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Waiting for Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 3)

Page 12

by Samantha Britt

  Sara looked away, blood rising to her face. Gently, Ronan guided her chin back with his forefinger.

  “I am telling the truth,” he insisted. “In the past months, you have quickly become the most important thing in my long life. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  With a nervous smile, Ronan took another small step forward. “I love you, Sara. Even if you do not want this,” he gestured to himself. “And all the complications the truth of my life will bring you, I must tell you I love you, and I believe I always will.”

  Sara’s heart pounded in her chest as she watched Ronan slowly lower his head and find her lips.

  The kiss was tentative. Ronan’s lips searched hers, trying to figure out if Sara welcomed his advance.

  Sara didn’t know what to do. The kiss was thrilling, but she couldn’t forget all she just learned.

  Did she really have what it would take to live with the knowledge Ronan was not human?

  What could their future together possibly hold?

  Would she be better off waiting for someone else?

  Ronan could feel her disengagement. He began to slowly pull back, taking the warmth of his mouth with him.

  What are you doing? Sara asked herself, feeling Ronan slip away. She could sense him removing himself from her arms and her life. You know you love him.

  It was the first time Sara ever admitted the fact to herself. No matter what happened, no matter what magical reality she would be thrown in, Sara knew she couldn’t let Ronan go.

  Sara threw her thin arms around Ronan’s neck to stop his retreat.

  Ronan’s eyes were wary, unsure what to do. He looked crushed, causing Sara’s chest to ache for him. She never wanted to be the reason he looked that way ever again.

  “I love you too,” Sara whispered, staring deeply into his dark blue eyes.

  Ronan’s lower jaw fell, his expression full of disbelief mixed with flecks of hope.

  Before he could continue to doubt her sincerity, Sara placed both hands on the sides of his face. She pulled Ronan back to her and found his lips again.

  Sara wasn’t sure what the future had in store for them, but she knew she was tired of waiting for fate to make her happy.

  It was time for Sara to step up and go after what she wanted, no matter the cost.

  Sara found Ronan, a man she loved and who loved her in return. While there was a risk in pursuing their relationship, it was one Sara felt more than willing to take.

  Ronan leaned back, breaking the kiss for a moment. He released a shaky sigh and rested his forehead against hers.

  “Are you certain?” He murmured, eyes closed as he awaited her reply.

  Sara beamed, her happiness flowing through her entire soul. How could he doubt how much he meant to her?

  Instead of answering with words, Sara gently guided Ronan’s lips back to her.

  She reassured him with more than one passionate kiss, each one better than the many she dreamed of since the day they first met.

  It might have taken years for her to realize it, but Sara finally knew the truth…

  Ronan was all she would ever need, and she planned to never let him go.


  Years later…

  “Do you think we will actually see Uncle Kalan and Aunt Gwen today?”

  Ronan turned and observed his son. Despite his best attempts to appear cool, the teenager could barely contain his excitement. It wasn’t often his father took him to the Fae Realm, let alone Eirie.

  “I’m sure we will,” Ronan replied. “Your uncle told me he was eager to chat with you, Declan.”

  “Uncle Kalan wants to talk to me?” Declan’s blue eyes widened in surprise. “What about?”

  Ronan opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by the third member of their party.

  “You have to call them Prince Kalan and Princess Gwenevere while we are here,” a light voice chirped over her shoulder. The girl’s black braid swung from side to side as skipped ahead of them. “At least until today’s ceremony is over. Right, Dad?”

  “Right, Liana.” Ronan responded to his daughter’s question. He smiled and shook his head in amusement. Once again, he realized his children couldn’t be more different.

  Where Declan strived to appear cool and collected in any setting, Liana aimed to be seen and heard. Declan valued silence and only spoke when absolutely necessary. Liana would talk to a tree just to share her every thought and feeling.

  “What does Uncle Kalan want to talk to me about?” Declan asked, ignoring his sister’s comment. Ronan could see his son’s nervousness as he watched him rub his left arm.

  “Your interest in joining the Winter Guard,” he revealed. Ronan watched the light quickly fill his son’s expression. It was no secret Declan was interested in joining the guard at his father’s home court.

  While proud his son wanted to follow in his footsteps, the life choice caused he and his wife some worry.

  Ronan’s mind wandered to a conversation he had with Sara a little more than two weeks ago.

  “I can’t believe you are entertaining the idea,” Sara crossed her arms, shooting daggers at her husband. Ronan just finished sharing the news of his conversation with Kalan, and it hadn’t gone over well.

  “Declan is a teenager,” Sara continued. “He has no idea what he wants to do with his life.”

  “I don’t disagree,” Ronan attempted to placate his wife. “However, where is the harm in letting Kalan at least discuss the path with Declan? He will make the choice he wants, no matter what we say. At least, as his parents, we can ensure he is well-informed before making such a big life decision.

  Ronan braced himself for a heavy debate.

  Instead, Ronan was surprised as he watched the fight fade from Sara’s eyes.

  With it gone, her brown irises revealed true worry. “I want Declan to have a normal life,” she murmured. “What if other’s find out the truth about us?”

