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The Malone Brothers Boxed Set

Page 14

by S. L. Sterling

  Derek looked at Evelyn and then directly at me with a knowing look. He knew too. Hunter had called Derek; that was why he was late.

  “You need to talk to him, Autumn. You’re not being fair.” They were the only words Derek uttered as he set his briefcase on the floor.

  A sob escaped my lips. “You know, if you guys are so keen on speaking to him about me behind my back, you tell him for me that we’re over.”

  “Believe me, I didn’t want to get involved, but I’m not going to watch you destroy one of the best things that has ever happened to you. He loves you, so be an adult and talk to him.” Derek slammed the door behind him and walked into the kitchen to grab some coffee.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I ran from the kitchen, up the stairs, and into my bedroom, throwing myself face down on the bed and sobbing. I didn’t mean a word of what I had said. I loved the man, and I wanted so badly to be with him. Another Christmas was about to fall upon me, and once again I found myself in the same situation I had been in for the last two years—utterly alone. Only this year I was more alone than I’d ever been.

  Snow was falling heavily outside. It was Christmas Eve. I had finally spoken to Dr. Plante, which was a good thing because I seriously felt as though I was falling apart. He assured me that things would be okay, but he suggested I at least be fair and call Hunter. He told me hiding and running weren’t the answer. I knew I had to face things; there was no denying that. He told me he would be calling me on Boxing Day to see how things went.

  I lay in bed watching the end of Scrooge. It was almost midnight. I sat up, grabbed my cell phone, and scrolled through my missed calls. Hunter had called numerous times throughout today. You must be honest with him. Let him know how you feel. You must be fair. Dr. Plante’s words cycled through my head.

  I dialed his number, pressing that lone green button, and waited for the call to connect. I knew it was late; he was more than likely already in bed. I held my finger over the end button, half praying that he wouldn’t answer, but on the second ring, I heard his voice.

  “Autumn, baby, is that you?”

  “Hi. It’s me.”

  “Thank God. I’m sorry for the way I reacted to the news. I was just…”

  “Shocked? I think that is the word you are looking for.” I softly laughed.

  “You could say that.”

  “Me too. I wasn’t supposed to be able to have children after what happened, so you can imagine my surprise.”

  “And then I go and act like a total dick when you tell me. I’m sorry I wasn’t very supportive.”

  “It’s okay, Hunter. I’m not angry; I was more hurt. Our relationship has been very fast and intense for me, and then to find this out, well, it was the icing on the cake.”

  “I understand, but you know I’m here for you, right? That I’m here for us? That I do want there to be an us?”

  “Yes, I know. I think I just need time. Time to sort things out myself, to be sure—”

  He didn’t let me finish. “To be sure of what? That I’m really going to be there for us, provide for you and the baby? You should know I mean what I say.”

  “Hunter, that’s not what I’m worried about.”

  “Then what? Because when I tell you something, and I commit to something, I follow through one hundred percent. I wouldn’t have gotten where I am today if I didn’t have that drive or commitment.”

  “I need to be sure that I…” I could feel myself start to cry.

  “This would be easier if we were together, so we can sit down and talk. I’m coming over.”

  “No, Hunter, please.” I could hear his deep exhale on the phone.

  “That you what? Just tell me.”

  “That I won’t lose this baby, that I won’t end up without you.” The line went silent. I sat there, not even hearing him breathe. “Hunter, are you still there?” Tears were now flowing down my face.

  “I’m here,” he answered weakly. “Autumn, you don’t ever need to worry about being without me. If you lost that baby, it’s something we would deal with together. Jason—he wasn’t fair to you. You need to know something. Fuck, I wanted to tell you in person, but now is just a good a time as any. He didn’t leave you for the reason you think.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “Autumn, he was having an affair with your best friend, from the time you guys started dating. She apparently got pregnant, and they wanted to get married. He needed a reason to leave you, so he could be with her. When you lost the baby, he used that as the perfect excuse. He made all that shit up.”

  “How…how do you know all this?”

  “He hired Carter to do your divorce. Carter told me everything.”

  I didn’t know how to respond to this. I sat quietly for a few moments, letting what he had told me sink in. Jason hadn’t left me for the reason I had thought. Anna’s face the night at The Whisperwind Inn flashed before me. It wasn’t a wonder she couldn’t look me in the eyes. A sudden surge of anger came over me, followed by pure hatred. I had spent all this time thinking that the reason he left was because I was broken, and because of that, I had been running from this wonderful man.

  “Are you okay?”

  I hadn’t realized how long I had been sitting there without saying anything.


  “Hunter, would it be okay if I just took some time?”

  “Of course, baby, whatever you need. Just know that I love you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How much time do you think you need?”

  “I don’t know, Hunter. I’ll let you know. I love you too.”

  I hung up the phone and lay back against my pillow. That was the first time those words had left my mouth. As sobs racked my body, I tried hard to digest what he had told me. I think I hated Jason more than I ever could now—and Anna? I had a good mind to call that bitch up. I wasn’t sure how much time it would take before I knew what I wanted to do, but I knew that time was what I needed. I just hoped that Hunter would wait for me.


