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The Quest (Sanshlian Series Book 1)

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by Dani Hoots

  Pulling off my gloves, I caught sight of the markings that branded my wrist. Ignoring them, I pulled on new fingerless gloves, something I was never seen without. I changed into my typical black uniform and gathered my things, not that I had many things to begin with. I just wanted to act like I had something to do so no one would bother me. Once we landed, I would jump off this ship the first chance I got.

  It felt like hours passed before I got off the ship and saw the red and black lines of the Pandronan Empire flags hanging from the Imperial Palace on Anosira, a planet in the Pandrona system. I jumped aboard a shuttle that went to the Pandronan Imperial Palace. Once everyone else had boarded, the shuttle rose up and headed out towards our destination. Looking down at the cityscape, I watched as we flew past building after building. New Capital City wasn’t that large of a city compared to the Old Capital City of the Second Republic, or any other system capital as a matter of fact. The Old Capital City on Valle had spread across the entire planet with its massive buildings and centers. Then the war came and little of it remained.

  Now Valle housed rogues, also known as the P.A.E., Pirates Against the Empire. They led attacks against the Empire but none of them really did any damage. We leave the planet alone since their base was well protected and the casualties it would cost us to go in and destroy them wasn’t worth it. Besides, their numbers were dwindling, slowly. It wouldn’t be long before they were simply names recited in history classes.

  New Capital City only contained the higher classed men and women in the Empire. You had to have money to live here or at least be someone of importance. Everyone else here was either part of the military or a servant to the Emperor. I considered myself the latter. The rest of the planet contained rolling hills, never ending prairies, majestic waterfalls; anything you could dream up, it was here. All of those who lived in New Capital City had access to the rest of the land and could stay at all of the resorts, camping areas, and hot springs, as long as they had the money of course. It really seemed like paradise, at least to the wealthy. To the rest it was just another out of reach dream.

  The doors of the shuttle slid open and I quickly ran out ahead of everyone else with my bag flung over my shoulder. A cool brisk wind swept over my face and ran through my tied-back hair. Winter still clung on even through spring should have been here already. Entering the palace, I nodded to the guards that checked IDs as people entered. They never seemed to need to check mine. I tried convincing myself it was since I’d been to the palace so often and not because of the rumors about me. Either way, there was an unspoken understanding of myself not needing to go through protocol.

  The palace itself contained only what I termed “people of importance.” Generals, representatives, and anyone the Emperor wanted to be near him or invited for balls and benefits. The rest of the people were staff, servers, and guards, which made up the bulk of the palace. Each served the Emperor with whatever he needed and satisfied any guests he had at the time. They each tried to give me my space, which was exactly what I wanted.

  Decorations of goods from all over the Pandronan Empire spread out across the palace. It made whoever visited feel at home. I usually just ignored such things except for one that I always took a small detour to pass. But not now, I didn’t have the time.

  Walking down the last corridor I needed to make my way through, I saw a familiar man leaning against the wall outside the Emperor’s office.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t the Emperor’s pet.” The man snickered.

  I cursed under my breath. It was General Tom Draff, the leading general in the Emperor’s military and a downright ass. He was twenty-two and as an Imperial Academy graduate, he had excelled in every class he had ever taken, or so Neil had said. His father was one of the generals for Neil’s father, the previous Emperor, and he didn’t want to let him down by being anything less. He didn’t care who he crushed on the way to the top, and more importantly, he had been jealous ever since he found out about me. He didn’t know where I had come from or how I surpassed him in being the Emperor’s shadow, and ever since he has tried to figure out a way to get rid of me.

  “Not now, Tom, I need to speak with Neil,” I stated as I tried to pass him. He held out his hand, not letting me by.

  “Not so fast,” as he wore his normal cocky smile. “You have any idea what today is?”

  “The day I plead with the Emperor to give me the orders to kill you?” I inquired with a sly grin. The thought seemed pleasurable enough.

