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Echo in the Night [Echo's Song] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 10

by Tasha Blackstone

  There were variations of style including strapless, spaghetti, sleeved, long, short—whatever she wanted hung before her and most importantly each one was black, just the way she liked it. Henry had commented on keeping her boobs covered, so she was careful to find a dress that was sexy but still modest. Hidden within the numerous gowns, she found the perfect one.

  It had a single-shoulder neckline with intricate black lace that was layered over black satin, and a long slit worked its way up from the bottom to rest just at the hip line. Coupled with her open-toe rhinestone Sergio Rossi heels, Henry wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off of her—or at least that was her hope.

  Applying just enough makeup as to not look desperate, and working her hair around into a soft updo with long curled strands that hung down the sides of her face, Echo was ready with barely enough time to quickly gulp down another mug of tea and throw on her diamond-encrusted hoops that had been a birthday gift from Charlie when they’d first started dating. They were her go-to pair anytime she wanted to add a hint of bling and they were the only jewelry she wore for the evening.

  She made sure to swap out her purse and had squeezed her essentials into a small black clutch. While she waited, she retrieved the lip gloss she’d tucked into the clutch and applied one final layer more out of nervousness than necessity. When the doorbell rang, she just about came out of her skin. She quickly tucked the gloss back into her clutch, took a deep cleansing breath, and opened the door.

  When her eyes fell on Henry, she felt breathless. He wore a black suit that had obviously been tailored to fit his muscled frame and a black silk tie. There was not a hair out of place on his head and he’d shaved so that his face was blissfully smooth. The butterflies in her stomach took flight and there was a brief moment when his cologne wafted over to her that Echo wondered if she’d faint. In his hand he held a single white rose and she wondered how he’d known that they were her favorite.

  Before he spoke, she felt Henry’s piercing eyes trail every inch of her body and her nerves kicked into high gear as she worried that she’d chosen the wrong dress.

  “Wow.” He reached his hand up and held it out to her. “You look amazing.”

  Echo could feel her face flush and though her hands trembled, she placed her hand in his. He handed her the rose, beamed a bright smile at her, and then led her to the car. Waiting for them in the circular driveway was a black Dodge Charger with dark tinted windows, a nice upgrade from the Subaru he’d been driving. He opened the passenger door for her and as she stepped up to seat herself, he stopped her.

  “You truly are breathtaking.” His voice was a near whisper and he trailed his fingers down the side of her cheek along her neckline and down over her bared shoulder. In her head she released a loud, nervous giggle, but simply said, “Thank you,” before climbing into the car.

  Holy hell, it was going to be a long night. Hunger already burned in his eyes and Echo could feel desire boil up in her, brought on by a simple touch. She needed to focus and remember that not only did she barely know this man, but that apparently she had no morals when he was around. This was dinner, pure and simple, and there was absolutely no way the night was going to end in a tangled mess of their sweat-slicked bodies.

  Chapter Thirteen

  By the time dinner had come to a near close, Echo knew she’d been wrong.

  Henry had taken her to a small Italian restaurant in a part of Bend that she hadn’t been to in years. It was tucked away over on the Westside, far removed the bustling downtown area, and afforded them a more intimate outing.

  Their server doted over them and made sure they had everything they could anticipate needing, all while keeping enough of a distance so that he wasn’t hovering. Henry ordered for them in Italian and when their meal arrived, she was pleasantly surprised by his choice. One of her favorite dishes sat before her—lobster-and-spinach-stuffed tortellini drizzled in white sauce. She eyed him suspiciously when the server revealed her plate and Henry simply smiled with a knowing smirk, clearly refusing to reveal his source.

  “You are a very surprising person, Henry.”

  “Oh? How so?” He did not bother to hide the mischievous smile that had become etched on his face.

  Echo drank from her wine, carefully calculating her next move. Henry had set a beautiful stage for their date and she knew she was falling for the romance of it all.

  “I had a very clear idea of the type of person you were. From our battle over the house you seemed like a man entitled, unwilling to take no for an answer. I never imagined that you might have a softer, more human side to you.”

  “I wouldn’t go as far as that.” He laughed. “But I’m glad to hear that you can see past your initial assumptions.”

  She set the glass down and folded her hands onto her lap.

  “How did you know what I would like? The white rose, the wine, even dinner. Everything is as near perfect as I could dream it to be.”

  Henry’s expression turned dark, but he recovered with such speed that Echo wondered if she had imagined it.

  “Sometimes it is acceptable to simply enjoy the moment and not question why amazing things happen to you.”

  “Oh, but I am enjoying the moment,” she defended, “but I’m also curious. You seem to know things about me, things that give you an unfair advantage in your attempt to woo me. We’ve only just met, yet you have catered this evening to impress me, and I can honestly say that you have not made a single misstep. I am officially wooed.”

  Henry leaned back in his chair, his arms folded playfully across his chest.

  “Well, I won’t be revealing my secrets tonight, but how can we remedy your suspicions?”