  Ronan could not fault his wife’s sentiment. While their marriage was known and supported by the royal families of both courts, no one was delusional in thinking other fae would openly accept their relationship.

  More than fifteen years ago, when Ronan first asked Sara to be his wife, many nights were spent discussing the repercussions of such an arrangement.

  In the beginning, Sara did not hesitate to share her fear regarding their different life spans. When Ronan first suggested they visit Eirie and ask the Wise Ones if they could turn Sara immortal, she flat out refused. She held no interest in changing the state of her existence, even if it meant limited time with the man she loved.

  It took them a while, but Ronan and Sara came to terms with their reality. Ronan strived to assure his wife he would love her no matter what, and Sara aimed at accepting him and the fantastical world he came from.

  Eventually, the couple chose to marry. Since the momentous day, not a moment passed where Ronan did not thank Fate for guiding him to Sara.

  For years the couple functioned as any couple would. Sara continued to work as a teacher. Ronan moved to the human realm, maintaining his position as Kalan’s head bodyguard.

  It wasn’t until having children when Sara and Ronan had to face the prejudice surrounding their circumstance again.

  “Declan and Liana look like Winter Fae,” Ronan reminded Sara. “No one would suspect they are half-human.”

  “But what if they find out the truth?” Sara repeated. “They are safer in the human realm where no one has any idea fae even exist!”

  Shortly after both children were born, Ronan and Sara paid a visit to the Wise Ones they knew they could trust.

  The powerful Fae confirmed what Ronan suspected: both of his children exhibited dominant Fae characteristics. The Wise Ones informed the parents their children’s lifespan would be as eternal as any other Fae, as would their abilities to control winter elements.

  At that time, with Sara’s blessing and encouragement, Ronan began introducing his children to the F
ae Realm and its’ inhabitants.

  Ronan looked at his son and easily saw his excitement. Declan had always been fascinated with the Fae Realm. He did not hide his desire to, one day, live and work among the Fae.

  Despite their worry, and after lengthy debate, both Ronan and Sara realized it would not be right to raise their children in fear of half their heritage.

  Though, Ronan thought with an amused grin, it did not mean their mother’s worry did not leak out from time to time.

  “Do you think Uncle Kalan will really let me join the guard?” Declan asked his father.

  Ronan smiled at the thirteen-year-old. “Not yet,” he pointed out the obvious. “One day, yes. I believe Prince Kalan will be overjoyed to welcome you to his guard.”

  “That would be awesome,” Declan beamed. “I will work for a king!”

  Ronan chuckled, still in disbelief he and his children were attending Kalan and Gwen’s coronation.

  It had been over twenty years since Kalan and Gwen married. In that time, Summer and Winter Courts went through a series of changes.

  While both maintained their distinct borders, there were numerous councils and leadership roles which stretched between both courts. Tough decisions affecting both courts were now resolved in unity. The courts ceased operating as individual regions and came together for the good of all fae.

  While the transition occurred subtly, it was all done with the end goal of having Gwen and Kalan crowned as monarchs of the entire Fae Realm. There would no longer be Summer or Winter monarchs, only one couple residing over all.

  After years of hard work and political maneuvering, the day was finally upon them. Ronan couldn’t believe they actually made it to this point.

  Most fae welcomed the change and expressed their support of the beloved couple. The comradery was unlike anything Ronan had ever seen, further emphasizing how right Kalan’s prophecy was. He and Gwen were truly transforming the Fae Realm for the better, a feat no one else would be able to do.

  There was a minority, however, who vehemently disagreed with the official joining of the courts. Some protestors chose to demonstrate their disagreement with violence.

  As a result, the coronation ceremony was protected with double security.

  The thought caused Ronan to don his professional stature. He scanned his surroundings, examining passing fae, looking for any hint of a threat.

  Nothing appeared amiss.

  “Dad,” Liana shouted with urgency. “Hurry up! I hear the music. We are going to miss it!”

  Declan, hearing his younger sister and picking up the orchestra with his own ears, increased his pace. The pair moved towards the large crowd gathering in the streets that led to the center of Eirie.

  As Ronan watched his children rush towards the tall, clear towers of Eire, he couldn’t help but take a moment to revel in the blessings of his life.

  His children were the center of his world, and his wife was the light of his life.

  While their relationship came with complications, Ronan would not have traded marrying Sara for anything.

  One time, not long after Liana was born, Kalan and Ronan were speaking in the new parents’ living room.

  Ronan must have been up for thirty hours straight trying to soothe his daughter through a long and emotionally draining evening.

  Kalan stopped by, bringing over the dinner Gwen made for the exhausted parents. The men sat on the couch, both quietly speaking over a lightly sleeping Liana.

  “If there was one thing you could do differently,” Kalan murmured, gazing at the child in his friend’s arms “Anything at all, what would it be?”

  Ronan closed his eyes and remembered the surety and joy he felt when he gave his response. “I would have made it here sooner.”

  The End.

  Letter from the Author:


  I hoped you enjoyed reading Waiting for Fate!

  From the moment I started writing Will of Fate, I couldn’t wait to share Sara and Ronan’s story. Their characters are very close to my heart, and I hope you enjoyed the quick glance into their romance and life.

