Red Hot Lovers: 18 Contemporary Romance Books of Love, Passion, and Sexy Heroes by Your Favorite Top-Selling Authors
Page 294
Tess and Tom scooted forward on the brown leather, the discussion slipping into a quieter, more private conversation. “Sweetheart, are you sure? One hundred percent certain? You haven’t known him very long. I hate to ask, but you’re putting a lot on the line…and I’m not talking about money.”
“Tom Clemmins, how long did you know my mother before you fell in love with her?”
“You know our story, Tracy. I fell in love with your mom the moment I laid eyes on her.”
Tess added with a soft smile, “Tracy, we just want to make sure you’ve thought things through.”
“Hello, it’s me you’re talking to, not JC. Of course I’ve thought things through. It feels right, in here.” She covered her heart with her hand. “I know this is gonna sound silly, but I just feel like this is supposed happen to me right now. The way Vincent and I met, my schooling, the job I turned down, and the winery. I mean…what are the chances?”
Without as much as a glance directed toward her mom, Tom reached over and pressed his hand over hers. Tracy could see his chest raise and lower with each deep drawl of breath. He lightly squeezed her mom’s fingers. Tess responded by looping her thumb over his, turning small slow circles.
Tracy stared in amazement, watching the intuitive communication on such an intimate level.
“You’re not being silly at all. It’s called fate.” Tom turned toward Tess showering her with a loving grin. He lifted her knuckles to his lips. “Count us in. We’ll back you. E-mail me all the information and cc it to Lisa.”
“Will do! Thank you! I promise, I won’t disappoint you.”
“You could never.” Tom raised from the couch. “Oh, and I’m sure you’re preoccupied at the moment, but call in a few days. We’ll come visit. I’d like to meet Vincent.”
“I will. You’re gonna love him.”
“I’m sure I will.”
Tess picked up the phone, and curled into the corner of the couch. Her eyes bore into Tracy with inquisitiveness. “Sweetheart, is there something else going on? Anything else you need to talk about?”
Tracy’s face nearly caught fire at her mother’s intuition. “Are you alone now?”
Tracy glanced around the huge kitchen suspiciously, as if someone might hear her. She leaned closer to the phone and whispered, “Does daddy ever come visit you? Cause I could’ve sworn he was standing next to me this morning. I know that sounds weird, but I swear—“
Tears slid down both their faces. Her mom couldn’t even speak, she could only nod.
“It was kind of eerie…in an amazing way.”
“Helped you out, did he?” A knowing smile of adoration shined behind her mom’s waterworks. “Your daddy…he always did have perfect timing.”
Tussled curls brushed her jaw as she paced back-and-forth in front of the castle door. Her new life waiting just on the other side of four inches of solid wood. Tracy considered herself to be a pragmatic person with the heart of an optimist. Dreams were meant to be achievable goals, met in a climbing fashion, over time. Not a decision hastily made out of the clear blue sky. Hey I’m going to move to Tuscany, buy a vineyard, ride off into the sunset with the man of my dreams. Yet, nothing had ever felt so right in all her life.
She had wondered so many times why he never called, why she wasn’t interested in dating, and why she turned down the perfect job in New York, the job she thought she wanted so badly. Standing at the front door of the castle on the hill, she knew in every fiber of her being, this was where she was supposed to be.
The heels of her pumps clicked on the stone beneath her feet, keeping rhythm with her heart. She texted Vincent earlier that day asking him to meet her at seven o’clock. Tracy opted to wear her heather-grey pencil skirt and V-neck black knit sweater. Though, he had never said it was his favorite, Tracy knew it was. The man couldn’t peel his eyes from her ass every time she wore it.
The iron key felt heavy in her hand. She inspected a slight repair to the cross shape at the end of the key. The sound of tires coming up the drive captured her attention. Tracy could feel her smile glowing hot on her cheeks. He parked and stepped from the car. The sun was setting behind him, silhouetting his tall lean figure.
