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Forging Divinity

Page 36

by Rowe, Andrew

  As the Rethri have known for centuries, sorcery takes a toll on the body – a measurable toll. Unbeknownst to many, however, this “Sorcery Exhaustion” differs considerably based on the specific Dominion that is being utilized. Most people are still trained that, “Sorcery makes you tired,” or “Channeling the energies of the planes takes a toll on your body.” These statements are both true, but greatly oversimplify the situation. It has been my conclusion, after many years of research, that the body is not simply channeling the energy of the Planes when you cast a spell – it is serving as a catalyst.

  Ask a Dominion of Flame sorcerer – if you are lucky enough to know one – how they feel when they have exhausted themselves from using too many fire spells. In every case I have encountered such a sorcerer – and see the collected data section at the end of this tome for examples of some of those brave enough to volunteer their names and proficiency levels – they have explained it as thus, “At first, I begin to feel chills as I cast. As I continue, I grow colder, and my movements grow more sluggish. It requires more and more effort to continue casting spells.”

  Exhaustion is present, yes, but we see another important element here – a cold splashing across the body. After hearing this description several times, I thought to investigate it with the aid of a medical doctor, and remarkably, the symptoms were not just in the perception of the sorcerer – the body’s temperature is physically lowered when a Dominion of Flame sorcerer casts their spells.

  This revelation lead to intensive study on the subject matter, and upon further examination, I realized that each Dominion takes a slightly different toll on the body. Water sorcery causes dehydration, whereas life sorcery appears to more generally impact the body, preventing blood from clotting at its normal rate and impeding other necessary bodily functions.

  This suggests that each of the prime dominions, at the very least, have a presence within the body – and that their presence is necessary for basic bodily functions. Conversely, some may suggest that it is backlash – that is, the influence of the opposing dominion on the body – that causes these side effects. In either case, the side effects of most prime dominions can be measurably observed.

  Below, I have catalogued a list of the Prime Dominions, their uses, and their primary side effects.


  Function of the Dominion

  Side Effects for Using This Dominion


  Governs the function of the organs, such as the rate at which the heart beats. Note that this includes the development of new skin. The Dominion of Life does not govern the brain or thought, however.

  When used by a sorcerer, the Dominion of Life can accelerate the process of healing an injury, sometimes drastically. This often causes side effects, such as preventing a bleeding wound from clotting until it has sufficiently healed.

  In addition, applying the Dominion of Life to a wound can cause it to heal disproportionately, causing unusual scarring.

  Mild use can result in simple pain. Anecdotal evidence suggests the possibility of spontaneous “injuries” appearing on the sorcerer.

  A sorcerer who overuses the Dominion of Life would gradually suffer from a loss of function in their internal organs. Just casting a few basic spells might temporarily cause pain in the stomach or kidneys with no long-term effects, but overuse of powerful spells could cause a heart attack, liver failure, or infertility.


  The Dominion of Death allows the body to stop a process it has already started. For example, the Dominion of Death signals the body to wake up when you have slept for long enough (otherwise you would only wake up you were woken up by an outside source).

  The Dominion of Death also stops certain other functions when it is appropriate to do so; for example, the Dominion of Death signals the body to stop feeling pain after a certain period of time has elapsed from receiving an injury.

  When utilized by a sorcerer, the Dominion of Death can stop bodily processes. Some claim it can even be used to trick a corpse into believing it is still alive.

  A subject that uses the Dominion of Death would have a delayed response to things the body should force to stop, such as feeling pain. The body might also continue to sweat after leaving a hot environment.

  Overuse would prevent wounds from clotting or prevent the subject from waking from unconsciousness (i.e. the subject would be comatose).


  The function of the Dominion of Shadow within the scope of the body is a mystery.

  Sorcerers who manipulate the Dominion of Shadow claim to be able to hide in plain sight, concealing the presence of their body from eyes and ears.

  Studies suggest that sorcerers who practice the Dominion of Shadow have a difficult time recovering from injuries, diseases, etc. An extreme version of this would be hemophilia.


  It is theorized that this Dominion functions to regulate the body’s ability to maintain its own healthy temperature in any environment.

  When utilized by a sorcerer, the Dominion of Flame can be used to produce sparks of fire.

  Without the Dominion of Fire, the body’s temperature would be more greatly impacted by the environment. For example, the body would lose the ability to sweat and other self-regulating features.


  Regulates the level of moisture in the body, including the processing of water in the body and excreting fluids.

  When wielded by a sorcerer, the Dominion of Water can produce water from the air or flush toxins out of the body of a subject.

  A weakened Dominion of Water would cause the body to show symptoms of dehydration, as it can no longer properly process water. The subject would need to drink larger amounts of water to prevent dehydration and their skin might dry out. In extreme cases, this would also prevent the proper flow of blood through the body.


  Controls the lungs and the ability to breathe.

  When manipulated by a sorcerer, the Dominion of Wind can be used to project blasts of wind, levitate, or breathe in any environment.

  Weakness in this Dominion causes slight breathing problems that can be temporary (such as coughing) or chronic (such as asthma). Completely losing this Dominion would prevent the body from breathing.


  Regulates the creation of bone, muscle, cartilage, and bone marrow.

  When manipulated by a sorcerer, the Dominion of Stone can harden the muscles and the skin, making the body more resilient. Experienced Stone Sorcerers can reportedly manipulate actual stone, changing its shape as they desire.

