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Payne, Lillith - His Unconventional Woman (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 19

by Lillith Payne

  “You bitch! Get out.” The newspaper Dana had dropped on the desktop came sailing past her, hitting the wall about two feet to her left.

  “Temper, temper, Linda.” Throwing back her head with wild abandon, Dana laughed harder than she had in months. This new feeling of freedom was liberating. She was going to enjoy it.

  “Get out…get out,” Linda was yelling.

  Opening the door, Dana caught the secretarial staff huddled around the intercom on Mavis’s desk. With a large smile, she exited the office. The ladies scrambled back to their desks, giving Dana only a wink or a nod as she left the office.

  Linda stood at her office window, livid. She was disgusted with herself for letting the little bitch put her in this position. She witnessed Dana leave the building and walk straight across the street, into the building that housed the bank and their family attorney. In that time, Linda contemplated her next move to get back at the bitch. And all were technically illegal.

  She watched the truck lettered with Britton Farms on its doors pull up and park next to the blue BMW. Jeff Britton walked briskly into the building. Leaving the bank together, arm in arm, Jeff waited until Dana pulled away. Now Linda had to decide how to play her trump card. She had to decide if she really wanted to stay in this town or if it was time to move on. Her decision would affect how she played that card. Leaning across her desk, she hit the intercom to Mavis’s desk, without a second thought to who she might inconvenience.

  “Cancel all my appointments and find out where Mayor Harris is today.”

  “Hollister here.”

  “Morning, Clay.”

  “Dana? Now it is a good morning, what’s up?”

  “My spirits. I’ve taken care of the business I had to today.”

  “How did it go?”

  “Time will tell, I’ll know at the meeting tonight.”

  “Is it time to finish our conversation?” he asked hesitantly.

  “Whenever you’re ready.”

  “Meet me at the river house in two hours?”

  “Could you make it the mansion, instead? I could use a hand with some books I want to take back to the guesthouse.”

  “I’ll be there.” Dana hung up the phone and started gathering a few things together. Once the trunk of the car was loaded, she changed into a light summer dress and headed out.

  Clay arrived with just a few minutes to spare, finding Dana’s car already parked in the driveway. Walking up the wide staircase, he called out and then tried the door. Pushing it open easily, he called out again. “Dana?” Dana’s laptop computer and keys lay on the bottom step of the stairs. On top was a piece of paper telling Clay she was upstairs.

  He took the time to turn the old lock on the front door before taking the steps two at a time. He got to the second floor landing, calling out again, “Dana, where are you?” He walked down one hall then backtracked to the center hall. On the third floor, he again walked one way, not finding her, only to realize the door to the attic was open. He didn’t call up to her, just took the steps two at a time.

  Stretched out on a plaid blanket beside an old trunk, she laid with her eyes closed to the sun streaming in from the open windows. An old journal lay beside her. He decided she heard his truck pull up, heard him call, and knew he would find her, so she didn’t jump when he sat down next to her, running his finger along her arm.


  “Hi, yourself.” Reaching down he kissed her gently before stretching out on his belly next to her. “Want to tell me about your business meeting this morning?”

  “Later. Besides, by the time we leave here, all of the town will know about it.”

  “Just what did you do, Dana?” He waited while she rolled over onto her stomach beside him. Motioning to the bottle of wine she put on top of the trunk, she passed him a corkscrew as she unwrapped two long-stemmed glasses from the basket.

  “Okay, I’ll tell you.” She gave him a mischievous smile before continuing. “I had a meeting with Linda Cole this morning, unscheduled of course.” She waited until he filled each glass halfway, and then continued. “I don’t think there’ll be any more delays with the board.”

  Touching his glass to hers, he said, “You mean you fixed the problem? Congratulations, sweetheart.” They both sipped, Clay waiting for Dana to elaborate. When she didn’t he finally had to ask. “Dana, what exactly did you do?”

  “I simply explained she had no right to use you as a bargaining chip, that I loved you and this old house and wouldn’t turn you over to her or give up the museum.”

