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Into The Spirit

Page 65

by Marie Harte

  “Good, God, baby.”

  Gil moaned above her, stroking her hair, keeping the spray of water off her face. She paused for a moment, his cock lodged in her throat, then slowly withdrew, mindful to keep her tongue pressed against his ridge so she could tease the sensitive flesh around his hood. Gil moaned louder, his body twitching as she pulled back leaving just the tip encased by her lips.

  “No more teasing, darling. Please.”

  His words tugged at her consciousness, but they seemed to come from far away. She was too immersed in her delicious task to pay attention to them. It seemed as if her entire world had narrowed into Gil’s body, and how she could bring him the most pleasure.

  Fallon bobbed down again, feeling his fingers press against her scalp and his thighs tense beneath her hands. She didn’t stop this time, but continued to move up and down his length, swirling her tongue and lapping at the drops of fluid that eased from the tip. All sense of time faded. She knew only her need to taste Gil’s climax on her tongue as he echoed her name off the walls. Somewhere in the haze she realised the water was cooling off, her skin beading beneath the cold spray. But it didn’t matter. Gil was moving with her now, rocking his hips, plunging his shaft deep then retreating. She held on to his thighs, anchoring herself as he fucked her mouth harder. She let him set the pace, knowing it would take time for his body to reach the edge, but wanting to give him the freedom he needed. He’d already pumped a week’s worth of sperm inside her, and was amazed he still had enough strength to attempt another orgasm.

  “Now, Fallon. Suck harder, darling. I’m going to…Oh God…”

  His words were disjointed, his voice a mixture of pleasure and pain. His body was strung tight, every muscle clenched beneath her touch. Fallon glanced up as she increased the pressure of her mouth, loving the way he threw his head back and moaned her name. His fingers clamped around her head, the tips trembling as if he were unsure whether to pull her closer or push her away. She closed her eyes and slowly drew his cock to the back of her throat, keeping her lips sealed tight around his skin. Gil’s thighs buckled slightly and his grip tightened a moment before he shouted her name and she felt the first spurt of cum purge from the tip and ease down her throat.

  “Lord have mercy.”

  Gil’s words were hushed against the steady beat of water as Fallon felt another stream of fluid flow into her mouth. She swallowed quickly, tugging at his shaft in hopes of getting one more taste. Gil groaned and slid a few inches down the wall.

  “Sorry, darling. But I’ve given you all I can.”

  A small pang of disappointment fluttered through her chest. It wasn’t until now she realised she’d been hopeful he might be able to take her against the wall again, and the unfortunate reality that the loving she’d been looking forward to wasn’t coming, left a hollow feeling in the pit of her stomach. Not that she should complain. Gil had brought her more pleasure in the past twenty-four hours then she’d had in six months. Still, she couldn’t help but wish for more. She wanted to make the most of their time together, before Gil shut her out again.

  Fallon sighed and slowly pulled back, careful to keep Gil’s cock in her mouth as long as possible. Gil’s body shuddered when she finally allowed his shaft to pop free of her lips and ease down between his thighs. She placed one last gentle kiss on the base before he lifted her up and pulled her tight against his chest. His breath raked through his chest, the harsh pants cooling the water already beading on her shoulder. A small shiver shook through her body and she instinctively curled closer into his heat.

  Gil sighed and turned off the water. “You’re shivering, baby. Let’s get you out of here and warmed up.”

  Fallon wanted to protest, but the chattering of her teeth blocked any attempts at speaking. She followed him out, wrapping the towel he handed her tightly around her shoulders. Gil didn’t seem to notice the cold and barely flicked the water off his skin before tying the towel around his waist. She smiled at the sexy image he made. His hair tousled, his broad shoulders still covered in a dusting of water, making the light in the room gleam off his skin. She loved how lean his hips were, the pale colour of the towel accentuating the slight bronze tone of his skin. She licked her lips, wondering if she’d get another chance to taste him.

