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Waiting for Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 3)

Page 7

by Samantha Britt

  “Don’t be silly,” Sara worked up the courage to offer a small smile. “A nurse in a research hospital? Talk about a dream job. You have to go.”

  Kate returned the grin, finally letting her excitement channel through. “I know, right? I can’t believe I was selected. I’m excited, but also a little nervous.”

  Sara continued to sit in the food court and listen to her sister talk about her plans to move to Houston. Kate revealed she would be starting in a couple weeks, and she planned to make a trip to Houston for apartment hunting that weekend.

  Sara glanced down at her melted frozen yogurt as she processed all the information.

  “Want to come with me?” She asked Sara, with a hopeful gaze.

  “I wish I could, but I have too much going on at the complex.”

  “Can’t Taylor take care of everything?”

  Sara shook her head. While Taylor caught onto daily tasks quickly, Sara knew he was not ready to do everything on his own. For the time being, she would need to stick around and offer assistance.

  Kate pouted, looking younger than her twenty-three years. “I wish you could come.”

  “Me too,” Sara lied.

  Without missing a beat, Kate continued elaborating on her impending plans to move and start her new position. If Kate saw the flicker of pain behind her sister’s eyes, she chose to ignore it.

  After a few more minutes without getting so much as a word in, Sara proposed they head back home. She did not know if she could pretend to be happy for Kate much longer.

  Thankfully, Kate decided to control the music selection on the drive home. The act kept her from talking more about her plans.

  As Kate jammed out to her 90’s playlist, Sara fought for control over her thoughts and emotions.

  Of course she was happy for Kate. Sara loved her sister and wanted her to be happy in her career and life. That being said, Sara knew what this meant for her.

  Uncle Frank still wasn’t completely healed from his accident. Yes, they hired Taylor to help out, but he was far from being able to run the complex alone. While Kate’s help came in inconsistent spurts, Sara knew she could count on her sister in a real emergency. That would change if Kate moved to Houston.

  Sara let out a slow breath, careful to not draw Kate’s attention.

  You will be fine, she told herself. You have gone through worse.

  It wasn’t until hours later sitting alone on one of the complex’s park benches when Sara finally let herself experience her emotions.

  Tears slowly began; their moisture carrying her overwhelming sadness as they rolled down her cheeks.

  Chapter 10

  Ronan fazed into the back of Sara’s apartment complex, squinting as a bright beam of sunlight momentarily blinded him. He was about to take a step forward when he heard sniffling.

  He stilled, straining to listen for the sound.

  Someone sniffled again.

  Cautiously, Ronan took small steps from the corner of the building and looked around.

  There. He saw a petite brunette sitting on a park bench. Her knees were drawn to her chest, and she was crying into her blue jeans.

  Sara? He questioned. Of course it was her. He would know the light brown color of her hair anywhere.

  Feeling the need to check on her, Ronan almost called out to her from his current position but stopped himself. He needed to look as if he came from the parking lot at the front of the complex, not some back field.

  Instantly, Ronan fazed himself to the front and made his way back to the bench. He purposefully took loud steps to alert her to his presence.

  He turned around the corner in time to see her wiping the tears from her eyes. Her face registered surprise. “Ronan?”

  “Sara,” he returned the greeting, continuing to walk towards her. “Is everything alright?”

  “Everything is fine.” She took another swipe across her cheeks.

  He felt a painful squeeze around his heart. “Are you sure? It looks as if you have been crying.”

  “Well that’s because I’ve been crying,” she snapped back. Immediately, her expression showed regret.

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I’m just moody.”

  “No need to apologize,” Ronan assured her. He made himself comfortable on the bench beside her. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “I don’t know,” she whispered. Her eyes lost focus as she stared into the distance, lost in her own thoughts.

  “Talking could help,” Ronan offered. His hands itched to rub away her tear stains, but he forced them to remain at his side.

  Sara hugged her knees, placing her chin on top of them. “It’s nothing.”