  Hunter – Four Months Later

  I sat at the breakfast bar in my condo, reading the Saturday morning paper. It had been four very long months. I’d heard from Autumn on and off, but she refused to meet me. At least she was talking to me. I’d been secretly giving Derek money every couple of weeks for Autumn and the baby. I told him not to tell her, and he vowed he would hold onto it until the baby was born or until Autumn started needing things. The last time I had met with him, he had assured me that I would hear from her, as he would sometimes drop my name in casual conversation.

  I had spent so many hours talking to Carter about everything, I was sure he was sick of me. But like any good older brother, Carter listened and told me the best thing I could do now was continue to give her the space she had asked for, but still let her know I was there and waiting for her when she was ready.

  I glanced at the clock. I had a lunch meeting with Carter and a potential client who would be needing both of our services eventually. Even though I didn’t feel like going, I knew I had to get ready, so I put my coffee mug in the sink and headed to get showered and dressed.

  I stood waiting to be seated at the Trademark Restaurant, reading over the menu that had been sitting on the podium. I kept glancing out the window for Carter, who still hadn’t arrived but had sent a text letting me know he was on his way.

  “Can I help you?” My stomach did a flip at the sound of the voice that greeted me. I didn’t even need to look at who it was; I already knew.

  I was greeted by those grey-blue eyes. “Autumn.” I smiled as my eyes met hers.

  “Hunter.” Her cheeks turned that pretty blush pink as she took me in.

  “How have you been?”

  “I’m doing okay. You?” I could tell from the sound of her voice that things probably weren’t okay.

  “I’m okay.”

  A guy in a suit walked up behind her and whispered something into her ear. The expression o
n her face changed and she looked up at me. She cleared her throat and her voice took on a more professional sound. “Do you have a reservation, sir?”

  I could tell from the change of her tone that the guy behind her was her boss, and I didn’t want to get her in trouble, so I played along. “I do, under Malone.”

  She ran her finger down the list of reservations, looked at me, and smiled. “This way, please, sir.”

  As I walked behind her, I couldn’t help myself, my eyes traveled down her body, taking in her curves from behind. I couldn’t help but get aroused. I missed her terribly, in more ways than one. She finally stopped at a table and placed the three menus down. “Enjoy your lunch.” That was all she said as I took a seat. I watched as she walked away from me.

  All through the lunch meeting, I couldn’t take my eyes away from the front door or the podium she stood behind. I kept catching her glance over my way, a soft smile on her lips. When she walked over and sat another couple near our table, I took in her profile. A small but noticeable baby bump was there, and it was in that moment that I longed to run my hands over it. I was missing out on something I didn’t even know I wanted or would want. I mean, I had nieces, and I was thrilled with them, but this? It wasn’t fair what she was denying me. That was the second I decided I needed to fight harder for what I wanted and for her.

  Throwing my mail down on the counter, I poured myself a Scotch. I needed to relax. Seeing Autumn at lunch today had thrown me into a major funk. I’d heard it from Carter after the client had left. I was so distant and distracted that I had barely heard two words the whole meeting, and I guess it showed. I knew he was pissed.

  I had been the last one to leave the restaurant because I had wanted to find Autumn. When I had first seen her, I wanted nothing more than to wrap her in my arms, pull her into me, and not let her go. When I went to leave, I checked for her, my eyes scanning the restaurant, but she was nowhere to be found.

  I sat down on the couch and flipped on the news, trying to rid my mind of her, but no luck. I picked up my phone and sent a text to Carter. Seconds later, he sent back a message.


  Seconds later, my phone rang.

  “That was a quick bit, Carter.”

  “It’s not Carter.” The sound of her voice hit me right in the gut. “I hope it’s okay that I called you.”

  “Of course it is, baby. I looked for you after lunch today, but you were gone.”

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I had to go for my lunch. Doctor’s orders.”

  Doctor’s orders? What had she not been telling me? “How have you been, Autumn?”


  “And the baby?”

  “Everything is going okay.” I wasn’t sure if it was sadness or nervousness I was hearing in her voice.

  “What’s with the doctor’s orders? Are you sure everything is okay? Where are you?”

  “They are just watching me closely, Hunter. I am fine. I’m sitting in the parking lot of the restaurant. I’m just on my way home. I was going to stop by before I left the city, but figured it might be best if I didn’t. I thought it might be just as awkward as today. So, I decided to call instead. I wanted to ask for your help.”

  At this point, I would have given her whatever she needed if it meant her coming back to me. “I’ll do anything. What do you need?” If this was the only way she was going to let me close, then dammit, I would be there for her.

  “Well, with the baby coming, I think it’s time I found my own place. I don’t want to be a bother to Derek and Evelyn. Would you be willing to look at some places with me? If I tell Evelyn, she will get upset, and I don’t want to hear it from her.”

