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Page 8

by Ahren Sanders

  My first bite causes a moan. It’s perfect. The beef is tender, the sauce is creamy and the slight hint of garlic fills my taste buds. I close my eyes and savor. When I open them, Max’s eyes are filled with heat. Laci’s mouth hangs open.


  Max continues staring but Laci clears her throat.

  “Do me a favor and don’t do that again. The sexual tension in this room just hit megawatt levels and I want to finish my dinner.” She starts eating.

  Max’s gaze never leaves mine. “At what point can I be real with Laci around?” he practically growls.

  “Always, she’s as real as they come.”

  “Well then, she’s right. Don’t do that again or I won’t be responsible for my actions. Fucking you on this table is looking pretty good right now.” Without hesitation, he goes back to eating.

  Laci looks between us and grins at me. Never in my life has anyone spoken to me like that and desire fills my body. If dinner weren’t so delicious, I would kick her out and drag him back to my room.

  For the rest of the meal, I try to contain my enthusiasm but it’s hard. We make small talk until finally everyone is done. Laci helps me clean the kitchen and Max goes to make a few phone calls.

  “You are so getting laid tonight,” she squeals.

  “No. I’m not. Remember last night I was cursing his name and in two days, I have to lay out my plans for JOS. I can’t cloud my mind right now.”

  “You’re a prude. Have sex with him.”

  “It’s not like that. With him, it’ll never be just sex. There’s so much more there. The feelings between us run deep. I don’t know how this happened so fast. It scares me a little. Remember the whole ‘emotional connection’?”

  She gives me a sympathetic look and nods slightly.

  We finish up the kitchen and I walk her out. We look around for Max, but hear the shower running. She gives me a hug and throws in some lewd remarks, then leaves. I turn off the lights in the living room and lock up the house. My last glass of wine is untouched on the kitchen counter and I immediately grab it.

  So much has happened that my mind is spinning. I sip my wine and stare out the window into the darkening night. His scent fills the room before I hear him. The aroma of woods and spice drift through the small space and I turn to see him in the doorway. Nothing could prepare me for the sight in front of me. His hair is wet and slick from the shower and his eyes bright and vibrant blue. His body is rock solid and reminds me of a sculpture; hard, toned, and defined. A tattoo trails from his right collarbone, covering some his chest and bicep. The bright blue gym shorts hang low on his hips. Involuntarily, I lick my lips.

  “Fucking hell, you make this hard,” he hisses.

  My eyes dart to his groin and the outline of his firm erection stretches against the fabric.

  “That too, babe, but I was talking about this between us.” He adjusts himself and walks to me.

  All sense of vocabulary leaves me and I can’t speak.

  “Bella, I have a confession to make.”

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  “I have supersonic hearing. I can hear most noises and voices within a few yards.”


  “I heard you talking to Laci tonight about no sex. And as much as it kills me, I want to respect your wishes.”

  My mind tears away from the half-naked man in front of me to remember what I said. Shit! He heard me talking about waiting to have sex.

  “You are right about one thing though, between us, it won’t be just sex.” He takes my wine out of my hand and takes a long sip then places it on the counter.

  “Come with me.” He bends down slightly and lifts me so my legs wrap around him. I lean in, never breaking eye contact.

  Being this close to his warmth has my body on overdrive. Instantly my nipples strain against my silk shirt. He takes me to my bedroom and lays me on my bed, hovering over me.

  “What do you need to do to get ready for bed?”


  “Your nightly routine? What do you need to do until we get in this bed and don’t leave until morning?”

  Listening to his words, I want to throw my usual routine out the window and crawl under the sheets with him.

  “I need about ten minutes in the bathroom. I usually shower in the morning, but I want to jump in real quick.”

