Book Read Free


Page 5

by Ahren Sanders

  “Okay, slow is fine.”


  “Yeah.” I run my fingers through her hair, which feels like silk. Even when I imagined touching her, it was never this good.

  “Another thing—”

  “Stella,” I growl. “Quit while you’re ahead. I gave you hiding and slow. Not much more I’ll agree to.”

  She starts to argue, but shuts her mouth and holds my stare. “Okay, Max.”

  “Can I kiss you now, or are we going to keep talking?”

  “You can kiss me now.” She lowers her lips to mine and slowly outlines them with her tongue.

  Squeezing her tight against my body, I capture her mouth with my own. Unlike in the office today, she doesn’t hold back, meeting me thrust for thrust while our tongues swirl and our bodies mold together. My dick is so hard against my zipper it hurts, but nothing is going to make me move from this position. She feels so right in my arms. Now I just need to convince her of that.

  It’s been a week since Max and I officially started dating. We’ve been working together every day at my office. I haven’t gone back to Hurst & McCoy since Edward’s outburst. Max told me from the beginning most of our work would be off-site, but I had a feeling he was now keeping me away for many reasons.

  Max fired Brian Claxton the day after taco night. The press release said Brian resigned, but I knew the truth. Max had Dana call HR and arranged a severance package ready by eight am that Friday. After Max did his scheduled morning appearance, he went to the office and told Brian to pack his things. When he argued and pleaded, Max just said, “I told you not to fuck with me.” I guess him telling Edward Hurst the new PR firm was “tits and loose pussy” was the wrong thing to do.

  After the morning show appearance, my office became a mad house. The phones were ringing off the hook because Max mentioned Sullivan PR on-air. I finally gave Laci full control hiring a temporary assistant to help. She chose a very handsome¸ very gay guy that had better style than both of us. His name is Landon. I was skeptical at first but he’s been around two days and is more productive than Laci.

  If all that wasn’t enough, the city’s most eligible bachelor list came out and guess who is number one? Yep, Maxwell McCoy. His picture covers newsstands and Internet sites. It was an executive shot, but he was sitting back with his ankle thrown across his knee in a casual stance. His blue eyes pierced the camera and his half grin lit his face. He was livid when he saw it and called out a search team to find who took the picture. As it turned out, Dana had the picture from the professional photography session and gave it to the paper. Max threatened to fire her, but she blew him off. Laci and I laughed for days. I had her send Dana a bottle of champagne as a gift. I loved the picture and told him as much.

  As for our relationship, it’s quiet. We’ve been able to eat dinner out twice, but not since the article was released. He seems content to stay at my house and cook. We make out on the sofa for hours until he gets up to leave.

  Our kisses have turned more heated, and I’m rethinking my idea to keep it slow. My body aches when I pull back and give him the look that we have to stop. He’s never pushed me for more, but his hard erection poking my hip, makes me wonder how much longer either of us can take it. It’s been more and more upsetting when he walks out my door because I know he’s going to a home he shares with Erica. Even though I believe him there’s nothing going on, I still don’t know why she lives there.

  I wanted to give him time to explain to me on his own and not ask too many questions, but it’s eating away at me. Waiting is not an option anymore. I’ve decided we’re going to talk about her tonight over dinner. I need to know why she’s in his life.

  “Stella! Dana’s on line one,” Laci calls from her desk and I grab the phone.

  “Hey, Dana, how are you?”

  “Sweetheart, can I come work for you? This bear of a boss has me working to the bone.”

  I smile because she would never leave Max. And he would never work her to the bone. He loves her too much. “I wish I could snatch you up, but Sullivan PR can’t compete with your big salary and benefit package.”

  “Dear girl. I may be persuaded.”

  “Just let me know. Then you can plan my exile trip running from Max.” We laugh together.

  “So what’s going on?”

  “I’m afraid I have bad news. Max asked me to call and tell you to move forward with everything today without him. He’s been called away on business with Edward and won’t be back until this Sunday. It was unexpected and they had the corporate jet ready to go immediately.”

