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Dark Fae Freed (Broken Court Book 2)

Page 6

by Heather Renee

  My mate was bleeding and hurting. The bond took over as a wave of crimson settled over my vision and I couldn’t think about anything other than killing those who thought they could hurt what was mine.

  A guttural roar ripped from my throat as I sprinted forward, acting like an animalistic shifter with no humanity. The bond instincts were so much more than I could have predicted. Power poured from me in waves as shocks of magic arced around my fingertips and I lost control of my actions. Two of the five came for me, but that wasn’t enough. There would never be enough of them to stop me from saving Finn.

  I was no longer just a fae. Within an instant, I’d become a ferocious beast who only cared about keeping her treasure safe. It didn’t matter that Finn had just treated me like shit. It didn’t matter that I wasn’t loving the bond. All that I could focus on was making sure he stayed alive.

  I wrapped my fingers around the throat of the first fae attempting to attack me and used my hardened wings to block a blast from the second. Without hesitating, I ripped the head off the first and sliced a gaping hole into the chest of the other.

  My wings were expanded as far as they could reach as I crept toward the remaining three, still holding Finn.

  “Come any closer and I’ll take his head off,” the one who was standing in front snarled.

  I laughed in return, the sound unlike anything I’d ever made before. “I don’t think so.”

  I plucked one of my feathers and sent it sailing toward the unknown fae, watching as it sank into his neck and blood began to gush out. The cowardice fae disappeared, but I didn’t care. He’d never make it to a healer in time, and he wouldn’t be able to speak with the feather lodged in the middle of his throat, so he was no longer a threat.

  The two crouched behind Finn as I met his gaze. There was a hunger in his eyes I’d never seen before, but also a rage I could relate to. He shook his head, but I didn’t know what he was trying to tell me. If he thought I wasn’t going to kill these assholes, he was sorely mistaken.

  As I used my wings to propel me forward, Finn jerked out of their hold and snapped the neck of one just as I landed on the other. Finn was too close, and my wings cut into his arm when I lifted them to behead the last remaining guard.

  Finn hissed in pain and grunted before shoving the fae he’d killed to the ground and heading inside. Before he disappeared completely, I caught him glance back at me, but neither of us said anything, his face unreadable.

  Whatever. He could be pissed off all he wanted, but I’d been right. He had needed me, and he shouldn’t have shut me out. After double-checking that there were no other fae around, I started to take deep breaths, slowing my heart rate and trying to calm the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

  My focus stayed on the smoke coming from the orchards around the house. It appeared as if we’d shown up just in time to prevent them from burning down Finn’s house next. It was the only thing left untouched that I could see.

  As Finn’s safety registered with me, the overwhelming sense of protectiveness began wearing off. I wanted to throat punch myself for how I’d acted. I hated that the bond had so much control over my actions. I was supposed to be pissed at Finn for being an asshole, but instead, I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around him. It was an awful feeling. What was even worse was realizing that no matter how much I hated how I felt, I also understood the truth of our situation.

  I needed him even if I wanted to hate him.

  That didn’t mean I would forget how he treated me, though. It just meant I wasn’t going to run away because things were hard. No, he was going to hear what I thought about his shit attitude and that he needed to do something about it. If he continued to be difficult, then I was going to show him how versed I was at being a pain in the ass.

  Finn was back within seconds, tablet in his grasp. He took my hand and pulled me along, still not speaking to me. While I really wanted to say something right then, I knew we had to get Maddox back to the island where he could heal.

  Maddox’s mouth downturned when he saw us. “If you haven’t already, the two of you better make it to the bedroom soon. The tension is suffocating.”

  Finn snarled. “Shut your mouth before I leave you here.”

  I leaned down, helping him up. “Don’t worry, Maddie. I wouldn’t leave you behind.” I waved at Finn and disappeared with Maddox in tow. Just because I was willing to keep quiet about my irritation didn’t mean I wouldn’t show it.

