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Echo in the Night [Echo's Song] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 12

by Tasha Blackstone

  Her reply came fast.

  Call me.

  No. Paige, it’s 4:30. Will talk 2morrow.

  R u w/ Henry???

  What was her deal? Fuck.

  No. Go to sleep. It wasn’t a lie, technically.

  Were u? W/ Henry?

  OMG! Yes. Why?

  R u okay?

  Yes. Again, Y?

  Is he there?

  No. WTF Paige? I’m sleeping!

  Where is he?

  Idk. G’Night

  No, wait! Don’t fuck him!

  Wow really?

  Omg…u already did. I can feel it.

  Echo shook her head. She did not remember Paige being such a damn drama queen before. She didn’t reply, but Paige double backed.


  I’m serious. RUN!

  She was actually starting to scare her.

  Why? Paige what’s going on?

  He’s a Vampire Echo! Run!


  Vampire! U know, fangs, blood, death. Get the fuck out of there!

  Bullshit. There is no such thing. Goodnight.

  Ask him.

  Yeah right! R u on drugs? Hell Paige. Go to bed

  Just ask him.

  Goose bumps spread out across her flesh. Even through texts Echo could sense that her friend was hysterical, but really? A Vampire?

  The photo from Charlie’s office flashed in her mind. The man had an uncanny resemblance to Charlie, which probably wouldn’t be any big deal since it was perfectly normal for families to look alike, but Corrine’s doppelganger added an air of mystery to it. Especially since they both looked to be the same age as the real Charlie and Corrine and Paige was a child in the picture.

  Why? I’m not asking him.

  Cuz U r still alive so he doesn’t mean to kill u. Yet.

  This is ridiculous. Y should I believe you?

  I know u found the pic. It’s them. All three of them. Charlie, Corrine…and Henry.

  Omg were u in my house?

  Just ask him.

  The beep from the key lock clicked, the handle turned, and Henry stepped into the room.

  He was wearing sleeper pants and a smile, carrying two fresh coffees from the café down in the lobby, a bag of what smelled like pastries tucked under his arm.

  When the door closed he looked up and found Echo frozen in the center of the room. Her fingers trembled around her phone as everything seemed to fall into place. His cool flesh, calculated demeanor, the blaring fact that she hadn’t actually seen him eat anything. His offhanded comments about her being careful what she wished for and that he was the thing that goes bump in the night, not the hero. He’d been dropping hints, trying to give her an out and she’d completely ignored him. It also explained why she’d felt such comfort with him. He was a connection to Charlie. She could suddenly see the resemblance and understood why Henry’s arms wrapped around her felt like home. She fought back tears and panic.

  “Oh good, you’re up.” He stepped up to her and gently pressed his lips to hers. Desire immediately ignited, but she snuffed it out. She had to get out of there. “How’d you sleep, love? I brought coffee.” He held it up, proud like he’d just been out on a hunt and had captured the elusive caffeine beast only to bring it back to his lover.

  Hunt. Fuck.

  She scrambled, searching her brain for anything that would get her out of there. Work? No. Paige? No. Bridgette? Maybe.

  “I have to go.” She rushed through her words, nervous that he would know she was lying. Charlie always knew and it was creepy. If Henry was like Charlie, but not, maybe he had the same gifts. Shit.

  “Is everything okay?” Genuine concern etched across his brow as he set the coffee and pastries down.

  “Uh, no. My aunt, Bridgette, she’s sick. I need to go to her. Now.” She frantically searched the room for her dress. What the hell? Where’d her clothes go?

  Henry suddenly stilled. His face fell flat as he watched her.

  “I had a change of clothes delivered for you. I thought you might prefer to leave in something different than you arrived in—the whole walk of shame thing, you know.” He gestured to the couch and neatly folded were a pair of skinny jeans and a black cashmere sweater with a pair of black UGGs on the floor. “It’s cold today.”