  “You know, darling. If you keep looking at me like that, we’ll never leave the damn washroom.” He stalked towards her, brushing his fingers along the bottom edge of her towel, making her skin tingle and bead. “Besides, I believe it’s my turn to eat.”

  Fallon gasped as Gil picked her up and carried her back to the bedroom, planting her ass on the edge of the bed. Then he was kneeling between her legs, pushing the edges of the towel apart until her plump inner lips glowed in the pale light.

  Gil inhaled, a look of pure male heat fussed in his eyes. “Mmm, you smell delicious. Just what I fancied.”

  “Gil…” Her words broke off into a hiss of air as he lowered his lips to her mound and swept his tongue through her narrow slit. Bolts of pleasure tore through her body. She hadn’t realised how aroused she was until the tip of his tongue circled her clit and she had to fight back the orgasm.

  Gil hummed against her skin, adding another level of sensation. “You can fight it all you want, baby. But I’ll taste your release before we’re done.”

  Fallon cringed at the sound of his voice and wished she had the strength to wipe the smile off his face, but her hands were woven through his hair and she couldn’t bear the thought of releasing him long enough to make a stand. Instead she arched into him, grinding her clit against his teeth.

  “Yes. Now!”

  She thought Gil chuckled at her demands, but he didn’t pull back. Instead, he pulled her ass closer to the edge and opened her legs even wider as he slung the closest one across his shoulder. Then he slipped two fingers inside her channel and began pumping her weeping flesh to the rhythm of his tongue. Heat plumed in her stomach and punched through her body, spreading like a fire out of control. She had one last moment of clarity before everything exploded and she was left gasping for breath as a symphony of coloured lights danced across her vision. Gil was humming softly against her flesh, pausing periodically to lap at the juice she knew was dripping from her sex, his fingers still lodged inside her. The soft sound of music played in the distance, but she was too tired to figure it out. She relaxed back, content to just feel Gil connected to her.

  “Damn it.”

  Gil’s voice caught her by surprise and she managed to push herself onto her elbows just as he slipped his fingers free and grabbed his pants off the chair. He wiped the traces of her juice off his mouth as he dug through his jeans, a small scowl etched on his face. She frowned and went to speak when he pulled out his phone and flipped open the lid.

  “As I recall, Wade, I said I’d call you when I needed a lift.”

  “What’s the matter? Did I interrupt your interrogation of Fallon?” Wade laughed. “I sure hope you weren’t giving her too hard a time.”

  Gil stood up, yanking on his pants. It seemed a harder task than usual and somehow the clothes didn’t feel right. “Not half as hard as I’m going to give you, partner.” He paused as he punched his fists into his shirt. “What’s so important it couldn’t wait another hour?”

  Wade sighed and Gil felt the hairs prickle on the back of his neck. “I just got a call from the Medical Examiner. Seems there’s nothing new he can tell us about our guy. This victim’s the same as all the rest, except…” Wade paused for a moment as if gathering his strength. “Except our vic was a couple months pregnant.”


  “Yeah. Anyway, the good doctor wants us over there to pick up the forensics so he can release the body. Says he won’t give the stuff to anybody other than you.”

  Gil nodded and stuffed one hand in his pocket. “Fine. How soon can you be here?”

  Wade chuckled into the phone. “I’m standing on Fallon’s doorstep as we speak. I tried knocking, but…”

  He let
his voice trail off into another chuckle and Gil had to still the urge to run to the door and slap off the smile he knew graced the other man’s face. “Not funny. I’ll be out in a moment.”

  “Sure thing, partner.”

  Gil sighed and closed his cell, slipping it back in his pants. His shirt was still open and he hated the thought of buttoning it up and heading outside. He’d hoped to spend a few more hours with Fallon before the real world intruded on his fantasy. He turned back to the bed, but she was already gone. “Fallon?”

  She walked out of the closet, dressed in tights and a cycling jersey. The clothes clung to her hips and breasts and he took and involuntary step forward before he seized back control. Damn, she was a tempting sight. “Going somewhere?”