  “He wouldn’t order you to kill his best general, now would he? No, today is the Representative's Ball. People from all over the Empire come to speak with the Emperor tonight. You almost missed it. You have any idea how much work we have been doing to prepare for this? And you just waltz in here on the day of it, thinking you would get away with it?”

  “Get away with what? I was on a mission; it wasn’t like I planned on showing up today. Truthfully, I hoped I would still be on Recar during the ball.” I regretted adding that last part.

  “Of course you would, so then you would still be with your boy-toy of a crime-lord,” Tom taunted.

  “He is not my ‘boy-toy’, he is an informant that we have on Recar. Without him, the status of the planet would be very different than it is now,” I explained as I shoved passed him.

  Grabbing my wrist, Tom pulled me back. “Not so fast. I’m not done with you yet. So tell me, if he is just an acquaintance, then why do you stay with him when you are there?”

  His green eyes watched as I coldly glared back at him. His black uniform matched his naturally messy hair. I always found him quite attractive when he wasn’t being such an ass.

  “Is it your goal in life to make me miserable?” I questioned as I pulled my wrist out of his grip.

  “No, my goal in life is to find your weakness and make you fall. Then I can take your place at the Emperor’s side.”

  “I would like to see you try,” I threatened as I held his glare for a moment longer.

  “Arcadia, I have been expecting you,” a voice greeted behind me.

  I turned to find the Emperor standing in the doorway. I quickly bowed as did Tom.

  “Sorry sir, I didn’t mean to keep you waiting,” I apologized as I stood back up.

  “That’s fine. Please, come in,” he went back into his office.

  I followed, but not before giving Tom a rude gesture behind my back, leaving him standing there, unable to do anything foolish in front of the Emperor.

  “What was that about?” he asked as he sat down at his desk. I glanced around the familiar room. Products from all over the galaxy decorated the shelves and the massive desk of his. I figured they all had been gifts from different planets. I looked to my side. The usual red walls taunted me with their secrets, secrets I already knew.

  I threw my bag on the ground. “Nothing sir, just a friendly conversation.”

  Emperor Neil Valym wasn’t much older than I, only by about three years. He was young, even now, to be an Emperor, but his parents died seven years ago, leaving him to start his rule at merely thirteen. I have been by his side almost the entire time.

  “I see,” he grabbed his tablet and starting typing. “Now tell me, how did the mission on Recar go?”

  “As planned, sir, the remaining P.A.E. have fled the planet. They didn’t have a great standing in the first place so it wasn’t too difficult. Most of the crime lords of the cities didn’t want to deal with them and the people were afraid if they got involved they would be killed by me or by their leaders. Once I captured one and got them to give me information as to where they were hiding, I was able to clear them out and leave a lasting impression on any of those who survived,” I explained.

  “Good, good, that is what I wanted to hear. As for Jack?” Neil watched for a reaction.

  Jack McHannon, also known as ‘Crazy Jack’, ruled over Himeo, the capital of Recar, at a mere age of twenty-two. Many of my missions involved him, and we worked surprisingly well together.

/>   “He said that if he hears anything about the P.A.E. coming back then he will contact me immediately. He was very helpful finding out who worked for the P.A.E. and helping us acquire our original prisoner.” The thought of Jack lingered in my mind a bit longer.

  Neil peeked up from his tablet. “Anything else?”

  Neil always made sure there was nothing going on between Jack and I, even though I assured him there wasn’t. That wasn’t the complete truth, but I would never let him know that. He would kill Jack in an instant. Neil didn’t want any distractions.

  “Some of the men I executed were thugs of some crime lords, other than Jack of course. They aren’t too happy with me for killing their top men and I have a feeling next time I am on the planet they will try to kill me. Do I have your permission to take them out if this be the case?” I already knew the answer.

  “Of course,” Neil rose and made his way around the desk. “I wouldn’t want my girl having to check her back all the time, now would I?” He now stood beside me.

