Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3) Page 13

by T. S. Hill

  “Then what the hell’s with all the Nelly voice and talk?”, I asked.

  “Shush!”, Sasha hissed loudly between her teeth, waving her hands over her head. “I’m trying to think here!”, she complained in a loud whisper.

  “I’ll explain it all later, Tagg.”, Al whispered back to me. “It gets complicated.”

  “Shush!”, Sasha hissed again. “Let’s not forget what we’re here for!”

  “Al and I cut our eyes at each other, mockingly looking sheepish. I thought he was going to bust out chuckling, but he looked away from me and bent forward holding it.

  “Whew!”, Sasha let out a sigh, and threw both or her arms behind her. “It’s copying!”, she whispered loudly, and turned her head, looking at us grinning. “Looks like just around three hundred fifty gigs total. I’m going to see if I can get on one of these other little babies, and start the other half copying from it. That will cut our time in here nearly in half.” I gave her an okay sign, and Al gave her a thumbs up.

  Al and I had been leaning against the wall next to the door for some time, when Sash turned in her chair and held up ten fingers. I guessed that she meant ten minutes to go. Then, about a minute later, when she held up nine fingers, she confirmed my guess. Just as she held up eight fingers, I thought that I heard something in the hall.

  I made a quite sound to get Al’s and Sasha’s attention. “Psst!” They both looked at me. I pointed to the light switch and then at the bottom of the door. Then back at the light switch, just before I turned it off. Sure enough, there was light from the hallway coming in under the door.

  “Let me handle this.”, Al whispered to me, and I moved away from the door. He crept into the hall and gently pulled the door shut behind him. The next time I heard him, he was calling out from half way down the hall.

  “Whose there?”, Al yelled angrily. “Who’s in here? Show yourself!”, he roared.

  “It’s Harold Jacobs! Next State Security! Who’s that?”, the voice called back.

  “I’m Al Longworth, and what the hell are you doing in my building?”, Al bellowed back at him, and I could hear Al’s boot heels banging on the tiled hall floor as his six foot six frame charged down the hall, and around the corner. From the time that Al turned the corner, the security guard, wished I’m sure, that he had never entered the office building. Al raked him down, took his key, and threated to buy the security company out, just so that he could fire the guard. Al was in a froth, and just wouldn’t let it go. He told the guard that the security company was to guard the grounds only, and were not given keys to patrol the building. He was in full combat mode and I was hoping that in the midst of all of the rage that he was unloosing on the guard, that he didn’t hit him. Then there would be ambulances, police, and no telling what else. After a good boiling rant, Al ran the guard out of the building, and back to the gate shack. When he returned, he had turned the hall lights out again.

  Sasha held up one finger as she removed one of the thumb drives, and began typing something else.

  “No one will ever know that I was here she said, pulling a paper towel off of a roll and wiping down the keyboard after she had unplugged it, and then carefully plugging it back with a paper towel. Then she moved to the second computer and removed that thumb drive also, tucking it into her pants waist. As soon as she finished her clean up, she spun around and clapped her hands once. “And, we’re out of here!”, she whispered.

  “Grab my coat tails again Tagg.”, Al whispered. “Sasha turn off the light and pull the door shut behind you, with that paper towel.”, he continued. “We came in with the dark and we’re leaving with the dark.”

  Back outside, Al pushed Sasha and me toward the car door. “Just get in here”, he said. “We’re not stopping for anybody anyway.” We climbed into the wide floor between the limo’s double back seats, and Tony turned the car around.

  “I wish we had thought to have a way for you to warn us, Tony, if someone came in.”, Al said.

  “We didn’t see anybody go in.”, Tony said.

  “No, no one.”, Lori confirmed.

  “They must have come in by a side, or back door.”, Tony offered. “Who was in there?”

  “A security guard!”, Al groused back. “They have strict orders to not be in the plant or the offices. They are strictly to patrol the gate and grounds, and call law enforcement from the outside, if they see anything strange inside. This is a direct violation of the directives of their contract. And, he had a key! I got that from him, but there’s no telling how many more are out there. I’m gonna fry somebodies’ ass but good, when I find out who okayed this crap!”