  Ronan did not pry. “If you say so, but I hope you know you can tell me anything. My ears are always open.”

  Sara smiled softly. “You’re sweet.”

  She paused to take a deep breath. “It’s nothing really,” she continued on. “Kate just told me some news and I think I’m overreacting.”

  Ronan did not think the assessment matched Sara’s personality. “What news?”

  She cast him a sideways glance before returning her chin to her knees, keeping her eyes forward. “Kate’s been offered a job in Houston. She is taking it.”

  Sympathy coursed through his body. “And you will miss her?”

  Sara tilted her head. “Yeah… I know I will. Though, to be honest, I haven’t even thought that far ahead.”

  “So… what is upsetting you?” Ronan asked with confusion.

  Sara hesitated. “It’s going to seem selfish…”

  “I promise,” Ronan took one of her hands and looked in her eyes. “I will not have any opinion on the matter. I only want to offer you someone to talk to.”

  Sara blinked away tears which formed in response to his sincerity. “Okay,” she took a shaky breath. “I’m feeling overwhelmed.”

  “With what?” He prompted.

  “With… everything. I’ve always been the one to step up and help Uncle Frank when he needs it, but Kate has always been a backup. Now that she’s leaving, I won’t have that fall back plan should Uncle Frank need something and I’m not around.

  “Then there is my job,” Sara continued. Now that she started unloading, she wasn’t stopping. “I don’t have the supplies to fully support the state curriculum, and the school is not giving me funding. I don’t know what to do. I feel like these kids are being shorted and I can’t do anything to stop it.”

  “Have you told Kate how you feel?” Ronan asked, rubbing small circles into the back of Sara’s hand. He craved physical contact for so long, it was nice to finally be able to touch her. He felt Sara shiver in response to the caress.

  “No,” she revealed, “and I won’t.”

  “Why not?”

  Sara lowered her knees and turned her torso towards Ronan. “Because I won’t be able to live with myself if she gives up her dream job just to stay around and help me when I need her. I would feel awful.”

  “More awful than you do now?”

  Sara contemplated his thoughtful question before nodding. “Yes. I would feel more awful than I do now.” Following the revelation, Sara seemed to turn inward as she processed her thoughts.

  After a length of silence, Ronan spoke. “I think you are incredibly kind to not inform your sister how much her decision troubles you. You deserve better treatment than this.”

  Sara shifted in her seat, uneasy with his intense gaze. “It’s… just how I am.”

  “I greatly admire how you are.”

  Sara blushed. Ronan knew admiration shined from his eyes. He wanted her to know how amazing he believed she was. He hadn’t yet found the words to tell her, but he knew how to convey it with his eyes.

  Sara looked down at her hand in his. “Thank you,” she finally managed.

  Ronan’s heart thudded in his chest. He wanted to kiss her. “You are welcome.”

  Silence settled between them. Ronan continued to rub circles into the back of Sara’s h
and, and Sara continued to watch the motion of his fingers.

  “I have an idea,” Ronan murmured, trying not to break the peaceful moment.

  “Hmm?” Sara’s glazed eyes met his.

  “How about we go on another date? Right now?”

  Sara smiled, but it quickly fell. “I can’t. I have to meet with maintenance about some of our units’ plumbing.”

  He was undeterred. “That’s okay. I’ll go with you. We can go out later this evening.”

  “Really?” Sara asked. Her face full of disbelief. He couldn’t blame her. Ronan would not want to accompany anyone else on such a tedious task.

  “You don’t have to,” Sara continued. “It could take a while.”

  Ronan lightly squeezed her palm. “Sara, please do both of us a favor and consider me your ally in all things. You might be losing Kate’s assistance when she leaves, but you’ve gained mine. I’m here for whatever you need.”

  Sara’s expression was a mix of gratitude and doubt. If only she knew how he felt, she would know he meant every word.

  One day, Ronan assured himself. One day, she will know.