  Neil was taller than me; I only came up to his shoulders. His short black hair matched his dark eyes. He wore a simple button down shirt and trousers as he normally did on a day he didn’t meet with anyone of importance.

  “On the matter of tonight,” he began, “you do remember the importance of the ball, correct?”

  My lips turned into a thin smile, “Of course.”

  He chuckled lightly, “I know you loathe going, but I feel so much better when you are by my side. I do hope you understand.”

  “I do sir. I wouldn’t let you down.”

  “Good. The generals can fill you in on the guest list. I expect you to meet me at my quarters before the ball.”

  “Yes sir,” I bowed and grabbed my things, heading to where the generals would be discussing tonight’s agenda.

  Tonight, as it did every half year, the Capital Palace held the Representative’s Ball where representatives from all over the Empire could come and mingle, not only with each other, but with the Emperor as well. I loathed this day. I always escorted the Emperor and stayed by him throughout the night, serving as his personal bodyguard. No matter how hard I tried, I always seemed to be back here just in time.

  I never understood how Neil could stand their whining. It was about such petty things too. Then again, he puts up with me and the generals as we tend to bicker more than children, which I am always ultimately blamed for. It wasn’t my fault; they always started it.

  As I entered the room the generals used for planning missions, they all looked up from what they were working on. Realizing it was only me, they all turned back to their tasks except for Tom.

  “Ah, the Ice Queen treats us with her presence.” Tom bowed sarcastically. “Now, tell us, how is Jack these days? We were all wondering why he is called ‘Crazy Jack.’ You must have such detailed insight into this.”

  “Haven’t you tormented me enough today?” I inquired as I made my way to where they worked.

  Shoving his finger into my collar bone, “If Neil knew half of the things you do with that guy he would have you killed in an instant. By my hands if I’m lucky enough.”

  I shoved him back with my hand. “I would like to see you try.”

  “Oh,” he clenched his fist. “Would you now?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Bring it, General Draff. I dare you.”

  “Tom, that is enough!” Laura, one of the other generals, finally spoke up. She was sick of Tom as much as I was. He never stopped with the antagonizing remarks, especially if I was in the room.

  Tom held up his hands in defense. “Just having some fun, Laura, don’t have to get so rash ‘bout it.”

  “Stuff it or I will stuff it for you,” she sharply replied.

  General Laura Curtis wasn’t like Tom, except that at the age of only twenty she also served as Neil’s top general. Sold by her parents to the military for money, they threw her in the Imperial Academy. There, she also excelled, driven by revenge on her family who thought she was worthless. Neil saw the determination in her and selected her to become one of his generals. I was there when he told her of his wish. Her vengeful smile was frightening even to me. Once she became a general, she returned to her home and destroyed everything her family had and left them to suffer on the cold ice planet that was Ttkas. People thought I was the cold one. Then again, I probably wouldn’t have left them in one piece, let alone breathing.

  Tom shoved past her and went back to work. Laura kept her green-eyed death stare focused on me. “Glad to see you show up at the last minute, Arcadia.”

  “Sorry, I was on a mission. I can’t help how long it takes for me to destroy the P.A.E. agents on Recar,” I came up behind where she sat.

  “If you spent more time working and less time for pleasure...” she added.

  “Regardless of what you all think, my relationship with Mister McHannon is strictly professional. I don’t let anything get in the way of my work. That is why I am called Neil’s shadow, executing anything asked of me, without a trace. Just like always.” Tom gave me a sharp look but didn’t say a word. “Now, what do I need to know?”

  “We are pretty much done looking through all the guests’ backgrounds, so I can give you a tablet to look over all the people who will be attending, including servers,” Peter, the last general, explained. “We have assigned a few guards at each door and have these,” he handed the rest of us ear buds. “We will use them to contact each other during the party tonight.”