  “Just hold on to your lasso, Al!”, I told him. “We’ll get all of them cleaned up in just a few days.”

  “Tagg, when we start clearing this, I want to hit somebody, with my fist, and hard!”

  “Okay, Al.”, I said.”, I think that can be arranged. Right now, can we please just get the hell out of here?”

  “Tony, take us out of here!”, Al yelled. Tony, responded by speeding up slightly, but then suddenly slowed.

  “The guard shack has the cross bar down, and two of the guards are standing in front of it.”, Tony, said, almost stopping the car. Al rose up in his seat and looked through the windshield toward the gate, and then moved to the side of the rear compartment, hitting the sunroof button.

  “Tony, if they don’t move, you drive through them on my say so.”, he growled at Tony.

  “Yes sir!”, Tony snapped back. Then, Al stood up, towering through the roof of the limo with his six foot six frame, boosted a few more extra inches by his western boots.

  “Open that damn gate!”, he bellowed at the guards.

  “You need to stop and show identification sir!”, one of the guards shouted back at him.

  “I’m Al Longworth,”, he yelled back, “and you need to get the hell out of my way! Hit it Tony!” Tony stomped down on the limo’s accelerator, and the right rear tire squealed. Each of the guards rushed to either side of the gate. “Get the hell out of my way!”, Al roared at them at the top of his lungs, as the front of the limo battered the cross-bar gate, and it flew from its mount out into the middle of the four-lane street. As the limo swerved hard to the left, Al collapsed into the floor with Sasha and me, laughing furiously. “I’ve always wanted to do that! Now I can say I did!”, he said, continuing to laugh. “Break out the champagne!” I heard a cork pop, and Lori and Rosita giggling.

  “You know what? I’m going to wait and have some of that fine scotch of yours Al.”, I said grinning at Al’s mirth.

  “Drink whatever you want to, Tagg!”, he said. “This is the beginning of the end of those asshole leeches! I’m happy as I can be under the circumstances.”

  “This is my first-time drinking champagne!”, Rosita blurted.

  “You all keep up this good work, and it won’t be the last!”, Al told her.

  “Enjoy it ladies!”, I told them. “Because, it will be the last, for at least several days while we focus on the boring job of entering super accurate data!”

  “Every single day, I find a new reason to be happy that I’m a cook!”, Tony said.

  “And a damn fine one you are too, Tony!”, Rosita shot back to him.

  “Thanks, Miss Almeyda!”, Tony responded.

  “Do not let that go to your head.”, Rosita replied to Tony. “I am already on my second glass of champagne.”

  “Easy, girls!”, I cautioned. “You don’t want to regret tonight, when you wake up in the morning.” Lori giggled, then said, “Pour me another Rosita!” I sighed, and shook my head.

  “You want a glass, Sash?”, I asked. “If anybody deserves champagne tonight, it’s you.”

  “I’ve never drank scotch before. I’m going to wait and join you, if you don’t mind Babe.”, she replied.

  “Sure!”, I answered her. “Your company is always welcome, Sugar Tits!”.

  “Thanks Babe!”, she shot back to me.

  “Now that’s the
kind of woman that I need to meet someday.”, Al said. “One that appreciates scotch, and doesn’t mind you complimenting her anatomy.”

  “It’s just a pet name, kind of a thing between us, Al”, I explained.”

  “Pet name, anatomy discussion; what’s the difference? For once in my life, I would love to have the kind of relationship with a woman, where we were just open like that with each other, about what we think! You know, no polite beating around the bush. Just straight talk!”

  “Nice pun, Al.”, Sasha quipped.

  “What pun?”, Al asked.

  “Oh yeah, right!”, Sasha replied.

  “I really do need to sign up for those communication classes, don’t I?”, Al said.

  “I’ve been telling you that for years!”, I said.

  “Right now, I need to sign up for a glass of that champagne.”, he said laughing. “Rosita are you pouring?”

  “Coming up Mr. Al!”, Rosita replied, sounding a little slurry.

  “Is anybody besides me hungry again?”, Al asked loudly. Nobody responded but he continued on anyway. “Tony, call and have some Chinese delivered to the house.”