  Special thanks to Amy and Megan for being willing to act as my beta readers for this novella. You two are awesome!

  For now, I am finished writing stories in the Fae Realm. While there is a plan for the next generation of Fae Royals, they are going to sit on the shelf while I work on other projects. Don’t worry, it will not be forever. J

  Currently, I am hard at work on a fantasy series I cannot wait to share with readers! It will follow the story of a young heroine as she maneuvers through a world of mythical beings and creatures she was never intended to know.

  Don’t forget to follow me on twitter @AuthorSamBritt to receive the most up-to-date notifications regarding current and future projects.

  As always, happy reading! J

  Turn the page for a sneak peek into book 1 of my new project, titled, Enlightened.


  The Immortal Chronicles Book I


  The loud music gave Darcie a headache.

  She followed Marie and Josh as they weaved their way through the crowd. Darcie felt the bass push against her skin as the trio passed by a speaker. She resisted the urge to cover her ears.

  Josh stopped by a tall table with four stools. Instead of sitting, the three teenagers stood and looked out into the sea of people.

  “Isn’t this great?” Marie shouted over the music, leaning closer to Darcie. “I’m glad the IDs worked.”

  Darcie nodded. “Me too.”

  The club’s muscular bouncer barely took one look at the fake IDs before letting Marie and Darcie in. She was surprised, fully expecting her evening to end in the back seat of a police car.

  While she didn’t enjoy the blaring music, Darcie figured it was more agreeable than jail.

  “Having fun?” Josh leaned in, putting his head between Darcie and Marie. Darcie didn’t miss the flash of annoyance cross her best friend’s face.

  “Tons,” Marie replied. “Why don’t you go get us a drink?”

  Darcie’s eyes widened. “Drinks? No way.”

  “Relax, Mom,” Marie rolled her eyes. “I meant a soda or something. We need to have something in our hands to blend in.” Her friend gestured to the crowd.

  Slowly, Darcie realized what Marie meant.

  Nearly every single person in the club had a beverage in hand, including the people dancing against one another on the dance floor. Darcie watched multiple liquids slosh and land on the ground.

  Josh quickly agreed, eager to please his girlfriend, and made a bee-line for the bar.

  Marie’s demeanor instantly lightened.

  “Why don’t you put Josh out of his misery?” Darcie asked after watching her friend give a flirtatious smile to a stranger across the room.

  Marie sighed, turning away from the cute guy. “I know I look like a jerk right now… but I do like Josh. I don’t want to hurt his feelings, but I’m not sure he is the one for me. I don’t know how to end it.”

  Darcie had to strain to hear what her friend said. It really was too loud.

  “Sooner would be better than later.” Darcie gave a pointed look at the guy still smiling at Marie. “It isn’t fair to string him along.”

  A lull in the music occurred, relieving some of the pressure in Darcie’s ears. She sighed in relief.

  Marie looked like she was about to say something but was distracted by something behind Darcie.

  Darcie rotated and noticed two attractive men heading right towards their table, one leading the pair with a purpose as the other trailed behind. She was in the middle of figuring out a way to make them turn around when she recognized one of the men.

  It was the guy from the library, Than.

  Feeling less threatened, Darcie straightened and gave the man a kind smile as he took the last steps to the table.

  “Hey. Than, right?”

  Marie’s head snapped to Darcie, completely
taken aback by her friend’s greeting.

  “You remembered,” Than grinned. “Nice to see you again, Darcie.”

  Marie’s head continued to swivel between her and the stranger as she tried to figure out how Darcie knew him.

  “You too,” she returned genuinely. Remembering her manners, Darcie turned and motioned toward her friend. “This is Marie. Marie, this is Than.”

  Than extended a hand. “Pleasure to meet you,” he said to Marie, gently shaking her hand in greeting.

  “N-nice to meet you.” Marie stuttered, clearly thrown by the interaction occurring before her eyes. The knowledge made Darcie grin; it was hard to make Marie speechless.

  “Let me introduce my brother,” Than said as he released Marie’s hand.

  Remembering two men approached their table, Darcie moved her eyes to the figure standing behind Than.

  The breath flew out of her lungs.

  The young man behind Than was tall; Darcie guessed was at least 6’ 5”. He was also the most attractive man she had ever seen.

  Her eyes, greedy for more, continued to roam and take in the stranger’s form.

  His shoulders were broad, his muscles clearly outlined by his form-fitting V-neck. His legs were long and fit well in the dark blue jeans.

  Everything about him was perfection.

  During her blatant perusal, Darcie began to feel an undeniable pull towards the stranger’s face.

  While his physique was definitely something to admire, it was his eyes that left Darcie breathless.

  A piercing green color met her gaze, unmoving as they bore into her own.

  Darcie knew it might sound crazy, but there was something unnervingly familiar about those green eyes.

  Her gut told her this wasn’t the first time she saw their unique color, but there was no way she could have met the gorgeous stranger and not remember him …


  Enlightened, Book 1 of the Immortal Chronicles, to be released Summer 2017.


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