  He lays his forehead against mine and breathes in deep. “Ten minutes, then I’m coming in to get you.” He rolls off me, untangling my legs, and swats me on the ass. I hurry to the bathroom and turn on the shower. Throwing my hair in a bun and grabbing my toothbrush, I jump in the scalding water and rush to get ready for bed. I shave my legs and buff my body quickly. Once my face is thoroughly washed, I dry off and look around for some pajamas. Of course the only thing I have is a deep purple, satin nightie on the door hanger.

  I finish my regimen and try to push down my nervousness. We’ve already said no sex, so why the jitters?

  When I walk out my breath hitches. Max is lying on my bed with his hands behind his head watching the door. His eyes graze over me and a rumble comes out.

  “Come here.” He motions with one hand.

  I walk to him slowly and link my fingers with his. He gently pulls me down over him so my body partially covers his.

  “You are so beautiful. Do you know that?”

  I shake my head against his and let the heat of our bodies seep through me. The skin that is touching is scorching but I still feel goose bumps rise when he runs his fingers over the bare flesh of my arms.

  “It’s too soon, and too much is going on, but when this is all over, you will know how precious you are to me.”

  “When what’s all over?”

  “When I can finally tell you everything. There are some things going on with my business, things I can’t discuss. But for now, I want to make you feel good. Can I do that?”

  I stiffen under him.

  “Relax, Bella. You need to know something. I like control, especially in the bedroom. I’m dominant and demanding. I take what I want, but make sure to give as well. For right now, until you trust me, you’re in control.”

  The look of pure lust in his eyes sends my insides to the pit of my stomach. Butterflies dance around and my heart beats so fast, I know he can feel it.

  His face softens. “Do I make you nervous?”

  “A little.” My face blushes and I try to push away.

  “Talk to me.”

  “I’m embarrassed.”

  “Never be embarrassed with me, tell me what you’re thinking?”

  “I’m not a virgin, Max, far from it.”

  Darkness clouds his features and he growls. “I never want to hear about your sex life, Stella.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just you‘re so intense and passionate. I’m a little afraid of not meeting your expectations.”

  “You think I have expectations about us?”

  I nod slowly.

  “Babe, we kiss and rockets go off. You moan at dinner and my dick jumps in my pants. I tell you I want to fuck you on the table and you blush. That right there should be a clue we’re compatible. But I’m going to tell you a secret.”

  I raise my eyes, waiting. “If we are anything together, like we are in my mind when I jack off thinking about you, we will be beyond compatible. You may never leave the bed.”

  “Really?” I giggle. “You think about me like that?”

  “Why do you think I was in the shower so long tonight? If I didn‘t think Laci would be here every night, I would make Beef Stroganoff seven days a week for your reaction.”

  I continue grinning.

  “Now I have to let you in on the other confession … about my supersonic hearing. I also heard you talking about the bike ride. You want to get off, my pleasure, it’ll be my goal next time. But I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. So, I ask again, can I make you feel good?”

  My body heat rages and nipples harden under the satin fab
ric. “Yes,” I rasp.

  His nostrils flare a touch and his pupils grow wide. He gently lays me on my back, tucked to his side. Grazing his fingers over my thighs and up to my hips. He hisses.

  “Nothing at all?” he asks.

  “I don’t sleep in underwear.”

  “I don’t sleep in anything, but I already told you that.” He lowers his mouth to the skin below my ear and kisses a trail to my shoulder. The tiny nips on my skin send shivers up and down my body and he smiles against my skin.

  “So responsive, Bella, just wait.”

  His fingers at my hip slide across my pelvic bone until he reaches the bare skin where I crave his touch.

  “Fucking, fuck me. Your skin is like silk.” He sides one finger down from my clit to my entrance, which is soaked. He slips it into me while continuing to suck lightly on my neck and collarbone. His finger teases in an erotic way, making me shiver with anticipation. He adds another slowly and I bite my bottom lip not to cry out.

  I’m so wet and needy; I push into him, taking his mouth with my own. My hands claw through his short hair pulling him as close as possible. Our tongues mimic the rhythm of his fingers and I devour his mouth, not caring that I’m lightheaded from lack of oxygen.