  “I can cook you up something when we get back, Mr. Longworth.”, Tony replied.

  “No. I want you to enjoy your evening, Tony. Just call in for the Chinese. And, Rosita, pour me another glass.”, he said.

  “How many for Chinese, and what do you want?”, Tony asked loudly.

  “Nothing for me.”, I answered.

  “Me either.”, Sasha piped up.

  “I’ll take a hamburger.”, Rosita slurred.

  “Do they have Chinese hamburgers?”, Lori asked slightly slurring her words also. “Then I’ll take some Chinese fries.”

  “I don’t think that they have Chinese catsup, Al observed. Pour me another glass Rosita!” Within a few seconds, I heard another bottle pop open.

  “I can see right now, that this is going to be a challenging night, with no work done before noon tomorrow!”, I said aloud. If you don’t want Chinese hamburgers, then Tony and I can cook something else.”, Rosita said, slowly and struggling, then she hiccupped. “Isn’t that right Tony?”, she added.

  “Mr. Longworth says I shouldn’t cook this evening, so I won’t be cooking.”, Tony replied to her.

  “If Tony’s not cooking Chineesh, then I mayish go to bed.”, Lori mumbled. “Do you have my champagne glash, Rosheta?”

  “No. I have my glash.”, she answered.” And, ish empty!”

  “Then just drink out of the bottles.”, Lori told her.

  “Pour me another glass first!”, Al said.

  “Oh, fuck!”, I said out loud, smacking my forehead. “There are three of us already drunk, and three of us still sober. I’m not sure if being on either side of this fence is going to be a good thing.”

  “We drove through that damn fence!”, Al shouted.

  “Yeah! Bang! Through the fence!”, Lori yelled.

  “You’re through with your fence?”, Rosita asked.

  “Did you pour me a glass of champagne?”, Al asked her.

  “Yesh, but Lori’s drinking out of the bottle, and it’s still in my hand.”, Rosita explained to him.

  “Did you open it yet?”, Al asked.

  “Did I open it yet, Lori?”, Rosita asked.

  “Give it to me and I’ll see.”, Lori responded.

  “Can I get a swig first?”, Al asked.

  “Did you pick out this champagne, Al? Ish damn good!”, Rosita said speaking up again.

  “At least I get to go upstairs to my room when we get home!”, Tony said.

  “Oh, hell no you don’t!”, I shot back at him. “Not until the last one of these three inebriates are safely tucked into bed. I’ve got a strong feeling that it will take me, you, and Sasha, to get the big man here into his bed. I’m just glad his room is downstairs!”

  Tony sounded dejected as he spoke back to me, “As you say, Mr. Hill.”

  “Al, when you’re incapacitated, am I in charge?”

  “Why hell yes Tagg!”, he blurted out loudly.

  “Then please get us the hell home! Now Tony!”

  “Yeah! What Tagg said, Tony!”, Al yelled out.

  “That’s good enough for me!”, Tony responded to no one in particular, and easing down on the accelerator. Within a few more minutes, we were pulling through the gates, and moving around the drive to the back of the main house. Along the way, it had grown quieter and quieter in the car. As we pulled in under the rear portico. All three of the inebriates were slumped over against each other.

  “Now, we’ve really got our work cut out for us Tony.”, I said.

  “Oh, shit!”, Sasha said. “How in the hell are we going to move the big guy?”

  “Tony, since Al’s in the middle, why don’t we go to the guest house first and unload the two ladies, then we’ll come back here and deal with Al.”

  “That sounds like a plan, sir!”, he replied, easing the car through the portico, and on toward the guest house.

  In the end run of things, I picked up Lori, while Tony and Sasha carried Rosita to the bedroom with the king-sized bed. Tony and I left Sasha to undress Lori and Rosita, as best as she could, and tuck them in, while we moved on to the main house, to try to unload Al. Fortunately, we were able to rouse Al sufficiently to get his feet under him and steer him to his bed. We managed to get his coat and tie off before he collapsed across his bed, then we removed his boots and spread a blanket over him. Tony said that he was leaving the limo under the rear portico, unless I wanted to drive it back to the guest house. I told him, that I thought it would be fine where it was, and that I would walk back to the guest house. He bid me goodnight and headed upstairs.