  “Oh okay thanks.” She scooped the clothes up and ran to the bathroom to change. “So, yeah uh hey, thanks for dinner! I–I’m sorry I have to go, but you now, Bridgette’s old and alone. I–I need to go.”

  When she stepped out of the bathroom Henry sat on the couch. His elbows were rested on his knees and he held a coffee in his hands. A dark shadow had fallen over his eyes as he stared up at her.

  “So, just like that you’re going to run?” He sounded more hurt than anything.

  “Yeah, I told you. I have to go see Paige. I mean Bridgette!” Shit.

  “Are you going to let me explain?”

  “Huh?” What the hell.

  “Who told you? Was it Paige?” He crinkled his brow as he sipped his coffee.

  “Henry, really I…”

  “She’s always been a little snitch, you know. Funny really, since she has more fucking secrets than anyone else I’ve ever known.”

  He was rambling and not making any sense and although fear still seized her, she also began to feel terrible about rushing out like she was. He’d asked her to accept him for who he was and she agreed even though she hadn’t known what she was agreeing to. Maybe if he had been honest from the beginning, but knowing herself the reaction would probably have been worse. Her heart suddenly ached for him. He looked like a lost puppy, sad and alone. Maybe she should give him a minute. She owed him that much at least.

  She walked over to the couch, sat down, and picked up the coffee he’d brought her.

  “Thank you.” She tried her best to calm her trembling hands and to produce a sincere smile, but she knew it fell flat

  “It’s white chocolate mocha—your favorite.” Was he pouting?

  “How do you know so much about me?”

  “I’ve been following you for years. I think I know you better than you know yourself sometimes. Some of the decisions you make are wrong. Like this one. You’re letting fear guide you and you’re better than that.”

  “Whoa! Wait! What?” She felt sick. “Did you just say you’ve been following me? For years?”

  He didn’t answer, the dark shadow still lingering, and he refused to make eye contact with her.


  “What?” Yeah, he was pouting. It was almost humorous, minus the stalking and whatnot.

  “Answer me. What are you talking about?”

  “No.” He finally turned his eyes to her and her heart ached. He looked like he’d just been betrayed by his closest friend. “Not until you answer me first. Who was it? Who told you?”

  “I–I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she lied.

  “Give me a fucking break, Echo!” He stood, rage now replacing his wounded heart, and he stomped away from her. “If you’re going to tuck tail and run, the least you owe me is an honest answer.”

  Oh hell no!

  “Why,” she snapped and stood, setting her coffee on the table and planting her fists on her hips. “Because you’ve been so damn honest? Talk about a fucking hypocrite!”

  “No, I have tried to tell you, tried to warn you but you refused to pay attention!”

  “Wow! Really? Don’t you dare play like you’re the victim. You’re a Vampire, Henry! A bloodsucking, sex driven, full-fledged creature-of-the-night Vampire and you didn’t bother to tell me!”

  “I’m going to kill that bitch of a Witch the next time I see her!” A vengeful little laugh escaped his mouth. “I’ll bet she didn’t bother to tell you her dirty little secret, did she!”

  “What!” Echo heard her voice screech through the room and her head began to spin. What the fuck was going on? Henry was a Vampire and Paige was a Witch? Since when? What kind of sick joke hell did she fall int

  Echo stood there, dumbfounded. None of this was real, although sadly she knew better. She knew Witches were real, or at least Wiccans were, like Bridgette, so it made sense that Vampires were as well.

  She blinked and Henry stood before her, his eyes pleading with her to hear him out as he reached up and cupped her cheek in his cool palm—his cool, undead, Vampire palm. She wanted to cry. She tried to turn away from him, but he caught her other cheek in his free hand and held her face snuggly in his gentle grip. Her tears won out and they streamed in an uncontrolled fit down her face.

  “Why?” she whimpered.

  “I’m sorry, love,” he whispered, his lips hovering just above her mouth. “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I’m sorry.”

