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Unusual Request (Taboo Erotica)

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by Anya Merchant

  Unusual Request


  Anya Merchant

  Copyright © 2015 by Anya Merchant

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only. It contains substantial sexually explicit language and scenes that may be considered offensive by some readers. None of the characters engaging in sexual conduct in this work of fiction are under the age of 18, legally unable to give consent, or related by blood.


  “Would it help if you watched a porn video? You know, to get into the mood?”

  I blinked. It was almost impossible for me to believe that I’d just heard those words come out of the mouth of Stacy, of all people.

  “I mean, sure, yeah, I guess,” I said. In reality, I could already tell that I wasn’t going to need any help, relaxed or not. Just hearing her say the word “porn”, and talk about getting into the mood was more than enough to push my buttons. My dick was stiffening into a solid stick of wood, even as I watched her smile reassuringly and reach for the laptop on the table.

  “Alright, let me see what I can find,” said Stacy. “Though it would help if you told me what you were into.”

  I blushed. As though the situation couldn’t get more embarrassing, now I had the closest older woman in my life questioning my tastes in porn. Was it even possible to tell her the truth? Could I come right out and say I enjoyed watching MILF videos, videos of women around her age, sometimes even similar in appearance?

  “Anything’s fine,” I managed. Stacy smiled again, and then leaned forward. She was still dressed in her work clothes, which looked as though they’d been chosen to seduce as much as look professional. She had on a tasteful white blouse that was cut low in the front, revealing the slightest hint of a red bra underneath.

  A short black skirt hung from her waist, making it down only just to thigh level when she was seated. Standing up, I was sure that if she bent over, it would be impossible to keep the tiny garment from allowing a quick peak of her panties and gorgeous butt.

  “How about this?” Stacy set her hand on my thigh as she asked the question, and then hit play. There was a woman on the screen wearing a bikini, and she matched all of the mental criteria that I’d been too embarrassed to bring up. She was in her mid-thirties, with big, well-formed boobs and a perfect butt. She looked a lot like Stacy, and just noticing that made me blush an even deeper shade of red.

  “I’m not sure if this is helping.” It was the truth. The video was incredibly arousing, but on top of making my dick even harder than it already was, it served to highlight the absurdity of the situation in which the two of us found ourselves.

  My stepmom has been trying to get pregnant for almost a year now. It’s one of those things the women in their mid-thirties tend to take a lot more seriously, with their biological clocks ticking away at a constant, unrelenting pace.

  I thought it was something that would just take time. My dad acted like he was trying his best, and as their son, I never really asked any questions. It wasn’t until last night that I fully began to understand just how serious she was about having a baby.

  The conversation that I’d had with her had been brief, and very informative. She’d spoken with the same soft, motherly voice that she also used to explain to me why I needed to mow the lawn or walk the dog.

  “Your father is sterile, honey,” she had said. “And beyond that, he’s never been particularly… well, let’s just say that the sex we have is a little limited, due to his condition.”

  I’d never known this, but apparently it’s been difficult for my dad to sustain erections, for years now. I never really needed to know that, just like I never imagined I’d be sitting on the couch with my mother, planning on doing what we were about to do.

  The porn video was still playing, and my mom’s hand had slowly begun to inch up my thigh, closing in on my rock hard cock. I felt weirdly ashamed of it, even though I knew that I shouldn’t. We were both adults. We both knew what needed to happen.

  She moved her hand a little closer, and I flinched in surprise.

  “I’m sorry, it’s going to take me a minute,” I said. “This is just… a little strange.”

  The fertility doctor that my mom has been seeing insisted that she try a natural approach before considering any fertilization treatments. She had been terrified of explaining this to my father, telling him that her doctor had recommended that she sleep with another man in order to get pregnant.

  And so she turned to me for that “natural approach”. I guess as my father’s son, it makes sense, in a way. The baby will look enough like him, and given our close, trusting relationship, the two of us will be able to go on with our lives without the sex meaning anything, at least in theory.

  “Honey, if this is too weird for you, I understand.” Mom’s hand was a half inch away from rubbing against my cock, and my heart was racing out of my chest. “If you don’t find me attractive, or if you just feel like you can’t do it, I-“

  “No!” I spoke with more force than needed. “No, uh, that’s not it, mom. You’re gorgeous. I mean, you should hear what some of my friends say about you.”

  I instantly wanted to kick myself for bringing up the gang’s gossip. Mom looked at me with curious eyes and slid a little bit closer in on the couch. Her hand moved the final inch needed to be on top of my aching bulge, and I let out a silent moan as she began to rub.

  “Your friends… talk about me?” asked mom. “What do they say?”

  For a moment, my mind was blank. I was staring at her, the way her cleavage pushed up out of her blouse, the way her face was so familiar and comforting, and I felt the tiny movements of her gentle hand on my package. Then I began to speak.

  “They call you a MILF, mom.” I had to force the words out, and it felt like I was going to die of embarrassment. “They spy on you every chance they get, and sometimes, well, they talk about what they’d do to you if they could.”

  “What would they do to me, sweetie?”