  I heard the electronic lock click behind me as I stepped back out into the portico. I walked around the front of the huge, black, stretch Lincoln, and surveyed the damage from Tony driving through the guard gate barrier. The thought occurred to me that the repair bill, for Al’s little temper tantrum, would be more than I had paid to buy most of the cars that I had owned, except for maybe the classic Shelby that I had put in storage four years ago. I really missed driving that car, but I was glad that I parked and stored it, when I did, or else it might have been the vehicle burned in Lori’s grandfather’s barn back near Canadian Texas. I made a mental note to, go ahead and bite the bullet, and call Magnum Motors the next day. I thought that I may as well break the bad news that their Mustang wouldn’t be coming home.

  On my way, back to the guest house, I took the short cut through Al’s heavily scented rose garden. The extended exposure to the sweet fragrance, gave me something of a euphoric feeling. That euphoria enhanced the relief I was feeling at having completed the trip in, and out, of Al’s offices, without anyone discovering what we were up to. By the time the guest house door clicked shut behind me, I was finally feeling relaxed and breathing easier. Sasha was stretched out in one of the recliners, still in her flats and black yoga pants, but without her skin-tight shirt and bra. Just beneath, and between, her amazing breasts, her hands held what looked like a glass of scotch on ice. Her eyes were closed, and I assumed that she may have been asleep. But, as I crept across the floor, she spoke to me.

  “I noticed that you take your scotch neat, and poured you a fresh glass. It’s there on that end table.”, she said, taking one hand off of her glass, and waving toward the table beside her chair. “I’ve tried bourbon like this and liked it, but never scotch. This is some good shit!”.

  I chuckled and replied, “Now you’re sounding a lot like Aug or Al, calling something good, and shit, in the same sentence.” She giggled.

  “I’m just glad that shits over!”, she commented, looking up at me with her penetrating blue eyes. “All that sneaking around, and being afraid of getting caught, just wrecked my nerves, but I’m feeling pretty mellow now!”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean.”, I replied, letting my eyes wander over her shapely body. “I walked back through Al’s rose garden and breathing that
scent of all of those roses has me feeling a little euphoric.” I moved forward, taking my glass of scotch from the table beside Sasha, and leaned in to give her a kiss. As we kissed, she raised her right arm and placed it around my neck, with her hand to the back of my head, pulling me in, and holding our kiss. Our tongues tickled over each other’s lightly, and our lips nibbled gingerly over each other.

  “Know what Sash?”, I spoke to her quietly. “Being snuggled in that limo trunk, with you in those skin-tight clothes was quiet a turn on.”

  “I was thinking the same thing when we were in there!”, she said back to me, with her voice tinkling like wind chimes.

  “You know don’t you, that when you use that musical voice like that, it really does something to me?”

  “Really? What does it do to you?”, she asked in the same voice, while searching over my groin with her right hand, then gently massaging my cock.

  “It makes me wish we were in that limo trunk again and had time to fulfil the fantasy that evidently we were sharing in there.”, I replied in an easy quiet voice. “And well, you know, the limo’s still out there. And, even with both of us having a mild case of claustrophobia, there is a latch release on the inside.”

  “Do you think that our little edge of claustrophobic fear might add to the excitement of cuddling in a limo trunk?”, Sasha asked, cooing at me with a mischievous look in her eyes.

  “I think it might. Plus,”, I continued, “you know, Tony might come back at any time, to move the limo back into the garage. That adds a risk of getting caught in there, doing naughty things.”

  “Mmmm, I’m getting all turned on just talking and thinking about this. So, did you have something in mind?”, she said, continuing to massage my growing erection through the fabric of my pants.

  “How about you and I take our scotches back to the limo, and turn this conversation into action?”

  “Sure, Babe. This could get really interesting.”, she said, letting go of my cock, and raising up in the recliner. “Let me get my top back on and, we’ll give it a go.”

  “No.”, I replied bluntly. “Leave it off. Come on, just the way you are.”


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