  “What?” He sat up quickly, confused by her words. “Word for word, Dana.”

  “The tape is in a safe-deposit box, just in case. I know it’s not admissible in any court, but the ladies’ bridge club would love to take a listen to it.” He watched her hesitate. “And in case there’s ever any trouble we can’t explain.” He loved her smile, warm and gentle. “Mavis was listening on her intercom when I left. One thing, though, I sort of embellished a little. I let Linda think that you and I were together Sunday morning. Will you keep my secret, Clay?”

  The fire was back in her eyes. Clay knew it had been missing for a long time.

  “Kiss me, Clay Hollister, the way you really want to.” She put her glass to the side, taking his and doing the same. Slowly, she turned toward him, her arms open.

  When his lips met hers, he had finally come home. Clay wanted to devour her, then and there, but knew better. Instead, he lazily stroked her all over while he thoroughly kissed her lips, moving to her neck then back to her lips. Her leg came up over his, pulling him closer. Her boldness excited him more, its evidence against her leg.

  “Clay, I love you,” she whispered when his lips toyed with her neck.

  Leaning back, he propped his head on one hand, watching her lay beside him. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips full from his kisses. Her eyes were hazy, her hair tousled.”God, Dana, I’ve waited three years for you to say that. Wait here, don’t move.”


  “I’ll be right back.” He left her lying on the blanket, returning to find her just as he left her, waiting in the sunlight. Sliding back down beside her, he pulled her close. Her arms wrapped around him, inviting him to her. He had planned to have a quiet talk about their future, give her the deed to the river house and property, but Dana had other ideas. “Sweetheart, we need to talk,” Clay said.

  “Yes, I know, later.” Her hands ran across his chest, unbuttoning his shirt as she went. With a light trail of kisses, she worked her way across his skin. A thin layer of moisture beaded on his forehead as she assaulted his senses.

  Clay was lost in the haze of her touch, wanting more, not daring to try to take it. Dana surprised him when she went to unbuckle his belt. His hand came up over hers, holding her in place. He now knew from the last time they were together, Dana gets what she wants or takes it. The concept of her being submissive and dominant had his cock throbbing.


  “Clay, I know what I want. Let me have it,” she whispered. With one arm covering his eyes from the sun, the other around her shoulders, he let Dana take control.

  “My God, Clay, you’re huge, swelling harder just from the touch of my hand. What will happen if I lick you or suck you down my throat?” she whispered as her hand closed around him. For long, excruciating minutes of ecstasy, he let her explore his body, fighting his urge to take her. She had him close to the edge, too close, he knew. With all the strength he could muster, he held her hand in place, leaving it over his aching erection.

  “Dana, honey, in my front right pocket…”

  She continued to stroke him as she used her free hand to search his pocket. “Clay, there’s no condoms here. Besides, I thought you wanted skin to skin? Remember, I’m on the pill, and we were both tested.”

  It took a moment to realize she was searching for the wrong thing. “Dana, that’s always in a man’s wallet,” he teased.

  “Then give me your wallet.” He
r breath against his exposed erection made it throb. Her lips brushing against the tip jolted him. Taking her in his arms, he pulled her up, kissing her deeply.

  “Okay, we’ll use the condom. Give me your wallet,” she whispered, pulling back from his mouth.

  “My front pocket first.”

  With a confused look, she only shook her head. When she didn’t respond, he pulled the small object from the depth of the cloth that surrounded it. Dana lay across his half-nude body. Clay decided she was finally enjoying his touch and feel for the first time. Her excitement was almost as evident as his as she stroked her body against his. She tried again to shift back, frustrated when he held her across his chest.

  “Clay, please,”

  “Dana, first…” He pulled her left hand off him, reaching to slide the ring on her finger. “First, promise you’ll marry me.”

  “Clay,” was all she could say as he slipped the gold onto her finger. Without looking at it, she buried her face against his neck. “God, Clay, are you sure, maybe we should just date for a while, see how it goes.” Her words were as shaky as her breath. Rolling on top of her, he took her hand to his lips.