  I frowned. I wanted her here with me, dammit, but I didn’t dare tell her that for fear I scared her away again. “Yes, of course, beautiful. Look at some places on the Internet, and next week I’ll come pick you up and we will go look at them. Sound good?”

  “Thanks, Hunter.”

  “Anything you need, don’t be afraid to ask.” The line went quiet. I could tell she was still on the other end because I could hear her breathing, and then the lightest whimper escaped her lips. “Autumn? Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I have to go now. Evelyn will be upset if I am late for dinner. I’ll see you next week.”

  And she was gone. She sounded so lost, and when she gave me that light whimper, I knew she was crying. I got up from the couch and headed into my office. I needed a plan and I needed one fast. I dialed Carter. I wasn’t taking I’m busy for a fucking answer this time.



  It was already eight in the morning. I had the next three days off, and I really didn’t feel like getting out of bed, but I was supposed to be going to see apartments today. I grabbed the remote off the bedside table and turned the TV on. I was tired, my body exhausted. I had cried myself to sleep last night; I missed him so. Seeing him at the restaurant last week had confirmed that.

  As I lay there watching TV, my phone pinged with a message.


  I tucked my head back under the blankets and shut my eyes. I placed my hand on my growing belly. “You deserve a daddy too, don’t you? I have to remember it’s not just about me,” I whispered. As if in response to my statement, I felt a slight movement and smiled to myself. I quickly typed out a response to Hunter, crawled out of bed, and headed for the shower. I only had a small list of places, the problem being there wasn’t that much listed for rent that I could afford on the little I was making. I knew he had said if I needed anything just to ask, but I just couldn’t do that.

  I was ready and waiting by the front door when Hunter finally arrived. “Good morning.” He stepped in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I have something for you. Close your eyes.” I was hesitant at first, but when I opened them, he stood holding a large gift basket full of baby items. I could feel myself getting choked up. I didn’t know what to say.

  “You think a guy could come in or what?”

  “Oh yes, please. I placed my hand on his arm and guided him into the kitchen, where he placed the basket on the table.

  “Wow, Hunter, this is amazing, but you didn’t have to do that. I’ve been buying things as I go.”

  “Whether I had to or not isn’t the point. I wanted to.” His hand went to the small of my back, and he placed another kiss on my cheek.

  “Thank you for this.” Glancing in the basket, I saw there were things that I would need that I wouldn’t have been able to afford right away.

  “I hope you like it. Carter and Hope helped me pick everything out.”

  “I do. Thank you.” I could feel tears start to burn my eyes and that telltale lump in my throat, so I grabbed my water and took a sip.

  “Well, are you ready to go, beautiful, or are we going to be late?”

  We pulled out of the parking lot of the last apartment I had on my list. We had seen them all. I was beginning to get discouraged. Every time I thought I had found the one I would take, Hunter quickly found something wrong with it. The first was too drafty, the second he didn’t like the neighborhood, the third would need renovations, and this last one he didn’t care for the shady characters in the hallways. This elimination left me with only two other apartments in the classifieds that I could afford, but if Hunter didn’t like any of the ones we had already seen, there wasn’t any point in looking at the others.

  “How about a bite to eat? You hungry?” he asked as he put his hand over mine.


  Hunter stopped the car outside of a little Italian sandwich shop, and we headed inside and placed our order. We took a seat in a booth at the back of the restaurant and waited for the waitress to bring over our water.

  “So, out of all the apartments we saw today, which one did you like best?” Hunter asked. “You already know my take on all of them.”

Probably the one on Main if I had to choose. It was not too big, and really, it was the nicest building out of them all.”

  “I see. Well I have a place to show you. We have an appointment next week on Friday. So, don’t accept anything before then. I think you might like this one better.”

  I didn’t want to wait and risk losing the apartment. “Well, what if I called and just put a small deposit down on it? That way I won’t risk losing it if the other place doesn’t work out.”

  “You could, but I have a feeling you might like this other place a little better than the one on Main. I would wait, but if you insist, call and ask if they would hold the apartment with a small deposit, but make sure it’s refundable. Honestly, if they ask for more than a couple hundred dollars, I wouldn’t do it.”

  Resting his hands on the table, he held them out to me, and I placed my own in his, his large, strong hands enveloping mine. As soon as our skin touched, I felt a familiar tingle between my legs and a tremor run through my body.

  “I’ve missed you.” The heat in his eyes gave away everything he was feeling.

  “I’ve missed you too, Hunter. Thank you for spending today with me and giving me a hand with this. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

  Bringing my hand to his lips, he pressed a soft kiss to the back of my hand. “I’m glad you asked me.” The waitress brought over our food. Once we had eaten, Hunter drove me back to the house and walked me to the door.

  “Did you want to come in, maybe catch a movie?”

  “I would love to, but you were falling asleep on the drive back. I think you need your rest, beautiful. Plus, I don’t want to overstay my welcome. I’ll see you next week, okay?”

  I was unsure how to read his decline and felt a little disappointed, but I tried my best not to show it. “Sure. I do need my rest.” He kissed my cheek, and once he knew I was inside, he headed back to his car and drove away.


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