connection, 291; incomes policy, 303, 304; Conference (1975), 307; Shadow Home Secretary, 310; devolution issue, 322, 326; EC referendum, 330–1, 335; immigration policy, 407, 409; Stepping Stones discussions, 421, 422; fall of Labour government, 432–3; election campaign (1979), 444, 447
Whitlam, Gough, 386
Whitman, Walt, 19
Whittingdale, John, 465
Why Britain Needs a Social Market Economy, 253
Wilberforce, Lord, 215, 218–19
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 7
Wilde, Oscar, 478
Williams, H. Gladys, 18
Williams, Sir Herbert, 71
Williams, Lady, 71
Williams, Shirley, 398, 428, 445
Wilson, Harold: childhood photograph outside No. 10, 10; Leader of Labour Party, 128; economics, 130; general election (1966), 137; ‘Swinging Britain’, 153; ‘Selsdon Man’ attack, 160; general election (1970), 161; ‘social contract’, 236; general election (1974), 238; MT’s leadership election, 284; Commons debate with MT, 297; incomes policy, 304; resignation, 312–13, 336, 419; EC referendum, 335
Wilson, James Q., 542n, 557n
Wilson, Woodrow, 520
Winning, Norman, 79
Winter of Discontent (1978–79): Conservative relations with TUC, 312; Callaghan’s role, 313, 419–20, 444; Conservative trade union policy, 423; MT’s offer to Labour government, 427–9, 453; picketing, 437; general election (1979), 446, 452–3, 604
Wolff, Michael, 249
Wolfson, David, 293, 441
Wood, Richard, 119, 123
Woodhouse School, 172, 459
Woolton, Lord, 65
Woolwich West by-election (1975), 343
Workfare, 560
Workington by-election (1976), 319
World Bank, 56, 588
World in Action, 276, 408
World War, First, 25, 118, 522
World War, Second, 23–34, 41–4, 522
Wren, Sir Christopher, 38
Wyatt, Woodrow, 306
Yalta Agreement (1945), 57
Yardley, D.C.M., 324
Yarrow Shipbuilders, 214
Yeltsin, Boris, 512–13, 526
Yom Kippur War (1973), 229, 230, 372–3
Young, Andrew, 367
Young, Janet, Lady, 441, 456
Young Conservative Conferences, 279, 297, 311
Younger, George, 322, 325
youth culture, 153
Youth Training, 560
Yugoslavia: MT’s visit (1977), 369–71; war, 468–9, 476; EC policy, 494–5; break-up, 512; national identity, 523, 524, 525–6; peacekeeping forces, 534
Zambia, economy, 589
Zia-Ul-Haq, Mohammed, 384
Zurich Economic Society, 318
Writing this second volume of memoirs proved, slightly to my surprise, even more taxing than writing the first. In preparing The Downing Street Years, I had been able to consult a great mass of official papers which both revived and checked my memory of events. But when I turned to write the history of my early years — our family life, the first steps I took in politics, my experience as a minister and finally as Leader of the Opposition — I found that much less documentary evidence was readily available. There were, it is true, precious family papers for the Grantham years. Denis and I pooled our recollections of the fifties and sixties. Material from the Conservative Party archive and a (now sadly diminished) quantity of papers from the Department of Education supplemented this. Others allowed me to consult their papers, as I record below.
But I depended on my memoirs team to display even greater resourcefulness and powers of detection than for Volume I in the search for letters, diaries, cuttings, conference reports and all the multifarious files where little bits of modern lives are written down and stored away. All my companions in this venture were indispensable. But the most indispensable was Robin Harris, who helped me shape my thoughts, raised fruitful objections and ensured that I met a series of deadlines. John O’Sullivan parachuted in from America to polish the prose and sharpen the argument. Chris Collins ventured not only into the Conservative Party Archive but over half the country to assemble the scattered fragments of my life so as to refresh and correct my recollection. Debbie Fletcher worked unconscionably long hours, both in typing the manuscript and in looking after us, so that an accurate text was deposited in the publisher’s hands. If the work was often hard, it was always great fun. And I shall miss the convivial and stimulating times we spent knocking the book into shape. I must also record my gratitude to Eddie Bell and Stuart Proffitt of HarperCollins for encouragement and helpful suggestions.
I was fortunate to have the opportunity to discuss the turbulent and crucial years of my time as Leader of the Opposition with others who lived through them. A number of these friends also lent or gave me access to their papers. I would like to thank, in particular, the following: Sir Tim Bell, Roger Boaden, Sir Adam Butler, Lord Coin-brook, Gerald Frost, Sir George Gardiner MP, Sir John Hoskyns, Derek Howe, Sir John Lacy, Lord McAlpine, Sir Fergus Montgomery MP, Sir Peter Morrison, Sir Michael Partridge, Sir Gordon Reece, Richard Ryder MP and Caroline Ryder, Sir William Shelton, Sir Alfred Sherman, Sir John Stanley MP, Harvey Thomas, Alison Wakeham and Simon Webley.
Tessa Gaisman again helped me sort through the photographs. A number of people in Grantham kindly assisted in unearthing records of my life there: the editor and staff of the Grantham Journal; Jim Allen; and Lisa Budreau of Grantham Museum. In Oxford, Dr Pauline Adams gave me access to the archives of Somerville College. Dr Ann Gold helped in finding material relating to her brother, Edward Boyle. Tessa Phillips retrieved valuable material concerning Finchley. Alistair Cooke, Shirley Oxenbury and Dr Michael Maw gave me access to the archives of the Conservative Party. I am especially grateful to the Neave family for allowing me to see Airey Neave’s fascinating diary and papers.
For the last section of this book I was also able to call upon a number of experts who generously gave me advice. Some of these are mentioned in acknowledgements in the course of the text. But I would like to make special reference to: Martin Howe (on Europe, Chapter 13); Professor James Q. Wilson (on social policy, Chapter 15); Sir Alan Walters, Professor Tim Congdon and Professor Patrick Minford (on the economy, Chapter 16). Valuable information was also provided by Peter Campbell (Chapter 15) and Ramesh Ponnuru (Chapter 16). The chapter on foreign affairs (Chapter 14) reflects c
onversations over several years with, among others, Vladimir Bukovsky, Bob Conquest, Chris Cviic, Noel Malcolm, Radek Sikorski and Professor Norman Stone. It is, however, a more than formal disclaimer when I add that the views expressed are mine alone and should not be ascribed to others.
Finally, I had the benefit of the recollections and insights of the late Lord Joseph of Portsoken. As he approached the end in hospital, Keith, though mortally weak, was still alert; characteristically, after what would be our final discussion, he asked whether I would find it useful if he recorded his views in a memorandum. Sadly, it never came. The dedication of this volume records a debt which is acknowledged but which can never be repaid.
This book was originally published in Great Britain in 1995 by HarperCollins Publishers.
THE PATH TO POWER. Copyright © 1995 by Margaret Thatcher.
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