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A Bride for the Island Prince

Page 8

by Winters, Rebecca

  Alex’s compelling mouth closed over Dottie’s with a hunger that set her knees knocking. She’d sensed this moment was inevitable. Since her arrival in Hellenica, they’d been together early in the morning, late at night and most of the hours in between. He possessed a lethal sensuality for which she had no immunity.

  Knowing he had no plans to marry Princess Genevieve, Dottie settled deeper into his arms and found herself giving him kiss for kiss. It was time she faced an ironic truth about herself. She wasn’t any different than the rest of the female population who found the prince so attractive, they’d give anything to be in her position.

  Royal scandal might abound, but she’d just discovered there was a reason for it. Forbidden fruit with this gorgeous male made these moments of physical intimacy exquisite. When a man was as incredibly potent and exciting as Alex, you could blot out everything else, even the fact that the driver ferrying them back to the palace was aware of every sound of ecstasy pouring out of her.

  She finally put her hands against his chest and tore her mouth from his so she could ease back enough to look at him. Still trying to catch her breath, she asked, “Do you know what we are, Your Highness?” Her voice sounded less than steady to her own ears. She hated her inability to control that part of her.

  “Suppose you tell me,” he said in a husky voice.

  “We’re both a cliché. The prince and the hired help, nipping out for a little pleasure. I’ve just confirmed everything I’ve ever read in books and have seen on the news about palace intrigue.”

  “Who are you more angry at?” he murmured, kissing the tips of her fingers. “Me, for having taken unfair advantage? Or you, for having the right of refusal at any time which you didn’t exercise? I’m asking myself if I’m fighting your righteous indignation that served you too late, or the ghost of your dead husband.”

  She squirmed because he’d hit the mark dead center. “Both,” she answered honestly.

  “Tell me about your husband. Was it love at first sight with him?”

  “I don’t know. It just seemed right from the beginning.”

  “Give me a few details. I really want to know what it would be like to have that kind of freedom.”

  Dottie stirred restlessly, sensing he meant what he said. “We met in Albany, New York, where I was raised. I went to the local pharmacy to pick up a prescription for my aunt. Neil had just been hired as a new pharmacist. It was late and there weren’t any other customers.

  “He told me it would take a while to get it ready, so we began talking. The next day he phoned and asked me out with the excuse that he’d just moved there from New York City and didn’t know anyone. He was fun and kind and very smart.

  “On our first date we went to a movie. After it was over, he told me he was going to marry me and there was nothing I could do about it. Four months later we got married and before we knew it, Cory was on the way. I was incredibly happy.”

  Alex’s arm tightened around her. “I envy you for having those kinds of memories.”

  “Surely you have some wonderful ones, too.”

  A troubled sigh escaped his lips. “To quote you on several occasions, even if I am a prince, the one thing I’ve never had power over was my own personal happiness. Duty to my country came first. My marriage to Teresa was planned years before we got together, so any relationships I had before the wedding couldn’t be taken seriously.

  “She was beautiful in her own way, very accomplished. Sweet. But it was never an affair of the heart or anything close to it. On his deathbed, my father commanded me to marry her. I couldn’t tell him I wouldn’t.”

  Dottie shuddered. “Did you love him?”


  “I can’t comprehend being in your shoes, but I admire you for being so devoted to your father and your country. Did Teresa love you?”

  He took a steadying breath. “Before she died, she told me she’d fallen in love with me. I told her the same thing, not wanting to hurt her. She told me I was a liar, but she said she loved me for it.”

  “Oh, Alex c How hard for both of you.”

  “I wanted to fall in love with her, but we both know you can’t force something that’s not there. Zoe was my one gift from the gods who brood over Mount Pelos.”

  Her gaze lifted to his. “Not to be in love and have to marry—that’s anathema to me. No wonder you seek relief in the shadows with someone handy like me. I get it, Alex. I really do. And you didn’t take unfair advantage of me. It’s been so long since I’ve been around an attractive man, my hormones are out of kilter right now.”

