Back With Me: A With Me in Seattle Universe Novel (Lady Boss Press Presents: With Me in Seattle Universe)

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Back With Me: A With Me in Seattle Universe Novel (Lady Boss Press Presents: With Me in Seattle Universe) Page 15

by K. L. Humphreys

  Jules pouts, “I need to find a gorgeous super model that’s my size. Then I get free dresses,” she grumbles.

  I glance at Bianca and we both share a secret smile, tomorrow we’re going shopping. These women don’t know it, but they’ve made us feel part of their group within the space of a few hours. That means the world to us and we’re going to repay them kindly. Tonight we’re on a mission to find out the girl's sizes. We’ll have outfits delivered to their doors sometime tomorrow.

  Two hours and four drinks later, we stumble into cabs and go to the bar. I’d have loved to have stayed at home, but the girls wanted to go to the bar. I’m not complaining, I’m having a lot of fun.

  Tonight has been one of the best nights I have ever had. I’ve been able to let loose and have fun without thinking about anything. The women have been by our side all night, either dancing or talking with us and Bianca and I couldn’t be any happier. It’s good to see my best friend let her hair down, so to speak, and enjoy herself.

  “I want some apagasms,” Jules sighs as we sit down at the table

  The girls laugh, no doubt knowing what she’s talking about.

  “Apa-what?” Bianca asks, and I giggle. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this drunk before.

  “Apagasms,” Natalie stage whispers. “Nate has an apadravya,” she laughs when she takes in our shocked faces.

  “He has his dick pierced,” Jules tells us.

  “Julianne…” a deep voice says, coming to stand behind her and I swear my body shivers.

  Jules smirks, “Nate…”

  “What have I told you?”

  “Ace…” Jules begins, “it’s girls night.”

  “Sorry, babe, but girl’s night is over,” Nate tells her with a lazy grin.

  “Oh it’s orgasm time,” Meg sighs and the girls giggle.

  “Yep, girl’s night is officially over,” Caleb says as he strides toward us. “As soon as they mention orgasms it’s time to call it a night.”

  There’s movement behind Caleb and it catches my attention. “Who’s having orgasms?” Silas asks and my heart skips a beat. Damn, why is he so fucking hot?

  “You, later,” I tell him and Bianca giggles beside me as Silas blinks slowly before walking toward me. He lifts me off the stool and onto my feet. His mouth descends on mine and as always, I’m lost in his kiss.

  “Baby, you can guaran-fucking-tee there’ll be orgasms later.”

  “Damn.” I hear being whispered.

  I pull back from Silas, heat creeping up my face as I realize we’re not alone. How does he always manage to make me forget everything but him.


  My body tenses at Tate’s words. “Who the hell invited you?” I demand seeing the asshole standing beside my best friend.

  “Pay?” Silas questions, his hand tightening around my hip.

  “I warned you the last time I saw you after you called her fat. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Tate’s face tightens as his eyes flash with anger. “I didn’t call her fat, she’s not fucking fat.”

  “So why the hell do you keep implying she is?” Jules growls.

  Tate takes a step back, obviously realizing that all the women are about to gang up on him. “I don’t.”

  “So when she eats a burger you don’t ask if she should be?” I say as I take a step away from Silas.

  “I didn’t mean…”

  I cut him off, “Or ask her if she’s going to fit into her clothes?”

  The girls gasp at my words, I never did tell them what else he said.

  He runs his hands down his face. “I never meant it in a bad way.”

  Bianca gets to her feet and kisses my cheek. “I’ll call you in the morning,” she promises me before saying goodbye to the rest of the girls and leaving the club without Tate.

  We all say our goodbyes and leave the club, Tate follows behind us and once everyone has left, I whirl around and face him. “Stay the hell away from her!” I demand. “You’ve hurt her enough.”

  Silas stays quiet and I’m grateful, I know that Tate’s his friend but he should really think before he speaks.

  “I’ll make it up to her, I really like her,” he tells me as he turns away and starts to walk toward his car.

  “You have a funny way of showing it.” I call after him and his steps falter, “She likes you, don’t hurt her again.” I’m giving him one last chance, because it’s true, Bianca really does like him.

  He throws a grin at me over his shoulder. “I won’t.” It’s a vow and one I hope he keeps.

  “Come on, baby, I want those orgasms you promised me,” Silas says with a sexy grin as he pulls me toward the car.

  I rub my thighs together, “I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it home without one.”

  His eyes darken with lust. “Fuck,” he groans and I can’t help but smile.




  I’m unable to tear my eyes away from her. This day has been the dream since I was seventeen and Payton and I made our future plans. It’s taken me longer than I would have liked to make this day a reality but with all the shit that Payton and I have been through, I’m just fucking relieved that we’re here.

  The loss of our baby is still hard some days, but we’re able to think of our baby as an angel looking down on us now. I sobbed when she showed me the scan pictures she took photos the day she found out there was no heartbeat. Up until then, I had different images in my head, I never really thought of it being a proper baby until I saw the scan picture. It hit me harder than I ever thought it would.

