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Never Say Never

Page 4

by Tina Leonard

  “You did what?”

  Curtis had stepped menacingly close to Sadie and now he shook her until she could feel her teeth rattle against each other. “You stupid bitch! Don’t you know how much money selling that brat would have got us?”

  Chapter Three

  Eunice showed Jill the room she would have during her stay at the ranch. It was light and cheery, with yellow-striped wallpaper on the walls and white eyelet curtains at every window. A window seat on the far wall, overlooking the front of the house, had a yellow cabbage rose cushion in place.

  “I love the room, Mrs. Reed,” Jill said. “I’ll be very comfortable in here.”

  “I hope you will, my dear,” Eunice replied pleasantly. “What I think you’ll like best is that the adjoining bathroom connects to the room Joey stays in. That way you don’t have to go so far if he needs you at night.”

  “I can’t wait to meet him,” Jill said.

  Eunice smiled. “He’ll be home from visiting his other grandparents shortly. Now, there’s something I hope you’ll do for me, Jill,” Eunice continued, stopping to pause in front of the vanity mirror hanging over an antique table. She lightly patted her silvery-white hair that was twisted into a delicate chignon, a style Jill thought suited her.

  “I’ll do whatever I can,” Jill replied honestly.

  “I hope you’ll call me Eunice from now on. I realize you’re trying to show me respect, and it’s plain to me that your parents raised you to be polite, but out here, we’re rather informal. When late February comes and the wind is whistling down the chimneys and the ice keeps us from getting into town much, I’d like to think the two of us will have some good, old-fashioned friendship to keep out the chill. What do you say?”

  Jill was pleased by the woman’s overture, though technically she hadn’t agreed to stay past the specified one week. It seemed Dustin’s mother was already counting on her. “All right, then, Eunice. Thank you for your kindness.”

  “Nonsense. You’re the one who’s being kind. Dustin and I didn’t dream we’d find another person to live with us before Christmas.” Eunice walked through the room, running a hand lightly over the walnut bureau and matching vanity. “To be honest, I believe he worries about leaving me alone so much that he’s neglected his cattle. And the ranch in general.”

  Jill had noticed Dustin’s concern for his mother’s health. She merely nodded.

  Eunice stopped in front of the window seat and peered outside before turning around to face Jill. “You must be thinking that this employment sounds more like a babysitting job than anything.” Her smile was contagious and lifted her delicate eyebrows further on her broad forehead. “I don’t want to scare you. Dustin may have told you that we Reeds are very independent.”

  “He did mention that.”

  “Good. Just so you’ll know that you won’t be tied to watching an old lady dodder away her life, I bought Dustin a cellular phone for his Christmas present. It’s so small he can carry it in his jacket pocket when he’s out riding.”

  “That sounds like a good idea. Not that you appear to do much doddering, though.”

  Eunice laughed, the sound tinkling and light. “I certainly try not to. I don’t know how Dustin will react to his mother being able to call him any time of day, though.”

  “He’ll probably think you’re being very sensible. From what I can tell of your son so far, he’s probably already thought of the idea and was too afraid to insult you by suggesting it.”

  Eunice laughed again. “You could be right. Dustin tries very hard not to make me feel like an invalid.”

  “You don’t appear to be very bothered by your arthritis,” Jill commented. Eunice appeared to have more energy in her than some teenage girls.

  “I hope it hasn’t slowed me down too much. I have good days and bad.” Eunice frowned suddenly. “There’s an awful lot to do on a ranch, and I wouldn’t want Dustin to have to worry about me. Though I can’t do as much as I could once, I still like to think I’m helping out some.”

  “I’m sure you are,” Jill replied. To change the subject, she walked slowly into the bathroom, admiring the spaciousness, and then into Joey’s room. “My, somebody had a lot of toys when he was a boy,” she said, instantly guessing the room had once been Dustin’s.

  Eunice had followed behind and now surveyed the wild-stallion-printed curtains and denim bedspread in the room with some pride. “Yes. Most of the toys were given away long ago, but some things—especially that wooden rocking horse—I couldn’t bear to part with. Of course, that’s Joey’s favorite now, so I’m glad I kept what I did.”