  “God, mom, I can’t say it!” I shook my head as I spoke. “It’s just too… weird.”

  My mother smiled at me, and then leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. My heart was racing in my chest, and I wondered if it was medically safe for it to be going so fast.

  “Just tell me, honey,” she whispered into my ear. “It will make this easier.”

  “A-alright,” I said. “Well… Some of the guys, I won’t name names, but they say that they’d like it if you, well, took care of them.”

  “Like this?” Mom slowly undid the zipper and button on my jeans and then pulled them down. She had a dangerous look in her eyes as she worked her fingers into my waistband and then freed my cock, which popped out like an orca jumping beyond the surface of the water.

  “Oh god, mom!” I watched as she wrapped her hand around my naked erection. “Yeah, like that!”

  She slowly began to stroke, and I had to blink several times to reaffirm that I wasn’t dreaming. It looked like she was having fun, and that only made her illicit touch feel even more erotic, and totally wrong.

  “Go on,” she said. “What else do the boys want to do to your mommy?”

  She was pumping her hand up and down, letting it move over my member with soft, graceful strokes. When she had asked me if I’d fill in for my dad, my mom had also asked if I was a virgin. I’d told her no. It had been a lie.

  “Oh, wow, mom,” I said, trying to catch my breath. “They… some of
them say that they would love to walk in on you in the shower, and then just… Climb into it with you.”

  “What do you think they’d do to me in there, sweetie?”

  “They say that they’d just go wild on you.” It was hard for me to think clearly, and the shameful words were just pouring out. “They’d cum all over you, and inside you, mom.”

  “Is it hard for you to picture, honey?” asked mom. “Me, and all of your young, eager friends, in the bathroom together. All of them with their hard cocks out, and me working to please them in any way I can, sucking, fucking, stroking them off.”

  “Mom…” I shook my head, both disgusted and incredibly aroused by the mental image.

  “What if it was just you, sweetie?” she asked in a whispered tone. “What if you walked in on me while I was naked in the shower? Would you stare at my body, my boobs? Would you come in closer, and go wild on me?”

  I had to stop myself from nodding, right there and then. It just felt too wrong. Mom continued pumping her hand up and down my cock, sending intense, active pleasure through my entire body. I stared at her chest, her breasts, her lips, and felt myself closing in on my limit.

  “Would you cum inside me, sweetie?” she asked. “Would you cum inside mommy?”

  It was too much for me to hold out even a moment longer. I began to cum, just as she had suggested. Long, hot strands of my seed spilled out and splashed up onto her blouse and tits. My body shivered with pleasure, and I collapsed back onto the couch, embarrassed and completely spent.

  “It’s okay, honey,” said mom. She moved my head so that she was cradling it in her lap, and then ran one of her hands through my hair.

  “I… that was…” I felt stupid, like I could barely put a sentence together.

  “We’ll try again tomorrow night,” she said. “Your dad will be getting back later tonight, but I’m sure we’ll be able to figure something out.”

  She took my hand in hers and squeezed it as she had so many times before over the course of my life. I felt totally, utterly confused.


  I woke up no less confused the next day. It was Friday, and as a senior in high school, I had to get moving early. It wasn’t until I began to go through my normal routine that the reality of what had happened began to hit me.

  My mother had given me a handjob. The thought of it alone was enough to make my head feel hot. I pulled my clothes on and glanced out into the hallway, feeling a little mortified at the prospect of having to face her again on my way to the bathroom.

  I was embarrassed and ashamed, but not because of her. She was gorgeous, one of the most physically stunning women in the neighborhood. I remembered what I told her about my friends, the thing they would say, and realized that I had just done one of those very things.

  I was embarrassed because of something deeper than that. My very first sexual experience had finally happened, and it had been with my smoking hot, bombshell of a mother. It was hard to know whether I should be happy or filled with regret. I wouldn’t be able to brag to anyone about this. Hell, my life would be over if I accidentally let it slip to even my closest friends.

  The food downstairs smelled good. I tried to set my face into a neutral expression as I made my way into the kitchen. My mom was there, of course, along with my dad, who was sitting in his usual spot at the table. I smiled at him and did my best to avoid mom’s eyes.

  “Good morning, Todd.” He spoke to me but continued reading the newspaper he held in front of him.

  “Morning, dad,” I said. As I took my spot at the table, I could feel my mom’s eyes burning into me. I couldn’t face her, couldn’t turn my gaze to meet hers. It felt as though if I did, anything could happen.

  “Good morning, sweetie,” she said, in a light, singsong, motherly voice. “I’m making banana bread for breakfast. It should be out of the oven in just a minute or two.”

  “Er… that’s great, mom,” I mumbled.

  “So how did last night go?” asked my dad. The question made my heart skip a beat, and my mouth drop open. I slowly turned towards him, shaking my head back and forth slightly. How could he have known?

  “You know, the astronomy assignment?” he continued. “I was stuck working late in my cubicle, but I heard that the weather was pretty nice for observations.”

  “Oh… uh, right.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “It went great, uh, mom helped me pick out some of the planets.”