  Echo slowly slid a tortellini into her mouth and watched him as his eyes stayed locked on hers. After another sip of wine she felt satisfied that she’d paused long enough.

  “You know so much about me, yet I know very little about you, so let’s start there. Paige told me you were a writer. Is that true?”

  The twinkle in his eyes was mesmerizing and Echo secretly admitted that she had a hard time focusing her resolve.

  “No, well, yes and no. I am a writer, but it’s not a full time job. I tend to have a lot of free time on my hands and every now and then, I get the urge to put pen to paper. That’s when I’m a writer. During the rest of my time I’m just your average, boring trust-fund baby.”

  “I see. Well, that explains your obvious desire for the finer things in life. So, who was loaded? Mom and dad? An eccentric grandmother who favored you?”

  “Why, are you now after me for my bank account?”

  His smile never faltered and Echo could feel her heart warm up to him with every word he spoke.

  “Who said I was after you?”

  Henry leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table, his eyes taking on a sultry stare.

  “No one has to say it. I can see it when you look at me. You’re attracted to me, lustful really, yet you pull back because you’re afraid of being hurt again. If you can find a flaw in me you will be able to convince yourself that I’m not right for you, making it easier to walk away without regret.” He sat back in his chair again.

  “Are you?” she breathed. “Are you right for me?”

  “No,” he confessed, “but I want to be.”


  Without a word Henry stood and walked around the table, holding out his hand and nodded for her to trust him and take it.

  She hesitated for only a moment, but gave up the fight, allowing Henry total control.

  He led her out through the French doors and onto the balcony of the restaurant, revealing a breathtaking view of the star-speckled sky and a silhouette of the mountain range. The air had a slight chill and in response to her shiver, Henry removed his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. His scent surrounded her and she pulled the jacket tight around her body as she leaned against the railing and stared out into the night.

  “I forget how beautiful it is here. I’v
e been staring at city lights far too long.”

  Echo felt Henry move up behind her, his firm body a welcome entity. He placed his hands on her arms and turned her so that she was looking at him rather than the scenery. He wore a serious, almost sad, expression and it tugged at her heart.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He closed his eyes and leaned his head down, pressing his forehead to hers, before he spoke.

  “I want to be the right man for you, Echo. I have from the moment we met, but I’m not quite there.” He straightened himself and stared into her eyes. “You have this power over me, this overwhelming ability to make me want to be a better man. I don’t care if it’s too forward or makes you want to run, but I need you to know—I think of you every moment of the day. I wonder what you’re doing, how you’re feeling, if you are still haunted by the memories of your former lover. I wonder if you think of me at all and if so, is it in a good way. I want to protect you, to take away any pain you suffer, and to be everything that you desire.”

  Echo stared, speechless. His honesty made her tremble, but oddly enough, he spoke the words that she privately hoped to hear.

  “I’m not your typical hero though,” he warned. “I don’t swoop in and save the damsel. If anything I’m who the damsel is running from.” He closed his eyes against the obvious pain his words caused. “You make me want to change though, but I can only become what you need if you allow me to. If you understand my flaws and will accept me for who I am.”

  All caution was cast aside and Echo fell, and fell hard. Her heart ached to heal his hurt and to reassure him that whatever he needed, she would give him. Her head swam at the reality that this man, so stoic and so full of obvious pride, could openly admit weakness and need. She no longer cared if there were obstacles or memories of a lost love that tried to stand in their way. Echo wanted Henry and she was willing to admit it.

  She cupped his cheek in her hand and lifted his face to her.

  “Henry, look at me.”

  He slowly opened his eyes, the sadness still lingering, and she could see the ongoing fight with his inner demons.

  “I’m not your typical damsel and I don’t want an average, everyday hero to swoop in and save me. I want you.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, “I do.”

  “Didn’t your mama ever tell you to be careful what you wish for?”

  “My mom died when I was little, so no, I was never taught that lesson.”

  Henry smiled, but there was still the sadness that lingered.

  “Remember that later.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to respond. He leaned down and gently pressed his lips to hers and pulled her body into his. Even in the cold night air, intense heat burned between them. Echo reached her arms up around the back of his neck, the jacket sliding from her shoulders, and gave into to the passion, sliding her tongue past his lips filling his mouth. There would be no more resistance from her. Henry had won.

  When they returned to their table, Echo and Henry found their dinner boxed up in to-go containers accompanied by an extra container with filled with two individual servings of Tiramisu and the check already ran with Henry’s credit card tucked neatly beneath the receipts, subtly awaiting a large tip in gratitude for taking exceptional care of their needs. Henry did not disappoint and Echo wondered how much money the server would walk out with in tips tonight. However much it was, she doubted it was enough. He had given them flawless care and had anticipated their needs with perfection.

  “Shall we?” Henry picked up their bag of goodies and laced his fingers with Echo’s before bringing her hand up to his mouth and placing a soft kiss on the back of it.

  She simply nodded, the evenings events overwhelming her ability to speak

  “Is it presumptuous to assume that you will be joining me for the rest of the evening?” he whispered.