  “Is that what this tension is between us? Hormones?” he said with a twinge of bitterness she felt pierce her where it hurt most.

  “I don’t have a better word for it.” She buried her face in her hands. “I loved Neil more than you can imagine. Thank heaven neither of us had a royal bone in our bodies to prevent us from knowing joy.”

  He stroked the back of her neck in a way that sent fingers of delight down her spine. “How did you manage after they were killed?”

  “My aunt. She reminded me not everyone had been as lucky as I’d been. Her boyfriend got killed when he was deployed overseas in the military, so she never married. In her inimitable way she told me to stop pitying myself and get on with something useful.

  “Her advice prompted me to go to graduate school in New York City and become a speech therapist. After graduation I was hired on by the Stillman Institute. Little did I know that all the time I’d been helping Cory with his speech that last year, I was preparing for a lifetime career.”

  “Is your aunt still alive?”

  “No. She died fourteen months ago.”

  “I’m sorry. I wish she were still living so I could thank her for her inspired advice. My Zoe is thriving because of you.” He pulled her closer. “What about your parents?”

  “They died in a car crash when I was just a little girl.”

  “It saddens me you’ve had to deal with so much grief.”

  “It comes to us all. In my aunt’s case, it was good she passed away. With her chronic pneumonia, she could never recover and every illness made her worse.”

  “My mother was like that. She had been so ill that Stasi and I were thankful once she took her last breath.”

  “What about your father?”

  “He developed an aggressive cancer of the thyroid. After he was gone, my grandmother took over to make sure we were raised according to her exacting Valleder standards. She was the power behind my grandfather’s throne.”

  “She’s done a wonderful job. I’ll tell her that when I leave Hellenica.” Dottie took a deep breath and sat back in the seat. “And now, despite her disapproval that I haven’t left yet, here I am making out in an unmarked car with Prince Alexius Constantinides. How could you have given Zoe such an impossible last name? Nine consonants. Nine! And two of them are T‘s,” she half sobbed as the dam broke and she felt tears on her cheeks.

  Alex reached over and smoothed the moisture from her face. He put his lips where his hand had been. “I’m glad there are nine. I won’t let you go until she can pronounce our last name perfectly. That’s going to take a long time.”

  “You’ll have gone through at least half a dozen speech therapists by then.”

  “Possibly, but you’ll be there in the background until she no longer needs your services.”

  “We’ve been over this ground before.”

  “We haven’t even started,” he declared as if announcing an edict. “Shall we get out of the car? We’ve been back at the palace for the past ten minutes. My driver probably wants to go to bed, which is where we should be.”

  She didn’t think he meant that the way it came out, but with Alex you couldn’t be absolutely sure when his teasing side would suddenly show up. All she knew was that her face was suffused with heat. She flung the car door open and ran into the palace, leaving him in the proverbial royal dust.

nbsp; The death of her husband had put an end to all fairy tales, and that was the only place a prince could stay. She refused to be in the background of his life. It was time to close the storybook for good.


  AT ELEVEN-FORTY-FIVE the next morning, Alex did something unprecedented and drove to the preschool to pick up Zoe and Dottie himself. He’d decided he’d better wear something more formal for this public visit and chose his dove-grey suit with a white shirt and grey vest. He toned it with a darker grey tie that bore the royal crest of the monarchy in silver, wanting to look his best for the woman who’d already turned his world inside out.

  The directress of the school accompanied him to the classroom, where he spotted his daughter sitting in front and Dottie seated in the back. As the woman announced the arrival of Prince Alexius Constantinides, Dottie’s blue eyes widened in shock. Her gaze clung to his for a moment.

  He heard a collective sound of awe from the children, something he was used to in his capacity as prince. Children were always a delight. He was enjoying this immensely, but it was clear Dottie was stunned that he’d decided to come and get them. He knew in his gut her eyes wouldn’t have ignited like that if she hadn’t been happy to see him.