  She merely shrugged as she sat down on the chair and pulled on some socks and her cycling shoes. “It’s Sunday. I always go for long rides on my days off. Since Jane has banned me from the office for a week, I might as well make the most of it.”

  Gil frowned at the casual tone to her voice, as if his presence were an interruption to her schedule. “What about the investigation? I’ve got another body in the morgue and this time the woman was a few months pregnant!”

  She didn’t turn to look at him, but he noticed a tremble wash over her. Either she was nervous, or irritated. “I’m sorry about the woman, Gil, really I am. But I’ve told you everything I can. Until he calls again, I don’t see how I can help you any further.”

  “You can explain what the hell these visions are you say you’re having.” Gil cringed at the judgmental tone to his voice, but he was too damn tired to care. It was as if she’d forgotten they’d just spent the better part of the past twenty-four hours with his cock inside her. And now he had Wade waiting outside for him like some kind of chaperone. “And why you never mentioned them before,” he added for good measure.

  Fallon’s back stiffened. She pulled the last lace tight and then stood up and turned to face him. “I can’t explain something I don’t understand, and I never mentioned them because I know how you feel about psychics.”

  Her voice was too calm and he hated the fact she knew him better than he did himself. “Oh, so now you’re a psychic?” he said, throwing his hands in the air. “Can you read my palm as well?”

  Fallon’s lower lip trembled and, for a moment, he thought she might cry. But then a different emotion washed across her expression. “See!” she yelled. “That’s the exact reason I never told you about this. You won’t consider anything you can’t see, touch or smell. It’s as if the entire world is broken up into ‘what Gil believes in,’ and ‘what he doesn’t.’ You don’t consider anything out of the ordinary, and this is so far outside your comfort zone, you can’t even imagine what it must be like.”

  “I can imagine there must be a logical explanation for all this, other than the idea you see what happens to these women.”

  Fallon huffed and stormed to the door, not bothering to look back at him over her shoulder. He growled and followed. They were far from finished. “Come on, Fallon. We were together two years and not once did you claim you saw anything crazy like this.”

  “It’s not crazy, and neither am I. I don’t just see things. It’s only happened twice before and they were both very personal incidents.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like when my sister was abducted and killed when I was twelve.” She paused as if considering what to tell him. “And the day Charlie died.”

  The air hissed out through his teeth and he felt the room dip once before it straightened. “What?” he demanded. She’d never mentioned anything about having a sister, let alone Charlie’s death before, and just the possibility that she’d seen…

  Gil grabbed the edge of the small table in the foyer and steadied himself. A cold shiver washed over his body. He couldn’t afford to get distracted right now, despite the nagging feeling that there was more to Fallon’s claim than he wanted to admit. A memory that he’d blocked out. He needed answers, and mystic voodoo wasn’t the sort of evidence that was going to lock this psycho away.

  He looked over at her. “Explain.”

  Her skin paled and she glanced at the door as if she wanted to make a run for it. She’d obviously told him more than she’d intended and seemed to realise her mistake a moment too late. She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “Look. None of that matters right now. All you need to know is that I can’t control it. The visions just come.”

  Gil matched her step and took another in hopes of blocking her in. She looked ready to bolt and he didn’t want to let her out of his sight until she’d given him more. “That’s not an explanation, Fallon. I need you to tell me what happens.”

  Fallon threw up her hands and stomped her foot. “Haven’t you been listening to what I’ve been saying?” she bit out. “I don’t know how or why it happens. One moment I’m talking to the bastard on the phone, the next the room shifts and I’m inside the church. I never know how long I’m going to stay, just that it seems to vanish when he leaves.” She looked away and for the first time, Gil saw the fear she was trying to hide. “It’s nothing but a curse.”