  A weakened connection to this Dominion can result in weakened bones and muscles, and eventual muscle loss and death.


  Within the body, the Dominion of Knowledge controls the basic ability to think and process information logically.

  When wielded by a sorcerer, the Dominion of Knowledge can be used to gather information.

  Overuse of the Dominion of Knowledge would cause a loss of reason and logical thinking. This can impede grammar and vocabulary and the ability to perform mathematical computation.


  Within the body, the Dominion of Deception controls the ability to think contextually, and to approximate, etc.

  When manipulated by a sorcerer, the Dominion of Deception can be used to trick a subject with false sensory information, i.e. illusions.

  A weakened Dominion of Deception causes the body to have a difficult time processing things that are abstract, such as creative thoughts, approximate numbers, and contextual dialogue.


  The Dominion of Light is used to break down and/or expel that foreign material. Thus, the Dominion of Light is necessary for recovering from many forms of poison or disease.

  The Dominion of Light also allows for recovery from foreign dominions introduced into the body. Thus, someone with a powerful Dominion of Light would quickly recover from enemy sorcery.

  When utilized by a sorcerer, t
he Dominion of Light can be used to treat poison or disease. It can also utilized offensively by controlling the light to treat anything it touches as “foreign material”.

  A character with a weakened Dominion of Light would have difficulty recovering from poison, infections, and enemy spells.


  The function of the Dominion of Stability on the body is unknown.

  When utilized by a sorcerer, the Dominion of Stability can extend the duration of a spell that is already in effect on a target.

  The side-effects of using the Dominion of Stability are unknown. Unlike most forms of sorcery, using the Dominion of Stability does not appear to noticeably fatigue the caster. Nevertheless, as with any form of sorcery, caution is advised. It is likely that there are side effects, but that they are too difficult to notice.


  Governs muscular movement.

  When manipulated by a sorcerer, the Dominion of Motion can enhance or diminish the subject’s speed. Some claim that the Dominion of Motion can also be used to amplify or nullify the force of a physical movement, such as swinging a hammer.

  A weakened Dominion of Motion would initially result in stiffness in the joints and a lack of flexibility. In extreme cases, this could eventually result in paralysis.

  Redundancies and Connected Functions

  The functions of Dominions in the body are not isolated. Instead, they function as a system, and many of them are interconnected. The Dominion of Death, for instance, works with regulatory Dominions as the function used to stop processes. Similarly, the Dominions of Flame and Water work together to regulate body temperature, while also having other separate functions.

  As a result, there is also overlap in the side effects of weaknesses in specific Dominions.

  I theorize that the usage of Deep Dominions impacts the body in much the same way, but my research on the subject is still in progress.

  -An excerpt from Intermediate Dominion Sorcery by Eric Tarren, one of the most commonly referenced tomes for sorcery research in major cities.

  Appendix II – Notable Personages

  Visitors to Orlyn




  Taelien Salaris


  A swordsman from the Forest of Blades. Bears the Saeken Taelien.

  Lydia Scryer

  Court Sorceress

  A sorceress specializing in knowledge sorcery.

  Jonan Kestrian


  A “humble scribe” that works for the Order of Vaelien.

  Gerald Mason

  Paladin of Tae’os

  A Paladin of Tae’os working secretly within the city.

  The Gods of Orlyn





  God of Ascension

  The leader of Orlyn’s pantheon.


  Goddess of Rulership, Queen Regent

  The current ruler of the city of Orlyn.


  God of Battle

  The patron of soldiers and champion of the gods.


  Goddess of Shelter

  The least known of the gods. She is the patron of the weak and defenseless.

  Court Sorcerers of Orlyn





  Court Sorceress

  A sorceress specializing in Memory sorcery.


  Court Sorcerer

  The oldest of the city’s sorcerers.


  Court Sorcerer

  A younger sorcerer. Specializes in travel sorcery.


  Court Sorcerer

  A masked sorcerer. Specializes in Light and Life sorcery.

  Citizens of Orlyn




  Raymond Lorel

  Head Researcher

  An expert in sorcerous research. He is not officially a court sorcerer.



  A talented fighter, also known as Landen of the Twin Blades.

  Korin Matthews


  A member of the Queensguard.

  Randall Shaw

  Guard Captain

  Captain of the guard for the Low Palace.



  A servant.

  The Gods of the Tae’os Pantheon





  Goddess of Knowledge

  Among the most powerful of the gods, and patron deity of many scholars and sorcerers.


  God of Blades

  Often considered the leader of the Tae’os pantheon. Known for wielding the Sae’kes Taelien, the symbol of the pantheon.


  God of Travel

  Patron deity of merchants, sailors, and travelers.


  God of Strength

  Patron deity of soldiers. Also associated with the Dominion of Stone.


  God of Justice

  Patron deity of judges. Also associated with the Dominion of Flame.


  Goddess of Water

  Patron deity of sailors. Frequently associated with self-sacrifice.


  Goddess of Life

  Patron deity of doctors and healers.


  Andrew Rowe is a professional game designer for Obsidian Entertainment.

  When he’s not crunching numbers for game balance, he runs Shades of Venaya, a swords and sorcery themed live-action role-playing game. In addition, he writes for pen and paper role-playing games.

  Aside from game design and writing, Andrew watches a lot of anime, reads a metric ton of fantasy books, and plays every role-playing game he can get his hands on.




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