  Echo struggled to breathe. She wanted to grab him, wanted to taste his mouth on hers, but rather than make a scene she slowly nodded her head, her eyes wide and unblinking, her bottom lip pulled in between her teeth.

  A wicked little smile danced across his lips. “I’d hoped you would.” He brushed his lips across her cheek and then guided her out to the Charger.

  * * * *

  The drive to his hotel room had been the longest ten minutes of her life. With ease and grace he wove in and out of traffic, often looking over at her with an expression of burning lust etched on his face. She could feel the earth tilt around her and though the nagging voice in her head kept telling her to slow down, she ignored it. She’d slowed down her entire life when Charlie had died, and even if Henry was a pit stop, she needed to start living again. She was tired of being alone, of having no one to hold her, to lust after her, or even simply to talk to, and Henry had become a promise to fulfill those desires. She would set fire to the red flags that tried to warn her and would hold on tight to what had seemingly become her second chance.

  In what she had learned to be true Henry fashion, they pulled up in front of the Oxford and he passed his keys over to the valet. He liked the finer things in life and was not ashamed that he could afford them.

  The lobby of the hotel was breathtaking. Mile-high ceilings had crystal chandeliers that hung down. Fine leather furniture had been placed meticulously around to create a welcoming feel while at the same time presenting an air of dignity and wealth. Employees were pristinely dressed and scattered around, ready to assist with whatever need guests may have.

  When they stepped up to the reservation desk the woman behind it greeted Henry by name.

  “Good evening, Mr. Knight.”

  “Kira.” His tone was polite but controlled. “Ms. Abbott will be my guest this evening and my room is only equipped with toiletries and the like for myself. Please send someone with enough for her as well. I’d also like a bottle of your finest red.”

  Kira glanced back at Echo, her smile still etched on her face, and nodded.

  “Certainly. How long will she be staying?”

  Henry turned and eyed Echo from head to toe. She could see from his expression that naughty thoughts were playing out in his head.

  “For as long as she wishes.”

  “Excellent. Welcome to the Oxford, Ms. Abbott.” Kira was definitely a professional. She’d probably seen it a hundred times—a rich man finds a desperate woman eager to be his next ex, he sneaks her into the hotel to hide her from his wife, and for two or three nights they blissfully play house while his wife is frantically wondering where the hell he is. Yet there was not a trace of judgment on her face. “I’ll prepare a room key for you so that you can come and go as you please.”

  “Thank you.”

  As Henry finished his business and filled out paperwork for Echo to gain a room key, she busied herself by taking in the décor. It was impressive and she wondered who the designer had been. She’d heard about the Oxford before the ground had even broken. It was to be the finest hotel in Central Oregon and every designer dying to make a name for themselves had bid on the job. Echo thought she’d heard that they had chosen a local designer, but she couldn’t recall a name. It didn’t really matter. Whoever had worked it had an amazing eye for detail.

  “Ready?” Henry laced his fingers with hers and when she looked up at him, her heart warmed. He stared down at her with a longing that was more than sexual and the curve of his smile made her giddy. It was surreal, this man wanting her and catering to her, making her a part of his life without hesitation. At that moment she couldn’t recall why she had consistently been such a bitch to him or what the turning point had been, but as she swam in the dream that was Henry, she didn’t care. She was with him now and that was all that mattered.

  Once they’d survived the tension-filled elevator ride in silence and the mini maze of hallways that led to his suite, they stood in front of Henry’s door. Neither spoke or moved for what seemed an eternity and it was Henry that responded first to the invisible elephant that stood in t
he hallway with them.

  “Echo, I think I should make my intentions clear before we cross the threshold.”

  She held her breath.

  “I want you. I want every part of you and the moment I have you alone in my room, my self-control will vanish. If you need more time or if you are having second thoughts tell me now.”

  “No, I don’t and no I’m not. I won’t push you away, Henry.”

  She didn’t blame him for asking and she respected him for being honest rather than simply assuming that dinner had bought him a lay.

  He smiled then slid the key card through the reader and opened the door. She followed behind and when Henry stepped aside, she was awed by his room. It was a large open floor plan, decked out in black-and-white modern décor. Its clean lines stood out and though some might see it as being a little too sterile, she rather liked it. “Wow, Henry, this place is beautiful,” she gushed.

  The door clicked shut and she felt Henry appear behind her.

  “Not as beautiful as you.”

  There it was—that sultry tone that weakened her knees.

  She turned and was met with eager eyes and a nervous smile.

  “Why do you think I’m here with you?” She wanted his honest answer. If there was one thing Echo disliked, it was games although she was recently guilty of playing them herself. It was something she’d learned from Charlie. He always called her out on her bullshit and begged her to just talk to him, to have open communication and tell him how she really felt. It had been difficult at first. Echo had spent her entire life keeping walls up, but as time went by it became easier and she preferred to live her life with the freedom to tell it how it was and not worry about the aftermath.


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