  He pulls away, both of us panting, and inserts a third finger, stretching me. One hand holds my hip down while the other assaults me. I hang onto his neck, not breaking eye contact. When he strokes a magical spot with one of his fingers, I moan loudly and throw my head back, bucking into his hands. My release starts to stir in my core. He watches me intently, waiting.

  As soon as he curls his fingers again, I scream. Release washing though me, as the orgasm takes over, panting his name. He holds me close as I ride the wave and then slowly removes his hand. I crack my eyes slightly to see him licking his fingers and grinning at me.

  “Like I said, fucking beautiful.”

  I start to get shy, but he stops me from pulling away and rolls us back to where I’m lying on him. His hardness obvious against my hipbone. When I wiggle, he holds me in place.

  “Stay still, baby.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll survive. Blue balls have become my specialty.”

  “I could—”

  “No, you can roll over and let me hold you tonight. I wasn‘t sure if you’d let me sleep in here with you.”

  “Of course, where else would you sleep?”

  “That lonely guest room down the hall? The same room that currently has all my stuff.”

  My face softens and I snuggle into him. “No. Max, I want you in here with me.”

  “There is a God. Fucking finally.”

  “Max,” I say sleepily against his body, wrapping my arm around his bare chest. “I should warn you. I’m a bear in the mornings. If I’m mean to you, please don‘t run.”

  “Baby, I don’t care if you sprout snakes and your head spins, I’ll never run from you.”

  Smiling against him, I whisper, “I hope not,” then sleepiness consumes me. My dreams have never been sweeter.

  I wake up to an empty, cold bed. The pillows on my side are hardly dented which means, I did indeed sleep on Max all night. The smell of coffee fills the house. I rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth and try to tame my hair before Max sees me. He may have mentioned snakes sprouting from my head last night but he has no idea that’s exactly what my crazy mane looks like in the mornings. Deciding it’s a worthless cause, I throw it in a messy bun and head to the kitchen.

  I stop in the doorway and take in the view. Max is shirtless, dressed in jeans and fresh from another shower. His coffee is in front of him with a laptop, newspaper, and iPad. The small kitchen television is on the morning news.

  All this activity is too much for me this early, so I head to the coffee pot to get my mug.

  “Bella,” he purrs and stops me mid-step. His mouth touches mine briefly and then gently moves me to the side. I watch as he makes my coffee exactly the way I told him I like it and then turns to hand to me. I stare at him in wonder and then take a slow sip. The taste flows through my body and it’s much more smooth than normal.

  “How did you make this? It’s delicious.”

  “It’s fresh ground from that deli you like so much. I stopped by on my run this morning and brought it back.”

  “You went running?”

  “Yeah, babe.”

  “And you stopped by Joe’s Deli?”

  “Yeah, babe.”

  “This will never work. You’re obviously a very big morning person.”

  He smirks and walks around behind me, pulling me close and wrapping his arms around my waist. His chin rests on my shoulder and he speaks softly in my ear.

  “How’d you sleep?”

  “Good, actually, really good. I can’t believe I didn’t wake up when you left the bed.”

  “It was hard to do. You moaned quietly and reached for me. I wanted to crawl back to you but had to leave the bed before doing something I’d regret.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Babe, your bare ass in my hands and pussy against my hip was a testament in my strength. I was harder than I’ve ever been in my life and had to get away.”

  I lean into him further, appreciating his warm breath against my skin. “Should I start wearing underwear to bed?”

  “No, but maybe I should.”

  “You wore shorts last night.”

  “Only until you fell asleep.”

  “You mean you were naked and I missed it?”

  He chuckles. “Yeah, I was naked, you were practically naked, we were pressed together almost as close as two people can be. It was amazing and agonizing at the same time. The scent of you was everywhere.”

  “I don’t want to miss it again. You naked I mean.” I sip my coffee and wait for his response.

