Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4)
Page 28
He placed Cayenne on the bed and started packing up his equipment. After a quick shower, he threw off the duvet and settled into the king-size bed. Cayenne climbed onto his chest and began purring happily as she kneaded his hairy chest with her paws before settling down for the night.
“At least one of us is happy,” he said, chuckling to himself.
Brad set his alarm for 5:30, determined to leave at the break of dawn. The sooner he was away from this place, the sooner he could get on with his new life. He used the room’s voice command to shut off the lights, and covered himself and Cayenne with a light sheet.
He was almost asleep when he heard a light knock on the door. It was so faint that he ignored it at first, thinking it was only his imagination. The second time it started up, however, he bolted out of bed. He took a look through the peephole, and a wide smile spread across his face when he saw a gorgeous crown of red hair on the other side.
“Just a moment,” he called out, running to the bathroom to grab the silk robe set out for guests. He rushed to open the double doors to see her tear-stained face.
“What’s wrong, Shey?” he asked, quickly ushering her inside.
He guided her to the couch and waited for her answer. Shey smiled up at him, but her doe-like eyes filled with tears again. “I don’t want to miss this chance to spend the night with you. I drove all the way home before I knew I had to turn around and come back.” Her bottom lip trembled when she confessed, “The fact is, Brad, I would rather have one night with you than spend the rest of my life regretting that I walked away.”
“I don’t want to hurt y—”
She put her finger to his lips. “I know it can’t work between us. But we have this night, and I desperately want to make love with you. I’ve never wanted anything or anyone as much.” She lightly caressed his jawline. “I long to know the love of a good man. It will bring me solace in the days ahead, not pain. I understand what tonight is—we’re simply two ships passing in the night. You would never hurt me, just as I would never hurt you.”
He leaned down and claimed her lips, thinking to himself, But you already have…
Brad had known the moment he opened the door that his heart was lost. When he’d invited her into the room, he’d accepted the pain that was soon to follow. It was worth having this rare moment now.
“I’ll hold nothing back, Shey,” he warned.
She leaned in to kiss him. “I wouldn’t want you to.” Shey paused for a moment before taking his face in both hands and gazing deep into his eyes. “I want all of you, Master Brad Anderson.”
He groaned lustfully, his emotions threatening to overwhelm him even as his cock grew rigid in response to her invitation. “You may live to regret those words, darlin’.”
“How so?” she asked breathlessly as he swept her off her feet.
“I’m about to show you,” he growled as he laid her down on the bed and his hand began inching up the material of her dress. Brad nibbled on her neck as his fingers leisurely made their way up her thigh.
A woman—especially one as inexperienced as Shey appeared to be—needed to be gradually prepared to take his girth. It was possible she might run out the door once she saw his shaft in all its intimidating glory.
But Shey was no shrinking violet. As he began to undress her, she undressed him, untying his robe and going straight for his briefs.
He put his hand on her tiny wrist. “Don’t you want to savor this time together?”
“Of course, and I will, but you are a present I’ve been longing to unwrap.”
Brad smirked as he let go and laid his head back on the pillow, allowing Shey to continue. She lowered the elastic band to expose the head of his shaft. “Oh…that is impressive.” She teased herself by slowly baring the rest of his cock one centimeter at a time, her eyes growing bigger the lower she went. When she finally reached the base of his shaft, she let out a small gasp. “It’s even bigger than I imagined.”
“Ready to bolt?” he asked, only half joking.
Shey smiled hungrily. “Oh no, you’ve only made me more certain I made the right choice coming back tonight.”
Yet again, she’d managed to surprise him.
“I must admit, I’m curious how all of that is going to fit inside of little ol’ me.”
“Let me show you…” he said, taking over. His mouth returned to her throat as he caressed her thighs. He pushed the material of her dress above her waist to reveal her enticing thong.
“I’ve resisted that bow all night,” he told her, taking one end of the tie and tugging on it lightly. The satin material gave easily and fell away, revealing her red mound to him. He placed his hand on it reverently. “Miss Allen, that is one lovely pussy you have there.”
Shey blushed, trying to hide her pleased smile.
He brushed his hand over her pubic hair and was gratified when she raised her hips slightly, indicating that she wanted to be touched.
“I’m going to romance your fine pussy before I fill you with my cock,” he whispered intimately.
Shey closed her eyes as he began caressing her body, making her anticipate the next light touch. He took his time, intent on two things: getting her wet and relaxed enough to take his cock, and—even more important—seducing her heart.
Through his careful ministrations, Shey was soon slick with need, squirming and moaning in passionate desire. That’s when he started whispering in her ear, sharing the little things he’d noticed about her during the evening, those aspects of her personality that made her unique and utterly irresistible to him.
At one point he noticed she was crying. “What is it?”
Shey looked into his eyes, her voice choked with emotion. “No one has ever said such kind things to me before.”
“I’m not one to flatter, Shey. I only speak the truth.” He sealed his assertion with a kiss.
