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Perfect Strangers

Page 11

by Jan Stryvant

  Passing over the railroad tracks he saw Roxy was waving to him by an old muscle car with what looked like racing slicks, which she dove into as soon as he turned towards her. Vaulting over the hood of the car, Sean shifted and jumped into the passenger's seat. Sitting in the driver's seat was Daelyn, who floored the car, driving Sean back into his seat as the door slammed closed and with a loud roar the car took off.

  "What the hell is this thing?" Sean gasped.

  "Nineteen-Seventy Hemi 'Cuda, last of the big muscle cars," Daelyn laughed. "Like it? We're already doing a hundred and fifty! There ain't nothing that can catch this car!"

  Sean looked up and out the window of the old car as Daelyn slid them around a slight curve with a downshift and then slamming on the brakes cut them into a parking lot, where she punched it again, as they screamed by a lamp post with inches to spare and then out onto the main road where if he'd thought they were going fast before, the dotted lines now looked like a solid bar.

  "Are you trying to get the police on our tail?" Sean yelled, his fingers sinking into the dashboard as he held on for dear life.

  "Car's enchanted," Daelyn laughed, "they can hear it, but they can't see it and best of all," Daelyn turned and smiled at him, "no radar!"

  Swearing Sean looked at the girls in the back seat. Jolene had her eyes closed tight and appeared to be praying. Roxy had her eyes wide open and was laughing and bouncing up and down in the seat.

  "Better put your seatbelt on," Daelyn told him, "the corners are a bit rough at one sixty."

  Sean put on the lap belt and then tried to figure out the archaic, shoulder belt.

  "Just where the hell are we going?" he asked.

  "My uncle's, remember?"

  "What about the guys back there?"

  "Oh, me and Max took care of them. I don't think they're gonna be in any kind of shape to remember me none," Daelyn laughed.

  'I think I'm in love,' Sean's lion suddenly piped up.

  'She's an insane maniac!' Sean pointed out.

  'And Roxy isn't?'

  Sighing Sean sank back in the seat and had to admit, once the fear had worn off, that Daelyn sure as hell could drive.

  "Are all dwarves as crazy as you?" Sean asked as they whipped around a pair of cars by using the shoulder. He was amazed at how Daelyn kept the car from even slowing down as they hit the gravel.

  "Nah, the men are far worse!"

  They turned a hard right then and went barreling down another road.

  "Just how far is his place?" Sean asked, holding on as Daelyn suddenly dropped two gears and navigated a series of intersections and s-turns then turned onto a road skirting a hill.

  "Right about," she locked up the car and did a four wheel drift around a corner and they ended up facing a garage door that was already opening, "here!"

  "Wow! That was fun! Can we do that again!" Roxy laughed from the back, "Next time I'm sitting up front!"

  Daelyn looked at Sean, "She's a cheetah, isn't she?"

  Sean nodded, "How'd you know?"

  "Eh, they're all speed freaks."

  "Hey! It's not often I get to ride in something faster than me!" Roxy laughed from the back.

  "She's got a point there," Sean said with a heavy sigh. "You still with us Jo?"

  "We've stopped, right?"

  "Yes, and the engine is even off," Daelyn said and shut the care off as they rolled into the garage and stopped.

  "Then yes, I am still with you. I think, however, that my stomach is still a few miles behind us."

  "Eh, it'll catch up. Come on," Daelyn opened her door and got out, "time to meet the family."

  Sean got out of the car, and helped Roxy, then quickly went around and offered his support to Jolene, who obviously was not all that enamored with going fast, or Daelyn's driving.

  "I didn't see a house," Sean said thinking back to the view around the garage as they'd slid to a stop. There was what looked like a large metal shed, and not much else.

  "Course not, we live in mountain, we're dwarves, why would we live in houses?"

  Sean shrugged, "Up until an hour ago dwarves were just something from fantasy for me. So I didn't want to presume."

  Daelyn stopped and turned and looked at him. "You mean to tell me that you, a werelion, have never heard of dwarves before?"