  Henry’s sweet breath filled her nostrils and though she still trembled in fear, Paige had a point. He hadn’t killed her yet. Maybe he wasn’t going too? No. She was being stupid. She needed to leave, get to safety. She pulled against his hold and she could feel him reluctantly let her go. He stood head hanging as she rushed passed him.

  “You’re in danger, Echo.” His words were not malicious but rather were meant as a simple warning.

  “Yeah,” she snapped. “From you!” She regretted her words the moment she spoke them and as she reached the door she stopped. He hadn’t denied that he was a Vampire. He hadn’t attacked her. He hadn’t even tried to stop her from leaving. Instead he stood, defeated, as she slung accusations and all he could do was continue to try to help her.

  She turned and stared in his direction, longing building in her for the future he had promised, if only she was willing to accept him for who he was.

  “Why have you been following me?”

  He slowly turned and faced her, but kept his eyes turned to the floor. He seemed ashamed.

  “So that I could find your weakness, to find a way to get to you and gain your trust.”


  “So that I can kill you.”

  Echo’s blood ran cold and she felt dizzy. This could not be real! Why would he put in so much effort just to turn around and kill her? If he really wanted her dead couldn’t he just bite her or something? Granted she didn’t know how the whole thing worked, but she’d seen enough movies to have a general idea.

  “I don’t understand. If you want to kill me, why am I still alive?”

  Henry lifted his eyes to her and Echo froze in fear as the deep red shade that had replaced the beautiful baby blues burned into her. He rushed up to her and in swift motion grabbed her body and pinned her to the wall. Her heart raced and confusion flooded her as the line between fear and desire blurred.

  “Henry, please…” she begged, although she wasn’t exactly sure what she begging for. Her life? His love?

  He held her hands pinned against the wall above her head as he leaned down and gingerly dragged his nose up the length of her neck, inhaling her scent as he did.

  “You don’t know how hard it has been, following you from afar day after day. Watching you, wanting you, fighting with myself about what I would do to you when I was finally given the chance.”

  Echo felt Henry drag his teeth along the flesh of her neck. Her whole body stiffened with fear as her tears threatened continued to fall. He kissed the crook of her neck before bringing his face up and resting his forehead against hers.

  “I had to show restraint though. I have fought back my desires and my needs. You have no idea how special you really are, Echo, how many creatures are out there that hunt you, crave you. You are fortunate that Corrine came to me. If she had sent anyone else after you, you would have been dead on that first night.”

  Corrine. Of course she was behind it. That bitch never liked her!

  Henry kissed the tip of her nose before letting go and moving to the other side of the room leaving Echo even more confused. Was he giving her the chance to run or should she stay? Her heart told her to stay and with a sudden steeled resolve she walked over to the table, picked up her coffee, and sat on the couch. What she really wanted was a cig, but the caffeine high was going to have to be enough for the moment.

  “I want the whole story, Henry. No lies, no partial truths. You tell me everything or I walk.” She wasn’t really sure she wanted the whole story. Her assumptions were bad enough and the truth was probably darker than her imagination could go, but she needed to know.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Henry stared at Echo. She was proving to be more amazing than he had ever imagined she would be. Here she was, overwhelmed with knowledge and instead of running, she sat on the couch demanding more information. He couldn’t help but smile at her stubbornness, yet at the same time she angered him for blatantly putting herself in danger. He could kill her before she had a chance to run, sink his teeth into her flesh, and once and for all satisfy the craving that he fought daily. He salivated at the thought, his mouth tingling with intensity, but there was a stronger desire in him that saved her from the gruesome death.

  Henry was falling in love.

  He decided to tread lightly, but to give Echo the answers she sought.

  “How do you know Charlie and Corrine? Let’s start there.”

  He found her demanding demeanor humorous, but he didn’t laugh. He knew that she was filled with fear and considering the predicament that they were both in, she deserved the whole truth. Walking over to the pub table he slid into one of the stools, careful to keep his distance. He released hold of his thirst and allowed his power to slip back into submission. She would probably feel more comfortable if she could stare into his blue eyes, rather than the eyes of a predator.

