Book Read Free

Burning Desire

Page 4

by Scarlett Avery

  “Jake, I still can’t believe you’ve booked this palace for us for a whole week,” I shout through the crack of the door.

  “What did you expect?” He chuckles. “This is a stomping ground for Hunter and I. We’ve been here so many times, we’re practically on a first-name basis with most of the staff.”

  “Everything is so… you know… perfect. Even the latte I ordered this morning was decadent.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” When I look up, there he is standing at the door, staring at me in the mirror. I’m suddenly very conscious of his gaze and I feel exposed although I’m fully covered. “Wait until we have dinner later.” He smiles.

  “I’m really excited about dinner because I’d never have the guts to walk into their world-renowned restaurant, Boulud, to even order a cup of tea, let alone a full meal,” I say, freaked out by the idea of paying ten dollars for a cup of chichi hot beverage.

  “You underestimate yourself.” His deep boisterous laugh fills the room. I don’t remember the last time I heard him laugh like this.

  “I’ve never experienced anything remotely this high-end in my life.”

  Jake pushes the bathroom door open wider and takes a step inside. “And that’s exactly why I keep coming back here.”

  “Well, it’s good to be you.”

  “True, but right now, it’s good to be you too.” He winks and I can’t help but smile.

  “Maybe you’re right, because I never thought this would be possible for me.”

  “I’ve been telling you, everything is possible, Ali. Even you winning this case and suing the hell out of your ex. Heck, that’s exactly what we’re going to do.” He taps the tip of my nose with his index finger and we’re both aware of the intimacy in his touch. He hasn’t so much brushed his body next to mine in the last three weeks and in this moment I realize how much I’ve missed being so close to him. I look up at him, hoping things might get even more intimate, but the flicker in his glee bursts my bubble. I read the hesitation in his eyes before he speaks. “Speaking of which, I’d better get back to my laptop and finish answering Dirk’s questions. My manager is an ace at what he does, but he’s never had to be in charge on his own for so long. Not to mention Winston or Aaron might have some last-minute questions for us.”

  Before I can even answer, he’s gone.

  “Oh. Okay. Sure,” I babble to myself. There he goes switching the conversation to business again. Although I’m elated to have a stellar legal team, I wish Jake could turn off the business talk for one minute.

  For some strange reason, I was under the impression Jake had booked separate rooms since he’s been so distant for weeks now, but to my surprise, when we got to the hotel he declared we’d be staying in the same suite. I was excited at first until we walked in and I discovered there were three bedrooms. The three doors sent a clear message—there was a good chance I wouldn’t be sharing his bed.

  That night, after kicking off my shoes and slipping out of my clothes and into something more comfortable, I was hoping Jake and I would be able to reconnect and perhaps a bit more. Oh, boy, was I in for a rude awakening. After a few frustrating minutes with my eyes shifting back and forth from my e-reader to where he was working with his eyes glued to his laptop, I waved him good night hoping to catch his attention, but he was still busy ironing out a few details via email. I really appreciate everything he’s done for me so far and I don’t want to come across as a whining child, but I wish I knew why he went from scorching hot to cold with me.

  When I woke up this morning, Jake had left me a note on the bathroom mirror letting me know he had gone for a two-hour workout at the hotel’s gym. Since I had an early-morning breakfast with Gwyn I didn’t mind, but I was hoping when I got back we might have spent some quiet time together before our long day at the attorney’s office. But to my chagrin, he was all business.

  When I realize things are going to be similar to the way they were last night, I head to the bathroom and take an obscenely long time to get ready in the hopes of avoiding worrying about how to catch Jake’s attention. The interaction we just shared is as intimate as it’s been between us for a long time.

  Focus your attention on your makeup instead of stressing out over how weird things are between us.

  I’m about to apply a second coat of mascara when a naughty idea pops into my head. I throw the tube back into my makeup case and I lift my eyes toward the mirror. I put my hands on my hips and arch my left eyebrow while pinching my lips together as my mind churns. I’m definitely not as forward as Gwyn, but I know for certain she wouldn’t back down so easily when she wants something—or someone.