  "You have to forgive him," Roxy snickered, "up until a couple of weeks ago, he hadn't even heard of werelions."

  "How did that happen?" Daelyn looked at Sean curiously.

  "I got bit," Sean said and then shrugged, "it's a long story, how about we go meet your uncle first?"

  "Sure, come on," Daelyn and led them into a back room and closing the door she did something and suddenly the floor started to descend.

  "Elevator?" Jolene said looking around.

  "Yeah, easier to hide than a staircase."

  After a hundred feet or so, it slowed and then stopped. There was a door in one of the walls now and pushing it open, Daelyn led the way.

  "Hey, Dae!" A short but very strong looking young man said, jogging up to them, "You can't just bring people down here!"

  Daelyn made a rude noise at him, "Two lycans and a magic user, Jocco. They're here to see Samis. Like I'd bring a regular human down here."

  "Oh, I thought maybe you had a hot date or something," Jocco laughed.

  Sean noticed Daelyn winced at that, so stepping forward he grabbed Jocco by the neck and picked him up off the floor.

  "That was rather rude of you," Sean growled as Jocco grabbed at his wrist with both hands and tried to free himself.

  "Oh, yeah," Daelyn chuckled, "my friend here is a lion and a magic user with a bit of an attitude problem. Plus I think he kinda likes me.

  "Put him down, Sean."

  "Do I have to?" Sean grumbled.

  "He's my cousin, so yeah, you kinda have to."

  Sean sighed and opened his hand, dropping Jocco, who landed on his feet and glared angrily at Sean a moment and then stomped off.

  "Come on, let's go see my uncle," Daelyn said shaking her head and led them off down the same corridor Jocco had just gone down.

  Sean took a moment to look around as they went. The walls of the elevator shaft had looked like concrete, same for the walls of the room they'd stepped out into, which had several exits from it. But the hallway they were in now was much of a more 'homey' feeling. The walls were smooth and painted, and there were occasional pictures or designs along it. The lighting was indirect; Sean wasn't quite sure what type of lighting it was.

  At the end of the hallway, they came to another hallway that went off to either side and which had doors spaced randomly along it. Daelyn turned left down that hallway, and after about ten doors she stopped and knocked on it.

  "Come on in, Daelyn." A man's voice called.

  "I guess Jocco got here first," Daelyn sighed.

  Opening the door and leading them in, Sean took in the rather large room with the surprisingly high ceiling. The room was obviously some sort of family room or den, he could see what looked like a kitchen off to one side, and two hallways led away from the back wall. There were several men and women in it as well. The men were all well under six-foot, two of them were barely five-foot tall. But they were all strongly built, and with the exception of Jocco and one other, they all had beards, though they were keep short and rather neat.

  The women in the room were all, simply put, gorgeous. They all had their hair worn long, as Daelyn did, and while some of them were a bit heavier built that Daelyn, it didn't subtract from their beauty one bit. Sean also noticed that none of them were as tall as Daelyn was. They weren't even close.

  "So, what's this I hear about you strangling my son?" The man standing next to Jocco said. Sean stopped and leaning forward a little he stared at the man, his hair was a little shorter now, and Sean could definitely see a lot more gray at the temples and even a few strands of it in his beard.

  "Samis?" Sean said.

  "Yeah, that's me. Now just what were you doing
to my boy here?"

  "Wow," Sean said, "you still look the same! I can't believe it! I had no idea you were a dwarf! Dad never told me!"

  Samis rolled his eyes, "Do I know you, boy?"

  "Sean Valens, my father, back before he was murdered, used to bring me down to see your shop and the trains," Sean smiled and stuck out his hand.

  "You're Ben's kid?" Samis said and squinted at him a moment, "Damn, son, when did you get to be so big?" Stepping up he took Sean's hand and shook it. "Sorry about what happened to your father, he was a good man. Not all stuck up and stuff like most of the casters and enchanters these days."

  "Dad!" Jocco said.

  Samis rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah, my son. What did he do this time?"

  "He insulted Daelyn," Sean grumbled, "I mean cousin or no, you don't go insulting people in front of guests, especially not me," Sean blushed a little as he said that.