  Finn was only half a second behind us and practically dripping in rage when we appeared on the island. We arrived in front of Mosi and Olida’s hut, both of them coming out as Finn stared me down.

  “Oh, dear. Bring him inside,” Olida fussed, and Finn took Maddox from me with more force than necessary. I stayed outside, not wanting to crowd Olida while she worked and also needing some space from Finn.

  Mosi watched me with curiosity and a grin on his face. I waltzed toward him and poked a finger at his chest as I remembered what Finn had told me before we left. “I don’t like people using magic on me without my permission. I don’t care if you’re like me or not.”

  He nodded, seeming to understand what I meant. “The mark cannot do you any harm. Don’t worry about that. Did you learn anything while you were gone?”

  My brows pinched in confusion. “Uh, no. Were we supposed to?”

  Mosi kicked a twig, avoiding my stare. “Possibly. We’ll see.” He turned around and went back inside his home.

  My chest rumbled. I was beyond done with the day, and it was still morning.

  I hadn’t stuck around long. Instead, I ventured through the trees, meeting a few of the island fae. They were all nice enough but had no idea what was happening in the real world. The fact that the fae here were okay with that didn’t sit well with me. How could someone not care that the person who promised to take care of their kind was killing them instead? I just couldn’t understand.

  Then again, most people didn’t understand me, either. I tried not to let it get me even more riled up.

  When I was done, I found myself at the beach again, sitting on the same log and watching the waves. I’d been there about an hour when a soft humming noise caught my attention.

  I turned around to find Olida walking toward me. She was freshly bathed from the soap smell I caught and had a smile on her face.

  “I take it Maddox is okay?” I asked, trying not to be disappointed that Finn hadn’t come to find me first.

  “He is. While he won’t be leaving bed today, he will make a full recovery with minimal scars and less hair.”

  The burns on his face flashed through my mind and I cringed.

  “How are you doing?” she asked after taking a seat next to me, digging her bare feet into the sand.

  “Why did you follow me out here again?” I didn’t want to lie or tell her the truth, so I answered the question with one of my own instead.

  She hesitated before responding, making me wonder if she was trying to come up with a lie. “I don’t know,” she finally said.

  Well, that didn’t make me feel great.

  She continued, “I’m drawn to you. Your power is unlike any I’ve encountered before. It’s similar to my Mosi’s, but I think that’s because you’re both feathered fae—special.”

  I scoffed. “I’m not special. I can’t do anything that nobody else can.”

  “At least, not that you know of. You’re still young and finding your place in this world, Lucy. Give it time, and when you least expect it, a gift will appear. Like Finn did.”

  My stomach twisted with something I didn’t recognize. “I’m not so sure Finn is a gift. I think we were put together to torture each other for all eternity.”

  Olida laughed so hard, she had to hold her stomach. When I glared at her, she sobered, but only a little. “I’m sorry, dear. I don’t mean to make light of the situation, but the two of you remind me so much of me and Mosi. That first year… Oh, lordy. I wanted to murder him, and I’d never even cons
idered hurting a fly before. Being bonded is not easy. Especially with a past like yours. You will have your trials and tribulations, but if you can stick with it, the rewards will be more than you ever imagined.”

  I wanted to believe her, but we were not the same.

  “I promise I didn’t come here to preach or make you feel better. You’re allowed to wallow in your own feelings if you choose to. I just wanted to let you know that we were done and Finn was showering. Also, I believe there were messages from your elf friend that he found.”

  With everything else happening, I’d almost forgotten about the emails we needed to read. “Is she okay? Did she find a witch?”

  “Finn didn’t really read them. It seemed as if he wanted to wait for you. I’d hurry back and see what’s what. Before you decide to hold on to this anger, remember he’s been through a lot the last few days, too. That mate of yours has watched his sister be kidnapped, thought you were going to die, and now seen his best friend on death’s door as well. He might need you more than he’s willing to say. The two of you really aren’t that different.”