“I want you, Brad… I need to feel you inside me.”
Her words affected his heart as well as his body. With slow, purposeful movements, he stood up, shrugged off the robe, and removed his briefs, wanting Shey to see his naked body before he claimed her. Instead of her gaze drifting down to his chest or rock-hard shaft, though, her eyes remained transfixed on his.
It was a first for him, and made him desire her that much more. It appeared this was to be a melding of spirits, not just the physical connection of a man and a woman sleeping together for the first time.
Brad returned to the bed and finished undressing her, taking his time even though he longed to bury his cock inside her.
Anticipation is everything.
He positioned himself between her legs and pressed the head of his cock against her wet opening. Brad remained still, wanting to prolong the moment before penetration.
“Don’t be afraid,” she told him.
That amused Brad. “I’m savoring the moment, darlin’. This man likes to take his time when he makes love to a woman.”
She smiled up at him, her eyes radiant with passion and tenderness.
He slowly pushed his cock into her, their eyes locked on each other. He took Shey a little at a time, reveling in the tight embrace of her body.
She received him, never once flinching or crying out as he penetrated her with his large shaft. When the base of his cock finally pressed against her coppery pubic hair, he groaned deeply.
“There is nothing more beautiful,” he confessed, gazing down on the point where their bodies met.
Shey lifted her head to look. “Oh my God, that’s sexy.”
“You’ve taken my shaft, Shey, but you said you wanted all of me.”
She nodded eagerly, laying her head back on the pillow. “Give it to me.”
He pushed the head of his cock even farther inside her, causing Shey to moan. He looked down, seeing the slight bulge of her stomach caused by his deep penetration. It excited him knowing her body had taken his fullness, but he wanted more. “Do you feel how
deep I am?”
“Yes…I’m aware of nothing else.”
“Being a Dominant causes many men to forget how to make love to a woman—I am not one of those men.” He leaned down and kissed her as he started thrusting.
Shey stiffened for a moment, but her body soon relaxed as he began playing with her breasts while stroking her with his cock. The gentle manipulation of his hands and mouth incited a primal response within her, preparing her body to receive what was coming.
When he felt she was ready, he gave her his full thrust. She cried out, and then smiled to herself, apparently liking the challenge of his shaft. “Again,” she begged.
But Brad’s intent was not simply to fuck her well. “Look at me, Shey.”
She gazed up at him with those magnetic blue eyes as he began to make slow, beautiful love to her body. She’d wanted all of him, so he gave her more than his cock, more than his skill as a Dom—that night, he gave Shey his heart.
Lying in his arms afterward, Shey sighed in contentment. “This was the best night of my life.”
“No regrets?” he asked as he kissed her.
“No, it was everything I hoped for.”
“And tomorrow?”
She looked up at him. “Tomorrow and every day I will look back on tonight and know that I was loved.”
He held her tighter. “A life without regret is a precious thing.”
She leisurely glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “It’s five in the morning…”
“Time to make the donuts.”
She giggled, cuddling closer. “Will you be heading out soon?”
Shey gave him a series of kisses across his chest. “These are for good luck,” she murmured playfully.
“Much appreciated, darlin’.”
Looking at the clock again, she finally slipped out of bed. “I need to make a quick trip home. It doesn’t look good to come into work all disheveled and smelling like good sex.”
“Best perfume I know.”
She laughed. “While I may agree, my manager won’t.” Moving quickly, she got dressed but seemed reluctant to leave.
Brad got out of bed and walked over to her, understanding her hesitance. He leaned down and scooped up his hat, placing it squarely on her head. “Why don’t you keep this?”
“It’s yours,” she protested.
She touched the brim of the hat tenderly. “I will cherish it, Brad.”
Shey paused for a moment, and then wiggled out of her thong, handing it to him. “An even exchange.”
He took her offering and brought it to up to his lips, kissing the material while looking into her eyes. “Thank you.”
The time had come to say their final good-byes, so he put his hand on the small of her back as he guided her to the door. “I have just one piece of advice before you go—you can take it or leave it.”
She turned to face him. “Please, I’m all ears.”
“Why don’t you talk to your parents? I have a feeling they would prefer to see their daughter happy—wherever that might take you.”
Shey was about to protest, but then thought better of it. “I will take that under consideration.”
“Any advice for me?” he asked with a disarming grin.
“Don’t change, Brad. Not for anyone.”
He closed his eyes for a moment, the pain and embarrassment of his breakup with Amy pricking at his conscience.
Shey looked as if she had more to say but was reluctant to voice it.
“Go on.”
“Maybe your attraction to Amy was misplaced. It’s possible you mistook her for the woman you were really meant to spend your life with.”
“It’s possible…”
“Not that I’m suggesting it’s me or anything,” she quickly amended. “We’ve already discussed that. I… I just don’t think you should regret that breakup. I feel certain you were destined for someone else.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Good,” she said with a curt nod. “Well, this is it, then.”
“This is it,” he agreed, leaning in for a kiss.