As he approached, she could see his eyes glued to her as if she were a magnet. Her knees wobbled and she reached for the door for support. Holy shit. He was wearing a suit, black, with baby blue shirt.
“Hey.” She heard herself say incoherently, right before his arms came around, plucking her feet from the ground.
Vincent lowered his mouth and her arms wrapped around his neck. His kiss hot and urgent. She tasted her favorite earthy bouquet of wine dancing on his tongue, tangling with hers until she was breathless.
Breaking the kiss, he nuzzled into her hair. “I have waited all day. You smell so good.”
Her toes pointed, searching for the ground as he lowered her feet. Tracy casually dropped her hands to the small of her back, palm fisted around the key.
“You look beautiful,” he said.
“Thank you. You look…heavenly.”
Face averted, he blessed her with the white of his handsome smile. Vincent coasted his hand down her arm, encircling his fingers around the small of her wrist, starting for the back door. The entrance they had used so many times before. She suspected he thought they were sneaking into the fortress for an intimate date.
Tracy didn’t move. She lifted the key, traces of oxidation left on her sweaty palm from decades of time.
His head tilted quizzically. “What do you have there?”
“I was thinking…maybe we should start using the front door.”
His brows pulled snug shooting a perplexed glance from the key to the door and back again. He took the key, inspecting it with blank confusion. “Where did you find this?”
“It’s mine, well, ours. I found a solution. Well, it’s more than a solution, it’s where I want to be. It’s where I want both of us to be.” She pursed her lips, attempting to contain the rushed babble. Her pulse sputtered helplessly as if she’d had three shots of espresso.
“Easy, bella. Just relax and tell me what’s going on.”
Tracy took a deep breath. “I’m buying this place, to be your partner. I don’t need to stand here and ramble off a list of possibilities and odds, you already know the benefits that will come by joining this property with Castlello Giovanni.”
“Can we back up just a little.” He held up his fingers with an inch between. “You’re buying this place?”
“Yes. I am. If that’s alright with you. I know making a Super Wine isn’t your favorite option, but if you want to continue making the wine you’ve been handed down for generations…Super Wine is your only option. This gives you, us, the opportunity to do both, plus exporting. It’s a win win for everyone.”
He grasped her shoulders, stroking lightly, as if he were easing the pain of bad news. “Bella, you can’t just buy a vineyard. It’s millions of—“
“Actually, it’s three million two hundred thousand to be exact. Not including renovations, clearing and planting, new equipment and everything else. I have a list. And, yes I can. I have a bit of a nest egg, Vincent. Almost eight hundred thousand eggs. It’s everything my father left for me and some hefty gifting from my mom and stepdad.”
A long deafening silence.
“My parents and the Levi’s have agreed to back me. Us. Strictly business of course.”
“Strictly business?” He asked in an ache of a whisper.
“Yes, their involvement would be strictly professional. This fortress will be the crown—“
His stone-hard stare burned onto the key in his palm captured her attention. Tracy slipped her arms inside his jacket, the silk lining warm from the rising heat of his body.
“It’s more than a key, Vincent. This represents new beginnings, a lifetime full of possibilities.”
“Shhh, wait uno minuti.” Vincent la
id the soft pad of his finger to her lips. “Before you go any further, I have something for you.”
Her eyes fluttered, pleading to let her continue. She needed to get the words out of her mouth before she burst.
“Please,” he added. “I’m just in a little bit of shock. Out of everything I expected to happen tonight, this was not on the list.” His eyes caressed her with a small smile as he retrieved an envelope from the inside pocket of his jacket. “Open it.”
Vincent handed her the card. His name was scrolled on the front. It was the fake doctor’s excuse she had given to him. Tracy took the card from the envelope reading the note she made for him.
I am hereby released for
A lifetimes worth of
Your supervision is required
Vincent pinched the paper between his fingers and flipped it to the backside. Her heart stilled.