  In a bold attempt to channel my best friend, I slide out of the beautiful white robe that was hiding my secret weapon and hook it at the back of the bathroom door. I’ve tried my best to tempt Jake since I got back from breakfast, but it’s now time to pull out the big guns—drop-dead-gorgeous lingerie. I bought this outrageous white slip with black lace detailing around the breast when I purchased my suit. Surprisingly, Riley was the one who pushed me to make the purchase. Her theory is the more buttoned-up the suit, the naughtier the underwear. I couldn’t resist. Okay, you so can do this. I open the door and pretend to have forgotten something in my room.

  “Oh, don’t mind me. I forgot my stockings in the bedroom.”

  “Um, okay,” he says without even a glance in my direction.

  “Yeah, you guys have it easy.”

  “We do?”

  Crap, still nothing.

  “Yeah, you don’t have to deal with half the shit we have to in order to look good,” I giggle, walking on my tippy-toes to accentuate the undulation of my hips. Come on, look at me.

  “Don’t know how you ladies do it.”

  “It’s such hard work, but the results are worth it, don’t you think?”

  Over here. I’m over here!

  “I just need to jump into a suit and I’m ready for business.” He chuckles, still focused on his damn laptop.

  I purposely parade without a bra or panties underneath the soft fabric, praying the contour of my hardening nipples and my ass would be bait, but nothing, nada, niet, niente, rien du tout.

  Oh, for the love of God. After a number of failed attempts walking from my bedroom to the bathroom and back, I give up. Defeated again, I cover my body under the robe. Damn, he seems to see right through me. What am I going to do? It’s not as if I have the courage to plop my naked body on the desk in front of him and beg him to fuck me. I shake my head and squander the dream of touching his skin, tasting his mouth, and feeling his weight over me ever again. I have to accept things have changed between us.

  Oh, well. I should finish getting ready.

  In less than two hours, I’ll be sitting in Aaron Schatzberg’s office for our first face-to-face meeting. So far, Aaron and I have had numerous Skype video calls, but he didn’t feel we needed to fly into the city until we had irrefutable proof under our belts.

  I tie up my long mane into a low bun to look as polished as possible. I keep my makeup light because I’ve never been one to hide under powder and colors. I pop in a pair of pearl earrings my parents bought for me for my eighteen birthday and voilà! When I’m done, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror in front of me and I grin. The bright-eyed woman staring back at me is wearing an indecently pricey robe and a rosy glow from my early-morning brisk walk from the café where I met my best friend back to the hotel. I lean in closer to take in my jaw-dropping transformation and I squint, still unable to believe it’s really me because I look unfamiliar to myself.

  There’s no denying it, I’m no longer the same person. There’s some wisdom in my eyes that wasn’t there before and I like the new me.

  Look at you, Ali. You’re all grown up.

  I feel so confident about this day. I wish I could say the same about Jake and I. I hope Hunter’s arrival later today will help us rekindle the magic we lost.



  Ali has been desperately trying to catch my attention all morning. I don’t know what I was thinking when I booked one large suite for the both of us instead of getting her a separate room. I guess I wanted to be close by just in case she was stressing out over her case.

  It was a sound idea at the time, but now it seems like the stupidest thing I’ve ever done considering how much I fucking want her. I woke up this morning with a monster hard-on wishing her warm little body was nestled into mine.

  At least I had the good sense to let her go to bed first last night to avoid any temptations. I remember how puzzled she looked trying to figure out which room she should select. I knew she was waiting for my cue, but I let her make the decision on her own.

  After she’d waved me good night, I waited until I was certain she was fast asleep before turning off my laptop and going to bed. I had to execute herculean strength to pick one of the empty rooms instead of sliding my body next to hers.