  "Sampson bit him," Roxy piped up.

  "Who's Sampson?" Daelyn said.

  "Why'd he do a thing like that?" Samis asked.

  "It's a long story," Sean gave a little sigh, "but I'd be more than happy to tell it to you."

  "Dad!" Jocco grumbled.

  Samis turned to his son, "Jocco, I've warned you before to mind your tongue in front of strangers. Lions, especially young ones, can be a bit touchy if you go insulting the women they're with. Now go bring up a keg for our guests, and make sure you grab the good stuff."

  Samis turned back to Sean then, "He's still learning, now, would you mind introducing me to your friends?"

  Sean introduced Roxy and Jolene, and Samis then introduced his wife, Sarah, his other son, his three daughters, the husbands of two of them and the fiancé of the third, and his two friends Robert and Wilhelm.

  They were then shown to some rather nice seats as Jocco carried a good-sized metal keg into the kitchen, and Sarah and her three daughters went into the kitchen as well, and returned a minute later with filled mugs and started serving everyone.

  "Well, now that we have something to drink, why don't you tell me your story, Sean?"

  Sean nodded, "How much do you know about my father's murder, if you don't mind my asking?"

  "I knew his death was suspicious, but beyond that, very little. Your father had made some very powerful enemies, and I don't think he even realized it, until it was too late."

  Sean took a drink of his beer, eyebrows rising at the taste, it was better than anything he'd ever had before.

  "Well, I guess I'll start at the beginning and tell you everything I know," and starting back from the attempted kidnapping on Friday, two weeks ago, Sean told him the story of what he'd been through.

  An hour later, when Sean had finally finished he looked up at Samis, who was sitting there with his head propped up by his left hand, his left elbow resting on his left knee, obviously deep in thought.

  After a minute he nodded slowly, "A lot's been going on, but it's late, very late. I got a guest room in the back you can all sleep in. In the morning we can talk about this some more. Until then, feel free to enjoy my hospitality." Samis turned to Daelyn who was looking rather tired. Jolene had already fallen asleep, even Roxy looked tired.

  "Dae, show them the guest room, and help them get settled in."

  Standing up and stretching, Dae nodded, "Yes, Uncle."

  "And for the love of stone and earth, put on some nice clothes when you come back in the morning, understand me?"

  Daelyn blushed and nodded, "Yes, Uncle."

  Yawning, Sean stood up and stretched, "Thank you, Samis, very much. I'm in your debt."

  "Think nothing of it, Sean. Your father was one of the few humans and the only caster I ever called friend."

  Sean nodded and bending over he picked up Jolene and carrying her, still sleeping form, he followed Roxy and Daelyn down one of the halls to a rather nice room with a very large bed, and its own bathroom and shower.

  Setting Jolene down on the bed, Sean went over and bending slightly he pulled a rather surprised Daelyn into a hug.

  "What's that for?" she protested, squirming and pushing back at him.

  "For saving our lives," Sean smiled, "and I wanted to get an idea of just what you're hiding under those coveralls!"

  Daelyn blushed rather heavily and turning left the room after Sean let go of her, closing the door behind her.

  "Already lining up another one?" Roxy snickered.

  Sean felt his face flush in embarrassment, "I can't help it. My lion's already in love with her."

  "Uh-huh," Roxy teased and started to strip her clothes off, "and you're not?"

  "I don't know," Sean said a little exasperated, "yeah she's hot, and tough, and as crazy as the rest of us. But a third wife?" Sean threw his hands up in the air, "Two weeks ago I was a virgin, now I have two incredibly wonderful and beautiful mates and yet I'm looking at lining up a third? How does this even happen?"

  Roxy came over to him and started helping him undress.

  "It's a lion thing," she giggled and kissed him on the mouth, and then slowly started to work her way down his neck, and then his chest, as she undid his belt.

  "And you're okay with it?" Sean asked, watching as she pulled his pants down and started to rub her face against his already stiff tool.

  "I knew what I was getting into when I brought you back to my room, Hon," Roxy said and then ran her tongue up his length, making his whole body shiver.