  The sound of cutlery hitting the champagne glass has the reception area quietening. I watch on with anticipation as Cas gets to his feet, he sends a salacious grin to Saya who blushes before he clears his throat. “Ladies and gentleman, it’s an honor to be here today as the best man. Honestly, I didn’t think today would come, Si, really needed to get his head out of his ass.”

  Payton giggles beside me and I glance over at my wife. God, it fucking feels good to finally say that. She’s gorgeous, when she walked down the aisle toward me I lost my breath, my knees buckled and thankfully, I managed to bend them slightly before I ended up on my ass. I had never seen anyone look so perfect as she did gliding down the aisle toward me.

  “But anyone who sees these two together, knows that they’re meant to be. The trials and tribulations they’ve been through have only made them stronger and I for one am blessed to be around them.”

  “Damn it, Cas.” Payton sniffles and I see that she’s crying.

  “Ladies and gentleman, please raise your glasses in celebration of Mr and Mrs Miller.”

  Fucking Cas. Who knew the guy could be so damn sweet.

  “You okay, baby?” I ask once the toasts are finished.

  She nods, a bright smile on her face. “I’ve never been happier,” she whispers, her eyes soft as she rests her hand on her swollen stomach.

  She’s six months pregnant and you wouldn’t think it, she’s still small and it’s been something that has me worrying constantly even though the doctor says it’s perfectly normal. We’ve been on pins and needles the entire pregnancy, I know that Payton has been waiting for something to happen, she was convinced that she’d lose this baby too. Now she’s six months pregnant and things look really good.

  “Pay,” Saya says as she sits beside us, “how are you feeling?”

  Cas did come home with Saya. Those two are madly in love and have worked things out. Saya left as she had some medical issues and didn’t want to be a burden on Cas. To say he was pissed is putting it mildly. But thankfully, they resolved things and are happier than they’ve ever been.

  Payton sighs as she tries to move, “I’m good, the baby is wreaking havoc on my bladder though. I’m having to pee every five minutes.”

  Saya grimaces, “I don’t envy you, Pay. Are you excited to find out the gender?”

  Payton grins, “Yes, what t
ime is the reveal at?”

  We haven’t found out the gender, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know, but when Natalie and Megan came to me with an idea, I couldn’t say no. I spoke to Payton about it and she agreed that finding out the gender in front of our family and friends is the best way to find out.

  “Soon,” I tell her, I didn’t think I’d be as nervous as I am now.

  “Ladies and gentleman,” Alecia Salvatore says, gaining everyone’s attention. “Mr and Mrs Miller have a surprise in store.”

  Natalie and Megan step forward both grinning widely. The women went crazy when they found out what we had planned. They wanted to be the one to find out what we were having and plan the surprise. But as Natalie and Megan came up with the idea, Pay and I agreed that they should be the ones to organize it. Bianca was happy with that, she’s been in Maid of honor mode since the get go and has been working tirelessly with our event planner, Alecia, to make sure everything ran smoothly.

  “Payton and Silas, we wanted today to be one that you’ll remember forever,” Natalie begins, her voice soft as she glances at Payton. I know that she’s been an amazing friend to Payton and helped her when she lost the baby. Since then they have lunch once a week whenever Pay’s in town.

  My girl is still the gorgeous supermodel, but instead of jet setting all over the world each week, she tends to stay close to home unless it’s her favorite designers or photographers then she’ll do her best to be wherever they need her to be.

  “Meg and I went through so many ideas on how to surprise you with this reveal,” Nat continues.

  “But leave it to a man to come up with the most simplistic yet perfect way to do it,” Meg grumbles light heartedly.

  Just then the door opens and Lia’s sister, Anastasia walks in with our wedding cake.

  “Once you cut inside the cake, you’ll find out the gender,” Meg says with a smile, and the room erupts with talking. No one besides our closest friends knew what we had planned.

  “Let me guess, it was Will’s idea?” Leo asks with a raised brow making Payton giggle. God, I fucking love that sound.

  “Of course,” Will says proudly as he grins at me and raises his glass. The man is still one of the best men that I know, we’re even closer now that our women are friends.

  Girl’s night still happens once a month and its fun to spend the evening with the guys playing poker. It’s a fucking highlight to pick up the girls and find out what state they’re in. I love a drunk Payton, she really needs to let her out more often.

  I take Payton’s hand and help her stand, her grip in mine is tight and I know that she’s extremely nervous. She’s not told me what she thinks we’re having.

  Nic hands us a knife and Payton glances at me, her eyes hold fear, love, and excitement. “Ready baby?” I murmur as I place a kiss against her head.

  “Yes,” she sighs and we cut into the cake.

  When we cut a slice out, I release a breath I didn’t even know I was holding.

  PINK. It’s a girl.

  “It’s a girl,” Payton says with a bright smile.

  We’re swept up in hugs and congratulations.