  General Peter Haas stood out from the others; being only nineteen, he was one of the youngest generals in the history of the Pandronan Empire, except for me at seventeen, but I wasn’t quite a general. With his bleached hair and dragon tattoos that covered most of his arms, he wasn’t at all like the other two. He didn’t care who he hurt as long as he got the job done, which is why Neil selected him as one of his generals. Most of his men called him crazy and careless, but I knew that wasn’t the case. He just wasn’t a team player. Peter grew up in the slums of Cisum with his ‘mum’, as he put it, and got into the wrong crowd for some extra cash. He saw the pain he had put his mother through so he decided to enroll into the Imperial Academy and gave her the money that he earned. He excelled at everything as did the other two but still never learned to be a team player. Relying on himself most of his life, he could never put that trust in someone else.

  “Great, more voices in my head,” I whispered to myself. “I will be escorting the Emperor to the ball,” I stated loud enough for them to hear.

  “As usual,” Tom added.

  “As he has ordered, yes. Now as for the people attending,” I grabbed a tablet and copied the information that they had. “I will look them over before the ball tonight. See you then.”

  I knew even with my back turned to them that they were giving me cold glares of hatred. I always came in, after days of them planning for something and copied everything they had down. I studied it for only a few hours and had it down just like that. It wasn’t my job to do their tasks; I had tasks of my own. Tasks they would never understand.

  I’d never been one to plan out an attack with every detail to the letter as they did. No, that wasn’t my way. I always learned to improvise. I had been trained to keep a sharp mind that allowed me to use every moment as part of my plan. I didn’t need to follow regulations as they did. I could do anything to fulfill my mission. As long as the mission was completed, that’s all that mattered.

  Now having time to do so, I made my little detour. Located in one of the corridors near the servants’ lodging areas, I examined my favorite piece of art. A preserved cherry blossom branch hanging on the wall, a memory stuck in time. I gazed upon it for a mere minute before heading back towards my own quarters.

  Retiring to my personal quarters, I decided to take a quick nap before the ball that night. I didn’t get to sleep much on the ship ride from Recar and spent most of my time training and meditating. I had about ten hours before I needed to prepare, so I lay down on my couch and
closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I was out.

  Chapter 2

  I was running, running as fast as I could. Branches of the jungle caught on my clothes and tore at my skin. I felt blood soak my uniform, but that didn’t stop me. The thing that chased me would do far worse if I slowed down. I couldn’t get a good look at the creature, but I could tell it had sharp teeth and claws and, personally, that was enough to keep me going. The jungle was filled with its growls and roars.

  I pushed my way through vines and bushes but it was no use. It kept following after me. Fatigue began to consume me, but I didn’t let it stop me. My training prevented me from slowing down or giving up. So I kept running, hoping to find someone, or something, on this seemingly-deserted planet to help me. I had to have been running for hours now, or at least it felt like hours. Time didn’t seem to work here as it normally did.

  How I got to this place I couldn’t remember. I kept trying to think of the last thing I did but nothing came to mind. The star above burned hot but the large trees shaded me most of the time. I thanked the trees. I thought about climbing one to get away from the creature that wanted to tear me from limb to limb, but I didn’t know if the creature could climb. So I kept running. I damned the thing for being so persistent, but I couldn’t blame it. I was in its jungle. I was the intruder, but why couldn’t I remember?

  I could see a clearing coming up ahead. It appeared to be a city. I pushed myself to run faster, hoping people there could help me. I shoved myself through the last of the jungle, only to find the city in ruins. The surprise mixed with the confusion of this, made me forget to watch my footing and I tripped over the loose bricks that made up the road. As I landed, I quickly flipped around expecting to see the creature ready to devour me, but I found nothing. Not even a movement in the bushes. I slowly stood up, still half expecting it to jump out at me at any second. Still nothing. I took a look at my surroundings. Marble pillars stood tall before me. I was awed by the beauty they once held, shrines and public buildings that held talks and discussions. That’s when I started to hear voices.


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