I enjoy most styles of music, but jazz is my favorite
I prefer books over movies
My favorite sport is chasing you
I gladly accept the lifetime position of ravishing & lovemaking
I promise to love you forever
Marry me
Her gaze lifted from the parchment, searching for his face through a slick of tears. Waves of silky dark hair loomed at her waist. Vincent was on one knee. He gazed up at her, cradling her hand in his. A gorgeous round cut diamond hovering near the tip of her finger.
“I spent nearly two years of my life away from you and that is something I never want to experience again. Not even for one day.” Translucent threads of grey brimming with wetness. “I came here with a well-rehearsed speech. It seems as if we’re on the same page, but I need to say this to you. I realize that I’m asking you to give up some of your dreams, career opportunities that you’ve worked hard to achieve through years of schooling. But I hope you will find me worthy of taking a leap of faith. Marry me, Tracy.”
She swiped the corner of her eye with the hook of her finger, shedding the tear so she could see his handsome face. “Vincent, I’m not giving up any of my dreams. I’m right where I’m supposed to be. You are my perfect someday.”
He glanced at her finger and back at her, smiling, waiting to hear the words.
“Yes. Yes, of course I’ll marry you.”
He slid the platinum ring on her finger, immediately standing to take her into his arms. Vincent brought her forehead to his, breathing, taking in the moment. Tracy was lost in the clouds of greys. He kissed her with surprising tenderness, salty mixed with sweet, her back rested against the castle door.
Tracy folded her fingers into the fine fabric of his suit, glimpsing happily at the shiny diamond. “It’s beautiful.”
“Did you by chance talk to my mamma today?” His eyes searched hers. “Does she know about your purchase?”
“Maybe.” Her eyes widened. A blush of embarrassment dusted her cheeks. “Why?”
“Ah…that explains why she was so happy when I stopped by to see her.”
“There is the slight possibility, just maybe, that I might have used the word grandchild. I’m fairly certain she was already crying when I clarified someday. I don’t know if she was crying so hard she didn’t hear me or if she was ignoring me.”
A roar of laugher erupted in his chest.
“What?” Tracy gave a frivolous shrug. “I couldn’t help it. She’s very convincing.”
He made a tsk tsk tsk sound. “She had you right where she wanted you. You are too far gullible. We’ll have to toughen you up a bit, otherwise she’ll guilt you into ten grandbabies.”
“Not ten.” Tracy shook her head in doubt. “But two or three might be nice. Someday.”
“Someday.” He agreed.
Vincent fished the key from his pocket. He shoved the key into the t-shaped opening set into the door frame.
“Together?” she asked.
“Si`. Together, Amore Mio.”
Vincent and Tracy parked along the road taking in the lush summer hillside of their estate. Row after row of thriving crops, stretching beyond the gorgeous new entrance to the vineyard and winery. Two tall pillars covered in ledge stone bordered the drive and a large steel beam spanning across the top adorning a new sign with their new logo.
Castello Giovanni Vineyards
Amore Mio ~ Winery and Inn
“The sign turned out magnifico.” Admiration laced his tone.
“And?” Tracy added, hunting for a compliment.
“And you were right. We needed a new sign.” He leaned over the center console, placing a sweet kiss to the sensitive slope near her ear. “Two of my most intimate treasures now live beyond these impenetrable walls. My woman and my wine.”
A smile flushed her cheeks. “I love it when you call me that.”
“My woman.” His lips brushed against her neck, pulling a shaky gasp from her throat. Vincent sunk his teeth into her shoulder and growled, “My love.”
She nuzzled into the warmth of his neck, inhaling his sunny scent as she caressed the side of his face. “Let’s go home, Vincent.”
“Si`,” he simmered, throwing the car into drive. “Let’s go home. I’m taking you to bed.”
They had been in Colorado for two weeks boxing up her belongings. It had been the busiest months of their lives and it was just the beginning. Renovations were already in full swing, starting with the commons areas in both properties.