  Without warning, Eunice’s eyes clouded up behind her spectacles. Jill was stricken. The pewter-framed pictures flashed through her mind instantly, and she thought about the little boy smiling out from them. There was obviously a problem in the Reed household. But since the Reeds hadn’t mentioned the subject to her, Jill supposed it was closed. Quickly, she thought of something else to put the happiness back on Eunice’s face. “You know, I bet it’s time to check on Holly. She might be stirring.”

  “You’re right.” Immediately, Eunice straightened her shoulders and turned herself to leave the room and go downstairs. “It’s going to be a whole new routine for me with an infant in the house. I’m so used to going my own way.”

  Jill smiled, following. Dustin was used to going his own way, too. She thought about the cellular phone Mr. Tough Cowboy was getting for Christmas. With baby Holly around, she had a feeling that phone would be keeping warm next to Dustin’s ear.

  Though it was still fairly dark when she awakened the next morning, Jill was relieved to see only a two inch coating of snow on the ground, though she could tell by touching the windowpane that the temperature had dropped quite a bit since yesterday. Being farther north would impact the temperature, too.

  She made a mental note to fetch her warmest clothes when she went to collect her things.

  Baby Holly’s basket was gone from Joey’s room. Jill hurried downstairs, worried that she wasn’t in time to get breakfast started. It wouldn’t do to oversleep the first day on her job, though she was fortunate she’d awakened at all. That had been the most relaxed night of sleep she’d had since her life had undergone all these major changes.

  To her dismay, Dustin and Eunice sat at the kitchen table already, drinking coffee. Holly lay sleeping in a basket nearby. Jill was relieved when they smiled at her.

  “We really didn’t expect you to get up so early on your first day as a guest in our home, Jill,” Eunice replied.

  “I’m not a guest,” she said, going to wash what few pans were in the sink. “I’m your paid employee, and more grateful than you can know to have the job.”

  Dustin got up, gently taking her by the shoulders to steer her into taking a place next to his mother at the table. “Don’t be ornery, Jill,” he said, guiding her. “My mother means that today you’re a guest in our home. Tomorrow is much sooner than we’d hoped to have help. Now, what do you want to drink?”

  “We have hot chocolate, coffee, and hot tea,” Eunice supplied.

  Jill had sat down obediently, somewhat dazed by her good fortune. Of all things, it didn’t seem quite right to be treated more like a member of the family than hired help. But she couldn’t help thinking it was awfully nice of them to try to make her feel welcome, especially after her somewhat embarrassing appearance on the ranch yesterday.

  “Hot chocolate sounds delicious,” she said slowly, meeting Dustin’s eyes. His eyes were the color of dark cocoa, she thought irrationally. That jet-black hair lay raffishly along the collar of a flannel shirt, and Jill blinked, thinking again how ruggedly, sinfully, handsome the man was. When she’d read the advertisement, the last thing she’d expected was that the man mentioned would turn out to be a Mel Gibson type.

  Of course, that didn’t erase the fact that his personality was a bit staid at times. Still, this man at least knew how to shoulder responsibilities, whether he was gruff about it or n
ot. Unlike Carl, who had taken everything in life easy, including whether he had a stable job or if his checkbook was in the red.


  Somewhere in her fog of memories, Jill realized Dustin had said something to her. Snapping her gaze to meet, his, she said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you.”

  He didn’t smile or comment. He nodded, like her inattention had been obvious to him. “If it’s convenient, we can leave in an hour to go get whatever things you’ll be needing.”

  “Oh, that’s not, I mean…” Jill looked at Eunice for understanding. “That’s so nice of you, but completely unnecessary. I wouldn’t want you to leave your work because of me.”

  Dustin shook his, head. “It isn’t a problem.”

  “No, I can drive back to Dallas myself. Honestly, you’ve got enough here, with Holly and all…”

  “Aren’t you coming back?”