  My heart lurches. Sunday is four days away. I’m pathetic, turning into the girl I never want to be.

  “No problem, Dana. I can keep on schedule without him. We can meet when he returns on Monday.” My voice is laced with disappointment.

  “Sweet girl, he was upset too. Edward wouldn’t leave him alone for a second to call you. They even took the same car to go by his apartment to pick up clothes. Max was furious. He had to scribble a note to me. I know you are trying to be discreet so he wanted to make sure you knew he was thinking about you.”

  I sigh. “I understand. It was my idea to keep quiet. Do you think he’ll be available to take my calls at night?”

  “Only one way to find out. I’ll come by tomorrow and take you and Laci to lunch.”

  We agree on a time to meet at the office and hang up. The uneasy feeling in my pit of my stomach doesn’t go away for the rest of the day. Did Edward find out about us dating? And why in the hell hasn’t Max tried to contact me?

  My doorbell rings at an ungodly hour and I roll over with the pillow covering my face. This is day three without hearing from Max. One text, that’s it. He sent one text saying he’d call me, then nothing. I’ve called his phone each night and sent texts without a reply. Nothing at all. I’m such a fool. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten involved. Why is it affecting me so much?

  “Did you drink that whole bottle alone?” Laci says from the doorway of my bedroom. I curse myself for giving her a key. You’d think not answering the door would have given her a hint.

  “Yeah,” I croak.

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “Nope, not at all.”

  “Stella, I’ve never seen you like this.”

  “I know, pathetic huh?”

  “Sort of. He’s on a business trip. Get a grip.”

  “That’s just it, Lace. I’m trying but I have this gut feeling something isn’t right. He should at least respond to me.”

  “I always say trust your gut, but I also think you should use your head. This is a president and CEO of a huge organization. He has demands outside of JOS. He’s dedicated a lot of time to this project. He has other businesses to worry about. We already know Edward Hurst is a supreme asshat. Max wouldn’t let him make any decisions about the company. If you want a relationship with this guy, you need to realize he has other priorities too.”

  Everything she says sinks in. “Jesus, you’re right. I’m an idiot. He’s busy. Even Dana said she hasn’t heard from him.” I throw back my comforter and get out of bed.

  “What are you doing here so early on a Saturday?”

  “Hanging. I want to do something besides work. Let’s do a spa day.”

  “Can we get in this last minute?”

  “We can if we hurry. We have one hour.”

  “Let’s do it! You make my coffee and I’ll jump in the shower. Meet you in the kitchen in fifteen minutes.” I run to the bathroom and turn on the shower. This is why she’s my best friend. Not only does she help me see reason, she takes my mind off the stupid shit running through my head.

  Six hours later, we are buffed, waxed, polished, massaged, and relaxed. We grab Chinese take-out, call Ryan to join us, and head back to my house.

  After two chick flicks, we all call it a night and they leave. I glance at my phone one last time and there’s still no message from Max. My only thoughts as I fall asleep are about him returning t
omorrow. After I kiss him senseless, he’s going to get a fucking ear full.

  The morning is much easier without a bottle of wine swirling through my system. I dress in my running gear and take off on my usual route. The summer sun is still brutal in August but it feels good to sweat. My mind wonders over the presentation on Thursday and how Max and I will take turns presenting. I feel comfortable with everything I’ve done without him around.

  When I run around the corner, I groan. Laci is back and unloading boxes and coffee from her car.

  “What are you doing here again? Don’t we get enough of each other?”

  “We need to talk. Meet me inside and grab these boxes.” Without waiting for me, she goes into my house and I follow with the packages.

  “First of all, drink this.” She shoves a cup at me and looks away. Something’s off. I sip the lukewarm coffee and watch her intently, waiting for her to talk.

  She looks at me and her face is pale. She actually looks scared.