  A shiver shuddered through her body. She looked lost and scared and he didn’t know what to do to help her. He just couldn’t see how it all worked out. He sighed and leaned back against the table, picturing the scene in his head. He didn’t have a clue about her sister or Charlie’s death, but maybe he could find a reasonable explanation for her present situation. “So the visions happen after you talk to him?” he asked, careful to keep his voice more neutral. He didn’t know why he was so upset. Where the hell had all his soothing tones and calm demeanour gone?

  Fallon looked over at him and he was certain he saw something flicker in her eyes before she simply nodded.

  “Okay. So he calls you in the middle of the night…usually waking you up…and tells you he’s just killed a woman.”

  Fallon snorted and put her hands on her hips. “I know what you’re thinking, Gil, but I didn’t imagine all those details from the crime scene.”

  “I never said you did. I just think you’re overlooking another possibility.”

  Fallon smirked at him and shifted her hands lower on her hips. “And what’s that?”

  Gil took another step towards her until he was close enough he could’ve touched her. “I think this creep calls you in the dead of night so he can catch you by surprise. Then I think he tells you—in vivid detail—everything he does to those women.” Gil stepped closer forcing Fallon back until she was trapped between him and the door. “I think he describes how he touches them, rapes them and mutilates them. I think he taunts you with his sick desires until your sanity is stretched so thin your body just shuts down.” He reached out and touched her cheek. “I think these visions you’re having are just images your mind creates when it tries to cope with the stress of having to listen to this monster’s ranting.” He forced a smile. “Having witnessed this guy’s handiwork first hand, I can only imagine what it must be like to have to talk to him. It’s only natural your mind…”

  His next words were cut off by a loud knocking sound at Fallon’s back. Fallon jumped, banging into his chest as she spun around and yanked the door open. Wade stood on the porch, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

  “Sorry to interrupt, but…” He tapped his watch and gave them both a sheepish smile.

  “Damn it, Wade. I told you…”


  Fallon’s voice was loud and almost a full octave higher than usual. Gil felt the tension shift in his body, tightening his chest and making the blood pump loud in his head. She looked ready to fight and he had a bad feeling he knew exactly who her anger was going to be directed at. He took a step back, hoping his brief retreat would soothe the raw emotions swirling in her eyes.


  “Don’t.” She raised her hand and shook her head, grabbing her keys off the table behind him. “I have nothing left to say. I can’t make you believe m
e. I can only tell you what happens.” She stalked forward, pushing Wade aside as she headed for her car. “I’m going riding. I’ll be gone for four or five hours. I have my cell. You know the number if you need to reach me.” She stopped and turned to face him. “I’ll call you if the bastard calls again. Lock up when you leave.” She moved to turn but then stopped and glanced back at him again. “While I appreciate the gesture, I won’t be needing a babysitter tonight.”

  Gil cursed as Fallon stalked down the driveway, jumped in her SUV and peeled off, the front tire of her bike spinning in the wake of the car. I won’t need a babysitter tonight. Damn. Of all the things he’d wanted to do, pissing her off wasn’t one of them. But she’d been so calm and removed, he’d lost sight of his intentions, and simply reacted on instinct.

  “So tell me,” said Wade, turning to smile at him. “Is Fallon angry again…or still?”

  Gil scowled and grabbed his jacket and a set of keys off the table, not bothering to look at Wade as he brushed past the man and headed for his truck parked at the kerb. “Did you download those photos onto the laptop yet?”

  “First thing this morning. And I made a set of prints for you as well.” Wade followed him to his truck and jumped in the other side. “Once we pick up the evidence from the morgue, we can see if there’s anything new, though I doubt it.” Wade sighed. “This guy’s good.”

  Gil nodded, but his mind wasn’t on the investigation, or Wade. All he could think about was the sudden change in Fallon’s attitude. As soon as he’d asked her about the case, she’d shut him out, not that she’d been too forthcoming before. But something he’d said had obviously bothered her.

  He sighed and revved the engine, pulling onto the quiet street. He’d have plenty of time to figure it all out while she was gone. But she was crazy if she believed they were anything close to finished.


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