  His gaze was intense. “Of course I’m corning back!” Jill exclaimed.

  “I thought you said you could start immediately.”

  “I can,” Jill said with emphasis. “That’s not the problem.”

  “Then what is?” Dustin frowned, waiting for her answer.

  “There really isn’t a problem,” Jill said carefully, aware that her answers were locking her into a situation she wasn’t prepared to deal with. An hour and better over to Dallas and back again, closed up in a vehicle with Dustin, was not her idea of a good time. They had very little to say to one another as it was. To be forced together would be excruciating.

  “There’s no need for you to have to shuttle me back and forth, though I certainly appreciate the offer,” she said, trying to sound like she did. “But I can fend for myself.”

  “Ah. She’s as independent as we are.” Eunice nodded.

  “I think I got that idea when she was making her way up the driveway yesterday,” Dustin said. “Carefully, like any minute a shadow was going to jump out from behind one of those trees and get her. But still making her way despite the bogeys.”

  “A shadow did get me,” Jill said tightly. Only the shadow had been a six-foot-four, devilishly handsome man.

  Dustin laughed, the first time she had ever heard him do so. Though the sound was rich and full, it was also at her expense.

  “Don’t let Dustin bait you, dear,” Eunice said kindly. “Being an only child made him lonely for siblings to tease, I’m afraid.” She shot her son a stern look. “What he’s not telling you is that there’s a sheet of ice underneath the snow outside. It’s best that he take you into Dallas in his truck. I’ll feel much better knowing you’re as safe as we can make you.”

  “Oh.” Jill mulled that over for a minute. Eunice was right, in every way. Her little car wasn’t made for driving on country roads made treacherous by the ice. Of course, leave it to Dustin not to say a word of that, but to just allow her to simmer in her own embarrassment. Glancing up, she realized he was still grinning at her. She made herself give him a slight smile, though it was forced.

  But her smile hid her vow that the last laugh was going to be on Dustin Reed. She would show him that she wasn’t the ignorant city girl he seemed so certain he’d hired, on his mother’s wishes.

  Putting her cup in the sink, Jill said, “I can be ready in half an hour, if you’re anxious to get back to the ranch early.”

  He nodded. “You don’t need much time to get ready?”

  “Oh, I think you’ll find that I’m a wash-and-wear kind of a girl,” Jill said as she sailed out of the kitchen.

  “Honestly, Dustin,” Eunice protested after she was certain Jill was out of earshot. “We didn’t hire Jill to be your sparring partner. It’s a tough life out here. She seems eager and ready to please, despite the drawbacks. Could you go a little gently on her? At least for a little while?”

  Dustin looked at his mother in surprise. It was the first time, since his rambunctious college days, that a word of anything resembling criticism of him had left her mouth. “Was I hard on Jill?”

  “I thought so. Maybe I’m being sensitive, but the last two housekeepers did mention something about your moodiness worrying them a bit.”

  He scratched his head. “I was trying not to be moody. I think I was trying for levity.”

  Eunice shook her head with a smile. “You’re trying too hard. I know Nina needed constant conversation and support, but I think if you relax a little, you may find Jill is more self-possessed than she appears. But don’t tease her too much. Remember, she’s got some emotional struggles right now, too.”

  “You mean, I can keep the conversation to our orphan and what her responsibilities are with Joey, and two or three hours in the car won’t seem like having a root canal?”

  “That’s exactly what I mean,” Eunice said. “Holly and I are going to play while you’re gone, and we may even have a hot dinner on when you get back.”

  “Mother, don’t,” Dustin said worriedly. “You’re doing enough by watching Holly. And the Copelands will probably bring Joey back while I’m in Dallas.”

  “You see? That’s just what I mean, son. You don’t mean it, but you’re being heavy-handed. A woman doesn’t like to feel dependent, less capable. I think that’s important to keep in mind when you’re talking to Jill.” She smiled, to keep the sting out of her advice, but Dustin shook his head, at a loss.

  “I’ll try to remember,” he said, before kissing her on the cheek and leaving the room. Why did dealing with women seem to require a course in How Not To Be A Social Moron?

