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Murder at Cold Creek College

Page 18

by Christa Nardi

“Look, go on home. I got the email and we scanned the photos Hirsch collected. I sent them to the field office. The Chief is looking at them now. When you get home, go through the ones on your phone with Kim and see if she can identify any of the women. I’ll be there as soon as the Chief and I finish up here,” he answered.

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a while.” He said bye and we both clicked off.

  I finished putting everything back in my bag, got in my car and drove home. Kim followed me. At the house, Kim let Charlie out in the back yard. I found the photos on my phone and handed it to Kim. I asked her to see if she recognized anyone and went to change my clothes. The slacks I had worn had a rip in one knee from the gravel and blood on both knees, so I tossed them. I cleaned my knees with some antiseptic where the gravel had resulted in broken skin. My blouse was dirty, but not obviously torn. I put on jeans, but the denim hitting my knees hurt, so I put on shorts instead along with a t-shirt. In the process I realized my shoulders were already getting stiff, probably from when the woman jerked my arms behind my back.

  I fed Charlie and then joined Kim in the living room. Kim stared at one of the pictures on my phone. I hoped it was because she recognized someone, but when I peeked over her shoulder, it was the photo of the condoms.

  “He was a scum bag, huh?” she said. She sounded pretty deflated. I could tell she was still grasping how much of a scumbag he was.

  “Afraid so, Kim. I guess from the expression on your face, you weren’t the reason for his need to have condoms in his office?” I asked as gently as I could.

  “Nope, I always provided the condoms this time around. We always hooked up at my place. It was my own way of feeling like I had some control of the situation and hadn’t given it all to him,” she answered wistfully.

  “Well, I guess the good thing is he seemed to use them. Better than the alternative,” I offered.

  “Yeah, well maybe I’ll give you my supply!” she said with a chuckle. “Looks like you may need them before I do.” I was glad she was able to find a way to deflect from her despair, but I wasn’t ready to go there yet.

  I put my hands up and retorted, “We aren’t there yet! Not sure if or when we will be…”

  She laughed and teased, “Oh, you are so not admitting it. I’ve seen the way you look at each other. It’s only a matter of time.” She picked up one of two glasses of wine, and said, “Here, I think you need this.”

  We drank our wine and discussed the pictures for a while. She thought one of them might be a younger Katie. And she thought one might have been the third wife. Neither of us could remember her name. We speculated that maybe one of the older pictures might be his first wife. It dawned on me the photo that looked to be from 20 years ago could be her.

  We also talked about the mess, and if neither local nor State police was responsible, who had trashed it and when. And how had they gotten in to the office. It could have been the person who accosted me, but obviously from her questions she hadn’t found the photos or whatever she was looking for. We were still talking when Brett arrived.

  I answered the door and he immediately took me in his arms and kissed my forehead. Then, noticing the way I was dressed, he pirouetted me around, and commented, “Ah, the casual Sheridan! I like it. But not the knees so much. You cleaned them up good?”

  I nodded and then remembered he had said we would go out to eat. My hands flew to my face and I said, “Oh, dinner. I forgot. I’m sorry.” I was certainly not dressed for a dinner date.

  Tilting my chin and looking into my eyes, he said “You’re fine. We can order dinner in. Not a problem.” After a pause he added, “There are places here you can order from and either pick up or get delivery, right?”

  We had walked all the way into the living room by then. Kim answered, “Italian or Chinese?”

  Brett chuckled, and said, “Hi, Kim. Hope you can join us. How about Chinese?” Then, prompted by Kim’s gestures, he massaged my shoulders and I winced. He grimaced a bit.

  Kim and I both agreed to Chinese and I went to my study to get the menu. I could hear them talking, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. As I walked back into the living room, they stopped. I looked from one to the other, and Brett said, “Let’s order and then we can try and sort some of this out, okay?”

  I nodded and Kim took charge of placing the order and volunteered to go pick it up. She left and Brett took me in his arms and kissed me again, a little more intense than his initial kiss with Kim gone. He asked if I was okay, and I assured him I was. He massaged my shoulders again and shook his head as I winced again.