  “Pay,” Bianca says with tears in her eyes once the DJ begins his set. “I love you, girl.”

  I glance at Tate when our women begin to cry. Damn it. I can’t stand Payton’s tears.

  Payton gasps. “Oh, Bee. Why didn’t you tell me?” She doesn’t sound unhappy and I’m confused. I glare at Tate when I see the smug grin on his face and he shrugs at me.

  “I didn’t want to spoil your day,” Bianca responds. I feel left out of the loop, what the hell?

  “That would never happen, you’re my sister Bee. Always have been, always will be. Are you happy?” Payton asks and we’re joined by Dahlia, Mary, Tyler, and Sebastian.

  Bianca nods, “Yeah, the big jerk makes me happy.”

  Tate grins. “Hell yes I do, babe.”

  Payton turns to glare at him, even after Bianca and Tate got together, Payton still gives him shit, but I know Tate wouldn’t have it any other way. “You knock up my best friend but don’t marry her?”

  Holy shit! Bianca’s pregnant.

  Tate looks like a deer caught in headlights. “Um…”

  Dahlia laughs when Payton giggles. “I’m so happy for the both of you.” She tells the girls as she sweeps them up into a hug.

  Mary moved to Seattle when she turned eighteen and Dahlia being the awesome aunt that she is, didn’t want the family separated, so she uprooted her life once again and moved her and the boys to Seattle too. The Moore family are happy that they’re all together once again.

  “You did good, son,” my dad says as he pats me on my back, while we watch Payton dance with my sister. “We’ve always loved her, I’m glad that you two reconnected. Now you’re giving your mother and I the greatest gift. A grandchild.”

  I didn’t tell my parents about the miscarriage, we haven’t told many people. I’m not as close to my parents as I once was and that’s just because life got in the way. I don’t want them to feel the hurt and pain that rocked Payton and I to our very core.

  “I’m proud of you, Silas,” Mom whispers as she gently touches my cheek, her eyes filled with tears, as we dance on the dancefloor. Everyone is having a good time and I don’t think I’ve seen my family as happy as they are now. “I knew that you and Payton were always meant to be, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so in love.”

  I sweep her up into a hug. “Love you, Mom,” I tell her softly, feeling bad that I haven’t said it in a while.

  “Love you too, my darling boy.”

  “Mrs Miller, do you mind if I steal my husband?” Payton asks after my mom and I dance for a couple of songs.

  Mom releases me and places a kiss against Payton’s cheek, “For you, wonderful girl, always.”

  “What can I help you with Mrs Miller?” I ask with a grin, I don’t think I’ll ever tire of calling her that.

  She stares up at me with lust filled eyes. Damn, this pregnancy has made her hornier than ever. “I need you,” she whispers.

  Who am I to deny my wife? I clasp her hand in mine and drag her out of the reception room.

  “Si, everyone’s going to know,” she says quietly.

  Like I give a fuck. “And?”

  She blushes as I find an empty room for us.

  “I love you, Mrs Miller,” I whisper as I sink inside of her.

  She sighs, “And I love you, Mr Miller.”


  The With Me in Seattle Universe

  For more information about The With Me in Seattle Universe, click here:


  Darren and Alannah: You both mean the world to me and thank you so much for putting up with my crazy. I love you both more than words could ever say. You make both put a smile on my face on a daily basis!

  Jasmina Babsek: THANK YOU for everything!

  Kristen Moran: Thank you so much for formatting and proofreading for me, you’re the best friend a girl could have!

  My Girls - AKA My Alpha readers: Ladies you are the best, Thank you so much for your input, this book wouldn’t be what it was if it wasn’t for each and every one of you! Jess, Jessica, Christine, and Jackie. You ladies are the bomb!

  My Brazen Bitches you and that group are my sanctuary, Thank you each and every one of you for being a part of this process.

  Also by K.L. Humphreys

  The Deadly Series:

  Deadly Hunt

  Deadly Obsession

  Deadly Past

  Deadly Encounter

  Deadly Mistake

  The Working Girls Series:

  The Secrets of Life

  The Scandals of Life

  The Scars of Life

  The Surprises of Life

  The Heartache of Life

  Killers in Paradise Series:

  Uninvited Love

  Office Romance Series:

  Resisting The Boss


  Finding Home

  Egotistical Executive

  Bad Boy

  In Sickness and In Health

  About the Author

  KL Humphreys lives in Ireland with the love of her life and her baby girl. In a way, the world has him to thank for her debut novel, Deadly Hunt. After years of thinking about writing the story that had been dying to get out of her head, she finally confided in her other half. He gave her all the encouragement she needed to get the story out, he has been with her every step of the way.

  KL loves music, especially pop, R'n'B and rap and if she's writing you will find it playing somewhere nearby. She also loves all romance novels but of course, Romantic Suspense is her go-to genre. When she isn't writing's a good bet she is curled up somewhere reading it.

  All the ways to connect with K.L:

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