  He had an uneasy feeling that Jill wasn’t going to be an easy-A course, either. And that he might flunk, regardless of how hard he tried to get good marks.

  “Ready?” Dustin asked.

  “Ready,” Jill replied, allowing Dustin to help her up into the cab of his truck.

  Starting the truck, he waved to his mother, who stood watching from the parlor window. Naturally, the moment they were ready to leave, Holly had gone into a full-blown baby tantrum that couldn’t be easily soothed. It had concerned him enough to suggest that perhaps he should call a friend over to sit with his mother while he and Jill were gone. Eunice had nearly snapped his head off with irritation.

  “Dustin Reed, be on your way before I become upset with you. We’ll be fine.”

  He’d left, unable to ease the way he felt. Jill was waiting outside for him.

  “Do you think she’ll be all right?” he asked her.

  “I think she’ll be great. Apparently, your mother’s arthritis has receded quite a bit today.”

  “All right.” Dustin sighed in surrender. “Women. I hope you both know what you’re talking about.” But he couldn’t help another anxious glance at the window.

  Eunice was holding up an object in her arms, pointing down at it with a grin.

  “Holly’s gone to sleep again,” Jill said, smiling. “You owe me an apology.”

  “For what?” Dustin was outraged.

  “For that snide comment about women. I hope you both know what you’re talking about,” she repeated for his benefit. But she was still smiling.

  Dustin backed the truck down the driveway. “Sorry.”

  He didn’t sound that way at all.

  “It’s actually your mother you should apologize to,” Jill said lightly.

  Dustin stopped the truck at the end of the driveway. “Look. There’s something we should get straight. I just apologized. It’s something I don’t do often. But if you keep harping on me, I’m going to say something you don’t like again. Then you’ll want me to apologize again, only I’ll probably feel like I was justified in making whatever comment I did. I think we should go slowly on what I should say or not say.”

  He paused. Jill’s eyes were huge. “Wow, that was a mouthful. Could you repeat that? I don’t think I caught it all.”

  Dustin stared at Jill before he saw the twitching at the side of her mouth. The woman was trying not to laugh at him. Dustin shifted into gear and let the truck start picking up speed. “I can tell it�
��s going to be a long ride into Dallas,” he grumbled.

  “It’s always a shame to meet a man who can dish it out but who can’t take it,” Jill said innocently.

  “And that is supposed to mean what?”

  “That you were plenty willing to use me as joke bait this morning. But now I’ve found something to get your goat over, and you don’t like it.”

  “I didn’t say I didn’t like it,” Dustin replied, his tone tense. “I’m just not ready for it, is all.”

  “What’s there to be ready for?” Jill appeared honestly confused.

  Dustin was, too. “I think I’m not ready for such an attractive female to be living in my house,” he said honestly, glancing her way.

  Jill’s blue eyes went round with astonishment.

  “Oh.” After a moment, she murmured, “Thank you.” Then she didn’t say another word until they reached the highway into Dallas.

  Obviously, the lady hadn’t been ready for an honest answer. At least, Dustin thought wryly, the truth had brought him a good stretch of time without having to make casual conversation with his new housekeeper.

  Jill’s parents, Lana and Bob McCall, weren’t far off from what Dustin had expected. Lana was petite and blonde and doted on Jill; Bob was easygoing, balding a bit, and doted on Jill. Their home was welcoming, though Dustin shied from looking at the stockings hung on the mantel. Bob, Lana, Jill, Andy, Darla, Tommy, they read. There was an extra nail where another stocking must have once hung, but had been removed for some reason. Dustin glanced at Jill, remembering that she’d recently broken off an engagement. He wondered if the empty nail was her ex-fiancé’s. Poor fellow, Dustin commiserated.

  Of course, he theorized, the guy could have always found another nail to hang his stocking on. If that were the case, maybe he wouldn’t mind Dustin thinking alarmingly warm thoughts about Jill. He watched her give her mother and father exuberant hugs, then turn to look at him.


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