  “This was the ring Holly gave my mother. It brought them luck for many years, Dana. Will you wear it, will you marry me? Right away, as soon as possible. No long engagements, three months at the most for your plans.”

  “Yes,” was all she managed before his mouth captured hers. Clay felt something different from her. She had finally relaxed, stopped holding back from him. Slowly, he began to make love to her. His kisses trailed to her breasts. With the pull of a string on each shoulder, the dress fell away from her skin. His hands lightly skimmed over her as his mouth captured first one then her other nipple in his mouth. She arched a silent plea for more.

  Without thinking, one hand skimmed to her legs, pulling back the material, freeing him to explore. When his hand stroked her thigh, she didn’t freeze against him. Instead she allowed her leg to fall to the side, granting him access.

  Slowly he began again, his hand on her thigh, his lips to hers. Her hands were knotted in his hair, pulling him closer to her waiting mouth. With a light touch, he let his fingers dance across her most private place. He waited for her to tense. She didn’t. Instead, the moan she released gave him courage to continue. Slowly, with his lips to her nipple, sucking lightly, he let his finger slip along the side of her panties, pulling them to the side, finding her hot and moist, waiting for him.

  “God, Dana, you’re hot to my touch,” he whispered, switching to her other nipple. His hand rested against her, her heat radiating to his palm. With careful strokes, he felt her shift under him, felt her hips arch to meet his hand. His index finger stroked her lips, using her moisture to ease his way. Dana was going crazy under him, she wanted more, she wanted it all, from him, now. He felt the urgency of her movements. Pulling his lips from her breast, she pleaded with him, “Please, Clay,” was all she got out as his finger slipped inside her.

  He let the weight of his hand lie against her, his finger inside her, then a second, and felt her clasp him, felt her pussy go creamy. Clay assaulted her mouth with his, riding with her until she finished. His kiss lightened slightly, but he didn’t stop.

  “Dana, do you know how crazy you make me? Do you have any idea how erotic you are?”

  Her hands twisted in his hair, she wanted more, wanted him to complete her. “Clay, please, I want to feel you inside me.” She felt his groan build deep within him as he pulled her under him, fighting with his jeans. “That’s what I need from you right now. Remember I’m a very demanding woman. And after you fuck my pussy, I want you to fuck my ass. Now are you going to do me, or do I have to make you? Or is that what you want right now, to lay back and leave me in charge? You pick, but make it quick.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Pausing, he saw she was glowing as the sunlight swept across her face and hair. Her eyes were closed, her hands stroking his chest as she waited. Clay studied her for one last moment, knowing there was no going back.

  He decided, too, they should use the condoms until they were married, just as an extra precaution. He wanted his children conceived after their wedding. As he pulled the foil package from his wallet, he stilled. Dana reacted, pulling him back. Clay resisted, touching his finger to her lips. Listening, he heard it again.

  “Dana? Where are you, child?” A few seconds later, they heard it again, closer this time. “Dana?”

  “Did you lock the door, Clay?”

  “Yes, of course. Who else would have a key?” The voice rang out again.


  “Aunt Mary?” One look at Clay and Dana dissolved into laughter. Clay collapsed on top of her for just a moment, before rolling to the side. Dana quickly tied the straps over her shoulders with Clay’s assistance. Before she rose up from the floor, she paused, taking Clay’s cock against her lips, claiming him as hers before she left him. He watched as she looked for her shoes, and then dismissed them. Running her hands through her hair, she called out when she reached the door.

  “Aunt Mary? Is that you?” With a few steps, she was gone from his sight. Clay took a moment to compose himself then set about straightening his clothes. He couldn’t quite get the grin off his face as he joined Dana a short time later on the third-floor stairs, where she had blocked Mary’s way.

  “Hello, Mary?” With that, she gave him an evil-eyed look. He and Dana both watched as she looked from him to her and back. Clay eased Dana back against his body, an automatic reaction to protect. His hands slid to her shoulders.

  “Well, it’s about time,” Mary declared.

  Dana turned to Clay, smiling when he realized he must look as tousled as she did.