  Charlie decided she needed a little attention too and he played with her a bit. When I went to get down dishes, he nudged me into a chair and got them down for me. Then he set the table in the kitchen. I offered to make coffee, but Brett said he had had enough all day. He helped himself to a glass of wine from the bottle Kim had opened earlier. Kim got back in no time and we ate before moving back to the living room.

  “Okay, Sheridan, I want you to explain and show me what happened this afternoon. Come over here,” he directed. Looking at Kim, he asked, “Can you come over here, Kim, and you will be Sheridan.”

  “Start from the top,” he said to me.

  “I walked to my car and was holding all my papers in my left hand and unlocking the door with my right,” I explained, gesturing with my right hand. Brett motioned to Kim and she turned her back on us, and pretended to unlock a pretend door.

  I continued, “All of a sudden she grabbed me at the elbows and jerked my arms backward.” He gestured for me to pretend to do the same to Kim.

  “Okay, so it was a sudden jerk and you dropped everything. Did you offer any resistance?” he asked.

  “No, it was too fast. I didn’t see it coming,” I answered, shaking my head.

  “So it wouldn’t have taken a lot of strength then. Close your eyes a minute. When she jerked your arms back, was it back and up, back and down, or back straight?”

  “Huh?” was all I could respond, and Kim, turning her head, also looked confused by the question. He moved in and said as he demonstrated on Kim, “If I were to pull her arms back, I would also have to pull them up. I’m much taller so pulling them straight back would be awkward and wasted effort.”

  He released Kim’s arms, repeated the question, and both looked at me expectantly.

  “Straight back I think. That would make her about my height, right?” I asked. He nodded.

  “Possibly. Now when she talked to you, did it seem like she was talking down to you or on level with you?” I must have again look confused so he stood behind me and spoke in a whisper. Being a good six inches taller than me, he was talking over the top of my head. He signaled for Kim to come over and she did the same thing. Kim is about my height, maybe a little shorter.

  “More like Kim,” I said.

  “So what happened next?” he asked.

  I explained how she asked questions and when she didn’t like what I said, she jerked my arms again. Then I told him how she’d asked if I recognized anyone in the pictures and then knocked me down.

  “One last thing, show me, gently now, how she knocked you down,” he directed.

  I moved to behind Kim and pulling her arms back at the elbows, said, “She pushed against my back and arms with her arms, and at the same time pushed against the back of my left knee with her knee.” I demonstrated without using force. Kim and I both turned around to face him.

  “So, we have someone your height, who isn’t necessarily strong, but likely has had some self-defense or martial arts training. And she’s probably right handed,” he concluded. “Not much, but we can eliminate anyone much shorter than you or much taller than you. You’re about 5’8”?” I nodded.

  “Did you recognize the voice at all?” he asked next. I shook my head, and he continued, “Was there anything noticeable when she ran away?”

  This was to both of us and we both shook our heads. Kim said, “Not really. She had on a hoo
ded jacket with the hood up so I couldn’t even tell you if her hair was long or short, never mind if she was blonde or brunette.”

  I added, “She was behind me the whole time so I can’t tell you anything about what she looked like. I didn’t see much except a blur after she knocked me down.”

  “Either of you ever taken a self-defense class?” he asked. When we both shook our heads, he groaned.

  “Sheridan, when you’re working up those sexual harassment trainings, you might add on self-defense!” He hesitated and then seemed to get a second wind.

  “Okay,” he said, and waved us back to the couch. He continued, “Let’s take a look at these pictures.”

  Opening an envelope, he pulled out enlarged copies of all the photos I had taken and the ones Hirsch had bagged earlier. Kim immediately picked out the one she had indicated on my phone. “I’m pretty sure this is Katie. I recognize the hair style and the blouse she has on. This is an old picture though, like from when I first started here.”

  I pulled out the one that seemed so old, and stared at it. “This face is familiar, but I can’t place it. It’s definitely not anyone in our department. I’m pretty sure I have seen this person somewhere, or at least someone who looks a lot like her.” I handed the picture to Kim.