  The teacher, Mrs. Pappas, urged the roomful of twelve children to stand and bow. Zoe stood up, but she turned and smiled at Dottie before saying good morning to His Royal Highness along with the others. Alex got a kick out of the whole thing as the children kept looking at Zoe, knowing he was her daddy.

  He’d never seen his daughter this happy in his life, and he should have done this before now. It lit up her whole being. Dottie was transforming his life in whole new ways. Because of her influence, Alex wanted to give his struggling preschooler a needed boost this morning. But she wasn’t so struggling now that she had Dottie in her court.

  He shook hands with everyone, then they returned to the palace. After changing into his swimming trunks, he joined them at the pool for lunch. With Zoe running around, he could finally talk to Dottie in private.

  “How did my daughter do in class?”

  “She participated without hanging back.”

  “That’s because you’ve given her the confidence.”

  “You know it’s been a team effort. While I’ve got you alone for a minute, let me tell you something else that happened this morning.”

  Alex could tell she was excited. “Go ahead.”

  “I arranged to talk with the directress about Zoe and was given permission to visit the other preschool class. One of the boys enrolled is an American from Pennsylvania named Mark Varney. He’s supposed to be in first grade, but his parents put him back in preschool because he has no knowledge of Greek and needs to start with the basics. The situation has made him unhappy and he’s turning into a loner.”

  “And you’ve decided that two negatives could make a positive?”

  “Maybe.” She half laughed. “It’s scary how well you read my mind. Here’s the thing—if you sanctioned it and Mark’s parents allowed him to come back to the palace after school next time, he and Zoe could have some one-on-one time here in the pool, or down on the beach. I’d help them with their lessons, but the rest of the time they could have fun together. A play date is what she needs.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  “Oh, good! The directress says he’s feeling inadequate. If his parents understood the circumstances and explained to him about Zoe’s speech problem, he might be willing to help her and they could become friends in the process. That would help his confidence level, too.”

  Alex heard the appeal in Dottie’s voice. “I’ll ask Hector to handle it and we’ll see how the first play date goes.”

  Light filled her blue eyes, dazzling him. “Thank you for being willing.”

  “That’s rather ironic for you to be thanking me. I’m the one who should be down on my knees to you for thinking of it. She’s a different child already because of you.”

  “You keep saying that, but you don’t give yourself enough credit, Alex. When she saw you walk into the schoolroom earlier today, her heart was in her eyes. I wish I’d had a camera on me so I could have taken a picture. Every father should have a daughter who loves him that much. The extra time you’ve spent with her lately is paying huge dividends. I know it’s taking time away from your duties, but if you can keep it up, you’ll never regret it.”

  He rubbed his lower lip with the pad of his thumb, staring at her through shuttered eyes. “That’s why I sent for Stasi to come home. With you showing me the way, I’m well aware Zoe needs me and am doing everything in my power to free myself up.”

  “I know.” She suddenly broke away from his gaze to look at Zoe. “She’s waiting for us. Today we’ll work on the letter C. Her preschool teacher brought her own cat to class. The children learned how to take care of one. Zoe got to pet it and couldn’t have been more thrilled.”

  Dottie had inexplicably changed the subject and was talking faster than usual, a sign that something was going on inside her, making her uncomfortable. When she got up from the chair, he followed her over to the edge of the pool and listened as she engaged his daughter in a conversation that was really a teaching moment. She had a remarkable, unique way of communicating. Zoe ate it up. Why wouldn’t she? There was no one else like Dottie.

  Dottie was more than a speech therapist for his daughter. She was her advocate. Her selfless efforts to help Zoe lead a normal life couldn’t be repaid with gifts or perks or money she’d already refused to accept. The woman wanted his daughter to succeed for the purest of reasons. She wanted it for a stranger’s child, too. That made Dottie Richards a person of interest to him in ways that went deep beneath the surface.