  Ha! The thought of Finn needing me for anything other than assisting in a fight wasn’t something I could envision.

  I did want to read the emails from Neva and set a time to get her, so I stood up, ready to do just that. She’d been gone too long. It was time to get my elf back.

  Chapter 8

  When we arrived back at the main part of the island, fae were roaming freely. Each of them smiled and nodded, saying hello in their own ways. I’d never been welcomed in this way. I’d always been shamed for being different, but there wasn’t an ounce of that here. I tried to ignore the warmth that bloomed in my chest as I was around these people longer, but it was getting harder.

  Once I entered Olida and Mosi’s hut, I found Maddox resting on a single bed that was taking up the area where we’d sat during my first visit into their home. Finn was there, too, standing by Maddox’s side, holding the tablet. His stare was on me instead of the screen.

  When our eyes met, my chest constricted and my throat tightened with emotions, not all of which I knew how to identify. All of these “things” that came with the bond were not what I was expecting. I missed the days when I didn’t care about anything. I actually missed the voice inside my head who often agreed with me. Or maybe it had been me agreeing with it. Either way, I’d always known what to expect before.

  Anxiety crept its way through my body until my hands shook and I found it hard to breathe. Finn was watching me, a pained expression on his face. “Luc—”

  I didn’t hear the rest. I needed another minute to myself before I let the bond get the better of me. I had to get my shit under control before I did something that would make me hate myself.

  I darted out the door, going around to the back of the hut, hoping to be left alone. Kneeling over, I put my head low and took deep breaths. Gods, this was the fucking worst. Why in the world did people continuously look for love? There was literally nothing appealing about caring for others so much it made you sick.

  A warm hand rubbed my back and my heart beat faster, sensing it was Finn before I even looked up.

  “I’m sorry, Lucinda,” he whispered, bending closer to me.

  I jerked up and shoved him away, ignoring how his closeness made me feel. “I don’t think so, asshole. Do you even know what you’re sorry for?”

  “For dismissing your help when I should have trusted your instincts,” he said confidently.

  My head shook, and I kept my voice lethal and low to avoid being overheard. Our business wasn’t for anyone else’s entertainment. “How about when you accused me of further hurting Maddox? Or the way your eyes cast down at me afterward, still seeing me like the monster I know you believed me to be? Or maybe for when you ignored me several times over?”

  He at least winced at my words. Good. I hoped he felt like shit, because that was how he’d made me feel.

  “Lucy, listen,” he begged.

  I waved my hand in the air. “No, I don’t want to listen. I didn’t want any of this. You showed up, asking for my help. I only agreed because it meant I could kill the king. Never once did I ask for anything more. And now… I’m suddenly bonded and caring for others, but why? Why would I willingly subject myself to this hurt, Finn? I’m so done with it.”

  He moved quickly, grabbing on to my arms and pressing his body against me. “I’m sorry. For all of it. More than you know. Please, don’t leave.”

  I sneered at him. “I don’t believe you.”

  Finn took my hand and pressed it against his chest; his heart was pounding beneath my touch. “Only you have ever made me second-guess myself. Only you have made my heart do this. Only you have made me want to change the world. I need you to believe me, Lucy.”

  Tension slowly left my body as his liquid eyes bored into my soul and the heat of his body began to thaw mine. The longer he held me, the stronger the bond grew, but I fought it off. I wanted to be pissed. Hell, I deserved to be.

  “You can’t treat me the way you did today and expect me to stick around. I don’t know how to do any of this. I will always believe I’m better off alone if I have no proof otherwise. I need you to convince me it’s better to stay if that’s what you really want, but not just because of the bond. It’s not like it has to be forever. You’re not stuck with me if that’s what you believe,” I said.

  His forehead pressed against mine, and he took a deep breath. “I was furious today, but not for the reasons you think. I truly am sorry for allowing you to believe them. You are everything I am not, and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it has only made me want you more since the moment I saw you in LA.”