  “Stella Bella, I’m so sorry. I feel like a first class asshole. I should have never suggested you mix business with pleasure. Whatever happens next, I’ll be here for you. We’ll get through this JOS project together. As many bottles of wine and liquor we need, I’ll have them on standby.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “I saw this come across my gossip feeds this morning. I wanted to be here with you in case it was mentioned on the Sunday morning news.” She shoves a few pieces of paper at me and I look down.

  My heart starts racing and my eyes fill with tears. The pages contain pictures of Max with the same woman I first saw on my iPad. In the first photo, she is clinging to him and the caption reads

  ‘Multi-millionaire, Maxwell McCoy, recently named one of Atlanta’s Most Eligible Bachelor’s, not so eligible.’

  There are several images of him and the woman named Erica Hurst. The last one breaks my heart. He’s leading her into a hotel and she’s leaning into him. Her lips are touching his.

  “Guess I should have trusted my instincts, huh?”

  “Maybe this is all a misunderstanding.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” I wipe the tears off my cheeks and anger boils in me. “Thank fucking God I didn’t sleep with him,” I scream.

  Laci’s head jerks back and she looks at me with wide eyes. “You didn’t?”

  “Hell no. I guess it was my crazy ass mind telling me to keep it slow. Somehow my subconscious must have known he was a player.”


  “Wow? That’s what you have to say?”

  “Yeah, don’t be a bitch. I just thought you were hung up on him because he was good in bed.”

  “I wouldn’t know. We’ve never been to bed.”

  It’s silent for a minute and then Laci hisses.

  “Shit, you had an emotional connection.”

  “Yeah. I did. Not so sure about him though.”

  “Fuck, Stella, I’m so sorry.”

  “No big deal, babe, we’ve got a job to do. No need to wallow. Maybe tomorrow you can have Landon call some of the prospects blowing up our phones at work and set up some meetings. After the executive meeting on Thursday and the board presentation next week, I can free up some time. Nothing like taking advantage of the free publicity Max gave us to get the business booming.”

  “There’s my girl. Okay, go shower. Now we get the fun stuff.”

  “Sweetie, not sure anything sounds fun after looking at those pictures.”

  “What do think are in the boxes? These are the clothes I ordered. We need to pick you out some kick ass outfits for this week. Thank God I’m awesome and ordered more than two outfits. But you stink, go shower.” She shoos me away and starts taking the boxes to my room.

  “You know, Lace, one thing’s for sure, you are awesome.” I smile at her and head to the bathroom.

  Fuck Maxwell McCoy and his ‘complicated’ relationship with Erica. Guess things aren’t so complicated now, huh?

  If this plane doesn’t land in the next five minutes, I’m going to land it myself. I can’t even look across the row because Erica is staring at me with a mischievous grin. Little does she know her fucking stunt just brought her closer to homelessness. She’s out of control and I’m done. Especially after last night.

  Why the hell hasn’t Dana called me back? I’ve been waiting on an update on Stella since fucking morning. I have a crazy ache in my back from sleeping on the sofa. Edward thought it would be cute to get us a two bedroom penthouse suite so Erica and I would be forced to sleep together. I spent the nights on the couch, while she pouted. He didn’t notice me there when he came back to the room at five am filling the living room with the smell of booze and cheap sex. Fucking dirty old man. I thought that was one area Erica and I had common ground—both despising her father. That was one reason I let her stay at my place as long as I have. But she proved to me this weekend the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

  “Did you hear me, boy?” Edward’s hoarse voice cuts through my thoughts.


  “You need to get your head out of your ass and concentrate. This deal in New York is big time. We can make billions.”

  “I’ll look it over.”

  “Don’t fucking tell me you’ll look it over, tell me you’ll make it happen!”

  I nod because I don’t have the energy to argue with him. Let him think he is still a big-shot for now. It will make taking him down so much sweeter. The plane’s phone rings and I jump up so fast my drink goes everywhere.

  “McCoy!” I bark into the phone.