  Chapter 11

  “What are you smiling about?”

  Sara looked up from her phone, conscious of the silly grin Ronan’s text caused.

  Ronan recently learned how to use animated pictures in text messages. In response to Sara saying she felt tired, Ronan sent an image showing a kitten falling asleep into a bowl of food. The message and Ronan’s excitement about the message were adorably hilarious.

  “Nothing,” Sara told Taylor, tucking her phone away. “How are the repairs in building four going?”

  Taylor patted himself on the back. “Everything is estimated to be completed this weekend. We will be able to restore water to the building by Saturday.”

  The nagging unease lifted from Sara’s shoulders. Even though the residents were relatively compliant with limited water usage, Sara hated asking them to endure the situation for much longer. She hoped the leaking pipes would be the last repair in building four.

  “Glad to hear it,” Sara glanced at the clock and began packing up her belongings. “I think I’m going to head back to the apartment. Don’t stay here too late. Office hours end at 6 pm on Saturdays.”

  “Aye, Captain.” Taylor gave her a salute, watching as she wound her laptop charger. “Got any big plans this evening?”

  Sara couldn’t help but blush. “I do,” she admitted, sneaking a peak at the large bouquet of roses sitting on the office desk. There was nothing special about that particular November Saturday, but Ronan surprised Sara with the beautiful arrangement around lunch time. The flowers came with a note, requesting dinner together that evening.

  As always, Sara was touched by Ronan’s gesture. Since Kate moved to Houston in the beginning of October, Ronan proved himself invaluable. Not only was Ronan helpful with tasks around the apartment complex, but he was a never-ending source of joy for Sara. He made her laugh when she felt discouraged, lifted her mood when she was in danger of breaking down, and brought butterflies to her stomach with almost every look her direction.

  Sara sighed, allowing another smile to creep across her face. With everything going on in her life, Sara knew it would be more than easy to allow the stress to take over. But with Ronan… she could never feel unhappy or worried.

  “Really?” Taylor questioned, the usual lightheartedness absent from his voice. “Do tell.”

  Sara waved her hand, trying to downplay her reply. “The usual, you know? Dinner. Maybe some coffee afterwards.”

  “Who’s the lucky guy?”

  Sara opened her mouth, but quickly closed her lips, rethinking her response.

  Within a second, she simply stated, “Just a friend.”

  Sara promptly waved goodbye and escaped the office, not wanting to give Taylor more time for questions.

  As she walked back to her apartment, she mentally chastised herself. Sara almost said my boyfriend when Taylor asked who her date was.

  It might seem silly, but Sara did not want to make that claim of Ronan. Not because she wouldn’t be happy with that title, but because she and Ronan had not discussed it yet.

  Honestly, sometimes it felt strange how comfortable Sara and Ronan were with each other. Sara didn’t feel a need to put a label on their relationship. Kate, however, disagreed with her older sister.

  “What do you mean? Either you are dating or you aren’t.”

  Sara rolled her eyes, hating herself for falling into her younger sister’s well-designed trap. She should have known Kate’s probing questions were part of an agenda. “We are dating.” Sara stated.

  “Exclusively?” Kate questioned over Houston’s background noise. “You two are together constantly. He should have officially asked you to be off the market.”

  Sara laughed, amused by her sister’s ridiculous statement. “I’m not exactly a hot commodity or anything. It’s not like Ronan has any competition.”

  “Stop it,” Kate replied, annoyed with her sister’s self-deprecation. “You are a catch, and Ronan obviously sees it. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be dating you.”

  “I know he does.” Sara might have questioned it in the beginning, but there was no way she could deny Ronan actually had feelings for her. There were times when he would look at her like she was the most amazing woman he had ever seen. Those moments nearly robbed Sara of breath.

  “I know it might seem like I’m being an immature adolescent,” Kate admitted. “But I think it is weird how neither of you will take the step forward with what you two have going on.”