  His fingers brushed away my hair that had fallen into my eyes, and I sucked in a breath at the power igniting between us. Made even stronger with the tension brought on by the day’s events.

  He continued, “I’d actually agreed with you at one point. I’d believed Maddox had left us the day Edgar had shown up. I’d lost my faith in him. Then, I’d lost it in myself and my ability to keep Ivy safe once she was gone. After I spoke with Mosi and knew the truth, I ignored how it made me feel for as long as I could. But finding Maddox’s body, I couldn’t hold it all in any longer.”

  I gripped his shirt, feeling sorry for him, and then immediately being angry at myself for beginning to forgive him. I wanted to be furious enough with him to walk away, but that option was becoming harder as the hours ticked by. His eyes briefly closed, and the twinge in his cheek was back, something I thought I’d missed but hated seeing now.

  Finn gently pressed his lips to my forehead. “I took my anger toward myself out on you, and that wasn’t fair. You’re not the only one struggling with this bond. Don’t get me wrong. I promise that I’ve come to accept you for who you are, and I absolutely do not want to break it—that isn’t something I would ever lie to you about. Of course, I hope there will be a little less killing in your future, but if it needs to be done to keep others safe, I understand that is part of who you are. My problem mostly lies with not being sure I’m good enough for you as a mate, and that guts me.”

  My fingers grasped his chin. “Finn, you are one of the kindest fae I know, with a moral compass unlike any I’ve ever met. Why in the world would you think you’re not good enough for me?”

  “My kindness has done nothing but nearly get people killed,” he spat.

  I lifted up onto my toes, trying to get eye level with him. “Your kindness is going to change the world.” Then, I pressed my lips to his, and that was all he needed to take control. His fingers sank into my hair, angling my head as he deepened the kiss.

  My hands ventured around to his back, my nails digging into his skin as I held on tight.

  He slowed down, once again resting his head on mine. “I came out here to make you feel better and you ended up comforting me. I’m sorry. Again.”

  I patted his chest. “You don’t need to keep apologizing. I believe you feel bad, but don
’t mistake that kiss as me forgetting what happened today. I understand your reasons now, but it doesn’t mean your earlier actions hurt me any less. We’re not always going to agree. We are as opposite as two fae can get. Yet, as it’s been pointed out, we are also very alike. I’m still not sold on this bond idea and how it controls me, but I learned enough today to know I want to see what happens by sticking around for a while longer.”

  He squeezed me tighter, nuzzling my neck. “The way you rarely hold things back is admirable, and I promise not to shut you out anymore.”

  I was on emotional overload and needed space, so I calmly pushed him back. “Can we please be done with the heavy today and go get my elf?”

  Finn dropped his arms, respecting my wants. “I would love nothing more.”

  I followed him back inside the hut where Maddox was sitting up in bed. “You two done acting like children?”

  “You done being ugly yet?” I asked in return, feeling more like myself.

  He shrugged. “The hair will grow back, and I’ve been told chicks dig scars. Hopefully, Ivy won’t mind looking at mine for the rest of our lives.”

  That was not where I wanted the conversation to head. As much as I hoped Ivy was okay, I couldn’t take any more emotional conversations. I felt for Maddox, and I would find a way to free Ivy from Zephyr if it was possible. Unfortunately, that time hadn’t come yet, and I couldn’t guarantee she’d survive.

  “So, how about those emails?” I asked, searching for the tablet.

  Olida handed it to me. “I was going to try and read them, not knowing how long you two would be gone, but your fancy technology is not something I will ever understand.”

  Finn leaned over and typed in the code to unlock the screen while I smiled at Olida. I really did enjoy her company. She reminded me of the kind of mother I always wished for as a child.

  Once the screen was unlocked, the email inbox was the first thing I saw. There were six short messages from the elf. They began polite and moved on to more frustrated emotions when we weren’t responding.


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