  “I’ll keep that in mind. But got to tell you, I was expecting a bear this morning. You seem pretty sweet to me.”

  “It’s you. I really am terrible in the morning. Conversations are avoided until at least an hour after my shower. The TV is never on until after I blow dry my hair, because all the shit in the world makes me crazy and I can’t handle crazy until after one cup of coffee.”

  “Should I turn off the TV then? Since you’re only on your first few sips?”

  “No, I want you to be comfortable.”

  “I am. Everything about you makes me comfortable.”

  “Yeesh, you’re really, really good at this dating thing.”

  “I’ll have to take your word for it.”

  “You’ve never dated before.”

  “I wouldn’t call it dating. I’ve slept with the same woman more than once, but never anything I would classify as even seeing each other.”

  “That’s so sad.”

  “It’s my life. Or at least it was until a few weeks ago, a certain sassy brunette changed my entire outlook.”

  I place my mug on the counter and turn into his body, weaving my arms around his neck. At this angle, I’m much shorter than him and have to lift up on my toes to try and reach him. Even then, he has to bend a little. My tongue darts out and traces the seam of his lips. He opens for me slowly and I moan at his taste. The kiss is slow, soft, and loving. He grips the back of my thighs and I crawl up his body until both my arms and legs surround him. My hands hold his neck softly, as our mouths explore. His hands caress my thigh, right below my ass and I wiggle against his bare torso.

  I know I’m soaking wet and he can feel the moisture on his skin. His groans of appreciation fill the room and the kiss becomes more passionate. My hands slide up through his hair, massaging his scalp in rhythm to our dancing tongues.

  Something cold touches my bare ass and I yelp, he has me on the counter and moved his hands to my hips. We stay like this until we both have to pull away. He doesn’t let me go far, holding his forehead against mine as we catch our breaths.


  “Give me a second, babe.”

  “I don’t wan
t to. I want you to take me back to bed, now.”

  His eyes shoot to mine and he grounds his hips into me. “No, not like this. When I finally have you, it won’t be rushed. It won’t be a morning quickie. I want to take my time exploring and adoring every inch of your beautiful body. I also want to make something clear. When I do that, when I run my tongue and lips over every bit of your flesh, when I sink my dick as deep as it will go, and when you scream my name in ecstasy, you’ll be mine.

  “Can you handle that, Bella? Can you handle knowing I’ll claim you as my own and you’ll unquestionably be mine?”

  As animalistic as he sounds, it turns me on. The authority in his voice is rough. I’ve never been bossed around in any way in a relationship, but the way he does it is smooth and matter of fact. Even though he asked if I can handle being his, it’s a rhetorical question. The tone in his voice leaves no room for arguments.

  “Yes, I can handle it. But what about right now? What about you?”

  “Told you, I’m the king of blue balls around you. I’ll be okay in a few hours.”

  I want to make him feel good. Sitting on my counter I’m almost his height and my core presses right against the bulging zipper. I scoot as close as possible and place my hand on the button of his jeans. He starts to protest until my finger goes to his lips.

  “Let me do this.”

  I unbutton and unzip him slowly. Sliding the jeans down until they fall to a puddle at his ankles. There’s no fabric between my fingertips and his bare skin and I realize he’s commando this morning.

  “Seems like we both don’t like underwear, Mr. McCoy.”

  Slowly running my nails back around to his hips, I find the tip of his dick and rub the slit. My hand grips the length and both of us hiss. He’s hard, hot, and smooth in my palm. He’s much bigger than any other man I have ever been with. But instead of intimidating me, it turns me on. I stroke gently, pumping up and down. His breathing turns into panting and his eyes snap open, piercing into mine.

  Without warning, he moves us both, holding me against him. Kicking off his jeans, he carries us to the couch and lays me down softly, propping on my side.

  “You want this, baby, you want to make me come? You’re coming with me.”


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