  “Everything is great between us,” Sara pointed out. “I don’t feel the need to make a big deal about what our title is. I’ve never been happier.”

  “If you say so…” Kate trailed off before moving on to different topics.

  Sara unlocked her apartment and quickly turned on the heat. Her Texas blood wasn’t used to the cool fall weather which visited them early this year.

  As she moved towards her bedroom, Sara couldn’t help but continue thinking about what her sister said during their phone conversation.

  As far as Sara was concerned, she viewed Ronan as a boyfriend. In her mind, they were exclusive. No one could even come close to meaning anything to her, not while Ronan was in her life.

  She was pretty sure Ronan felt the same way…

  What’s wrong with confirming we are on the same page? Sara questioned. Her feelings for Ronan were growing stronger. It might be nice to have verbal confirmation he felt the same way.

  Sara resolved to bring up the topic at dinner. Feeling brave, Sara decided to dress up a bit. She wanted to make Ronan more than eager to put a label on them.


  Ronan arrived promptly at 7.

  Sara answered the door and flushed as she watched Ronan’s eyes move up and down her body. She was wearing a tight black dress with knee high boots. Sara took extra time with her hair and makeup. Judging by Ronan’s expression, the extra effort paid off.

  “Hi,” she greeted, sounding a little breathless.

  “Hello,” he returned, clearing his throat. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” Sara smiled. She gestured to his suit, “You look handsome.”

  He grinned. “Thank you. Shall we go?”

  “Sure. Let me grab my jacket.” Sara stepped back and invited Ronan inside while she went to the closet for a warmer coat.

  On her way back to the living room, she was struggling into her sleeves when she noticed Ronan looking at a picture on the wall.

  “Oh no,” she whispered, feeling embarrassed.

  As if he heard her, Ronan turned around with a large grin. “Is this you?” He pointed to the adolescent picture of Sara and Gwen.

  The picture was taken days after Sara bought her first digital camera. She spent weeks taking photos of anything and everything. The picture hanging on the wall was taken after a day at the pool. Kate was away at camp, and it was one of the few occas
ions when it was just Gwen and Sara spending time together. Their day was full of laughter and physical exertion as they tried to “master” their Olympic dives into the complex’s pool.

  At the end of the day, Sara wanted to commemorate their time with a picture. While Gwen remained unharmed by the full day in the sun, Sara sported a pink burn and brown freckles spotted her nose. Add those items to her mouthful of braces and Sara looked like the queen of dorks.

  Kate often asked why Sara displayed a picture she found so unflattering. Her only excuse was it elicited a fun memory for her. It felt nice to remember that day from time to time.

  Now, as the most attractive man she had ever seen looked at the photo, Sara regretted her decision whole heartedly.

  Realizing Ronan still waited for her response, Sara nodded. “That’s me. In all my pre-teen glory.”

  Ronan chuckled, looking back at the picture. “You were adorable.”

  Sara smirked. “Oh yes. I was a doll.”

  “No, really,” Ronan turned his sincere eyes on her. “You look so happy. And I love those freckles. We need to get you out into the sun again.”

  Sara shook her head but was secretly pleased with his comments. “Ready?”

  Ronan took one last look at the photo before following Sara to the door. A cold blast of wind hit Sara and she shivered against it.

  “Aren’t you cold?” Sara asked as she locked the door, noticing Ronan’s suit jacket was unbuttoned. The temperature was in the forties, almost a record low for Texas fall.

  He shrugged. “Not really. I’m used to the cold.”

  Sara burrowed her hands into her pockets as they made their way to the parking lot.

  “Woah,” Sara breathed as Ronan led her to a silver Range Rover. “This is your car?”

  “Not quite,” Ronan opened the passenger door for her. “It belongs to Kalan’s family. I’m leasing it from them.”

  Sara snuggled into the pre-warmed seat as Ronan drove them to dinner. It was the first time he had driven them anywhere. Sara found herself enjoying the freedom to sightsee as they made their way through town.


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