  Alex took off his sandals and dove into the deep end. After doing some underwater laps, he emerged next to his daughter, causing her to shriek with laughter. The day had been idyllic and it wasn’t over.

  As he did more laps, his thoughts drifted to his conversation with Dottie last night. When he’d turned eighteen, his family had arranged the betrothal to Princess Teresa. However, until he’d been ready to commit to marriage, he’d known pleasure and desire with various women over the years. Those women had understood nothing long lasting could come of the relationship. No one woman’s memory had lingered long in his mind. Forget his heart.

  When Zoe came along, their daughter gave them both something new and wonderful to focus on. With Teresa’s passing, Zoe had become the joy of his life. There’d been other women in the past two years, but the part of his psyche that had never been touched was still a void.

  Enter Dottie Richards, a woman who’d buried a son and husband. He could still hear her saying she’d lost the great loves of her life. She’d experienced the kind of overwhelming love denied him because of his royal roots. He really envied her the freedom to choose the man who’d satisfied her passion at its deepest level and had given her a child.

  Though it was an unworthy sentiment, Alex found himself resenting her husband for that same freedom. If Alex had been a commoner and had met her in his early twenties—before she’d met her husband—would she have been as attracted to him as he was to her? Would they have married?

  She wasn’t indifferent to Alex. The way she’d kissed him back last night convinced him of her strong attraction to him. He’d also sensed her interest at odd times when he noticed her eyes on him. The way she sometimes breathed faster around him for no apparent reason. But he had no way to gauge the true depth of her emotions until he could get her alone again.

  As for his feelings, all he knew was that she’d lit a fire inside him. In two weeks, even without physical intimacy, Dottie affected him more than Teresa had ever done during the three years of their marriage.

  For the first time in his life he was suddenly waking up every morning hardly able to breathe until he saw her. For the only time in his existence he was questioning everything about the royal legacy that made him who he was and
dictated his destiny.

  His jealousy terrified him. He’d seen his brother’s interest in her. Stasi’s arranged marriage would be happening on his thirty-fifth birthday, in less than three weeks now. Until then it didn’t stop him from enjoying and looking at other women. But it had angered Alex, who felt territorial when it came to Dottie. That’s why he hadn’t let Stasi dance with her. Alex had no right to feel this way, but the situation had gone way beyond rights.

  Alex wanted his daughter’s speech therapist. But as he’d already learned, a command from him meant nothing to her. A way had to be found so she wouldn’t leave, but he had to be careful that he didn’t frighten her off.

  He swam back to Zoe, who hung on to the edge of the pool, practicing the hard C sound with Dottie. Without looking him in the eye, Dottie said, “Here’s your daddy. Now that your lesson is over, I have to go inside. Zoe, I need to tell you now that I won’t be able come to your bedroom to say good-night later. I have plans I can’t break, but I’ll see you in the morning.” She finally glanced at him. “Your Highness.”

  Alex had no doubts that if she’d dared and if it wouldn’t have alarmed Zoe, Dottie would have run away from him as fast as she could. Fortunately one of the positive benefits of being the prince meant he could keep twenty-four-hour surveillance on her.

  After she’d left the sun deck, he spent another half hour in the pool with his daughter before they went inside. But once in her room, Zoe told Sofia to go away. When Alex tried to reason with her and get her to apologize, she broke down in tears, begging him to eat dinner with her in her room. She didn’t want to be with Yiayia.

  Dottie’s announcement that she wouldn’t be coming in to say good-night had sent the sun behind a black cloud. Naturally Dottie had every right to spend her evenings the way she wished. That’s what he told Zoe. He had to help his daughter see that, but the idyllic day had suddenly vanished like a curl of smoke in the air.

  “Make her come, Daddy.”

  A harsh laugh escaped his lips. You didn’t make Dottie do anything. He didn’t have that kind of power. She had to do it herself because she wanted to.


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