  At one o’clock in the morning it was obvious my hard-on wasn’t going to allow me to have a good night’s rest. I flung back the covers and fisted my cock, hoping for some kind of salvation. I pumped hard up and down my shaft, wishing it was Ali’s hands or her sweet lips. It didn’t take me long to come like an animal. I had to bite my left hand to contain the sounds of my climactic explosion.

  It’s not that I don’t want her badly, I just don’t want things to get confused between us.

  In order to curb my appetite for her curves, I extricated myself from bed at the crack of dawn and I hit the gym for two arduous hours. I was hoping the release of this pent-up energy would help, but my monster erection is still raging between my legs. Unable to withstand the pressure that serves as a reminder I haven’t been inside Ali in a really long time, I retreated into my bedroom and jerked off again while she was getting ready in the bathroom. I swear if I keep this up, I won’t be able to use my right hand for long.

  She nearly broke my resolve a few minutes ago when I caught a glimpse of her hard nipples caressing the fabric of that naughty-as-hell thing she’s been prancing around in. I had to bite my tongue to avoid jumping on her like a panther on an innocent gazelle. God, my balls are aching for her.

  The last three weeks have been agonizing. I can’t think of anything more tormenting than being so close to someone you crave with every fiber of your being while messy circumstances make things too complicated to give in to your desires. Riley’s return made things uncomfortable and Hunter’s grandmother’s sudden hospitalization wasn’t the time for me to have a heart-to-heart with my best friend. Not to mention it’s been hell at the ranch adjusting to the new flow of lucrative business.

  I want things to be completely clear between Ali and I before I take her again. She has to want me as much as I want her. Only her. But for now, if I can’t have her in my bed and under me, then I’ll sure as hell do right by her and protect her. Defend her. Stand up for her.

  I’m still a little apprehensive about Hunter dropping by for a couple of days. I wimped out when he texted me. I told him it would be great to hang out with him in the Big Apple, but I haven’t told him that the reality is I don’t want to share Ali anymore. I need to be upfront with him. Since Aaron and his team will most likely need time to prep Ali for her first trial, I’ll take this opportunity to slip out and meet Hunter to discuss things in the open. I hadn’t planned on this taking place in New York City, but if I want to make things official with the woman I’m so determined to guard from harm, I might as well just get it over with. It’s much better to have this conversation face to face than over the phone while Hunter’s in LA taking care of his grandmother.

  It’s best to have one cross to bear at a time. Once the dust settles, everything is possible. It’s only a few more days, Jake.

  I’ve been playing around with the idea of taking her to the Hamptons after the trial and laying my cards on the table. I was thinking of making reservations at Pierre’s. This French bistro is one of the Hamptons’ most romantic locations and the perfect backdrop for what I have in mind. The atmosphere is warm and intimate, the food is spectacular and the view is breathtaking. I’ll play it by ear since we still have a long week ahead of us, but one thing is certain, she’ll be mine before we land in Denver again.

  I’m in the middle of sending a few instructions to Dirk, my right-hand man at the ranch, when Ali steps out of the bathroom again, vying for my attention. This time instead of staying in the background, she approaches my desk wrapped in a terrycloth robe I’d rip off in a minute to fling her delicious body on top of this desk and fuck her senseless.

  Peering over my laptop at her, I wink. “Everything okay?” My gaze cuts to hers. “Seems like you’ve been watching me from that bathroom over there all morning. Is there something you want to ask me?”

  Ali blushes and widens her eyes, aware she’s been busted. “Pfft. What makes you say that? I’m not watching you.” Her hands go to her hips and she scrunches her nose to emphasize her point.

  “Nice robe, but it won’t do in public. We’re due to leave soon so you should put some clothes on. We don’t want to be late,” I say, waggling my finger the length of her body.

  Instead of answering, she tugs the front of her robe around her chest before huffing and turning on her heel. Her frustration is palpable, but it’s best for both of us if I ignore my carnal urges.