  “Yeah, she does look familiar.” Putting that picture aside, she pulled out another one, and commented, “This is Misty I think. And this may be the number three wife here. I don’t know any of the others. Oh, wait, isn’t this woman in Sociology?”

  I looked at the picture and said, “Hmm, maybe, I’m not sure.” Once again, I kicked myself for paying so little attention to the people I see virtually every day.

  Brett said, “Okay, so he obviously had pictures of his various wives and perhaps some of the others he was involved in.” After a pause, he added, “And you’ve only picked up or gone through the stuff on the floor. We could have a hundred pictures before you’re through.” He sighed again and leaned against the sofa back.

  “Yup, and we haven’t even touched his desk yet,” I added. We were silent for a few minutes, and then Kim broke the silence.

  “Okay, it’s getting late, and I hate to bring this up, but I think we all have to work tomorrow. So far this week, Sheridan, you have had your tires slashed and now you have been assaulted. I know I have a reputation for being a bit over-reactive, but I don’t want you staying here alone,” she said, obviously very serious.

  What followed was an awkward silence. I hadn’t thought this far ahead. I didn’t know if Brett had. When neither of us said a word, Kim chuckled and offered, “We are all adults here. We have options. Granted they are limited by Charlie. I can run to my house, grab what I need and spend the night. Or I can leave and Brett can stay here.” She paused and added, “Or both if you two want a chaperone.”

  Brett looked at me and said, “I agree with Kim. You are not staying here alone. I can crash here on the couch. It’s your call, Sheridan.”

  So now I had both of them looking at me expectantly. This certainly hadn’t been something I had considered, but it did seem to make the most sense. I took a deep breath, and said, “Kim, thanks for the offer to stay, but I know you are spent from the double duty all week. As long as Brett can stay, you’re off the hook.”

  She smiled and got up to leave. We both walked her to the door and then out to her car. She looked around and then at Brett. At her questioning look, he explained he had parked his car on the next street. He also told the Chief he was doing that so he wouldn’t get a ticket. Then he added that he’d requested additional patrols of the neighborhood.

  Kim gave me a hug, and drove home. Brett asked if we needed to take Charlie for a walk. I nodded and we took her around the neighborhood. I suspected it was as much a chance for him to check out the neighborhood as it was anything else.

  As we settled ourselves in the living room, Charlie on the couch with us and enamored of her new friend, I realized I’d never had a man stay over. We watched the news and Brett pulled me onto his lap and held me. It felt good to be held and we both chuckled at Charlie’s attempt to also climb onto his lap. As the news ended, we kissed. It was one of the long, lingering kisses that made my toes tingle and my insides melt. We sat there on the couch making out for a while, like a couple of high school kids. When we pulled apart, his hazel eyes were swollen and glistening. I imagined mine were as well.

  “Time out,” he said very softly. “I think we better … Sheridan, how about we get me a pillow and blanket, and say our goodnights so we both can get some sleep.”

  Smiling, I said, “Probably a good idea. The sleep that is, but the couch isn’t long enough for your 6 foot frame.”

  Pausing slightly and noting as a range of emotions crossed his face, I added, “I do have a guest room. Let’s take a tour of the house so you can get your bearings.” I sensed he was trying to be the gentleman, and as warm and tingling as I was feeling, I appreciated it. Add to that I was feeling stiff despite the tingles. I also wasn’t sure if either of us were prepared. I might have to take Kim up on her offer of condoms.

  We checked the back door and he flipped on the outside light. We put the dishes in the dishwasher, and made sure all the leftovers were in the fridge. I showed him the guest bathroom, where the towels were located, and so on. It would have been like having any other guest except each time we brushed against each other, it was like being hit with electricity.

  In the guest room, the last box I had filled of stuff to be disposed of was still there and he moved it for me. Then we were in the room and staring at each other. He took me in his arms again. He held me close enough I knew his body was responding as well as mine. Moving to establish at least some distance, he kissed me again.