Castello Giovanni would remain the backbone of production and facilitate the up and coming changes for the creation of their new Super Wine. Visitors would soon be able to visit and learn the essence of making wine on a personal level. However, Amore Mio Winery would act as the crown jewel, hosting lavish weddings on the terrace, intimate jazz nights under the stars, superb culinary classes, and so much more.
After freshening up after the long flight, Tracy sauntered down the grand hallway wearing a pair of jaguar print pumps. The knotted bow detail on the t-strap of her heels was her only adornment. She didn’t have to call out for him, Tracy knew exactly where Vincent would be. The wine cellar. Renovations had been completed when they were in Colorado.
Quietly making her way down the steps cut from thick slabs of stone, Tracy was hit with an array of earthy scents lingering in the enclosed stairwell. She carefully held to the handrail as her eyes drifted shut, drawing in the smoky bouquet of charred oak, mixed with hints of vanilla, roasted nuts and caramel. The familiar traces swathed over her like a plush blanket of comfort.
Reaching the bottom step, Tracy peeked around the corner searching for Vincent in the shadows of the dimly lit cellar. She slipped into the room, quietly making her way past several rows of oak barrels.
Catching sight of Vincent’s tall form meandering out from the racks of wine, Tracy came to a halt beneath the center of the arched ceiling, watching as he made his way to the tasting area.
A smile pricked her lips, watching the worry ease from his shoulders as he stood at the bar opening a bottle of wine. He’d been in a hurry to get back to Italy, wanting to see the finishing touches of the room he now considered his pride and joy. Tracy had given him free reign on design of the wine cellar, with a few delicate suggestions and nudges when it came to décor.
Quietly, she continued, sneaking up behind him in a stealth-like manner. Her heart was pounding so hard, she thought for sure he would hear her coming. Standing directly behind him, Tracy jut her one foot off to his side, pointing the toe of her jaguar print pump.
His head bent, twisting to the side, taking in the shoe. The sound of his sensual low groan filtered through the room.
“I have something for you.” Her voice was smooth like silk, laced with traces of lust, as she draped one hand over his shoulder. His mask dangled from the tip of her fingers.
She could feel the reverberation of hard running emotions course through his body. Wit
hout turning, he took the mask from her hand and held it to his face. Tracy obliged, tying the ribbon in a bow at the back of his head.
She smoothed her hands down his back to the narrow of his waist, curling her fingers into the fabric of his shirt. Pangs of excitement rushed her body.
“May I turn around now?” he asked.
“Si`.” Tracy’s voice was nothing more than an ache of whisper.
He turned, slowly taking in every inch of her naked body. She saw his throat jump when he saw she was wearing her mask.
“You are so beautiful.” With painstaking deliberateness, his hands skimmed over her skin, slowly making their way to her face. He cradled her jaw for a moment. Vincent’s gaze never left her masked eyes. Gently, he dragged his fingers into the mass of her hair, gripping her skull. “All of the months we were torn apart…somehow it all seems worth it now. Do you understand why I say this?”
Tracy smiled. Her lip trembled holding back a deluge of emotions. “Everything happens for a reason. This is our fate.”
The amber light accentuated his sharp features, but shone brightly on the pools gathering in his eyes behind the thin black mask. He lifted her chin, placing a kiss to one side of her mouth, working his way to the other. She opened as he licked into her mouth, their tongues dancing slowly to the music of their souls.
His hands coasted to her hips. He lifted her with ease, sitting her on the marble bar top. Tracy couldn’t help it, she couldn’t hold back her tears of happiness. Vincent stood, wedged between her thighs, his eyes roaming over her. He gathered her hands in his, kissing each knuckle and admiring her engagement ring. Subtle quakes reverberated down her spine as he brushed the hair from her neck.
Vincent handed her a glass of wine and raised his into the open space between them.