  I turned to look at my mom, forgetting myself for a moment. She was wearing a flirty summer dress that her butt threatened to poke out of in back, with a pink apron on over it. Her boobs pushed against the fabric, as though they refused to ever be anything other than the center of attention.

  “Yeah, I did give him some help, dear,” said mom. “I gave Todd all the help he needed. We were up pretty late, and it was so hard.”

  She was smiling at me as she spoke, her eyes full of something that I didn’t recognize. I swallowed hard and hoped my dad wouldn’t pick up on it.

  “That’s great,” he said. “Well, I might be coming home late again tonight, so hopefully you can give him some more help.”

  I didn’t know whether to be anxious or excited. Mom kept smiling the same way she always smiled, like a sweet, doting mother. I could see something more in it, though, and it made my cock begin to harden as quickly as if she’d been naked.

  “Oh yes, I’d love to give him some more help tonight,” said mom. She pulled the banana bread out of the oven, set it on the stove, and then walked over to the table and sat down on the same side as me. My body felt hot, and my heart pounded in my chest.

  “Uh… mom, I uh…” I wasn’t sure whether what to say, how to keep up with the ruse. It all felt so terribly strange, and along with the intense, forbidden arousal came a heavy guilt.

  “I’m sure you could use my help again, couldn’t you?” Mom leaned a little closer to me as she spoke, pushing her breasts so that they were against my shoulder. My dad was still reading his morning paper, totally oblivious to what was happening in front of him.

  “I, I guess…” I stammered.

  “I’ll give you whatever help you need, sweetie.” Mom’s hand began to run up my thigh, and I almost jumped out of my chair. “I’ll help you all night long.”

  Her fingers came to a rest on my hard cock. What the hell was she doing? I shook my head at her, confused and scared of the possibility of dad looking up. She just smiled and began to rub my cock like it was a genie’s bottle, and she was ready to make a wish.

  “That’s good, dear,” said dad. “Sorry again for having to work so much. Hopefully, I can make it home a little earlier and help out too.”

  “Oh, I’m sure Todd won’t mind if it’s just me and him.” Mom had unzipped my jeans and was slowly working my cock out through the flap of my boxers. “Will you, Todd?”

  “N-no, of course not, mom.” I was sure that my dad was going to notice. My breathing was heavy, and my thoughts were being pulled into dark, depraved territory.

  “It will just be your mommy out with you tonight, doing whatever it takes to help you, honey.” Mom still spoke in a conversational tone, but her meaning was like fire in my ears. “I’ll give you all the help you need, and make the assignment fun for you.”

  She was jerking me off right there at the kitchen table. I couldn’t believe it. The sensation was so intense and so pleasurable, and this time, it made me ache for something more. Her hand was soft and gentle underneath the table, pumping up and down with a motherly touch.

  I stared over at her. She looked hotter and sexier than I’d ever seen her before, more gorgeous and tempting than any woman that I’d ever seen. A tiny smile adorned her face, and she licked her lips as she began to pump my cock faster. She was my mom, and she was giving me a handjob right in front of my dad.

  “Say Todd...” Dad spoke up, and then dropped the newspaper down and looked at me. I froze, and my mom’s hand stopped moving. He couldn’t see what was happening under th
e table. To him, it just looked like her hand was on my leg, but I was still sure that the look of my face was going to give us away.

  “Yeah, dad?” I asked, trying to mask the fear in my voice.

  “How’s your skateboard holding up?” He glanced down at the newspaper and then smiled at me.

  “Oh…uh…” I felt mom’s hand slowly began to move again. “It’s actually a longboard, dad.”

  “What’s the difference?”

  It was so hard to think. I didn’t understand what mom was doing, why she felt so much like torturing me with her touch. But at the same time, it felt phenomenally good, almost like being in on a conspiracy of pleasure.

  “Well, it’s a lot longer,” I said. “It feels different to ride. It’s a lot harder to ride, too, right mom?”

  My mother had tried to ride my longboard when I’d first gotten it about a year ago. Remembering the way she had clumsily climbed onto it and wiggled back and forth trying to keep her balance, her butt swaying, and her boobs jiggling, made my cock ache with desire.

  “Oh yes, it’s so hard,” said mom. “So very hard. But I want to ride it as soon as I can. Would that be okay, Todd? If your mother went for a ride?”

  “Yeah, definitely mom,” I said, my breath quickening, along with her hand’s pace. “I want you to ride it as soon as you can. You can ride it tonight, I’ll let you ride it for a long while.”

  My dad wasn’t listening and lifted the newspaper up again. Mom was jerking faster, and I couldn’t stop myself from leaning towards her and grabbing one of her boobs. She pulled my cock against her leg as she jerked me off even faster, as though she was trying to pull my cock right into her pussy.

  “I’ll ride it until I can’t ride anymore,” whispered mom. “You’ll see just how well your mom can ride when she really gets into it.”

  That was it for me. My cock began to explode, playing white hot strings of cum onto my mom’s apron and flooding me with orgasmic pleasure. I moved in my chair, causing it to scrape on the floor slightly. Luckily, my dad didn’t look up from his paper.


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