  “Corrine is my sister and Charlie…was my brother. We share a mother but I have a different father.”

  “I see.”

  Sadness registered in her eyes as she realized the reality. She was not the only one who had loved Charlie and suffered from his death.

  “Are you all…Vampires?” Her voice cracked as she spoke the word and he felt a rush of sorrow for her. If he said yes then her life with Charlie would have been a lie. A life that she based the measurement of her happiness on and that she struggled daily to move on from.


  Tears silently rolled down her cheeks and Henry fought the urge to rush to her and pull her into his arms.

  “He still loved you, Echo. There were many lies in your life together, but that was not one of them.”

  “Was he like you? Was he supposed to kill me?”

  “No. He didn’t know who you were. He didn’t understand how special you are, although I’m sure he suspected. If you had bonded he would have known for certain. Even though your gift is dormant I could taste the trace.”

  Whatever color was left in her face suddenly drained.

  “You can taste it?”

  Shit. He wasn’t doing this right. He wanted to provide her with facts true, but he also wanted to give her a sense that she was not in danger as long as she was with him. So far he was doing a poor job of making her feel safe.

  “Okay, look.” He dragged his hands up through his hair in frustration. “I want to tell you everything. You deserve to know, but if you panic every time I drop another bomb, this conversation is not going to go well. I hold secrets, Echo, dark secrets that revolve around you and they may not be pleasant to hear, but they are the keys to the truth. You have to stop freaking out. I can’t explain it any differently.”

  Irritation flashed across her face and she shot him a dark glare.

  “Seriously? What the fuck, Henry! You are sitting here, oh so calmly, telling me that hey guess what I’m a Vampire and by the way so was Charlie, and either one of us could have killed you at any moment but chose not to. And hey, your blood tastes like magic. Yum. Fuck you! I can react however I want. If I want to scream and cry and throw things, I have that right. And while I overreact and freak out, I expect you to continue to tell me the truth and just deal with the fact that I am only human! When someone tells me that my life was and is a complete lie and that su
pernatural beings are real, I’m gonna flip out a little.”

  Echo often had little control of the words that came flying from her mouth and it was refreshing. Far too long Henry had been surrounded by those who were calculated, who chose their words carefully and very rarely allowed emotion to control them. Well, other than Corrine, but she was just a loose cannon, not really someone who was in touch with her feelings.

  He smiled at Echo, amused and enamored by her need to be honest.

  “Fair enough. I apologize. You can continue to overreact,” he teased, “and I will continue to freak you out.”

  She folded her arms over her chest and leaned back against the couch.

  “Fine. Continue to freak me out.”

  “As I was saying, I can taste your gift, even though it’s just a hint. Well it’s probably stronger now that you are approaching the awakening, but when I first tasted it, there was just a hint.”

  “When, exactly, did you have the pleasure of tasting my blood?”

  “After the accident. Corrine suspected your lineage when she found Charlie burned to death, so she went to your hospital room and stole a sample. She brought it to me for confirmation. That’s about the time I started following you.”

  “What does the accident have to with all of this? It was a car wreck. Sad, but not unusual.”

  This was the hard part. Echo didn’t know that Charlie’s death was her fault. Henry stood and slowly approached the couch, sitting against the opposite corner. She nervously eyed him as he moved closer and he felt pain that any trust she’d had in him was now broken. She was still here though, which was a good sign, but he didn’t bother lying to himself that she did not fear him. He could smell it in the air and see it all over her.

  “Echo, the accident itself was not fatal. No one knows exactly what happened, but it’s believed that in sheer panic your gift was unleashed within the cabin of the truck. Your gift is…let’s say that your gift is extremely powerful, and when it struck Charlie, he burst into flames.”

  “What?” she whispered.

  “I’m sorry. This is so much harder to explain because you haven’t come into your powers yet. If you understood what they are and how to use them things would be very different. Not that things would be better, but they would be different.”


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