She lifted her head, gazing into his eyes as their lips touched.
God, he didn’t want to let her go… “If you ever make it to LA, you should look me up,” he said, scribbling down his new home address and handing it to her before he opened the door.
Shey only smiled, trying desperately not to cry.
“One more kiss,” he insisted, wanting to taste those lips one last time. She melted in his arms, needing the connection as much as he did.
Damn, I can taste the next fifty years of my life on those lips.
Brad nodded as she turned to leave, keeping his smile intact as he watched Shey walk out the door and out of his life…
Moving On
Brad pulled away from Vegas in his black Chevy, forcing himself not to look back in the rearview mirror. No reason to dwell on Shey. It had been a spectacular one-night encounter—which was all it was ever meant to be.
Cayenne was sitting in the passenger seat ready to go. Brad reached over and scratched the top of her head. “You ready for the craziness of Cali, little lady?”
She tilted her head sideways to guide his fingers under her chin, purring loudly for him.
Brad chuckled upon hearing her audible joy, but was forced to put both hands on the wheel to avoid a dead tabby cat in the road.
“Damn…not everyone is lucky in this life,” he murmured, staring intently at the endless desert road in front of him. “I guess all we can do is keep moving forward and appreciate what we have.” He scratched her head again, smiling down at the kitten.
Cayenne moved over to him and settled in his lap. He appreciated her companionship and mentally thanked Brie again for gifting the kitten to him. He wondered how the newlyweds were doing.
He’d seen a few honeymoon pictures floating around the internet, but hadn’t heard from either Thane or Brie personally since Italy. It would be good to reconnect with them, once he had the Training Center running the way he envisioned and his new house in order.
Ah, The Submissive Training Center…
Who would have guessed he’d be the one to take over the headmaster position for the illustrious school? When he hadn’t been given the job the night Thane stepped down, he’d assumed the opportunity was lost to him forever—which was why he’d returned to Colorado and built The Denver Academy.
But fate was a wily mistress, leaving him responsible for two Training Centers: one as headmaster and the other as CEO.
Really, when he looked back on his life, he’d done pretty damn well for himself.
Brad looked down and sighed heavily as he petted Cayenne’s tiny frame.
Why isn’t it enough?
He shook his head, disgusted with himself. He had no reason to complain. Life had been more than fair—good friends, financial success, a huge cock, and an unlimited number of women to play with. Wasn’t that every man’s fantasy?
“Don’t let me wallow in self-pity, Cayenne. If you find me leaning that way, just bite me. I’ll take the hint.”
She looked up at him and meowed, apparently agreeing to his request.
Brad set his mind on the few changes he wanted to make at The Center. It was important not to mess too much with a system that was currently working, but still…it needed a little tweaking to help it thrive in an ever-changing world.
“Hell, I was made for this job,” he said proudly. His business background, along with his recent experience creating a replica of the school in Denver, made him the ideal candidate—especially since he personally knew the staff and got along well with them.
I’m just following my destiny…
Fate seemed to be laughing at him when the traffic came to a standstill just as he was entering LA’s city border. Rather than brood about it, and not a man to waste time, Brad used the irrit
ation as an opportunity to call Marquis Gray with his truck’s hands-free system.
After several rings, the trainer picked up and immediately asked, “Master Anderson, how may I assist you?”
“I need to run a few ideas by you concerning the Training Center and wondered if you were up for a visit tonight.”
“Are you already settled in LA?”
He snorted. “No, I’m currently sitting in a traffic jam, but figured I should hit the ground running with the next session starting next week. Any chance we can meet tonight to discuss things?”
“I admire your work ethic, and will let Celestia know to expect you for dinner. We’ll start off with a home-cooked meal before we begin.”
“No reason to go to any trouble.”
“Nonsense,” Marquis insisted. “It’s the least we can do to welcome the new Headmaster.”
Brad hung up, suddenly curious if Marquis had been unhappy at not being chosen for the position himself. Making a mental note, he decided to ask the man at dinner.
Best to know now where Marquis stood on the matter.
Brad sighed in relief when he finally pulled up to his new place just as the sun was setting. It was not a looker compared to his Denver home—not by a long shot. The 1960s structure had been well maintained, but definitely had that distinctive architecture people either loved or hated. As far as he was concerned, Brad rather liked it.
The deciding factor had been its proximity to The Center. Now that he was in charge of the school, he wanted to be right in the mix of things. He’d grown to like the convenience in Denver, and wasn’t willing to sacrifice that kind of control now that he was living in LA.
Baron had actually been the one to find the home and called to caution him before Brad made the final purchase. “Just a reminder, it’s a diverse neighborhood.”
“I prefer diversity, keeps things interesting.”
“Then you should like it well enough. The neighborhood is older, and is known for its wide range of ethnic joints, some of the best in LA actually. You’ll never tire of the cuisine, I guarantee it.”
“Then I’ll have to eat out more often.”
“Let me know once you’re settled. I’d be happy to take you around and introduce you to my friends who live in the area.”