  “You really know how to fuck things up, huh?” Dana replies.

  “How bad?”

  “Let’s just say, Laci said it’s bad. I didn’t know how to sooth it over since your sorry ass hasn’t called me in days. Then boom! You need me to get Stella to the corporate apartment tonight. Needless to say, that’s not happening.”

  “Fuck!” I duck into a small area as Erica looks at me questioningly.

  “Where is your phone by the way?”

  “Well, it is currently in a plastic baggie because it was puked all over the first night in New York.”



  “Maxwell, I told you, you have to cut the ties.”

  “I am. I need you to find me a realtor. Get a one or two bedroom loft or condo as far from me as possible. I’ll pay first year up front. Goes without saying it needs to be in a clean area, drug free for a five-mile radius. I want her out as soon as possible. Don’t put the Hurst & McCoy name in the contract. Only Edward Hurst. No ties to me.”

  “I’ll do that first thing in the morning. You gonna tell me what New York was about?”

  “More of Edward trying to make us dirty. But I can actually clean up this deal. I took several secret meetings with their CEO and we have a plan. We both agreed he isn’t doing anything until the JOS mess is fixed. I bought some time.”

  “I knew you could do this, Max.”

  “Yeah, well it’s been a bitch. Can you do me a favor and have a suit sent to Stella’s for tomorrow? I’m going there as soon as we land.”



  “Sweet boy, that’s not going to happen. Stella has left her house for a few days. She emailed me the presentation for Thursday and said she would be available by email and phone, but was leaving to prepare for the meeting.”


  “She’s locked tight. Won’t tell me where Stella is.”

  “Motherfucker! She saw the pictures.”

  “Yes. I tried to explain it wasn’t what it looked like, but Laci said Stella is hurt.”

  “Fucking Erica and Edward. I’ll handle Erica tonight then I’ll find Stella.”

  “Okay, keep in touch. See you tomorrow. I think you are going to be impressed with the overall presentation. Stella did a fantastic job.”

  “I have no doubt she did. I wish my phone wasn’t covered in cocaine vomit so I could have c
alled her. I had no idea Erica was setting me up.”

  “You know now,” Dana states before hanging up.

  Relief washes over me when I finally walk into my house. The last few days have been hell. If I can just get to my shower before having this conversation with Erica, I’ll be happy. Of course, I would be much happier if I was buried deep in Stella with her body wrapped around mine. All I’ve thought about, outside of business, is her. The vanilla on her lips, the way she moans when we kiss, the feeling of her in my arms. Going slow with her is the biggest challenge of my life.

  Erica drags her bags in behind me and I rush to the shower, avoiding her. The hot water washes away some tension but my aching cock needs some attention. I stroke it slowly, thinking of Stella in the red heels last week, her legs a mile long. The smile she gave me when I kissed lightly below her ear. The whimper she made when I rolled into her and felt her dampness through the thin shorts she wears. Every memory fills me and I pump faster. The thought of vanilla and strawberries gives me an imaginary aroma and I clutch myself tighter.

  Jesus, her hair in my hands, the feel of her body in my arms, her breasts rubbing against me through her flimsy tank top. Thoughts of stripping her bare and finally tasting her sweet pussy as she squirms, begging me for more, fill my mind. My dick throbs in my hand as I squeeze harder. I finally explode imagining her body tangled with mine. Leaning against the wall, my mind is made up, it’s time to tell her the truth about Erica.

  I dry off and dress, hoping to get to Erica before she hits the hard stuff. She’s in the kitchen warming up a plate of food the housekeeper left.

  “Erica, we need to talk.”

  “About what, honey?” she answers sweetly licking her fork.

  “You know what. Did you call the paparazzi last night?”

  “Of course, that sick article naming you the most eligible bachelor in Atlanta needed to be amended.”

  “Erica, we’ve been through this before. I am a bachelor. You need to understand there is nothing between us.”

  “Oh, Maxwell, we can get through this.”


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