  "And now, that you're in it?" Sean gasped, and reaching down he put his hands on her head, steadying him.

  "I love you, Sean. I'm not human, neither are you anymore. Accept it. It's just the way lions are and everyone knows it."

  "Everyone?" Sean blinked.

  "Including Daelyn, and her uncle," Roxy laughed softly and took him into her mouth, and Sean decided that any further conversation could wait until morning.

  "A moment, Dae," Samis said, following his niece out into the hallway.

  "What?" Daelyn said stopping and looking up at him.

  "I want you to dress up tomorrow, put on your finest dress, unbraid your hair; I want you to be beautiful, to show off the looks that you inherited from your mother, my sister."

  Daelyn scowled at her uncle, "And why would I do that?"

  "You'll do it because I asked you to, that's why," Samis said looking down at her, and then sighed, "Dae, have I not been like a father to you, since your parents died? Have I not looked out for you at every moment? Have I not been there for you when you needed it? Given you help, advice and guidance as if you were my very own child?"

  Daelyn sighed, "Yes Uncle Samis, I'm sorry, I'll dress up for him tomorrow."

  "Don't just do it for him, Dae, do it for you! Do it for yourself! He's interested in you, can't you see that?"

  "But he's not a dwarf!" Daelyn protested.

  "So? Do you really think that you're going to find a husband still? You're almost twenty-two and not a single man has paid court to you, ever. It has hurt me greatly to see you so ignored, especially when you're so bright and talented and easily as beautiful as my sister was."

  Daelyn felt her eyes start to water; it hurt to hear her uncle say it, those things that had been whispered behind her back for so many years now. Turning away from him, she hid her face.

  Samis grabbed his niece and turned her back to face him, "He comes from a family that has been friends with ours for generations. He has the power of magic and it is strong inside him, and he is a lion. He has already taken two mates of great power, and now his eye has fallen on you.

  "Don't spurn him, Daelyn, don't turn him down out of hand. Lions are picky when it comes to those that they court, trust me that his attentions to you will not go unnoticed. Others will start to wonder what they have missed."

  "So, you're saying I should just lead him on, so that others will change their minds about me?"

  "No, I'm saying that you should give him a chance to be your man. No one will look down on you if you join his pride, and become his woman. Lions are respected, y
ou know that."

  "And he'll beat up anyone who disrespects me," Daelyn said with a sniffle.

  "What man won't for the woman he loves?" Samis agreed, "But the point I'm trying to make is don't turn him down because he's not a dwarf, don't be afraid that letting him court you will make your life worse.

  "And most importantly, don't be afraid to say yes if this is the male that will make you happy. Besides," Samis grinned, "he needs you. Really, I'd of thought that'd be obvious even to you!"

  Daelyn laughed and wiped her eyes. "Yeah, you're right about that! He's still so clueless on so many things! I can see that Roxy and Jo are trying, but they definitely need help."

  She hugged her uncle then, "Thank you, Uncle Samis. You're right as always."

  Samis smiled and hugged his niece back, and then watched as she headed back to her home, she'd inherited her family's abode when her parents had died in an unfortunate accident so many years ago. Her only brother had found a wife and a job in another community, so she lived alone now. While her skill with machines, as well as that hammer of hers, were quite admired by all, her height still kept the suitors at bay.

  Daelyn thought about what her uncle had said. When Sean had put Jocco in his place for insulting her, a nice warm feeling had gone through her, no man had ever done that for her before.

  And then that hug! That boy had some serious muscle on him! And honestly? The idea of a man who was way bigger than her? Stronger than her? Oh yeah, she liked that idea alright, because until tonight she'd never met the man who was.

  Happy Birthday

  Two things quickly registered on Sean's mind, when he finally stumbled out of the room in the morning, still somewhat tired. After Roxy had finished with him last night, Jolene had woken up and started in.

  The first was that they were having a birthday party for him.

  The second was that with her hair undone and wearing a nice dress, Daelyn had a body that any man would kill for.

  He just stood there, staring at her. There was definitely something to be said about short girls.


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