  With a sigh I return my focus to my screen, amused by her reaction. After I’ve answered all of Dirk’s questions, I look at the time in the upper right-hand corner of my screen and realize we need to get out of here. This is New York and traffic can quickly become the kiss of death when you’re already running late. I get up and walk to the chair near the small dining table and grab my silk tie. I put it on and tighten it around my neck before slipping into my Italian wool jacket. I look down at my Rolex watch. When Ali is still barricaded in the bathroom, I become concerned.

  “Come on, Ali. We need to leave now or we’ll be late. We don’t want to hit any snags along the way.” I walk back towards the desk to grab my MacBook Pro laptop and tuck it in its protective sleeve before shoving it inside my leather case.

  A few minutes pass and she’s still not out. I ready myself to call her again when the bathroom door opens behind me and I speak without turning around. “Are you ready?”

  When I face her, I freeze. Holy shit. I take a step back and I nervously rake my fingers through my hair, very aware of how my cock is twitching inside my pants. Jesus, she looks hot. My gaze drags from her polished, coiffed updo all the way down to her outrageously sexy nude high heels. I open my mouth to speak, but it takes a few minutes for my brain to catch up. I’m so in awe right now, I must look like a man dying of thirst.

  “Ali, you look dangerous in that suit.”

  “It’s not too conservative?”

  “Not at all. And look, we’re both wearing navy,” I say, grasping at an opportunity to keep the conversation from veering into something improper and bawdy.

  “Oh, you’re right,” she says, smoothing the fabric of her skirt.

  “Honestly, you’re absolutely beautiful.”

  “My hair’s okay?”

  “Of course.” I exhale. “I much prefer your hair when it’s cascading over your shoulders”—because fisting your mane while I ram you from behind gets me off like a rocket—”but the way you have it off your face like this just brings more emphasis to your striking features.” It also exposes the neck I’d kiss for days. Would it be in poor taste to mark your flawless skin with a hickey right before a trial?

  “The blouse isn’t too colorful, right?” She pulls open the lapel of her jacket and pushes her boobs towards me. For God’s sake, how the hell am I supposed to contain myself here?

  I heave a breath and force myself to focus on her eyes. With limited success since my eyes keep shifting downwards. “Not at all, it brightens your face.” If only you knew how much I’m dying to leap forward right now and rip it off you to have full access to your huge tits.<
br />
  “Would white have been a better option?”

  We lock eyes and I feel as lost as a puppy. She’s cute and sweet and so damn gorgeous it’s hard to take a breath.

  “Nah.” I shake my head and close my eyes, desperately trying to ward off the hedonistic fantasies I’d love nothing more than to live out.

  “Good. Riley helped me choose this outfit. It’s not something I’d usually wear, but she said I needed to look the part in order to be taken seriously.”

  “She’s right.” Damn, girl, if my dick is any indication, you’re playing the role of seductress to a tee.

  “The shoes aren’t too… you know…”

  I drop my gaze to her feet and I instantly want to hit my knees on the floor and kiss her legs all the way up to her pussy. “No, I don’t. What’s wrong with the shoes?” Other than the fact they’re making my cock so hard right now, it’s fucking killing me.

  “They’re very high heels. I’m so short I wanted to give myself some height, but maybe something more sensible would have been better? What do you think?”

  What would be sensible would be for your legs to be jacked up over my shoulders with those fuck-me pumps still glued to your feet as I drive in and out of your warm pussy. That’s what I think. “Honestly, I’m no fashion guru, but I think everything you’re wearing looks amazing on you.”

  “Thank you. I know we’ve gone over this many times, but I’m still a bit nervous,” she confesses, patting her bun.

  Goddammit, I could do a lot of dirty things to you right now. “You have the best legal team money can buy behind you.” I close the gap between us and extend my arm without even noticing it. I brush my knuckles over her left cheek and she closes her eyes as she leans into my hand. “And you have me.” My voice is deep and low. My dick twitches at the thought of taking her lips. So much for not confusing things. Treacherous bastard.

  “You’re right, I need to stop worrying or I’ll go crazy.” She nods while lifting the corner of her lips into a half smile.


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