  “Sheridan, go to bed – in your bed, now. I’ll see you in the morning,” he said emphatically enough so I was sure he meant it on some level. I smiled and waited for Charlie to decide who she was going to be sleeping with.

  Chapter 14

  When I finally fell asleep, I slept well and the night was uneventful. I got up earlier than usual, made some coffee, and let Charlie out. I was heading for the shower when Brett came into the kitchen. I was suddenly a little self-conscious of my nightgown. I quickly forgot about it when he took me in his arms. As I fixed him a cup of coffee, I said, “I hope you slept well. Was the bed comfortable?”

  He came up behind me and put his arms around my waist and answered, “I slept fine, but it was lonely.” He kissed the top of my head and then stepped back. It was looking like it would be a cold shower I’d be taking.

  He sat down with his coffee and I joined him. He said he was meeting with the Chief today, and they hoped to have some information by the end of the day. His initial plan had been to leave early for Richmond, but he wasn’t sure they would be able to wrap everything up in time. I could tell he would be disappointed if he had to cut any part of his weekend with Madison short.

  While we drank our coffee, his phone rang. I could tell from his greeting that it was Madison. I didn’t want to eavesdrop so I took Charlie out in the back yard. A few minutes later, Brett came out and put his hands on my shoulders. My wince drew another grimace. Brett asked how I was doing, and I assured him I was okay and he should go on. I figured it was daylight and I would be alright to get to work. He kissed me and left for his hotel to change before his meeting. I headed for the shower, and got dressed.

  I was feeling good and about to get in my car when an arm came around my neck, knocking me off balance. My shoulders and neck burned. I gasped, and dropped my bag, and I swore to myself to take a self-defense class sooner rather than later. I tried to talk and managed to gasp “What do you want? Who are you?” Not all the sounds came out, and all I got in return was a grunt.

  I could tell this was not the same person. The way his arms came around me, he was taller and had more girth than the woman yesterday. In fact, I figured it was a man from the way he grabbed me. He pulled me backward and toward the street. I hoped that
the additional watch on the neighborhood would occur about then, but no such luck. I tried to think of something I could do, but whoever he was, he was stronger and bigger than me. At least part of the time my feet weren’t hitting the ground and it was hard to breath. My hands had a death grip on the arm across my neck so that as he dragged me along, I wasn’t completely choked.

  He dragged me to a car, a shiny new black BMW, at the end of the drive. He opened the driver’s door, and shoved me inside, but not quite out of reach. He had to let go of my neck, but he had a vice grip on my left arm. Rubbing my neck with my right, I glanced sideways and realized it was Oakland. I must have gasped again, because he looked at me as he managed to get the car in reverse. I was scared, dumbfounded, and all I could think of was I didn’t have my seat belt on.

  I tried to pull from all my training and work at the residential center. I tried to speak as calmly as I could so as not to escalate the situation. “Chancellor Oakland, what is it you want from me? I’m sure we can work this out.” My voice sounded raspy to me, probably from the pressure he’d had on my throat.

  He grunted and said what sounded like, “You bitch, why did you have to keep poking your nose in everything, going through that ass’s office?”

  “Because Jim Grant told me to?” I offered. I tried not to sound at all aggressive or offensive. Oakland had scared me in his office, but now I was downright terrified. “But whatever it is you think I found… I don’t know what it is,” I answered, still calm, but realizing it didn’t matter anymore. And it probably didn’t matter if I didn’t understand his motive for murdering Adam either. But I was pretty sure it was Oakland who killed Adam. That didn’t bode well for my future.

  “You’re no dummy, you with your P-H and D. Sooner or later, you and your boyfriend from the State police are going to figure it out. Did you find the pictures in his office? Or the DVDs?” he hissed. Obviously my calm speech wasn’t having much of an effect on his hostility.

  I began to get a better idea of what might have happened. I figured I had nothing to lose. He was probably going to kill me too. I asked him, “Adam had an affair with your wife, didn’t he? And he had a picture maybe?”


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