  “Come downstairs. I can’t stand on these steps all day.” Turning, Mary started the slow descent of the stairs, Dana and Clay following. As they went, Mary continued speaking.

  “I suppose there’s no place to sit in this house, or nothing cool to drink?”

  Clay squeezed Dana’s arm then started back up the stairs. He met them walking into the old kitchen. Mary was right, there were no chairs, so he put the bottle of wine down and lifted Mary by the waist up onto the counter.

  “There are some paper cups in the cabinet to the left of the sink, I think.” Dana made a show of looking for the cups, buying time to compose herself. When she turned, Mary and Clay were eye to eye. Sidestepping them both, she slowly added the liquid to three cups, handing one to each of them before taking her own, coming to stand beside Clay. His arm went around her as she snuggled against his large chest.

  “So, are you going to make an honest woman of my niece?” Her brusque words and tone didn’t intimidate Clay as they did so many others. He had been around long enough to know her gruff exterior led to a heart of gold, or grief when need be.

  “I’m working on it, Mary.” Dana pulled her arm from Clay’s waist, presenting Mary with her hand, sporting the square-cut diamond. Clay sipped from his cup to hide his smile as she pretended to take stock of his ring.

  “It’s about time. This means you’re home for good?”

  “Yes, Aunt Mary. I’ve come home to stay.”

  “Good, it’s where you belong. You’ve had many advantages in this life, Dana. You’ve traveled and worked, have several degrees. You’ve learned there really is no place like home once you find it.”

  “Yes, Aunt Mary.” Dana went to hug her aunt, enjoying the rare moment of closeness between them.

  “To the happy couple.” She lifted her cup and drank greedily. “Now, I think it’s about time you told me what else is going on.”

  Dana looked to Clay. “I’m not sure what you mean. Where’s Uncle Leo?”

  “Don’t lie, child, you were never good at it. I dropped him off at Charlie’s office. Tell me about that broad-hipped bitch you went up against this morning.”

  Dana laughed outright, Clay following close behind. “How did you hear, did Jeff call you? I told him he wasn’t to tell any

  “Mavis phoned, told me it would be in my best interest to show my face at the board meeting tonight.”

  “Mavis.” Dana understood the chain of information. “I may have moved thirty miles away when I married, but this is my home, Dana. Don’t ever forget that. Now, talk. Clay, my glass is empty.”

  Clay filled Mary’s cup as Dana gave her the condensed version of events, concluding with the tape now in residence in the bank’s vault.

  “I figure if there’s ever any trouble we can’t understand, I’ll have some backup.”

  “Leo’s with Charlie now. They’ll make sure everyone is safe.” A small smile appeared on her lips. Dana watched as Clay waited through Mary sizing him up and down. She didn’t care, she knew they were a match. Both were strong in character and deeply in love. What else did it take to make a marriage work?

  “Well. Mavis was right, and you owe her a thank-you. She’s your unsolicited witness, even if she was snooping. She’ll back you if it comes to it. It won’t. Everyone in town will know some version of it by the time the meeting starts.” Mary drank from her cup, mulling something over. “She likes roses, but a bush, not fresh cut.”

  “I’ll take care of it this afternoon, Mary,” Clay told her.

  “See that you do. Yellow would be nice against her white house. Have the nursery arrange to have it planted Saturday morning. She should be home then to supervise.”

  “Yes, Mary. Consider it done.”

  “Well, it’s late, and Lisa is probably in a tizzy since she got my call. I decided to have supper with her and Jeff tonight before the meeting. Wanted to see Adam while I was here. You’ll both be there for supper.” She told them.

  “Actually, no. I won’t, but I’ll see you at the meeting.” He brushed a kiss on Dana’s forehead and then added, “Let Jeff drive you, and we won’t have to worry about two cars later.”

  With a smile, she nodded her agreement. Clay placed a kiss on Mary’s forehead before lifting her to the floor. “See you later,” he called back to them. He wasn’t past the doorway when he turned back. “Mary, wasn’t the door locked when you got here?”


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